package ini.trakem2.persistence; import ij.ImagePlus; import; import ini.trakem2.display.MipMapImage; import ini.trakem2.utils.CachingThread; import ini.trakem2.utils.TypedHashMap; import ini.trakem2.utils.Utils; import java.awt.Image; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; /** Access is not synchronized, that is your duty. * * The current setup depends on calls to removeAndFlushSome to clean up empty slots; * otherwise these slots are never cleaned up to avoid O(n) overhead (worst case) * when removing a Pyramid for a given id, or O(1) cost of checking whether the first interval * is empty and removing it. Granted, the latter could be done in all calls to {@link #append}, * but in the current setup this overhead is just not necessary. * * This Cache self-regulates the size to stay always at or below max_bytes. * If the smallest image added is larger than max_bytes, then that image will be the only * one in the cache, and will be thrown out when adding a new image. * That is, the max_bytes is an indication for a desired maximum. The usual is that * the cache will stay below max_bytes, unless when a single image is larger than max_bytes. * Also, momentarily when adding an image, max_bytes may be overflown by maximum the * size of the newly added image. Take that into account when choosing a value for max_bytes. * * When an image is removed, either directly or out of house-keeping to stay under max_bytes, * that image is flushed. ImagePlus instances are not flushed, but if they point to an Image, * then that image is flushed. */ public class Cache { private final class Pyramid { private final Image[] images; private TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> interval = null; private final long id; //private ImagePlus imp; private SoftReference<ImagePlus> srimp; private long impSize; private int n_images; // counts non-null instances in images array /** ASSUMES that @param image is not null. */ Pyramid(final long id, final Image image, final int level) { = id; this.images = new Image[maxLevel(image, level)]; this.images[level] = image; this.n_images = 1; } /** *@param maxdim is the max(width, height) of the Patch that wraps @param imp, * i.e. the dimensions of the mipmap images. */ Pyramid(final long id, final ImagePlus imp, final int maxdim) { = id; setImagePlus(imp); this.images = new Image[maxLevel(maxdim)]; this.n_images = 0; } /** Accepts a null @param img. * Returns number of bytes used/free (positive/negative) * If it was null here and img is not null, returns zero: no bytes to free. */ final long replace(final Image img, final int level) { if (null == images[level]) { if (null == img) return 0; // A: both null // B: only old is null images[level] = img; n_images++; return Cache.size(img); // some bytes used } else { if (null == img) { // C: old is not null, and new is null: must return freed bytes n_images--; long b = -Cache.size(images[level]); // some bytes to free images[level].flush(); CachingThread.storeArrayForReuse(images[level]); images[level] = null; return b; } else if (img != images[level]) { // D: both are not null, and are not the same instance: long b = Cache.size(img) - Cache.size(images[level]); // some bytes to free or to be added images[level].flush(); CachingThread.storeArrayForReuse(images[level]); images[level] = img; return b; } return 0; } } /** Returns the number of bytes used/free (positive/negative). */ final long replace(final ImagePlus impNew) { final ImagePlus pyrimp = getImagePlus(); if (null == impNew) { if (null == pyrimp) return 0; // A: both null // B: this.imp is not null; some bytes to be free if (null != this.srimp) this.srimp.clear(); return -impSize; } else { // imp is not null: if (null == pyrimp) { // C: this.imp is null; some bytes to be used setImagePlus(impNew); return impSize; } else { // D: both not null final long pyrimpSize = this.impSize; setImagePlus(impNew); return this.impSize - pyrimpSize; } } } final void setImagePlus(final ImagePlus imp) { if (null == imp) { this.impSize = 0; this.srimp = null; return; } this.impSize = Cache.size(imp); this.srimp = new