/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Jayway AB * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 JVending Masa * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.phase08preparepackage; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.AbstractAndroidMojo; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.IncludeExcludeSet; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.CommandExecutor; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.ExecutionException; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.common.Const; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.common.ZipExtractor; import com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.configuration.Dex; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.model.Resource; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope; import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException; import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.JarArchiver; import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.util.DefaultFileSet; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.InclusionExclusionResolver.filterArtifacts; import static com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.common.AndroidExtension.AAR; import static com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.common.AndroidExtension.APK; import static com.simpligility.maven.plugins.android.common.AndroidExtension.APKLIB; /** * Converts compiled Java classes to the Android dex format. * * @author hugo.josefson@jayway.com */ @Mojo( name = "dex", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PREPARE_PACKAGE, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE ) public class DexMojo extends AbstractAndroidMojo { /** * Configuration for the dex command execution. It can be configured in the plugin configuration like so * * <pre> * <dex> * <jvmArguments> * <jvmArgument>-Xms256m</jvmArgument> * <jvmArgument>-Xmx512m</jvmArgument> * </jvmArguments> * <coreLibrary>true|false</coreLibrary> * <noLocals>true|false</noLocals> * <forceJumbo>true|false</forceJumbo> * <optimize>true|false</optimize> * <preDex>true|false</preDex> * <preDexLibLocation>path to predexed libraries, defaults to target/dexedLibs</preDexLibLocation> * <incremental>true|false</incremental> * <multiDex>true|false</multiDex> * <generateMainDexList>true|false</generateMainDexList> * <mainDexList>path to class list file</mainDexList> * <minimalMainDex>true|false</minimalMainDex> * </dex> * </pre> * * or via properties dex.* or command line parameters android.dex.* */ @Parameter private Dex dex; /** * Extra JVM Arguments. Using these you can e.g. increase memory for the jvm running the build. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.jvmArguments", defaultValue = "-Xmx1024M" ) private String[] dexJvmArguments; /** * Decides whether to pass the --core-library flag to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.coreLibrary", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexCoreLibrary; /** * Decides whether to pass the --no-locals flag to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.noLocals", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexNoLocals; /** * Decides whether to pass the --no-optimize flag to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.optimize", defaultValue = "true" ) private boolean dexOptimize; /** * Decides whether to predex the jars. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.predex", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexPreDex; /** * Decides whether to use force jumbo mode. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.forcejumbo", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexForceJumbo; /** * Path to predexed libraries. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.dexPreDexLibLocation", defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}${file.separator}dexedLibs" ) private String dexPreDexLibLocation; /** * Decides whether to pass the --incremental flag to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.incremental", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexIncremental; /** * The name of the obfuscated JAR. */ @Parameter( property = "android.proguard.obfuscatedJar" ) private File obfuscatedJar; /** * Decides whether to pass the --multi-dex flag to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.multidex", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexMultiDex; /** * Full path to class list to multi dex */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.maindexlist" ) private String dexMainDexList; /** * Decides whether to pass the --minimal-main-dex flag to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.minimalmaindex", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexMinimalMainDex; /** * Decides whether to generate main dex list. * Supported from build tools version 22.0.0+ * * Note: if set to true, dexMinimalMainDex is set to true, and dexMainDexList * is set to generated main dex list. