package material.beam.slant; import com.xenoage.utils.collections.ArrayUtils; import com.xenoage.utils.collections.CList; import; import com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.notation.chord.ChordLps; import com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacer.beam.placement.SingleStaffBeamPlacer.Placement; import com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacer.beam.stem.BeamedStem; import com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.spacer.beam.stem.BeamedStems; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.val; import material.ExampleBase; import material.Suite; import java.util.List; import static com.xenoage.utils.collections.CollectionUtils.alist; import static com.xenoage.utils.kernel.Range.range; import static; import static com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.SLP.slp; import static com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.notator.chord.stem.StemDrawer.stemDrawer; import static com.xenoage.zong.musiclayout.notator.chord.stem.beam.range.OneMeasureOneStaff.oneMeasureOneStaff; /** * Beam slant example. * * @author Andreas Wenger */ public class Example implements ExampleBase { public static List<Suite<Example>> all = alist(new ChlapikBeamSlant(), new RossBeamSlant()); @Getter public String name; public int leftNoteLp; public int rightNoteLp; public float leftStemLengthIs; public float rightStemLengthIs; public float widthIs = Float.NaN; public int[] middleNotesLps = new int[0]; private StemDirection stemDir = StemDirection.Default; public final int staffLines = 5; public static Example example(String name) { Example ret = new Example(); = name; return ret; } /** * Simple example with normal spacing, like on Ross, page 104. */ public static Example example(String name, int leftNoteLp, double leftStemLengthIs, int rightNoteLp, double rightStemLengthIs) { return example(name).left(leftNoteLp, leftStemLengthIs).width(4.5).right( rightNoteLp, rightStemLengthIs); } public Example left(int noteLp, double stemLengthIs) { leftNoteLp = noteLp; leftStemLengthIs = (float) stemLengthIs; return this; } public Example width(double widthIs) { this.widthIs = (float) widthIs; return this; } public Example middleNotes(int... noteLps) { middleNotesLps = noteLps; return this; } public Example right(int noteLp, double stemLengthIs) { rightNoteLp = noteLp; rightStemLengthIs = (float) stemLengthIs; return this; } public Example stemDir(StemDirection stemDir) { this.stemDir = stemDir; return this; } public float[] getStemsXIs() { //compute positions. use same distance for each note float distanceIs = getStemsDistanceIs(); float[] stemsXIs = new float[2 + middleNotesLps.length]; for (int i : range(stemsXIs)) { stemsXIs[i] = i * distanceIs; } return stemsXIs; } public float getStemsDistanceIs() { if (Double.isNaN(widthIs)) return 5; //use normal distance of 5 spaces as default else return widthIs / (middleNotesLps.length + 1); //equally split width for all stems } public float getSlantIs() { int stemDir = getStemDir().getSign(); float leftStemEndLp = leftNoteLp + stemDir * leftStemLengthIs * 2; float rightStemEndLp = rightNoteLp + stemDir * rightStemLengthIs * 2; return (rightStemEndLp - leftStemEndLp) / 2; } public int[] getNotesLp() { int chordsCount = 2 + middleNotesLps.length; int[] notesLp = new int[chordsCount]; notesLp[0] = leftNoteLp; for (int i : range(middleNotesLps)) notesLp[1 + i] = middleNotesLps[i]; notesLp[chordsCount - 1] = rightNoteLp; return notesLp; } public StemDirection getStemDir() { if (stemDir != StemDirection.Default) return stemDir; //compute stem direction int[] notesLp = getNotesLp(); ChordLps[] chordLps = new ChordLps[notesLp.length]; for (int i : range(notesLp)) chordLps[i] = new ChordLps(notesLp[i]); return oneMeasureOneStaff.compute(chordLps, staffLines)[0]; } public BeamedStems getStems() { val stems = new CList<BeamedStem>(); int[] notesLp = getNotesLp(); val stemDir = getStemDir(); float distance = getStemsDistanceIs(); for (int i : range(notesLp)) { float stemXIs = i * distance; float stemLengthIs; if (i == 0) stemLengthIs = leftStemLengthIs; else if (i == notesLp.length - 1) stemLengthIs = rightStemLengthIs; else stemLengthIs = stemDrawer.getPreferredStemLengthIs(new ChordLps(notesLp[i]), stemDir, staff5Lines); float stemEndLp = notesLp[i] + stemDir.getSign() * stemLengthIs * 2; stems.add(new BeamedStem(stemXIs, stemDir, slp(0, notesLp[i]), slp(0, stemEndLp))); } return new BeamedStems(stems.close()); } public Placement getPlacement() { StemDirection stemDir = getStemDir(); return new Placement( leftNoteLp + stemDir.getSign() * leftStemLengthIs * 2, rightNoteLp + stemDir.getSign() * rightStemLengthIs * 2); } /** * Returns an array of the preferred stem lengths. * The stem length of the left and right chord is known, the other * ones are simply set to 2.5. */ @Deprecated public float[] getStemsLengthIs() { int notesCount = getNotesLp().length; float[] ret = ArrayUtils.arrayFloat(notesCount, 2.5f); ret[0] = leftStemLengthIs; ret[notesCount - 1] = rightStemLengthIs; return ret; } }