SoftReference<ImagePlus>(imp); } final ImagePlus getImagePlus() { return null == this.srimp ? null : this.srimp.get(); } } private final class ImagePlusUsers { final Set<Long> users = new HashSet<Long>(); //final ImagePlus imp; final SoftReference<ImagePlus> srimp; ImagePlusUsers(final ImagePlus imp, final Long firstUser) { this.srimp = new SoftReference<ImagePlus>(imp); users.add(firstUser); } final ImagePlus getImagePlus() { return null == this.srimp ? null : this.srimp.get(); } final void addUser(final Long id) { users.add(id); } /** When the number of users is zero, it removes itself from imps. */ final void removeUser(final Long id, final String path) { users.remove(id); if (users.isEmpty()) { if (null != path) imps.removeEntry(path); // path is null if the ImagePlus was preprocessed or didn't have an original FileInfo. } } } /** Keep a table of loaded ImagePlus. */ private final TypedHashMap<String,ImagePlusUsers> imps = new TypedHashMap<String,ImagePlusUsers>(); static private final int[] PIXEL_SIZE = new int[]{1, 2, 4, 1, 4}; // GRAY0, GRAY16, GRAY32, COLOR_256 and COLOR_RGB static private final int OVERHEAD = 1024; // in bytes: what a LUT would take (256 * 3) plus some extra static final long size(final ImagePlus imp) { return imp.getWidth() * imp.getHeight() * imp.getNSlices() * PIXEL_SIZE[imp.getType()] + OVERHEAD; } static final long size(final Image img) { return img.getWidth(null) * img.getHeight(null) * 4 + OVERHEAD; // assume int[] image } static private final int computeLevel(final int i) { return (int)(0.5 + ((Math.log(i) - Math.log(32)) / Math.log(2))) + 1; } /** The position in the array is the Math.max(width, height) of an image. */ private final static int[] max_levels = new int[50000]; // don't change to smaller than 33. Here 50000 is the maximum width or height for which precomputed mipmap levels will exist. static { // from 0 to 31 all zeros for (int i=32; i<max_levels.length; i++) { max_levels[i] = computeLevel(i); } } static private int maxLevel(final int maxdim) { return maxdim < max_levels.length ? max_levels[maxdim] : computeLevel(maxdim); } private final int maxLevel(final Image image, final int starting_level) { /* final int w = image.getWidth(null); final int h = image.getHeight(null); int max_level = starting_level; while (w > 32 || h > 32) { w /= 2; h /= 2; max_level++; } return max_level; */ final int max = Math.max(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null)); return starting_level + (max < max_levels.length ? max_levels[max] : computeLevel(max)); /* if (max >= max_levels.length) { return starting_level + computeLevel(max); } else { return starting_level + max_levels[max]; } */ } /////////////// private final TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> pyramids = new TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid>(); private final LinkedList<TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid>> intervals = new LinkedList<TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid>>(); private int count = 0; // if the cache is empty, this count must be 0; // if not empty, then it counts the number of images stored (not of pyramids) private long bytes = 0, max_bytes = 0; // negative values are ok public Cache(final long max_bytes) { this.max_bytes = max_bytes; } private final void addBytes(final long b) { this.bytes += b; //Utils.log2("Added " + b + " and then: bytes = " + this.bytes); //Utils.printCaller(this, 3); } public void setMaxBytes(final long max_bytes) { if (max_bytes < this.max_bytes) { removeAndFlushSome(this.max_bytes - max_bytes); } this.max_bytes = max_bytes; } /** Remove and flush the minimal amount of images to ensure there are at least min_free_bytes free. */ public final long ensureFree(final long min_free_bytes) { if (bytes + min_free_bytes > max_bytes) { // remove the difference (or a bit more): return removeAndFlushSome(bytes + min_free_bytes - max_bytes); } return 0; } /** Maximum desired space for this cache. */ public long getMaxBytes() { return max_bytes; } /** Current estimated space occupied by the images in this cache. */ public long getBytes() { return