package; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.maven.model.Build; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.easymock.Capture; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock; import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest; import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner; import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Test the lint mojo. Tests options' default values and parsing. Tests the parameters passed to lint. * * @author Stéphane Nicolas - * */ @Ignore("This test has to be migrated to be an IntegrationTest using AbstractAndroidMojoIntegrationTest") @RunWith( PowerMockRunner.class ) @PrepareForTest( { CommandExecutor.Factory.class, ConfigHandler.class } ) public class LintMojoTest extends AbstractAndroidMojoTestCase< LintMojo > { @Override public String getPluginGoalName() { return "lint"; } /** * Tests all options, checks if their default values are correct. * * @throws Exception */ public void testDefaultLintConfig() throws Exception { LintMojo mojo = createMojo( "lint-config-project0" ); final ConfigHandler cfh = new ConfigHandler( mojo, this.session, this.execution ); cfh.parseConfiguration(); Boolean lintSkip = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSkip" ); assertTrue( "lint skip parameter should be true", lintSkip ); } /** * Tests all options, checks if their default values are correct. * * @throws Exception */ public void testDefaultUnskippedLintConfig() throws Exception { LintMojo mojo = createMojo( "lint-config-project1" ); final ConfigHandler cfh = new ConfigHandler( mojo, this.session, this.execution ); cfh.parseConfiguration(); MavenProject project = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "project" ); Boolean lintSkip = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSkip" ); Boolean lintFailOnError = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedFailOnError" ); Boolean lintIgnoreWarnings = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedIgnoreWarnings" ); Boolean lintWarnAll = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedWarnAll" ); Boolean lintWarningsAsErrors = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedWarningsAsErrors" ); String lintConfig = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedConfig" ); Boolean lintFullPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedFullPath" ); Boolean lintShowAll = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedShowAll" ); Boolean lintDisableSourceLines = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedDisableSourceLines" ); String lintUrl = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedUrl" ); Boolean lintEnableXml = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableXml" ); String lintXmlOutputPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedXmlOutputPath" ); Boolean lintEnableHtml = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableHtml" ); String lintHtmlOutputPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedHtmlOutputPath" ); Boolean lintEnableSimpleHtml = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableSimpleHtml" ); String lintSimpleHtmlOutputPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSimpleHtmlOutputPath" ); Boolean lintEnableSources = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableSources" ); String lintSources = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSources" ); Boolean lintEnableClasspath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableClasspath" ); String lintClasspath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedClasspath" ); Boolean lintEnableLibraries = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableLibraries" ); String lintLibraries = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedLibraries" ); assertFalse( "lint skip parameter should be false", lintSkip ); assertFalse( "lint failOnError parameter should be false", lintFailOnError ); assertFalse( "lint ignoreWarning parameter should be false", lintIgnoreWarnings ); assertFalse( "lint warnAll parameter should be false", lintWarnAll ); assertFalse( "lint warningsAsErrors parameter should be false", lintWarningsAsErrors ); assertEquals( "lint config parameter should be null", "null", lintConfig ); assertFalse( "lint fullPath parameter should be false", lintFullPath ); assertTrue( "lint showAll parameter should be true", lintShowAll ); assertFalse( "lint disableSourceLines parameter should be false", lintDisableSourceLines ); assertEquals( "lint url parameter should be none", "none", lintUrl ); assertTrue( "lint enableXml parameter should be true", lintEnableXml ); File lintXmlOutputFile = new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "lint-results/lint-results.xml" ); assertEquals( "lint xmlOutputPath parameter should point to lint-results.xml", lintXmlOutputFile.getAbsolutePath(), lintXmlOutputPath ); assertFalse( "lint enableHtml parameter should be false", lintEnableHtml ); File lintHtmlOutputFile = new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "lint-results/lint-results-html" ); assertEquals( "lint htmlOutputPath parameter should point to lint-html", lintHtmlOutputFile.getAbsolutePath(), lintHtmlOutputPath ); assertFalse( "lint enableSimplHtml parameter should be false", lintEnableSimpleHtml ); File lintSimpleHtmlOutputFile = new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "lint-results/lint-results-simple-html" ); assertEquals( "lint simpleHtmlOutputPath