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.generatemaindexlist", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean dexGenerateMainDexList; /** * Additional command line parameters passed to dx. */ @Parameter( property = "android.dex.dexarguments" ) private String dexArguments; /** * Skips transitive dependencies. May be useful if the target classes directory is populated with the * {@code maven-dependency-plugin} and already contains all dependency classes. */ @Parameter( property = "skipDependencies", defaultValue = "false" ) private boolean skipDependencies; /** * Allows to include or exclude artifacts by type. The {@code include} parameter has higher priority than the * {@code exclude} parameter. These two parameters can be overridden by the {@code artifactSet} parameter. Empty * strings are ignored. Example: * <pre> * <artifactTypeSet> * <includes> * <include>aar</include> * <includes> * <excludes> * <exclude>jar</exclude> * <excludes> * </artifactTypeSet> * </pre> */ @Parameter( property = "artifactTypeSet" ) private IncludeExcludeSet artifactTypeSet; /** * Allows to include or exclude artifacts by {@code groupId}, {@code artifactId}, and {@code versionId}. The * {@code include} parameter has higher priority than the {@code exclude} parameter. These two parameters can * override the {@code artifactTypeSet} and {@code skipDependencies} parameters. Artifact {@code groupId}, * {@code artifactId}, and {@code versionId} are specified by a string with the respective values separated using * a colon character {@code :}. {@code artifactId} and {@code versionId} can be optional covering an artifact * range. Empty strings are ignored. Example: * <pre> * <artifactTypeSet> * <includes> * <include>foo-group:foo-artifact:1.0-SNAPSHOT</include> * <include>bar-group:bar-artifact:1.0-SNAPSHOT</include> * <include>baz-group:*</include> * <includes> * <excludes> * <exclude>qux-group:qux-artifact:*</exclude> * <excludes> * </artifactTypeSet> * </pre> */ @Parameter( property = "artifactSet" ) private IncludeExcludeSet artifactSet; private String[] parsedJvmArguments; private boolean parsedCoreLibrary; private boolean parsedNoLocals; private boolean parsedOptimize; private boolean parsedPreDex; private boolean parsedForceJumbo; private String parsedPreDexLibLocation; private boolean parsedIncremental; private boolean parsedMultiDex; private String parsedMainDexList; private boolean parsedMinimalMainDex; private boolean parsedGenerateMainDexList; private String parsedDexArguments; /** * @throws MojoExecutionException * @throws MojoFailureException */ @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if ( getJack().isEnabled() ) { //Dexxing is handled by Jack return; } CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor(); executor.setLogger( getLog() ); parseConfiguration(); File outputFile; if ( parsedMultiDex ) { outputFile = targetDirectory; if ( parsedGenerateMainDexList ) { getAndroidSdk().assertThatBuildToolsVersionIsAtLeast( "22.0.0", "generate main dex list" ); File generatedMainDexClassesList = generateMainDexClassesList( executor ); parsedMainDexList = generatedMainDexClassesList.getAbsolutePath(); parsedMinimalMainDex = true; } } else { outputFile = new File( targetDirectory, "classes.dex" ); } if ( generateApk ) { runDex( executor, outputFile ); } if ( attachJar ) { File jarFile = new File( targetDirectory + File.separator + finalName + ".jar" ); projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, "jar", project.getArtifact().getClassifier(), jarFile ); } if ( attachSources ) { // Also attach an .apksources, containing sources from this project. final File apksources = createApkSourcesFile(); projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, "apksources", apksources ); } } /** * Gets the input files for dex. This is a combination of directories and jar files. * * @return */ private Set< File > getDexInputFiles() throws