package org.bouncycastle.jce.provider; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERNull; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.RSAPrivateKeyStructure; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; /** * A provider representation for a RSA private key, with CRT factors included. */ public class JCERSAPrivateCrtKey extends JCERSAPrivateKey implements RSAPrivateCrtKey { static final long serialVersionUID = 7834723820638524718L; private BigInteger publicExponent; private BigInteger primeP; private BigInteger primeQ; private BigInteger primeExponentP; private BigInteger primeExponentQ; private BigInteger crtCoefficient; /** * construct a private key from it's org.bouncycastle.crypto equivalent. * * @param key the parameters object representing the private key. */ JCERSAPrivateCrtKey( RSAPrivateCrtKeyParameters key) { super(key); this.publicExponent = key.getPublicExponent(); this.primeP = key.getP(); this.primeQ = key.getQ(); this.primeExponentP = key.getDP(); this.primeExponentQ = key.getDQ(); this.crtCoefficient = key.getQInv(); } /** * construct a private key from an RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec * * @param spec the spec to be used in construction. */ JCERSAPrivateCrtKey( RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec spec) { this.modulus = spec.getModulus(); this.publicExponent = spec.getPublicExponent(); this.privateExponent = spec.getPrivateExponent(); this.primeP = spec.getPrimeP(); this.primeQ = spec.getPrimeQ(); this.primeExponentP = spec.getPrimeExponentP(); this.primeExponentQ = spec.getPrimeExponentQ(); this.crtCoefficient = spec.getCrtCoefficient(); } /** * construct a private key from another RSAPrivateCrtKey. * * @param key the object implementing the RSAPrivateCrtKey interface. */ JCERSAPrivateCrtKey( RSAPrivateCrtKey key) { this.modulus = key.getModulus(); this.publicExponent = key.getPublicExponent(); this.privateExponent = key.getPrivateExponent(); this.primeP = key.getPrimeP(); this.primeQ = key.getPrimeQ(); this.primeExponentP = key.getPrimeExponentP(); this.primeExponentQ = key.getPrimeExponentQ(); this.crtCoefficient = key.getCrtCoefficient(); } /** * construct an RSA key from a private key info object. */ JCERSAPrivateCrtKey( PrivateKeyInfo info) { this(new RSAPrivateKeyStructure((ASN1Sequence)info.getPrivateKey())); } /** * construct an RSA key from a ASN.1 RSA private key object. */ JCERSAPrivateCrtKey( RSAPrivateKeyStructure key) { this.modulus = key.getModulus(); this.publicExponent = key.getPublicExponent(); this.privateExponent = key.getPrivateExponent(); this.primeP = key.getPrime1(); this.primeQ = key.getPrime2(); this.primeExponentP = key.getExponent1(); this.primeExponentQ = key.getExponent2(); this.crtCoefficient = key.getCoefficient(); } /** * return the encoding format we produce in getEncoded(). * * @return the encoding format we produce in getEncoded(). */ public String getFormat() { return "PKCS#8"; } /** * Return a PKCS8 representation of the key. The sequence returned * represents a full PrivateKeyInfo object. * * @return a PKCS8 representation of the key. */ public byte[] getEncoded() { // BEGIN android-changed PrivateKeyInfo info = new PrivateKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rsaEncryption, DERNull.INSTANCE), new RSAPrivateKeyStructure(getModulus(), getPublicExponent(), getPrivateExponent(), getPrimeP(), getPrimeQ(), getPrimeExponentP(), getPrimeExponentQ(), getCrtCoefficient()).getDERObject()); // END android-changed return info.getDEREncoded(); } /** * return the public exponent. * * @return the public exponent. */ public BigInteger getPublicExponent() { return publicExponent; } /** * return the prime P. * * @return the prime P. */ public BigInteger getPrimeP() { return primeP; } /** * return the prime Q. * * @return the prime Q. */ public BigInteger getPrimeQ() { return primeQ; } /** * return the prime exponent for P. * * @return the prime exponent for P. */ public BigInteger getPrimeExponentP() { return primeExponentP; } /** * return the prime exponent for Q. * * @return the prime exponent for Q. */ public BigInteger getPrimeExponentQ() { return primeExponentQ; } /** * return the CRT coefficient. * * @return the CRT coefficient. */ public BigInteger getCrtCoefficient() { return crtCoefficient; } public int hashCode() { return this.getModulus().hashCode() ^ this.getPublicExponent().hashCode() ^ this.getPrivateExponent().hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey)) { return false; } RSAPrivateCrtKey key = (RSAPrivateCrtKey)o; return this.getModulus().equals(key.getModulus()) && this.getPublicExponent().equals(key.getPublicExponent()) && this.getPrivateExponent().equals(key.getPrivateExponent()) && this.getPrimeP().equals(key.getPrimeP()) && this.getPrimeQ().equals(key.getPrimeQ()) && this.getPrimeExponentP().equals(key.getPrimeExponentP()) && this.getPrimeExponentQ().equals(key.getPrimeExponentQ()) && this.getCrtCoefficient().equals(key.getCrtCoefficient()); } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); buf.append("RSA Private CRT Key").append(nl); buf.append(" modulus: ").append(this.getModulus().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" public exponent: ").append(this.getPublicExponent().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" private exponent: ").append(this.getPrivateExponent().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" primeP: ").append(this.getPrimeP().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" primeQ: ").append(this.getPrimeQ().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" primeExponentP: ").append(this.getPrimeExponentP().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" primeExponentQ: ").append(this.getPrimeExponentQ().toString(16)).append(nl); buf.append(" crtCoefficient: ").append(this.getCrtCoefficient().toString(16)).append(nl); return buf.toString(); } }