package org.activityinfo.model.formTree; import; import; import; import; import org.activityinfo.model.form.FormClass; import org.activityinfo.model.form.FormField; import org.activityinfo.model.resource.ResourceId; import org.activityinfo.model.type.FieldType; import org.activityinfo.model.type.FieldTypeClass; import org.activityinfo.model.type.ReferenceType; import java.util.*; /** * Contains a tree of fields based on references to other {@code FormClasses} */ public class FormTree { public class Node { private Node parent; private FormField field; private FieldPath path; private FormClass formClass; private List<Node> children = Lists.newArrayList(); private int depth; public boolean isRoot() { return parent == null; } public boolean isReference() { return field.getType() instanceof ReferenceType; } public Node addChild(FormClass declaringClass, FormField field) { assert isReference() : "only reference fields can have children"; FormTree.Node childNode = new FormTree.Node(); childNode.parent = this; childNode.field = field; childNode.path = new FieldPath(this.path, field.getId()); childNode.formClass = declaringClass; children.add(childNode); nodeMap.put(childNode.path, childNode); if (childNode.parent != null) { childNode.depth = childNode.parent.depth + 1; } return childNode; } /** * * @return the fields that are defined on the classes in this Field's range. */ public List<Node> getChildren() { return children; } public FieldPath getPath() { return path; } public FormField getField() { return field; } /** * * @return the form class which has defined this form */ public FormClass getDefiningFormClass() { return formClass; } public ResourceId getFieldId() { return field.getId(); } /** * * @return for Reference fields, the range of this field */ public Set<ResourceId> getRange() { if(field.getType() instanceof ReferenceType) { return ((ReferenceType) field.getType()).getRange(); } else { return Collections.emptySet(); } } public FieldType getType() { return field.getType(); } public FieldTypeClass getTypeClass() { return field.getType().getTypeClass(); } public Node getParent() { return parent; } /** * * @return a readable path for this node for debugging */ public String debugPath() { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); path.append(toString(this.getField().getLabel(), this.getDefiningFormClass())); Node parent = this.parent; while(parent != null) { path.insert(0, toString(parent.getField().getLabel(), parent.getDefiningFormClass()) + "."); parent = parent.parent; } return path.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(field.getLabel(), this.getDefiningFormClass()) + ":" + field.getType(); } private String toString(String label, FormClass definingFormClass) { String field = "["; if(definingFormClass != null && definingFormClass.getLabel() != null) { field += definingFormClass.getLabel() + ":"; } field += label; field += "]"; return field; } public Node findDescendant(FieldPath relativePath) { FieldPath path = new FieldPath(getPath(), relativePath); return findDescendantByAbsolutePath(path); } private Node findDescendantByAbsolutePath(FieldPath path) { if(this.path.equals(path)) { return this; } else { for(Node child : children) { Node descendant = child.findDescendantByAbsolutePath(path); if(descendant != null) { return descendant; } } return null; } } public boolean isLeaf() { return children.isEmpty(); } public int getDepth() { return depth; } } public enum SearchOrder { DEPTH_FIRST, BREADTH_FIRST } private List<Node> rootFields = Lists.newArrayList(); private Map<FieldPath, Node> nodeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); public FormTree() { } public Node addRootField(FormClass declaringClass, FormField field) { Node node = new Node(); node.formClass = declaringClass; node.field = field; node.path = new FieldPath(field.getId()); rootFields.add(node); nodeMap.put(node.path, node); return node; } public List<Node> getRootFields() { return rootFields; } public List<FieldPath> getRootPaths() { List<FieldPath> paths = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Node node : rootFields) { paths.add(node.getPath()); } return paths; } public Map<ResourceId, FormClass> getRootFormClasses() { Map<ResourceId, FormClass> map = Maps.newHashMap(); for(Node node : rootFields) { map.put(node.getDefiningFormClass().getId(), node.getDefiningFormClass()); } return map; } public Node getNodeByPath(FieldPath path) { Node node = nodeMap.get(path); if (node == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return node; } public Node getRootField(ResourceId fieldId) { return nodeMap.get(new FieldPath(fieldId)); } private void findLeaves(List<Node> leaves, Iterable<Node> children) { for(Node child : children) { if(child.isLeaf()) { leaves.add(child); } else { findLeaves(leaves, child.getChildren()); } } } public List<Node> getLeaves() { List<Node> leaves = Lists.newArrayList(); findLeaves(leaves, rootFields); return leaves; } public List<FieldPath> search(SearchOrder order, Predicate<? super Node> descendPredicate, Predicate<? super Node> matchPredicate) { List<FieldPath> paths = Lists.newArrayList(); search(paths, rootFields, order, descendPredicate, matchPredicate); return paths; } private void search(List<FieldPath> paths, Iterable<Node> childNodes, SearchOrder searchOrder, Predicate<? super Node> descendPredicate, Predicate<? super Node> matchPredicate) { for(Node child : childNodes) { if (searchOrder == SearchOrder.BREADTH_FIRST && matchPredicate.apply(child)) { paths.add(child.path); } if(!child.getChildren().isEmpty() & descendPredicate.apply(child)) { search(paths, child.getChildren(), searchOrder, descendPredicate, matchPredicate); } if (searchOrder == SearchOrder.DEPTH_FIRST && matchPredicate.apply(child)) { paths.add(child.path); } } } public static Predicate<Node> isDataTypeProperty() { return new Predicate<FormTree.Node>() { @Override public boolean apply(Node input) { return input.field.getType() instanceof ReferenceType; } }; } public static Predicate<Node> isReference() { return Predicates.not(isDataTypeProperty()); } public static Predicate<Node> pathIn(final Collection<FieldPath> paths) { return new Predicate<FormTree.Node>() { @Override public boolean apply(Node input) { return paths.contains(input.path); } }; } public static Predicate<Node> pathNotIn(final Collection<FieldPath> paths) { return Predicates.not(pathIn(paths)); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for(Node node : getLeaves()) { s.append(node.debugPath()).append("\n"); } return s.toString(); } }