package org.activityinfo.core.shared.importing.match.names; import; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.List; import static; import static; public class NameMatchingIntegrationTest { public static final int COLUMN_WIDTH = 30; private LatinPlaceNameScorer scorer; private List<String> a; private List<String> b; private int falsePositives = 0; private int noMatch = 0; private int matches = 0; @Before public void setUp() { scorer = new LatinPlaceNameScorer(); } @Test @Ignore public void test() throws IOException { test("lebanon.txt"); test("philipines.txt"); test("mali.txt"); System.out.println("MATCHED: " + matches); System.out.println("FALSE POSITIVES: " + falsePositives); System.out.println("NO MATCH: " + noMatch); } private void test(String resource) throws IOException { loadTestSet(resource); printReport(); } private void printReport() { for(int i=0;i!= a.size();++i) { String x = a.get(i); int bestMatch = findBestMatch(x, b); String correctMatch = b.get(i); double correctScore = scorer.score(x, b.get(i)); if(bestMatch == -1) { noMatch++; System.out.println(Strings.padEnd(x, COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ' ) + " FAILED TO MATCH " + formatScore(correctScore) + correctMatch); } else if(bestMatch == i || b.get(bestMatch).equals(b.get(i))) { matches++; } else { String matchedName = b.get(bestMatch); double matchedScore = scorer.score(x, b.get(bestMatch)); System.out.println(Strings.padEnd(x, COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ' ) + " MATCHED " + formatScore(matchedScore) + Strings.padEnd(matchedName, COLUMN_WIDTH, ' ') + " INSTEAD OF " + formatScore(correctScore) + correctMatch); falsePositives++; } } } private void loadTestSet(String resourceName) throws IOException { // Each line in our test sets contain a pair of names that // refer to the same entity, but differ by spelling, transliteration method // or other messiness a = Lists.newArrayList(); b = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> testSet = readLines(getResource(LatinPlaceNameScorer.class, resourceName), Charsets.UTF_8); for(String pair : testSet) { String[] columns = pair.split("\\|"); if(columns.length != 2) { throw new IOException("Bad format for line: " + pair); } a.add(columns[0]); b.add(columns[1]); } } private String formatScore(double score) { return " (" + Strings.padStart(Integer.toString((int) (score*100d)), 3, ' ') + ") "; } private int findBestMatch(String x, List<String> b) { double bestScore = 0; int bestMatch = -1; for(int i=0;i!=b.size();++i) { String y = b.get(i); double score = scorer.score(x, y); if(score > bestScore) { bestMatch = i; bestScore = score; } } return bestMatch; } @Test public void nonMatches() { // These should not match at all // They are a separate set of entities // and it's obvious to the naked eye that they // are nowhere near close // it's important that our scorer // is able to see this List<String> regions = Lists.<String>newArrayList( "Region de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstede", "Vlaams Gewest", "Region wallonne"); assertNoMatch("West-Vla", regions); assertNoMatch("Oost-Vla", regions); assertNoMatch("Antwerpen", regions); assertNoMatch("Brussel", regions); assertNoMatch("Limburg", regions); assertNoMatch("Vla-Bra", regions); } private void assertNoMatch(String province, List<String> regions) { LatinPlaceNameScorer scorer = new LatinPlaceNameScorer(); for(String region : regions) { double score = scorer.score(province, region); if(score > 0) { throw new AssertionError(province + " matched " + region + formatScore(score)); } } } }