bytes; } public final boolean contains(final long id) { return pyramids.hasKey(id); } public final boolean contains(final long id, final int level) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); return null != p && null != p.images[level]; } public final Image get(final long id, final int level) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) return null; if (null == p || null == p.images[level]) return null; update(p); return p.images[level]; } public final ImagePlus get(final String path) { final ImagePlusUsers u = imps.getValue(path); return null == u ? null : u.getImagePlus(); } public final ImagePlus get(final long id) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) return null; final ImagePlus pyrimp = p.getImagePlus(); if (null == pyrimp) return null; update(p); return pyrimp; } public final Map<Integer,Image> getAll(final long id) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); final TypedHashMap<Integer,Image> m = new TypedHashMap<Integer,Image>(); if (null == p) return m; for (int i=0; i<p.images.length; i++) { if (null != p.images[i]) m.put(i, p.images[i]); } update(p); return m; } public final MipMapImage getClosestAbove(final long id, final int level) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) return null; for (int i=Math.min(level, p.images.length-1); i>-1; i--) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; update(p); final double scale = Math.pow( 2.0, i ); return new MipMapImage( p.images[ i ], scale, scale ); } return null; } // Below or equal public final MipMapImage getClosestBelow(final long id, final int level) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) return null; for (int i=level; i<p.images.length; i++) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; update(p); final double scale = Math.pow( 2.0, i ); return new MipMapImage( p.images[ i ], scale, scale ); } return null; } static private final int MAX_INTERVAL_SIZE = 20; private TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> last_interval = new TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid>(MAX_INTERVAL_SIZE); { intervals.add(last_interval); } private final void reset() { pyramids.clear(); intervals.clear(); count = 0; bytes = 0; last_interval = new TypedHashMap<Long, Pyramid>(MAX_INTERVAL_SIZE); intervals.add(last_interval); imps.clear(); } private final void update(final Pyramid p) { // Last-access -based priority queue: // Remove from current interval and append to last interval if (last_interval != p.interval) { p.interval.removeEntry(; append(p); } } /** Append the key to the last interval, creating a new interval if the last is full. * Then set that interval as the key's interval. */ private final void append(final Pyramid p) { // May have been removed: if (0 == intervals.size()) intervals.add(last_interval); // Push an new interval if the last one is full: if (last_interval.size() >= MAX_INTERVAL_SIZE) { last_interval = new TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid>(MAX_INTERVAL_SIZE); intervals.add(last_interval); } last_interval.put(, p); // Reflection: tell the Pyramid instance where it is p.interval = last_interval; } /** Makes up space to fit b, and also drops empty intervals from the head. */ private final void fit(final long b) { addBytes(b); if (bytes > max_bytes) { removeAndFlushSome(bytes - max_bytes); } } // If already there, move to latest interval // If the image is different, flush the old image public final void put(final long id, final Image image, final int level) { Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) { p = new Pyramid(id, image, level); pyramids.put(id, p); append(p); fit(Cache.size(image)); // AFTER adding it count++; } else { update(p); if (null == p.images[level]) count++; fit(p.replace(image, level)); } } public final void updateImagePlusPath(final String oldPath, final String newPath) { final ImagePlusUsers u = imps.removeEntry(oldPath); if (null == u) return; imps.put(newPath, u); } /** Returns null if the ImagePlus was preprocessed or doesn't have an original FileInfo * (which means the image does not come from a file). */ static public final String getPath(final ImagePlus imp) { final FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (null == fi || Loader.PREPROCESSED == fi.fileFormat) return null; final String dir =; if (null == dir) { return fi.url; } return dir + fi.fileName; } /** @param maxdim is max(width, height) of the Patch wrapping @param imp; * that is, the dimensions of the mipmap image. */ public final void put(final long id, final ImagePlus imp, final int maxdim) { Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) { p = new Pyramid(id, imp, maxdim); pyramids.put(id, p); append(p); // final String path = getPath(imp); // may be null, in which case it is not stored in imps final ImagePlusUsers u = imps.getValue(path); // u is null if path is null if (null == u) { fit(Cache.size(imp)); // AFTER adding it to the pyramids if (null != path) imps.put(path, new ImagePlusUsers(imp, id)); } else { u.addUser(id); } // count++; } else { update(p); final ImagePlus pyrimp = p.getImagePlus(); if (null == pyrimp) count++; else if (imp != pyrimp) { // Remove from old final String path1 = getPath(pyrimp); final ImagePlusUsers u1 = imps.getValue(path1); u1.removeUser(id, path1); // Add to new, which may have to be created final String path2 = getPath(imp); final ImagePlusUsers u2 = imps.getValue(path2); if (null == u2) { if (null != path2) { imps.put(path2, new ImagePlusUsers(imp, id)); } } else { u2.addUser(id); } } fit(p.replace(imp)); } } // WARNING: an empty interval may be left behind. Will be cleaned up by removeAndFlushSome. /** Remove one mipmap level, if there. */ public final Image remove(final long id, final int level) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) return null; final Image im = p.images[level]; if (null != im) { addBytes(p.replace(null, level)); count--; } // If at least one level is still not null, keep the pyramid; otherwise drop it if (0 == p.n_images && null == p.getImagePlus()) { p.interval.removeEntry(id); pyramids.removeEntry(id); } return im; } /** Remove only the ImagePlus, if there. */ public final ImagePlus removeImagePlus(final long id) { return removeImagePlus(pyramids.getValue(id)); } private final ImagePlus removeImagePlus(final Pyramid p) { if (null == p) return null; final ImagePlus pyrimp = p.getImagePlus(); if (null == pyrimp) return null; final ImagePlus imp = pyrimp; p.setImagePlus(null); // final String path = getPath(imp); final ImagePlusUsers u = imps.getValue(path); if (null != u) { u.removeUser(, path); } if (null == u || u.users.isEmpty()) { // Reclaim space only if the ImagePlus is no longer referenced // (u is null if the ImagePlus was preprocessed) addBytes(p.replace(null)); count--; // if (0 == p.n_images) { p.interval.removeEntry(; pyramids.removeEntry(; } } return imp; } public final void remove(final long id) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.removeEntry(id); if (null == p) return; if (null != p.getImagePlus()) { removeImagePlus(p); } count -= p.n_images; for (int i=0; i<p.images.length; i++) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; addBytes(p.replace(null, i)); } p.interval.removeEntry(id); } /** Flush all mipmaps, and forget all mipmaps and imps. */ public final void removeAndFlushAll() { for (final Pyramid p : pyramids.values()) { p.replace(null); // the imp may need cleanup for (int i=0; i<p.images.length; i++) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; p.images[i].flush(); CachingThread.storeArrayForReuse(p.images[i]); } } reset(); } // WARNING: an empty interval may be left behind. Will be cleaned up by removeAndFlushSome. /** Does not alter the ImagePlus. */ public final void removeAndFlushPyramid(final long id) { final Pyramid p = pyramids.getValue(id); if (null == p) return; count -= p.n_images; for (int i=0; i<p.images.length; i++) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; addBytes(p.replace(null, i)); } if (null == p.getImagePlus()) { pyramids.removeEntry(id); p.interval.removeEntry(id); } } /** Returns the number of released bytes. */ public final long removeAndFlushSome(final long min_bytes) { long size = 0; while (intervals.size() > 0) { final TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> interval = intervals.getFirst(); for (final Iterator<Pyramid> it = interval.