parameter should point to lint-simple-html", lintSimpleHtmlOutputFile.getAbsolutePath(), lintSimpleHtmlOutputPath ); assertTrue( "lint enableSources parameter should be true", lintEnableSources ); assertEquals( "lint sources parameter should point to src/", project.getBuild().getSourceDirectory(), lintSources ); assertFalse( "lint enableClasspath parameter should be false", lintEnableClasspath ); assertEquals( "lint classpath parameter should point to target/classes", project.getBuild() .getOutputDirectory(), lintClasspath ); assertFalse( "lint enableLibraries parameter should be false", lintEnableLibraries ); assertNull( "lint libraries parameter should point not contain dependencies", lintLibraries ); } /** * Tests all options, checks if they are parsed correctly. * * @throws Exception */ public void testCustomLintConfig() throws Exception { LintMojo mojo = createMojo( "lint-config-project2" ); final ConfigHandler cfh = new ConfigHandler( mojo, this.session, this.execution ); cfh.parseConfiguration(); Boolean lintSkip = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSkip" ); Boolean lintFailOnError = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedFailOnError" ); Boolean lintIgnoreWarnings = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedIgnoreWarnings" ); Boolean lintWarnAll = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedWarnAll" ); Boolean lintWarningsAsErrors = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedWarningsAsErrors" ); String lintConfig = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedConfig" ); Boolean lintFullPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedFullPath" ); Boolean lintShowAll = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedShowAll" ); Boolean lintDisableSourceLines = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedDisableSourceLines" ); String lintUrl = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedUrl" ); Boolean lintEnableXml = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableXml" ); String lintXmlOutputPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedXmlOutputPath" ); Boolean lintEnableHtml = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableHtml" ); String lintHtmlOutputPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedHtmlOutputPath" ); Boolean lintEnableSimpleHtml = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableSimpleHtml" ); String lintSimpleHtmlOutputPath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSimpleHtmlOutputPath" ); Boolean lintEnableSources = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableSources" ); String lintSources = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedSources" ); Boolean lintEnableClasspath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableClasspath" ); String lintClasspath = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedClasspath" ); Boolean lintEnableLibraries = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedEnableLibraries" ); String lintLibraries = Whitebox.getInternalState( mojo, "parsedLibraries" ); assertFalse( "lint skip parameter should be false", lintSkip ); assertTrue( "lint failOnError parameter should be true", lintFailOnError ); assertTrue( "lint ignoreWarning parameter should be true", lintIgnoreWarnings ); assertTrue( "lint warnAll parameter should be true", lintWarnAll ); assertTrue( "lint warningsAsErrors parameter should be true", lintWarningsAsErrors ); assertNotNull( "lint config parameter should be non null", lintConfig ); assertEquals( "lint config parameter should point to lint", "lint", lintConfig ); assertTrue( "lint fullPath parameter should be true", lintFullPath ); assertFalse( "lint showAll parameter should be false", lintShowAll ); assertTrue( "lint disableSourceLines parameter should be true", lintDisableSourceLines ); assertEquals( "lint url parameter should be url", "url", lintUrl ); assertFalse( "lint enableXml parameter should be false", lintEnableXml ); assertEquals( "lint xmlOutputPath parameter should point to xml", "xml", lintXmlOutputPath ); assertTrue( "lint enableHtml parameter should be true", lintEnableHtml ); assertEquals( "lint htmlOutputPath parameter should point to html", "html", lintHtmlOutputPath ); assertTrue( "lint enableSimplHtml parameter should be true", lintEnableSimpleHtml ); assertEquals( "lint simpleHtmlOutputPath parameter should point to simple", "simple", lintSimpleHtmlOutputPath ); assertFalse( "lint enableSources parameter should be false", lintEnableSources ); assertTrue( "lint enableClasspath parameter should be true", lintEnableClasspath ); assertTrue( "lint enableLibraries parameter should be true", lintEnableLibraries ); assertEquals( "lint sources parameter should point to src2", "src2", lintSources ); assertEquals( "lint classpath parameter should point to cla2", "cla2", lintClasspath ); assertEquals( "lint libraries parameter should point to lib2", "lib2", lintLibraries ); } public void testAllLintCommandParametersWithDefaultUnskippedConfig() throws Exception { LintMojo mojo = createMojo( "lint-config-project1" ); MavenProject project = EasyMock.createNiceMock( MavenProject.class ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "project", project ); File projectBaseDir = new File( getBasedir() ); Build projectBuild = new Build(); projectBuild.setDirectory( "target/" ); projectBuild.setSourceDirectory( "src/" ); projectBuild.setOutputDirectory( "classes/" ); EasyMock.expect( project.getBasedir() ).andReturn( projectBaseDir ).anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect( project.getBuild() ).andReturn( projectBuild ).anyTimes(); final CommandExecutor mockExecutor = PowerMock.createMock( CommandExecutor.class ); PowerMock.replace( CommandExecutor.Factory.class.getDeclaredMethod( "createDefaultCommmandExecutor" ) ).with( new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args ) throws Throwable { return mockExecutor; } } ); PowerMock.expectNew( ConfigHandler.class, mojo, this.session, this.execution ) .andReturn( EasyMock.createNiceMock( ConfigHandler.class ) ); Capture< List< String > > capturedArgument = new Capture< List< String > >(); mockExecutor.setLogger( EasyMock.anyObject( Log.class ) ); mockExecutor.executeCommand( EasyMock.anyObject( String.class ), EasyMock.capture( capturedArgument ), EasyMock.eq( false ) ); PowerMock.replay( project ); PowerMock.replay( mockExecutor ); mojo.execute(); PowerMock.verify( mockExecutor ); List< String > parameters = capturedArgument.getValue(); List< String > parametersExpected = new ArrayList< String >(); parametersExpected.add( "--showall" ); parametersExpected.add( "--xml" ); parametersExpected.add( projectBaseDir.getAbsolutePath() + FilenameUtils.separatorsToSystem( "/target/lint-results/lint-results.xml" ) ); parametersExpected.add( "--sources" ); parametersExpected.add( projectBaseDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "src" ); parametersExpected.add( projectBaseDir.getAbsolutePath() ); parametersExpected.add( "--exitcode" ); assertEquals( parametersExpected, parameters ); } public void testAllLintCommandParametersWithCustomConfig() throws Exception { LintMojo mojo = createMojo( "lint-config-project2" ); MavenProject project = EasyMock.createNiceMock( MavenProject.class ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "project", project ); File projectBaseDir = new File( "project/" ); EasyMock.expect( project.getBasedir() ).andReturn( projectBaseDir ); final CommandExecutor mockExecutor = PowerMock.createMock( CommandExecutor.class ); PowerMock.replace( CommandExecutor.Factory.class.getDeclaredMethod( "createDefaultCommmandExecutor" ) ) .with( new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args ) throws Throwable { return mockExecutor; } } ); PowerMock.expectNew( ConfigHandler.class, mojo, this.session, this.execution ) .andReturn( EasyMock.createNiceMock( ConfigHandler.class ) ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "parsedSkip", Boolean.FALSE ); Capture< List< String > > capturedArgument = new Capture< List< String > >(); mockExecutor.setLogger( EasyMock.anyObject( Log.class ) ); mockExecutor.executeCommand( EasyMock.anyObject( String.class ), EasyMock.capture( capturedArgument ), EasyMock.eq( false ) ); PowerMock.replay( project ); PowerMock.replay( mockExecutor ); mojo.execute(); PowerMock.verify( mockExecutor ); List< String > parameters = capturedArgument.getValue(); List< String > parametersExpected = new ArrayList< String >(); parametersExpected.add( "-w" ); parametersExpected.add( "-Wall" ); parametersExpected.add( "-Werror" ); parametersExpected.add( "--config" ); parametersExpected.add( "lint" ); parametersExpected.add( "--fullpath" ); parametersExpected.add( "--nolines" ); parametersExpected.add( "--html" ); parametersExpected.add( "html" ); parametersExpected.add( "--url" ); parametersExpected.add( "url" ); parametersExpected.add( "--simplehtml" ); parametersExpected.add( "simple" ); parametersExpected.add( "--classpath" ); parametersExpected.add( "cla2" ); parametersExpected.add( "--libraries" ); parametersExpected.add( "lib2" ); parametersExpected.add( projectBaseDir.getAbsolutePath() ); parametersExpected.add( "--exitcode" ); assertEquals( parametersExpected, parameters ); } public void testAllParametersOffConfig() throws Exception { LintMojo mojo = new LintMojo() { @Override protected AndroidSdk getAndroidSdk() { return new SdkTestSupport().getSdk_with_platform_default(); } }; MavenProject project = EasyMock.createNiceMock( MavenProject.class ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "project", project ); File projectBaseDir = new File( "project/" ); EasyMock.expect( project.getBasedir() ).andReturn( projectBaseDir ); final CommandExecutor mockExecutor = PowerMock.createMock( CommandExecutor.class ); PowerMock.replace( CommandExecutor.Factory.class.getDeclaredMethod( "createDefaultCommmandExecutor" ) ).with( new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args ) throws Throwable { return mockExecutor; } } ); Capture< List< String > > capturedArgument = new Capture< List< String > >(); mockExecutor.setLogger( EasyMock.anyObject( Log.class ) ); mockExecutor.executeCommand( EasyMock.anyObject( String.class ), EasyMock.capture( capturedArgument ), EasyMock.eq( false ) ); PowerMock.replay( mockExecutor ); PowerMock.replay( project ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "parsedConfig", "null" ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "parsedClasspath", "null" ); Whitebox.setInternalState( mojo, "parsedLibraries", "null" ); Whitebox.invokeMethod( mojo, "executeWhenConfigured" ); PowerMock.verify( mockExecutor ); PowerMock.verify( project ); List< String > parameters = capturedArgument.getValue(); List< String > parametersExpected = new ArrayList< String >(); parametersExpected.add( projectBaseDir.getAbsolutePath() ); parametersExpected.add( "--exitcode" ); assertEquals( parametersExpected, parameters ); } }