package; import com.xenoage.utils.annotations.NonEmpty; import com.xenoage.utils.annotations.Untested; import com.xenoage.utils.collections.SortedList; import com.xenoage.utils.math.Fraction; import com.xenoage.zong.core.Score; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.xenoage.zong.core.position.MP; import com.xenoage.zong.core.position.MPContainer; import com.xenoage.zong.core.position.MPElement; import com.xenoage.zong.utils.exceptions.IllegalMPException; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.val; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static com.xenoage.utils.CheckUtils.checkArgsNotNull; import static com.xenoage.utils.collections.CollectionUtils.alist; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import static com.xenoage.zong.core.position.MP.atVoice; /** * Measure within a single staff. * * A measure consists of one or more voices and a * list of clefs, private keys (keys that only apply to * this staff), directions and instrument changes. * * @author Andreas Wenger */ public class Measure implements MPContainer, DirectionContainer { /** The list of voices (at least one). */ @Getter @NonEmpty private List<Voice> voices; /** The list of clefs, or null. */ @Getter private BeatEList<Clef> clefs; /** The list of staff-intern key signature changes, or null. */ @Getter private BeatEList<Key> privateKeys; /** The list of directions, or null. Use {@link #getDirections()} to get a non-null value. */ private BeatEList<Direction> directions; /** The list of instrument changes, or null. */ @Getter private BeatEList<InstrumentChange> instrumentChanges; /** Back reference: the parent staff, or null if not part of a staff. */ @Getter @Setter private Staff parent = null; public Measure(List<Voice> voices, BeatEList<Clef> clefs, BeatEList<Key> privateKeys, BeatEList<Direction> directions, BeatEList<InstrumentChange> instrumentChanges) { checkArgsNotNull(voices); if (voices.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A measure must have at least one voice"); for (Voice voice : voices) voice.setParent(this); this.voices = voices; this.clefs = clefs; this.privateKeys = privateKeys; this.directions = directions; this.instrumentChanges = instrumentChanges; } /** * Creates an empty measure. */ public static Measure measure() { return new Measure(alist(Voice.voice()), null, null, null, null); } /** * Adds a clef at the given beat or removes it, when null is given. * If there is already one, it is replaced and returned (otherwise null). */ public Clef setClef(Clef clef, Fraction beat) { if (clef != null) { //add clef to list. create list if needed clef.setParent(this); if (clefs == null) clefs = beatEList(); return clefs.set(clef, beat); } else if (clefs != null) { //remove clef from list. delete list if not needed any more. Clef ret = clefs.remove(beat); if (clefs.size() == 0) clefs = null; return ret; } return null; } /** * Adds a key at the given beat. If there is already one, it is replaced * and returned (otherwise null). */ @Untested public Key setKey(Key key, Fraction beat) { if (key != null) { //add key to list. create list if needed key.setParent(this); if (privateKeys == null) privateKeys = beatEList(); return privateKeys.set(key, beat); } else if (privateKeys != null) { //remove key from list. delete list if not needed any more. Key ret = privateKeys.remove(beat); if (privateKeys.size() == 0) privateKeys = null; return ret; } return null; } /** * Adds a direction at the given beat. If there is already one, it is not * replaced, since there may be many directions belonging to a single beat. */ @Untested public void addDirection(Direction direction, Fraction beat) { direction.setParent(this); if (directions == null) directions = beatEList(); directions.add(direction, beat); } /** * Adds an instrument change at the given beat. * If there is already one, it is replaced and returned (otherwise null). */ @Untested public InstrumentChange setInstrumentChange(InstrumentChange instrumentChange, Fraction beat) { if (instrumentChange != null) { //add instrumentChange to list. create list if needed instrumentChange.setParent(this); if (instrumentChanges == null) instrumentChanges = beatEList(); return instrumentChanges.set(instrumentChange, beat); } else if (instrumentChanges != null) { //remove instrumentChange from list. delete list if not needed any more. InstrumentChange ret = instrumentChanges.remove(beat); if (instrumentChanges.size() == 0) instrumentChanges = null; return ret; } return null; } /** * Adds the given {@link MeasureElement} at the given beat. Dependent on its type, * it may replace elements of the same type, which is then returned (otherwise null). * See the documentation for the methods working with specific {@link MeasureElement}s. */ @Untested public MeasureElement addMeasureElement(MeasureElement element, Fraction beat) { if (element instanceof Clef) return setClef((Clef) element, beat); else if (element instanceof Key) return setKey((Key) element, beat); else if (element instanceof Direction) { addDirection((Direction) element, beat); return null; } else if (element instanceof InstrumentChange) return setInstrumentChange((InstrumentChange) element, beat); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MeasureElement subclass: " + element.getClass().getName()); } /** * Removes the given {@link MeasureElement}. */ @Untested public void removeMeasureElement(MeasureElement element) { if (element instanceof Clef) clefs.remove((Clef) element); else if (element instanceof Key) privateKeys.remove((Key) element); else if (element instanceof Direction) directions.remove((Direction) element); else if (element instanceof InstrumentChange) instrumentChanges.remove((InstrumentChange) element); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MeasureElement subclass: " + element.getClass().getName()); } /** * Replaces the given {@link MeasureElement} at the given beat with the other given one. */ @Untested public <T extends MeasureElement> void replaceMeasureElement(T oldElement, T newElement, Fraction beat) { if (oldElement instanceof Direction) { directions.remove((Direction) oldElement); directions.add((Direction) newElement, beat); } else { //all other cases are like addMeasureElement addMeasureElement(newElement, beat); } } /** * Collect the accidentals within this measure (backwards), * beginning at the given start beat where the given key is valid, ending before or at * the given beat (depending on the given interval), looking at all voices. * The private keys of this measure are ignored. They must be queried before and * used for the last two parameters. * * @param beat the maximum beat (inclusive if exclusive, depending on the interval) * @param interval where to stop looking ({@link Interval#Before} or * {@link Interval#BeforeOrAt}). {@link Interval#At} is * handled like {@link Interval#BeforeOrAt}. * @param startBeat the beat where to start collecting accidentals (if there are * no private keys in this measure before the given beat, this * is always 0). * @param startBeatKey the key that is valid at the given start beat * @return a map with the pitches that have accidentals (without alter) * as keys and their corresponding alter values as values. */ @Untested public Map<Pitch, Integer> getAccidentals(Fraction beat, Interval interval, Fraction startBeat, Key startBeatKey) { if (!(interval == Before || interval == BeforeOrAt || interval == At)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal interval for this method: " + interval); } if (interval == At) { interval = BeforeOrAt; } Map<Pitch, Integer> ret = new HashMap<>(); Map<Pitch, Fraction> retBeats = new HashMap<>(); for (Voice voice : voices) { Fraction pos = startBeat; for (VoiceElement e : voice.getElements()) { if (pos.compareTo(startBeat) < 0) { pos = pos.add(e.getDuration()); continue; } if (interval.isInInterval(pos, beat) != Interval.Result.True) { break; } if (e instanceof Chord) { Chord chord = (Chord) e; for (Note note : chord.getNotes()) { Pitch pitch = note.getPitch(); Pitch pitchUnaltered = pitch.withoutAlter(); //accidental already set? Integer oldAccAlter = ret.get(pitchUnaltered); if (oldAccAlter != null) { //there is already an accidental. only replace it if alter changed //and if it is at a later position than the already found one Fraction existingBeat = retBeats.get(pitch); if (pitch.getAlter() != oldAccAlter && pos.compareTo(existingBeat) > 0) { ret.put(pitchUnaltered, (int) pitch.getAlter()); retBeats.put(pitchUnaltered, pos); } } else { //accidental not neccessary because of key? if (startBeatKey.getAlterations()[pitch.getStep()] == pitch.getAlter()) { //ok, we need no accidental here. } else { //add accidental ret.put(pitchUnaltered, (int) pitch.getAlter()); retBeats.put(pitchUnaltered, pos); } } } } pos = pos.add(e.getDuration()); } } return ret; } /** * Gets a list of all beats used in this measure, that means * all beats where at least one element with a duration greater than 0 begins. * Beat 0 is always used. * @param withMeasureElements true, iff also the beats of the measure elements should be used */ public SortedList<Fraction> getUsedBeats(boolean withMeasureElements) { SortedList<Fraction> ret = new SortedList<>(false); //voice element beats for (Voice voice : voices) { SortedList<Fraction> voiceBeats = voice.getUsedBeats(); ret = ret.merge(voiceBeats, false); } //beats of directions if (withMeasureElements) { for (val dir : getMeasureElements()) ret.add(dir.beat); } return ret; } /** * Gets the filled beats in this measure, that * means, the first beat in this measure where there is no music * element following any more. */ public Fraction getFilledBeats() { Fraction maxBeat = Fraction._0; for (Voice voice : voices) { Fraction beat = voice.getFilledBeats(); if (beat.compareTo(maxBeat) > 0) maxBeat = beat; } return maxBeat; } /** * Gets the voice with the given index, or throws an * {@link IllegalMPException} if there is none. */ public Voice getVoice(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index <= voices.size()) return voices.get(index); else throw new IllegalMPException(atVoice(index)); } /** * Gets the voice with the given index, or throws an * {@link IllegalMPException} if there is none. * Only the voice index of the given position is relevant. */ public Voice getVoice(MP mp) { int index = mp.voice; if (index >= 0 && index < voices.size()) return voices.get(index); else throw new IllegalMPException(mp); } /** * Sets the voice with the given index. * If the voice does not exist yet, it is created. */ public void setVoice(int index, Voice voice) { while (index >= voices.size()) { Voice voiceFill = voice(); voiceFill.setParent(this); voices.add(voiceFill); } voice.setParent(this); voices.set(index, voice); } /** * Gets a list of all {@link MeasureElement},s sorted by beat, * and within beat sorted by clef, key, directions, instrument change. */ public BeatEList<MeasureElement> getMeasureElements() { BeatEList<MeasureElement> ret = beatEList(); ret.addAll(clefs); ret.addAll(privateKeys); ret.addAll(directions); ret.addAll(instrumentChanges); return ret; } /** * Gets the MP of the given {@link Voice}, or null if it is not part * of this measure or this measure is not part of a score. */ public MP getMP(Voice voice) { int voiceIndex = voices.indexOf(voice); if (parent == null || voiceIndex == -1) return null; MP mp = parent.getMP(this); mp = mp.withVoice(voiceIndex); return mp; } /** * Gets the MP of the given {@link ColumnElement}, or null if it is not part * of this measure or this measure is not part of a score. */ @Override public MP getChildMP(MPElement element) { if (parent == null) return null; MP mp = parent.getMP(this); if (element instanceof Clef) return getMPIn(element, clefs, mp); else if (element instanceof Key) return getMPIn(element, privateKeys, mp); else if (element instanceof Direction) return getMPIn(element, directions, mp); else if (element instanceof InstrumentChange) return getMPIn(element, instrumentChanges, mp); return null; } /** * Gets the {@link MP} of the given element within the given list of elements, * based on the given {@link MP} (staff, measure), or null if the list of elements * is null or the element could not be found. */ private MP getMPIn(MPElement element, BeatEList<?> elements, MP baseMP) { if (elements == null) return null; for (BeatE<?> e : elements) if (e.getElement() == element) return MP.atBeat(baseMP.staff, baseMP.measure, baseMP.voice, e.getBeat()); return null; } /** * Convenience method. Gets the parent score of this voice, * or null, if this element is not part of a score. */ public Score getScore() { return (parent != null ? parent.getScore() : null); } /** * The list of directions, maybe empty and immutable. */ public BeatEList<Direction> getDirections() { if (directions == null) return emptyBeatEList(); return directions; } }