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final Pyramid p =; final ImagePlus pyrimp = p.getImagePlus(); if (null != pyrimp) { final String path = getPath(pyrimp); final ImagePlusUsers u = imps.getValue(path); if (null == path || null == u || 1 == u.users.size()) { // imps.removeEntry(path); // final long s = p.replace(null); // the imp may need cleanup size -= s; addBytes(s); count--; if (size >= min_bytes) { if (0 == p.n_images) { pyramids.removeEntry(; it.remove(); if (interval.isEmpty()) intervals.removeFirst(); } return size; } } } for (int i=0; i<p.images.length && p.n_images > 0; i++) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; final long s = p.replace(null, i); size -= s; addBytes(s); count--; if (size >= min_bytes) { if (0 == p.n_images) { pyramids.removeEntry(; it.remove(); if (interval.isEmpty()) intervals.removeFirst(); } return size; } } pyramids.removeEntry(; it.remove(); // from the interval } intervals.removeFirst(); } return size; } public final long removeAndFlushSome(int n) { long size = 0; while (intervals.size() > 0) { final TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> interval = intervals.getFirst(); for (final Iterator<Pyramid> it = interval.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final Pyramid p =; final ImagePlus pyrimp = p.getImagePlus(); if (null != pyrimp) { final String path = getPath(pyrimp); final ImagePlusUsers u = imps.getValue(path); if (null == path || null == u || 1 == u.users.size()) { // imps.removeEntry(path); // final long s = p.replace(null); size -= s; addBytes(s); p.replace(null); // the imp may need cleanup n--; count--; if (0 == n) { if (0 == p.n_images) { pyramids.removeEntry(; it.remove(); if (interval.isEmpty()) intervals.removeFirst(); } return size; } } } for (int i=0; i<p.images.length; i++) { if (null == p.images[i]) continue; final long s = p.replace(null, i); size -= s; addBytes(s); n--; count--; if (0 == n) { if (0 == p.n_images) { pyramids.removeEntry(; it.remove(); if (interval.isEmpty()) intervals.removeFirst(); } return size; } } pyramids.removeEntry(; it.remove(); // from the interval } intervals.removeFirst(); } return size; } public final int size() { return count; } public void debug() { Utils.log2("@@@@@@@@@@ START"); Utils.log2("pyramids: " + pyramids.size()); for (Map.Entry<Long,Pyramid> e : new TreeMap<Long,Pyramid>(pyramids).entrySet()) { Pyramid p = e.getValue(); Utils.log2("p id:" + e.getKey() + "; images: " + p.n_images + " / " + p.images.length + "; imp: " + e.getValue().getImagePlus()); } Utils.log2("----"); int i = 0; for (TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> m : intervals) { Utils.log2("interval " + (++i)); for (Map.Entry<Long,Pyramid> e : new TreeMap<Long,Pyramid>(m).entrySet()) { Pyramid p = e.getValue(); Utils.log2("p id:" + e.getKey() + "; images: " + p.n_images + " / " + p.images.length + "; imp: " + e.getValue().getImagePlus()); int[] levels = new int[p.images.length]; for (int k=0; k<levels.length; k++) levels[k] = null == p.images[k] ? 0 : 1; Utils.log2(" levels: " + Utils.toString(levels)); } } Utils.log2("----"); for (Map.Entry<String,ImagePlusUsers> e : imps.entrySet()) { ImagePlusUsers u = e.getValue(); Utils.log2(u.users.size() + " ImagePlusUsers of " + e.getKey()); } Utils.log2("----"); Utils.log2("imps: " + imps.size()); Utils.log2("----"); // Analytics Utils.log2("count is: " + count + ", size is: " + bytes + " / " + max_bytes + ", intervals.size = " + intervals.size() + ", pyr.size = " + pyramids.size()); TypedHashMap<Integer,Integer> s = new TypedHashMap<Integer,Integer>(); for (TypedHashMap<Long,Pyramid> m : intervals) { int l = m.size(); Integer in = s.getValue(l); if (null == in) s.put(l, 1); else s.put(l, in.intValue() + 1); } Utils.log2("interval size distribution: ", s); } public final long seqFindId(final ImagePlus imp) { for (final Pyramid p : pyramids.values()) { if (p.getImagePlus() == imp) return; } return Long.MIN_VALUE; } }