/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package jikesRVM.core.reflect; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import org.junit.Test; import gov.nasa.jpf.util.test.TestJPF; public class tClassTest extends TestJPF { static String[] JPF_CONFIGURATION = new String[] { "+nhandler.delegateUnhandledNative", "+search.class=.search.RandomSearch", "+choice=MapChoice" }; @Test public void main() throws Exception { if (verifyNoPropertyViolation(JPF_CONFIGURATION)) { tClass.main(null); } } } class tClass { private static class ToStringComparator implements Comparator<Object> { static final ToStringComparator COMPARATOR = new ToStringComparator(); public int compare(Object x, Object y) { return x.toString().compareTo(y.toString()); } } public static void gc() { System.gc(); } public static String hello(String say_this) { System.out.println("before gc arg=" + say_this); gc(); System.out.println("after gc arg=" + say_this); return "And I Say Hello Back"; } public static int iello(String say_this, int return_this) { System.out.println("before gc arg=" + say_this); gc(); System.out.println("after gc arg=" + say_this); return return_this; } public static long lello(String say_this, long return_this) { System.out.println("before gc arg=" + say_this); gc(); System.out.println("after gc arg=" + say_this); return return_this; } public static int jello(int return_this, String say_this, int junk, int more_junk) { System.out.println("before gc arg=" + say_this); gc(); System.out.println("after gc arg=" + say_this); return return_this; } public String vello(String say_this) { return "And I Say Vello Back"; } public tClass(String s) { System.out.println("tClass constructor called with " + s); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private tClass() { System.out.println("tClass private constructor called!"); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Class.forName // Class<?> c = Class.forName("jikesRVM.core.reflect.tClass"); System.out.println(c); boolean foundException = false; try { Class.forName("NotAClassSoThrowAnExceptionPlease"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("caught ClassNotFoundException"); foundException = true; } TestJPF.assertTrue(foundException); // ----------------------------- Class.isArray() // if (c.isArray()) System.out.println(c + " is an array????"); else System.out.println(c + " is not an array...good"); // ------------------------------ Class.getConstructors // Constructor[] ctors = c.getConstructors(); Arrays.sort(ctors, ToStringComparator.COMPARATOR); System.out.println(c + " has " + ctors.length + " visible constructors"); for (int i = 0; i < ctors.length; ++i) System.out.println(" " + i + ": " + ctors[i]); Constructor[] declaredCtors = c.getDeclaredConstructors(); Arrays.sort(declaredCtors, ToStringComparator.COMPARATOR); System.out.println(c + " has " + declaredCtors.length + " declared constructors"); for (int i = 0; i < declaredCtors.length; ++i) System.out.println(" " + i + ": " + declaredCtors[i]); // Class.getMethods Method.getName // Method[] methods = c.getMethods(); Method hello = null; Method iello = null; Method lello = null; Method jello = null; Method vello = null; Method[] declaredMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods(); Arrays.sort(declaredMethods, ToStringComparator.COMPARATOR); System.out.println(c + " has a total number of methods: " + methods.length); for (final Method method : methods) { // dont print the methods out, signitures are different in // java and RVM libraries for java/lang/Object methods. // System.out.println( methods[i] ); if (method.getName().equals("hello")) hello = method; if (method.getName().equals("iello")) iello = method; if (method.getName().equals("lello")) lello = method; if (method.getName().equals("jello")) jello = method; if (method.getName().equals("vello")) vello = method; } System.out.println(" Number of declared methods: " + declaredMethods.length); for (Method method : declaredMethods) System.out.println(method); // ------------------------------ invoke methods taking String, returning ref (String) // if (hello == null) { System.out.println("tClass.hello not found!"); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("================= READY TO CALL: " + hello); } // Method.invoke // int n_calls = 3; // loop to see if we can crash gc while (n_calls-- > 0) { String result = (String) hello.invoke(null, "I Say Hello to You!"); System.out.println(result); } // ------------------------------ invoke methods taking String,int; returning int // if (iello == null) { System.out.println("tClass.iello not found!"); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("================= READY TO CALL: " + iello); } // Method.invoke // n_calls = 3; // loop to see if we can crash gc while (n_calls-- > 0) { Integer result = (Integer) iello.invoke(null, "I Say Iello to You!", 99); System.out.println("Does this>" + result + "< look like 99?"); } // ------------------------------ invoke methods taking String,long; returning long // if (lello == null) { System.out.println("tClass.lello not found!"); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("================= READY TO CALL: " + lello); } // Method.invoke // n_calls = 3; // loop to see if we can crash gc while (n_calls-- > 0) { Long result = (Long) lello.invoke(null, "I Say Lello to You!", 99); System.out.println("Does this>" + result + "< look like 99?"); } // ------------------------------ invoke methods taking String,int; returning int // if (jello == null) { System.out.println("tClass.jello not found!"); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("================= READY TO CALL: " + jello); } // Method.invoke // n_calls = 3; // loop to see if we can crash gc while (n_calls-- > 0) { Integer result = (Integer) jello.invoke(null, 99, "I Say Jello to You!", 95, 94); System.out.println("Does this>" + result + "< look like 99?"); } // ------------------------------ newInstance new tClass("Hi!"); tClass tc_dyn = (tClass) ctors[0].newInstance("I'm dynamic!"); // ------------------------------ invoke methods taking String, returning String, but now virtual // if (vello == null) { System.out.println("tClass.vello not found!"); System.exit(1); } else { System.out.println("================= READY TO CALL: " + vello); } // Method.invoke // n_calls = 3; // loop to see if we can crash gc while (n_calls-- > 0) { String result = (String) vello.invoke(tc_dyn, "I Say Vello to You!"); System.out.println(result); } } }