package org.activityinfo.model.resource; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; public class Resources { /** * The resource id of the user database. * * All registered users are resources owned by this * resource. */ public static final String USER_DATABASE_ID = "_users"; public static final String ROOT_RESOURCE_ID = "_root"; public static Resource createResource() { return new Resource(); } public static Resource createResource(Record record) { Resource resource = new Resource(); resource.setId(ResourceId.generateId()); resource.getProperties().putAll(record.getProperties()); return resource; } /** * @return {@code} true if {@code x} and {@code y} have the same identity * and have equal properties */ public static boolean deepEquals(Resource x, Resource y) { if(x == y) { return true; } if(!Objects.equals(x.getId(), y.getId()) || !Objects.equals(x.getOwnerId(), y.getOwnerId())) { return false; } if(x.getProperties().size() != y.getProperties().size()) { return false; } for(String propertyName : x.getProperties().keySet()) { if(!Objects.equals(x.get(propertyName), y.get(propertyName))) { return false; } } return true; } public static Resource fromJson(String json) { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject resourceObject = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); return fromJson(resourceObject); } public static Resource fromJson(JsonObject resourceObject) { Resource resource = Resources.createResource(); for(Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> property : resourceObject.entrySet()) { String name = property.getKey(); switch (name) { case "@id": resource.setId(ResourceId.valueOf(resourceObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(name).getAsString())); break; case "@owner": resource.setOwnerId(ResourceId.valueOf(resourceObject.getAsJsonPrimitive(name).getAsString())); break; default: // normal value if (!property.getValue().isJsonNull()) { resource.set(property.getKey(), propertyFromJson(property.getValue())); } break; } } return resource; } private static Object propertyFromJson(JsonElement propertyValue) { assert !propertyValue.isJsonNull(); if(propertyValue.isJsonPrimitive()) { JsonPrimitive value = propertyValue.getAsJsonPrimitive(); if(value.isString()) { return value.getAsString(); } else if(value.isNumber()) { return value.getAsDouble(); } else if(value.isBoolean()) { return value.getAsBoolean(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("value: " + value); } } else if(propertyValue.isJsonArray()) { return arrayFromJson(propertyValue); } else if(propertyValue.isJsonObject()) { return recordFromJson(propertyValue.getAsJsonObject()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("value: " + propertyValue); } } private static Object arrayFromJson(JsonElement propertyValue) { List list = new ArrayList(); JsonArray array = propertyValue.getAsJsonArray(); for(int i=0;i!=array.size();++i) { list.add(propertyFromJson(array.get(i))); } return list; } private static Record recordFromJson(JsonObject jsonObject) { Record record = new Record(); for(Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> field : jsonObject.entrySet()) { if(!field.getValue().isJsonNull()) { record.set(field.getKey(), propertyFromJson(field.getValue())); } } return record; } public static String toJson(Resource resource) { JsonObject resourceObject = toJsonObject(resource); return resourceObject.toString(); } public static JsonObject toJsonObject(Resource resource) { JsonObject resourceObject = new JsonObject(); resourceObject.addProperty("@id", resource.getId().asString()); resourceObject.addProperty("@owner", resource.getOwnerId().asString()); for(Map.Entry<String, Object> property : resource.getProperties().entrySet()) { if(property.getValue() != null) { resourceObject.add(property.getKey(), propertyValueToJson(property.getValue())); } } return resourceObject; } private static JsonElement propertyValueToJson(Object value) { if(value instanceof String) { return new JsonPrimitive((String)value); } else if(value instanceof Number) { return new JsonPrimitive((Number)value); } else if(value instanceof Boolean) { return new JsonPrimitive((Boolean)value); } else if(value instanceof List) { return toJsonArray((List)value); } else if(value instanceof Record) { return toJsonObject((Record)value); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("value: " + value + " (" + value.getClass().getName() + ")") ; } } public static JsonElement toJsonObject(Record value) { JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); for(Map.Entry<String, Object> property : value.getProperties().entrySet()) { if(property.getValue() != null) { jsonObject.add(property.getKey(), propertyValueToJson(property.getValue())); } } return jsonObject; } private static JsonElement toJsonArray(List array) { JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); for(Object element : array) { jsonArray.add(propertyValueToJson(element)); } return jsonArray; } }