package com.xenoage.zong.renderer.canvas; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Getter; import com.xenoage.utils.annotations.MaybeNull; import com.xenoage.utils.color.Color; import com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Point2f; import com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Rectangle2f; import com.xenoage.utils.math.geom.Size2f; import com.xenoage.zong.core.text.FormattedText; import; import com.xenoage.zong.symbols.path.Path; /** * Base class for a canvas into which can be rendered * (e.g. an offscreen buffer, a printer document, and so on). * * Platform-specific implementations have to be created, * e.g. for AWT or Android. * * @author Andreas Wenger */ @AllArgsConstructor @Getter public abstract class Canvas { /** The size of the canvas in mm. */ protected final Size2f sizeMm; /** The rendering format, like raster or vector. */ protected final CanvasFormat format; /** The decoration mode. */ protected final CanvasDecoration decoration; /** The completeness of the rendering. */ protected final CanvasIntegrity integrity; /** * Gets the graphics context, like a Graphics2D object in AWT. */ public abstract Object getGraphicsContext(); /** * Draws a line. * @param p1 starting point of the line in mm * @param p2 ending point of the line in mm * @param color color of the line * @param lineWidth width of the line in mm */ public abstract void drawLine(Point2f p1, Point2f p2, Color color, float lineWidth); /** * Draws a staff. * @param pos position of the upper left corner in mm * @param length length of the staff in mm * @param lines number of lines * @param color color of the lines * @param lineWidth width of the line in mm * @param interlineSpace space between lines in mm */ public abstract void drawStaff(Point2f pos, float length, int lines, Color color, float lineWidth, float interlineSpace); /** * Draws a simplified staff (only a filled rectangle). * @param pos position of the upper left corner in mm * @param length length of the staff in mm * @param height height of the staff in mm * @param color color of the lines */ public abstract void drawSimplifiedStaff(Point2f pos, float length, float height, Color color); /** * Draws the given {@link FormattedText} with the given {@link TextSelection} (or null) * at the given position. * @param yIsBaseline if true, the y-position is the baseline of the first paragraph */ public abstract void drawText(FormattedText text, @MaybeNull TextSelection selection, Point2f position, boolean yIsBaseline, float width); /** * Fills a path using the given color. */ public abstract void fillPath(Path path, Color color); /** * Fills a rectangle. * @param rect the rectangle with coordinates in mm * @param color the color of the rectangle */ public abstract void fillRect(Rectangle2f rect, Color color); /** * Draws an image. * Dependent on the {@link CanvasIntegrity} of this canvas, a placeholder * may be drawn instead of the image. * @param rect the rectangle with coordinates in mm * @param imagePath the file path of the image */ public abstract void drawImage(Rectangle2f rect, String imagePath); /** * Saves the current transformation state on the stack. * It can be restored by calling */ public abstract void transformSave(); /** * Restores the last transformation state on the stack, which was stored by calling * {@link #transformSave()}. If there is none, nothing happens. */ public abstract void transformRestore(); /** * Applies the given translation to all following operations. */ public abstract void transformTranslate(float x, float y); /** * Applies the given scaling to all following operations. */ public abstract void transformScale(float x, float y); /** * Applies the given rotation in degrees in counterclockwise direction * to all following operations. */ public abstract void transformRotate(float angle); }