MojoExecutionException { Set< File > inputs = new HashSet< File >(); if ( obfuscatedJar != null && obfuscatedJar.exists() ) { // proguard has been run, use this jar getLog().debug( "Adding dex input (obfuscatedJar) : " + obfuscatedJar ); inputs.add( obfuscatedJar ); } else { getLog().debug( "Using non-obfuscated input" ); // no proguard, use original config inputs.add( projectOutputDirectory ); getLog().debug( "Adding dex input : " + project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory() ); for ( Artifact artifact : filterArtifacts( getTransitiveDependencyArtifacts(), skipDependencies, artifactTypeSet.getIncludes(), artifactTypeSet.getExcludes(), artifactSet.getIncludes(), artifactSet.getExcludes() ) ) { if ( artifact.getType().equals( Const.ArtifactType.NATIVE_SYMBOL_OBJECT ) || artifact.getType().equals( Const.ArtifactType.NATIVE_IMPLEMENTATION_ARCHIVE ) ) { // Ignore native dependencies - no need for dexer to see those } else if ( artifact.getType().equals( APKLIB ) ) { // Any jars in the libs folder should now be // automatically included because they will be a transitive dependency. } else if ( artifact.getType().equals( AAR ) ) { // The Aar classes.jar should now be automatically included // because it will be a transitive dependency. As should any jars in the libs folder. } else if ( artifact.getType().equals( APK ) ) { // We need to dex the APK classes including the APK R. // But we don't want to add a second instance of the embedded Rs for any of the APK's dependencies // as they will already have been generated to target/classes. The R values from the APK will be // the correct ones, so best solution is to extract the APK classes (including all Rs) to // target/classes overwriting any generated Rs and let dex pick up the values from there. getLog().debug( "Extracting APK classes to target/classes : " + artifact.getArtifactId() ); final File apkClassesJar = getUnpackedLibHelper().getJarFileForApk( artifact ); getLog().debug( "Extracting APK : " + apkClassesJar + " to " + targetDirectory ); final ZipExtractor extractor = new ZipExtractor( getLog() ); extractor.extract( apkClassesJar, targetDirectory, ".class" ); } else { getLog().debug( "Adding dex input : " + artifact.getFile() ); inputs.add( artifact.getFile().getAbsoluteFile() ); } } } return inputs; } private void parseConfiguration() { // config in pom found if ( dex != null ) { // the if statements make sure that properties/command line // parameter overrides configuration // and that the dafaults apply in all cases; if ( dex.getJvmArguments() == null ) { parsedJvmArguments = dexJvmArguments; } else { parsedJvmArguments = dex.getJvmArguments(); } if ( dex.isCoreLibrary() == null ) { parsedCoreLibrary = dexCoreLibrary; } else { parsedCoreLibrary = dex.isCoreLibrary(); } if ( dex.isNoLocals() == null ) { parsedNoLocals = dexNoLocals; } else { parsedNoLocals = dex.isNoLocals(); } if ( dex.isOptimize() == null ) { parsedOptimize = dexOptimize; } else { parsedOptimize = dex.isOptimize(); } if ( dex.isPreDex() == null ) { parsedPreDex = dexPreDex; } else { parsedPreDex = dex.isPreDex(); } if ( dex.getPreDexLibLocation() == null ) { parsedPreDexLibLocation = dexPreDexLibLocation; } else { parsedPreDexLibLocation = dex.getPreDexLibLocation(); } if ( dex.isIncremental() == null ) { parsedIncremental = dexIncremental; } else { parsedIncremental = dex.isIncremental(); } if ( dex.isForceJumbo() == null ) { parsedForceJumbo = dexForceJumbo; } else { parsedForceJumbo = dex.isForceJumbo(); } if ( dex.isMultiDex() == null ) { parsedMultiDex = dexMultiDex; } else { parsedMultiDex = dex.isMultiDex(); } if ( dex.getMainDexList() == null ) { parsedMainDexList = dexMainDexList; } else { parsedMainDexList = dex.getMainDexList(); } if ( dex.isMinimalMainDex() == null ) { parsedMinimalMainDex = dexMinimalMainDex; } else { parsedMinimalMainDex = dex.isMinimalMainDex(); } if ( dex.isGenerateMainDexList() == null ) { parsedGenerateMainDexList = dexGenerateMainDexList; } else { parsedGenerateMainDexList = dex.isGenerateMainDexList(); } if ( dex.getDexArguments() == null ) { parsedDexArguments = dexArguments; } else { parsedDexArguments = dex.getDexArguments(); } } else { parsedJvmArguments = dexJvmArguments; parsedCoreLibrary = dexCoreLibrary; parsedNoLocals = dexNoLocals; parsedOptimize = dexOptimize; parsedPreDex = dexPreDex; parsedPreDexLibLocation = dexPreDexLibLocation; parsedIncremental = dexIncremental; parsedForceJumbo = dexForceJumbo; parsedMultiDex = dexMultiDex; parsedMainDexList = dexMainDexList; parsedMinimalMainDex = dexMinimalMainDex; parsedGenerateMainDexList = dexGenerateMainDexList; parsedDexArguments = dexArguments; } } private Set< File > preDex( CommandExecutor executor, Set< File > inputFiles ) throws MojoExecutionException { Set< File > filtered = new HashSet< File >(); getLog().info( "Pre dex-ing libraries for faster dex-ing of the final application." ); for ( File inputFile : inputFiles ) { if ( inputFile.getName().matches( ".