package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils; import; import; import com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessor; import com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessor.OutMode; /** * After compiled Java classes use emma tool * * @author */ @Mojo( name = "emma", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_CLASSES, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE ) public class EmmaMojo extends AbstractAndroidMojo { private static final String EMMA_FOLDER_NAME = "emma"; private static final String CLASSES_FOLDER_NAME = "classes"; private static final String COVERAGE_METADATA_NAME = "coverage.em"; /** * Configuration for the emma command execution. It can be configured in the plugin configuration like so * * * <pre> * <emma> * <enable>true|false</enable> * <classFolders>${project}/target/classes</classFolders> * <outputMetaFile>${project}/target/emma/coverage.em</outputMetaFile> * <filters>${project}emma filter</filters> * </emma> * </pre> * * or via properties emma.* or command line parameters android.emma.* */ @Parameter private Emma emma; /** * Decides whether to enable or not enable emma. */ @Parameter( property = "android.emma.enable", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean emmaEnable; /** * Configure directory where compiled classes are. */ @Parameter( property = "android.emma.classFolders", defaultValue = "${}/classes/" ) private String emmaClassFolders; /** * Path of the emma meta data file (.em). */ @Parameter( property = "android.emma.outputMetaFile", defaultValue = "${}/emma/coverage.em" ) private File emmaOutputMetaFile; /** * Emma filter. Refer to the <a href="">emma syntax for * filters</a>. */ @Parameter( property = "android.emma.filters" ) private String emmaFilters; private boolean parsedEnable; private String[] parsedEmmaClassFolders; private String parsedOutputMetadataFile; private String parsedFilters; @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().debug( "Emma start working. Before parse configuration" ); parseConfiguration(); if ( parsedEnable ) { getLog().info( "Emma OVERWRITE compiled class is on for this project! " // + "Do NOT use this project on production" ); getLog().debug( "configuration: Class Folders - this file will be modified by emma " + parsedEmmaClassFolders ); getLog().debug( "configuration: parsedOutputMetadataFile " + parsedOutputMetadataFile ); InstrProcessor processor = InstrProcessor.create(); if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( parsedFilters ) ) { processor.setInclExclFilter( parsedFilters.split( "," ) ); } processor.setInstrPath( parsedEmmaClassFolders, true ); processor.setInstrOutDir( parsedEmmaClassFolders[ 0 ] ); // always to // first define // folder processor.setMetaOutFile( parsedOutputMetadataFile ); processor.setOutMode( OutMode.OUT_MODE_OVERWRITE ); processor.setMetaOutMerge( Boolean.TRUE );; } getLog().debug( "Emma OVERWRITE is OFF for this project (" + project.getArtifactId() + ") target/classes files are safe" ); } private void parseConfiguration() throws MojoExecutionException { if ( emma != null ) { if ( emma.isEnable() == null ) { parsedEnable = emmaEnable; } else { parsedEnable = emma.isEnable(); } if ( emma.getClassFolders() != null ) { parsedEmmaClassFolders = getAllCompiledDirectory(); } else { parsedEmmaClassFolders = getDefaultCompiledFolders(); } if ( emma.getOutputMetaFile() != null ) { parsedOutputMetadataFile = emma.getOutputMetaFile(); } else { parsedOutputMetadataFile = getDefaultMetaDataFile(); } if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( emma.getFilters() ) ) { parsedFilters = emma.getFilters(); } } else { parsedEnable = emmaEnable; parsedEmmaClassFolders = new String[] { emmaClassFolders }; parsedOutputMetadataFile = emmaOutputMetaFile.getAbsolutePath(); parsedFilters = emmaFilters; } } private String getDefaultMetaDataFile() { File outputFolder = new File( targetDirectory + File.separator + EMMA_FOLDER_NAME + File.separator + COVERAGE_METADATA_NAME ); return outputFolder.getAbsolutePath(); } private String[] getDefaultCompiledFolders() { File sourceJavaFolder = new File( targetDirectory + File.separator + CLASSES_FOLDER_NAME + File.separator ); return new String[] { sourceJavaFolder.getAbsolutePath() }; } private String[] getAllCompiledDirectory() throws MojoExecutionException { String classFoldersTemp = emma.getClassFolders(); String[] classFolders; if ( classFoldersTemp == null ) { return new String[] { emmaClassFolders }; } else { classFolders = classFoldersTemp.split( "," ); } ArrayList< String > classFoldersArray = new ArrayList< String >(); for ( String folder : classFolders ) { File directory = new File( folder ); if ( directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory() ) { classFoldersArray.add( directory.getAbsolutePath() ); } } return classFoldersArray.toArray( new String[ 0 ] ); } }