package; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.anyObject; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.isNull; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.replay; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.verify; import static; import static org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.createMock; import static org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock.mockStatic; import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.powermock.api.easymock.PowerMock; import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest; import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner; import; import; import; import; import; @RunWith( PowerMockRunner.class ) @PrepareForTest( { AndroidDebugBridge.class, CommandExecutor.Factory.class } ) @Ignore("Does not work anymore with new sdk") public class AbstractEmulatorMojoTest { private static final String AVD_NAME = "emulator"; private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 500; private AbstractEmulatorMojoToTest abstractEmulatorMojo; private CommandExecutor mockExecutor; private AndroidDebugBridge mockAndroidDebugBridge; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { mockExecutor = PowerMock.createNiceMock( CommandExecutor.class ); mockExecutor.executeCommand( anyObject( String.class ), isNull( List.class ) ); PowerMock.replay( mockExecutor ); mockStatic( CommandExecutor.Factory.class ); expect( CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor() ).andReturn( mockExecutor ); PowerMock.replay( CommandExecutor.Factory.class ); mockAndroidDebugBridge = createMock( AndroidDebugBridge.class ); abstractEmulatorMojo = new AbstractEmulatorMojoToTest(); } @Test public void testStartAndroidEmulatorWithTimeoutToConnect() throws MojoExecutionException, ExecutionException { boolean onlineAtSecondTry = false; int extraBootStatusPollCycles = -1;//ignored abstractEmulatorMojo.setWait( DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); IDevice emulatorDevice = withEmulatorDevice( onlineAtSecondTry, extraBootStatusPollCycles ); withConnectedDebugBridge( emulatorDevice ); try { abstractEmulatorMojo.startAndroidEmulator(); fail(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { verify( mockExecutor ); } } @Test public void testStartAndroidEmulatorAlreadyBooted() throws MojoExecutionException, ExecutionException { boolean onlineAtSecondTry = true; int extraBootStatusPollCycles = 0; abstractEmulatorMojo.setWait( DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); IDevice emulatorDevice = withEmulatorDevice( onlineAtSecondTry, extraBootStatusPollCycles ); withConnectedDebugBridge( emulatorDevice ); abstractEmulatorMojo.startAndroidEmulator(); verify( mockExecutor ); } @Test public void testStartAndroidEmulatorWithOngoingBoot() throws MojoExecutionException, ExecutionException { boolean onlineAtSecondTry = true; int extraBootStatusPollCycles = 1; abstractEmulatorMojo.setWait( extraBootStatusPollCycles * 5000 + 500 ); IDevice emulatorDevice = withEmulatorDevice( onlineAtSecondTry, extraBootStatusPollCycles ); withConnectedDebugBridge( emulatorDevice ); abstractEmulatorMojo.startAndroidEmulator(); verify( mockExecutor ); } @Test public void testStartAndroidEmulatorWithBootTimeout() throws MojoExecutionException, ExecutionException { boolean onlineAtSecondTry = true; int extraBootStatusPollCycles = -1; abstractEmulatorMojo.setWait( DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); IDevice emulatorDevice = withEmulatorDevice( onlineAtSecondTry, extraBootStatusPollCycles ); withConnectedDebugBridge( emulatorDevice ); try { abstractEmulatorMojo.startAndroidEmulator(); fail(); } catch ( MojoExecutionException e ) { verify( mockExecutor ); } } /** * @param onlineAtSecondTry * @param extraBootStatusPollCycles < 0 to simulate 'stuck in boot animation' * @return */ private IDevice withEmulatorDevice( boolean onlineAtSecondTry, int extraBootStatusPollCycles ) { IDevice emulatorDevice = createMock( IDevice.class ); expect( emulatorDevice.getAvdName() ).andReturn( AVD_NAME ).atLeastOnce(); expect( emulatorDevice.isEmulator() ).andReturn( true ).atLeastOnce(); if ( onlineAtSecondTry ) { try { expect( emulatorDevice.isOnline() ).andReturn( false ).andReturn( true ); if ( extraBootStatusPollCycles < 0 ) { //Simulate 'stuck in boot animation' expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "dev.bootcomplete" ) ) .andReturn( null ).atLeastOnce(); expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "sys.boot_completed" ) ) .andReturn( null ).atLeastOnce(); expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "init.svc.bootanim" ) ) .andReturn( null ).once() .andReturn( "running" ).atLeastOnce(); //never changes to "stopped" } else if ( extraBootStatusPollCycles == 0 ) { //Simulate 'already booted' expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "dev.bootcomplete" ) ) .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "sys.boot_completed" ) ) .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "init.svc.bootanim" ) ) .andReturn( "stopped" ).once(); //to be cached } else if ( extraBootStatusPollCycles == 1 ) { //Simulate 'almost booted (1 extra poll)' expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "dev.bootcomplete" ) ) .andReturn( null ).once() .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "sys.boot_completed" ) ) .andReturn( null ).once() .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "init.svc.bootanim" ) ) .andReturn( "running" ).once() .andReturn( "stopped" ).once(); //to be cached } else if( extraBootStatusPollCycles >=3 ) { //Simulate 'almost booted (>=3 extra polls)' expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "dev.bootcomplete" ) ) .andReturn( null ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles - 1 ) .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "sys.boot_completed" ) ) .andReturn( null ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles - 1 ) .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "init.svc.bootanim" ) ) .andReturn( null ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles / 2 ) .andReturn( "running" ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles / 2 + extraBootStatusPollCycles % 2 ) .andReturn( "stopped" ).once(); //to be cached } else if( extraBootStatusPollCycles >=2 ) { //Simulate 'almost booted (>=2 extra polls)' expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "dev.bootcomplete" ) ) .andReturn( null ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles - 1 ) .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "sys.boot_completed" ) ) .andReturn( null ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles - 1 ) .andReturn( "1" ).once(); //to be cached expect( emulatorDevice.getPropertySync( "init.svc.bootanim" ) ) .andReturn( "running" ).times( extraBootStatusPollCycles -1 ) .andReturn( "stopped" ).once(); //to be cached } } catch ( TimeoutException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected checked exception during mock setup", e ); } catch ( AdbCommandRejectedException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected checked exception during mock setup", e ); } catch ( ShellCommandUnresponsiveException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected checked exception during mock setup", e ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected checked exception during mock setup", e ); } } else { expect( emulatorDevice.isOnline() ).andReturn( false ).atLeastOnce(); } replay( emulatorDevice ); return emulatorDevice; } private void withConnectedDebugBridge( IDevice emulatorDevice ) { expect( mockAndroidDebugBridge.isConnected() ).andReturn( true ); expect( mockAndroidDebugBridge.hasInitialDeviceList() ).andReturn( true ); expect( mockAndroidDebugBridge.getDevices() ).andReturn( new IDevice[ 0 ] ).andReturn( new IDevice[] { emulatorDevice } ).atLeastOnce(); replay( mockAndroidDebugBridge ); } private class AbstractEmulatorMojoToTest extends AbstractEmulatorMojo { private long wait = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; public long getWait() { return wait; } public void setWait( long wait ) { this.wait = wait; } @Override protected AndroidSdk getAndroidSdk() { return new SdkTestSupport().getSdk_with_platform_default(); } @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { } @Override protected AndroidDebugBridge initAndroidDebugBridge() throws MojoExecutionException { return mockAndroidDebugBridge; } @Override String determineAvd() { return AVD_NAME; } @Override String determineWait() { return String.valueOf( wait ); } } }