*\\.jar$" ) ) { List< String > commands = dexDefaultCommands(); File predexJar = predexJarPath( inputFile ); commands.add( "--output=" + predexJar.getAbsolutePath() ); commands.add( inputFile.getAbsolutePath() ); filtered.add( predexJar ); if ( !predexJar.isFile() || predexJar.lastModified() < inputFile.lastModified() ) { getLog().info( "Pre-dex ing jar: " + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() ); executeJava( commands, executor ); } } else { filtered.add( inputFile ); } } return filtered; } private File predexJarPath( File inputFile ) { final File predexLibsDirectory = new File( parsedPreDexLibLocation.trim() ); predexLibsDirectory.mkdirs(); return new File( predexLibsDirectory, inputFile.getName() ); } private List< String > dexDefaultCommands() throws MojoExecutionException { List< String > commands = jarDefaultCommands(); commands.add( getAndroidSdk().getDxJarPath() ); commands.add( "--dex" ); return commands; } private List<String> jarDefaultCommands() { List< String > commands = javaDefaultCommands(); commands.add( "-jar" ); return commands; } private List<String> javaDefaultCommands() { List< String > commands = new ArrayList< String > (); if ( parsedJvmArguments != null ) { for ( String jvmArgument : parsedJvmArguments ) { // preserve backward compatibility allowing argument with or // without dash (e.g. Xmx512m as well as // -Xmx512m should work) (see // http://code.google.com/p/maven-android-plugin/issues/detail?id=153) if ( !jvmArgument.startsWith( "-" ) ) { jvmArgument = "-" + jvmArgument; } getLog().debug( "Adding jvm argument " + jvmArgument ); commands.add( jvmArgument ); } } return commands; } private void runDex( CommandExecutor executor, File outputFile ) throws MojoExecutionException { final List< String > commands = dexDefaultCommands(); final Set< File > inputFiles = getDexInputFiles(); Set< File > filteredFiles = inputFiles; if ( parsedPreDex ) { filteredFiles = preDex( executor, inputFiles ); } if ( !parsedOptimize ) { commands.add( "--no-optimize" ); } if ( parsedCoreLibrary ) { commands.add( "--core-library" ); } if ( parsedIncremental ) { commands.add( "--incremental" ); } if ( parsedNoLocals ) { commands.add( "--no-locals" ); } if ( parsedForceJumbo ) { commands.add( "--force-jumbo" ); } if ( parsedMultiDex ) { commands.add( "--multi-dex" ); if ( parsedMainDexList != null ) { commands.add( "--main-dex-list=" + parsedMainDexList ); } if ( parsedMinimalMainDex ) { commands.add( "--minimal-main-dex" ); } } if ( parsedDexArguments != null ) { commands.add( parsedDexArguments ); } commands.add( "--output=" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() ); for ( File inputFile : filteredFiles ) { commands.add( inputFile.getAbsolutePath() ); } getLog().info( "Convert classes to Dex : " + outputFile ); executeJava( commands, executor ); } private String executeJava( final List<String> commands, CommandExecutor executor ) throws MojoExecutionException { final String javaExecutable = getJavaExecutable().getAbsolutePath(); getLog().debug( javaExecutable + " " + commands.toString() ); try { executor.setCaptureStdOut( true ); executor.executeCommand( javaExecutable, commands, project.getBasedir(), false ); return executor.getStandardOut(); } catch ( ExecutionException e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "", e ); } } /** * Figure out the full path to the current java executable. * * @return the full path to the current java executable. */ private static File getJavaExecutable() { final String javaHome = System.getProperty( "java.home" ); final String slash = File.separator; return new File( javaHome + slash + "bin" + slash + "java" ); } private File generateMainDexClassesJar( CommandExecutor executor ) throws MojoExecutionException { List< String> commands = jarDefaultCommands(); commands.add( getAndroidSdk().getProguardJarPath() ); commands.add( "-dontnote" ); commands.add( "-dontwarn" ); commands.add( "-forceprocessing" ); commands.add( "-dontoptimize" ); commands.add( "-dontpreverify" ); commands.add( "-dontobfuscate" ); Set< File> inputFiles = getDexInputFiles(); for ( File inputFile : inputFiles ) { commands.add( "-injars" ); commands.add( inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "(!META-INF/**)" ); } commands.add( "-libraryjars" ); commands.add( getAndroidSdk().getShrinkedAndroidJarPath() ); commands.add( "-include" ); commands.add( getAndroidSdk().getMainDexClassesRulesPath() ); commands.add( "-outjars" ); File mainDexClassesJar = new File( targetDirectory, "mainDexClasses.jar" ); commands.add( mainDexClassesJar.getAbsolutePath() ); getLog().info( "Generating main dex classes jar : " + mainDexClassesJar ); executeJava( commands, executor ); return mainDexClassesJar; } private File generateMainDexClassesList( CommandExecutor executor ) throws MojoExecutionException { File mainDexClassesJar = generateMainDexClassesJar( executor ); List< String> commands = javaDefaultCommands(); commands.add( "-Djava.ext.dirs=" + getAndroidSdk().getBuildToolsLibDirectoryPath() ); commands.add( "com.android.multidex.MainDexListBuilder" ); commands.add( mainDexClassesJar.getAbsolutePath() ); Set< File> inputFiles = getDexInputFiles(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( StringUtils.join( inputFiles, File.pathSeparatorChar ) ); commands.add( sb.toString() ); File mainDexClassesList = new File( targetDirectory, "mainDexClasses.txt" ); getLog().info( "Generating main dex classes list : " + mainDexClassesList ); String output = executeJava( commands, executor ); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile( mainDexClassesList, output ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Failed to write command output with main dex classes list to " + mainDexClassesList, ex ); } return mainDexClassesList; } /** * @return * @throws MojoExecutionException */ protected File createApkSourcesFile() throws MojoExecutionException { final File apksources = new File( targetDirectory, finalName + ".apksources" ); FileUtils.deleteQuietly( apksources ); try { JarArchiver jarArchiver = new JarArchiver(); jarArchiver.setDestFile( apksources ); addDirectory( jarArchiver, assetsDirectory, "assets" ); addDirectory( jarArchiver, resourceDirectory, "res" ); addDirectory( jarArchiver, sourceDirectory, "src/main/java" ); addJavaResources( jarArchiver, resources ); jarArchiver.createArchive(); } catch ( ArchiverException e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "ArchiverException while creating .apksource file.", e ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "IOException while creating .apksource file.", e ); } return apksources; } /** * Makes sure the string ends with "/" * * @param prefix * any string, or null. * @return the prefix with a "/" at the end, never null. */ protected String endWithSlash( String prefix ) { prefix = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( prefix, "/" ); if ( !prefix.endsWith( "/" ) ) { prefix = prefix + "/"; } return prefix; } /** * Adds a directory to a {@link JarArchiver} with a directory prefix. * * @param jarArchiver * @param directory * The directory to add. * @param prefix * An optional prefix for where in the Jar file the directory's contents should go. */ protected void addDirectory( JarArchiver jarArchiver, File directory, String prefix ) { if ( directory != null && directory.exists() ) { final DefaultFileSet fileSet = new DefaultFileSet(); fileSet.setPrefix( endWithSlash( prefix ) ); fileSet.setDirectory( directory ); jarArchiver.addFileSet( fileSet ); } } /** * @param jarArchiver * @param javaResources */ protected void addJavaResources( JarArchiver jarArchiver, List< Resource > javaResources ) { for ( Resource javaResource : javaResources ) { addJavaResource( jarArchiver, javaResource ); } } /** * Adds a Java Resources directory (typically "src/main/resources") to a {@link JarArchiver}. * * @param jarArchiver * @param javaResource * The Java resource to add. */ protected void addJavaResource( JarArchiver jarArchiver, Resource javaResource ) { if ( javaResource != null ) { final File javaResourceDirectory = new File( javaResource.getDirectory() ); if ( javaResourceDirectory.exists() ) { final DefaultFileSet javaResourceFileSet = new DefaultFileSet(); javaResourceFileSet.setDirectory( javaResourceDirectory ); javaResourceFileSet.setPrefix( endWithSlash( "src/main/resources" ) ); jarArchiver.addFileSet( javaResourceFileSet ); } } } }