package com.xenoage.zong.musicxml.types; import com.xenoage.utils.annotations.MaybeNull; import com.xenoage.utils.annotations.NonNull; import com.xenoage.utils.xml.XmlReader; import com.xenoage.utils.xml.XmlWriter; import com.xenoage.zong.musicxml.types.choice.*; import com.xenoage.zong.musicxml.types.enums.MxlNoteTypeValue; import com.xenoage.zong.musicxml.types.groups.MxlEditorialVoice; import com.xenoage.zong.musicxml.util.IncompleteMusicXML; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * MusicXML note. * * @author Andreas Wenger */ @IncompleteMusicXML(missing = "accidental,time-modification,notehead," + "x-position,font,color,printout,dynamics,end-dynamics,attack,release,time-only,pizzicato", children = "beam,editorial-voice,notations,lyric", partly = "type,dot") @AllArgsConstructor @Getter @Setter public final class MxlNote implements MxlMusicDataContent { public static final String elemName = "note"; @NonNull private MxlNoteContent content; @MaybeNull private MxlInstrument instrument; @MaybeNull private MxlEditorialVoice editorialVoice; @MaybeNull private MxlNoteTypeValue noteType; private int dots; @MaybeNull private MxlStem stem; @MaybeNull private Integer staff; @MaybeNull private List<MxlBeam> beams; @MaybeNull private List<MxlNotations> notations; @MaybeNull private List<MxlLyric> lyrics; @Override public MxlMusicDataContentType getMusicDataContentType() { return MxlMusicDataContentType.Note; } @NonNull public static MxlNote read(XmlReader reader) { MxlNoteContent content = null; MxlInstrument instrument = null; MxlEditorialVoice editorialVoice = new MxlEditorialVoice(); MxlNoteTypeValue noteType = null; int dots = 0; MxlStem stem = null; Integer staff = null; List<MxlBeam> beams = null; List<MxlNotations> notations = null; List<MxlLyric> lyrics = null; while (reader.openNextChildElement()) { String n = reader.getElementName(); //first element determines note content //but, be tolerant for errors, and also accept late grace or cue elements if (n.equals(MxlGraceNote.elemName)) { MxlGraceNote graceNote =; if (content instanceof MxlNormalNote) //grace element too late, but accept it graceNote.setFullNote(((MxlNormalNote) content).getFullNote()); content = graceNote; } else if (n.equals(MxlCueNote.elemName)) { MxlCueNote cueNote =; if (content instanceof MxlNormalNote) //cue element too late, but accept it cueNote.setFullNote(((MxlNormalNote) content).getFullNote()); content = cueNote; } else if (content == null) { content =; } //read content of child elements switch (n) { case MxlStem.elemName: stem =; break; case "staff": staff = reader.getTextIntNotNull(); break; case MxlBeam.elemName: if (beams == null) beams = new ArrayList<>(); beams.add(; break; case MxlInstrument.elemName: instrument =; break; case MxlNotations.elemName: if (notations == null) notations = new ArrayList<>(); notations.add(; break; case MxlLyric.elemName: if (lyrics == null) lyrics = new ArrayList<>(); lyrics.add(; break; case "type": noteType =; break; case "dot": dots++; break; default: boolean read = content.readElement(reader); if (!read) editorialVoice.readElement(reader); break; } reader.closeElement(); } content.check(reader); if (false == editorialVoice.isUsed()) editorialVoice = null; return new MxlNote(content, instrument, editorialVoice, noteType, dots, stem, staff, beams, notations, lyrics); } @Override public void write(XmlWriter writer) { writer.writeElementStart(elemName); content.write(writer); if (instrument != null) instrument.write(writer); if (editorialVoice != null) editorialVoice.write(writer); if (noteType != null) writer.writeElementText("type", noteType.write()); for (int i = 0; i < dots; i++) writer.writeElementEmpty("dot"); if (stem != null) stem.write(writer); writer.writeElementText("staff", staff); if (beams != null) { for (MxlBeam beam : beams) beam.write(writer); } if (notations != null) { for (MxlNotations n : notations) n.write(writer); } if (lyrics != null) { for (MxlLyric lyric : lyrics) lyric.write(writer); } writer.writeElementEnd(); } }