package org.activityinfo.server.command.handler.sync; /* * #%L * ActivityInfo Server * %% * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2013 UNICEF * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.bedatadriven.rebar.sync.server.JpaUpdateBuilder; import; import org.activityinfo.legacy.shared.command.GetSyncRegionUpdates; import org.activityinfo.legacy.shared.command.result.SyncRegionUpdate; import org.activityinfo.server.database.hibernate.dao.HibernateDAOProvider; import org.activityinfo.server.database.hibernate.dao.UserDatabaseDAO; import org.activityinfo.server.database.hibernate.entity.*; import org.json.JSONException; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class SchemaUpdateBuilder implements UpdateBuilder { private final UserDatabaseDAO userDatabaseDAO; private final EntityManager entityManager; private final Set<Integer> countryIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); private final List<Country> countries = new ArrayList<Country>(); private final List<AdminLevel> adminLevels = new ArrayList<AdminLevel>(); private List<UserDatabase> databases = new ArrayList<UserDatabase>(); private final Set<Integer> partnerIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); private final List<Partner> partners = new ArrayList<Partner>(); private final List<Activity> activities = new ArrayList<Activity>(); private final List<Indicator> indicators = new ArrayList<Indicator>(); private final Set<IndicatorLinkEntity> indicatorLinks = new HashSet<IndicatorLinkEntity>(); private final Set<Integer> attributeGroupIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); private final List<AttributeGroup> attributeGroups = new ArrayList<AttributeGroup>(); private final List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); private final Set<Integer> userIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); private final List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); private final List<LocationType> locationTypes = new ArrayList<LocationType>(); private List<UserPermission> userPermissions; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SchemaUpdateBuilder.class.getName()); private final Class[] schemaClasses = new Class[]{Country.class, AdminLevel.class, LocationType.class, UserDatabase.class, Partner.class, Activity.class, Indicator.class, AttributeGroup.class, Attribute.class, User.class, UserPermission.class, LockedPeriod.class, Project.class}; private final List<LockedPeriod> allLockedPeriods = new ArrayList<LockedPeriod>(); private final List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>(); @Inject public SchemaUpdateBuilder(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) { // create a new, unfiltered entity manager so we can see deleted records this.entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(); this.userDatabaseDAO = HibernateDAOProvider.makeImplementation(UserDatabaseDAO.class, UserDatabase.class, entityManager); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public SyncRegionUpdate build(User user, GetSyncRegionUpdates request) throws JSONException { try { // get the permissions before we apply the filter // otherwise they will be excluded userPermissions = entityManager.createQuery("select p from UserPermission p where = ?1") .setParameter(1, user.getId()) .getResultList(); DomainFilters.applyUserFilter(user, entityManager); databases = userDatabaseDAO.queryAllUserDatabasesAlphabetically(); long localVersion = request.getLocalVersion() == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(request.getLocalVersion()); long serverVersion = getCurrentSchemaVersion();"Schema versions: local = " + localVersion + ", server = " + serverVersion); SyncRegionUpdate update = new SyncRegionUpdate(); update.setVersion(Long.toString(serverVersion)); update.setComplete(true); if (localVersion < serverVersion) { makeEntityLists(); update.setSql(buildSql()); } return update; } finally { entityManager.close(); } } private String buildSql() throws JSONException { JpaUpdateBuilder builder = new JpaUpdateBuilder(); for (Class schemaClass : schemaClasses) { builder.createTableIfNotExists(schemaClass); // Special case: we never delete partners, only add them. This way we always have a label for Partners // See : LocalSiteCreateTest.siteRemovePartnerConflict if (!schemaClass.equals(Partner.class)) { builder.deleteAll(schemaClass); } } builder.insert(Country.class, countries); builder.insert(AdminLevel.class, adminLevels); builder.insert(UserDatabase.class, databases); builder.insert(" or replace ", Partner.class, partners); builder.insert(Activity.class, activities); builder.insert(Indicator.class, indicators); builder.insert(AttributeGroup.class, attributeGroups); builder.insert(Attribute.class, attributes); builder.insert(LocationType.class, locationTypes); builder.insert(User.class, users); builder.insert(UserPermission.class, userPermissions); builder.insert(Project.class, projects); builder.insert(LockedPeriod.class, allLockedPeriods); // TODO: this needs to be actually synchronized builder.executeStatement( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS target (targetId int, name text, date1 text, date2 text, projectId int, " + "partnerId int, adminEntityId int, databaseId int)"); builder.executeStatement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS targetvalue (targetId int, IndicatorId int, value real)"); builder.createTableIfNotExists(Location.class); builder.executeStatement( "create table if not exists LocationAdminLink (LocationId integer, AdminEntityId integer)"); createAndSyncIndicatorlinks(builder); createAndSyncPartnerInDatabase(builder); createAndSyncAttributeGroupInActivity(builder); return builder.asJson(); } private void createAndSyncIndicatorlinks(JpaUpdateBuilder builder) throws JSONException { builder.executeStatement( "create table if not exists IndicatorLink (SourceIndicatorId int, DestinationIndicatorId int) "); builder.executeStatement("delete from IndicatorLink"); if (!indicatorLinks.isEmpty()) { builder.beginPreparedStatement( "insert into IndicatorLink (SourceIndicatorId, DestinationIndicatorId) values (?, ?) "); for (IndicatorLinkEntity il : indicatorLinks) { builder.addExecution(il.getId().getSourceIndicatorId(), il.getId().getDestinationIndicatorId()); } builder.finishPreparedStatement(); } } private void createAndSyncPartnerInDatabase(JpaUpdateBuilder builder) throws JSONException { builder.executeStatement("create table if not exists PartnerInDatabase (DatabaseId integer, PartnerId int)"); builder.executeStatement("delete from PartnerInDatabase"); if (anyPartners()) { builder.beginPreparedStatement("insert into PartnerInDatabase (DatabaseId, PartnerId) values (?, ?) "); for (UserDatabase db : databases) { for (Partner partner : db.getPartners()) { builder.addExecution(db.getId(), partner.getId()); } } builder.finishPreparedStatement(); } } private void createAndSyncAttributeGroupInActivity(JpaUpdateBuilder builder) throws JSONException { builder.executeStatement( "create table if not exists AttributeGroupInActivity (ActivityId integer, AttributeGroupId integer)"); builder.executeStatement("delete from AttributeGroupInActivity"); if (anyAttributes()) { builder.beginPreparedStatement( "insert into AttributeGroupInActivity (ActivityId, AttributeGroupId) values (?,?)"); for (UserDatabase db : databases) { for (Activity activity : db.getActivities()) { for (AttributeGroup group : activity.getAttributeGroups()) { builder.addExecution(activity.getId(), group.getId()); } } } builder.finishPreparedStatement(); } } private boolean anyPartners() { for (UserDatabase db : databases) { if (!db.getPartners().isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean anyAttributes() { for (UserDatabase db : databases) { for (Activity activity : db.getActivities()) { if (!activity.getAttributeGroups().isEmpty()) { return true; } } } return false; } private void makeEntityLists() { for (UserDatabase database : databases) { if (!userIds.contains(database.getOwner().getId())) { User u = database.getOwner(); // don't send hashed password to client // EEK i think hibernate will persist this to the database // automatically if we change it here!! // u.setHashedPassword(""); users.add(u); userIds.add(u.getId()); } if (!countryIds.contains(database.getCountry().getId())) { countries.add(database.getCountry()); adminLevels.addAll(database.getCountry().getAdminLevels()); countryIds.add(database.getCountry().getId()); for (org.activityinfo.server.database.hibernate.entity.LocationType l : database.getCountry() .getLocationTypes()) { locationTypes.add(l); } } for (Partner partner : database.getPartners()) { if (!partnerIds.contains(partner.getId())) { partners.add(partner); partnerIds.add(partner.getId()); } } projects.addAll(new ArrayList<Project>(database.getProjects())); allLockedPeriods.addAll(database.getLockedPeriods()); for (Project project : database.getProjects()) { allLockedPeriods.addAll(project.getLockedPeriods()); } for (Activity activity : database.getActivities()) { allLockedPeriods.addAll(activity.getLockedPeriods()); activities.add(activity); for (Indicator indicator : activity.getIndicators()) { indicators.add(indicator); List<IndicatorLinkEntity> links = findIndicatorLinks(indicator); if (links != null && !links.isEmpty()) { indicatorLinks.addAll(links); } } for (AttributeGroup g : activity.getAttributeGroups()) { if (!attributeGroupIds.contains(g.getId())) { attributeGroups.add(g); attributeGroupIds.add(g.getId()); for (Attribute a : g.getAttributes()) { attributes.add(a); } } } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<IndicatorLinkEntity> findIndicatorLinks(Indicator indicator) { return entityManager.createQuery( "select il from IndicatorLinkEntity il where = ?1 or" + ".destinationIndicatorId = ?2") .setParameter(1, indicator.getId()) .setParameter(2, indicator.getId()) .getResultList(); } public long getCurrentSchemaVersion() { long currentVersion = 1; for (UserDatabase db : databases) { if (db.getVersion() > currentVersion) { currentVersion = db.getVersion(); } } for (UserPermission perm : userPermissions) { if (perm.getVersion() > currentVersion) { currentVersion = perm.getVersion(); } } return currentVersion; } }