package ini.trakem2.display; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.measure.ResultsTable; import ini.trakem2.Project; import ini.trakem2.utils.M; import ini.trakem2.utils.ProjectToolbar; import ini.trakem2.utils.Utils; /** A one-to-many connection, represented by one source point and one or more target points. The connector is drawn by click+drag+release, defining the origin at click and the target at release. By clicking anywhere else, the connector can be given another target. Points can be dragged and removed. * Connectors are meant to represent synapses, in particular polyadic synapses. */ public class Connector extends Treeline { public Connector(final Project project, final String title) { super(project, title); } public Connector(final Project project, final long id, final String title, final float width, final float height, final float alpha, final boolean visible, final Color color, final boolean locked, final AffineTransform at) { super(project, project.getLoader().getNextId(), title, width, height, alpha, visible, color, locked, at); } /** Reconstruct from XML. */ public Connector(final Project project, final long id, final HashMap<String,String> ht_attr, final HashMap<Displayable,String> ht_links) { super(project, id, ht_attr, ht_links); } @Override public Tree<Float> newInstance() { return new Connector(project, project.getLoader().getNextId(), title, width, height, alpha, visible, color, locked, at); } @Override public Node<Float> newNode(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer la, final Node<?> modelNode) { return new ConnectorNode(lx, ly, la, null == modelNode ? 0 : ((ConnectorNode)modelNode).r); } @Override public Node<Float> newNode(final HashMap<String,String> ht_attr) { return new ConnectorNode(ht_attr); } static public class ConnectorNode extends Treeline.RadiusNode { public ConnectorNode(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer la) { super(lx, ly, la); } public ConnectorNode(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer la, final float radius) { super(lx, ly, la, radius); } /** To reconstruct from XML, without a layer. */ public ConnectorNode(final HashMap<String,String> attr) { super(attr); } @Override public final Node<Float> newInstance(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer layer) { return new ConnectorNode(lx, ly, layer, 0); } @Override public void paintData(final Graphics2D g, final Rectangle srcRect, final Tree<Float> tree, final AffineTransform to_screen, final Color cc, final Layer active_layer) { g.setColor(cc); g.draw(to_screen.createTransformedShape(new Ellipse2D.Float(x -r, y -r, r+r, r+r))); } @Override public boolean intersects(final Area a) { if (0 == r) return a.contains(x, y); return M.intersects(a, getArea()); } @Override public boolean isRoughlyInside(final Rectangle localbox) { final float r = this.r <= 0 ? 1 : this.r; return localbox.intersects(x - r, y - r, r + r, r + r); } @Override public Area getArea() { if (0 == r) return super.getArea(); // a little square return new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(x-r, y-r, r+r, r+r)); } @Override public void paintHandle(final Graphics2D g, final Rectangle srcRect, final double magnification, final Tree<Float> t) { final Point2D.Double po = t.transformPoint(this.x, this.y); final float x = (float)((po.x - srcRect.x) * magnification); final float y = (float)((po.y - srcRect.y) * magnification); if (null == parent) { g.setColor(brightGreen); g.fillOval((int)x - 6, (int)y - 6, 11, 11); g.setColor(; g.drawString("o", (int)x -4, (int)y + 3); // TODO ensure Font is proper } else { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillOval((int)x - 6, (int)y - 6, 11, 11); g.setColor(; g.drawString("x", (int)x -4, (int)y + 3); // TODO ensure Font is proper } } } static private final Color brightGreen = new Color(33, 255, 0); public void readLegacyXML(final LayerSet ls, final HashMap<String,String> ht_attr, final HashMap<Displayable,String> ht_links) { final String origin = ht_attr.get("origin"); final String targets = ht_attr.get("targets"); if (null != origin) { final String[] o = origin.split(","); String[] t = null; int len = 1; final boolean new_format = 0 == o.length % 4; if (null != targets) { t = targets.split(","); if (new_format) { // new format, with radii len += t.length / 4; } else { // old format, without radii len += t.length / 3; } } final float[] p = new float[len + len]; final long[] lids = new long[len]; final float[] radius = new float[len]; // Origin: /* X */ p[0] = Float.parseFloat(o[0]); /* Y */ p[1] = Float.parseFloat(o[1]); /* LZ */ lids[0] = Long.parseLong(o[2]); if (new_format) { radius[0] = Float.parseFloat(o[3]); } // Targets: if (null != targets && targets.length() > 0) { final int inc = new_format ? 4 : 3; for (int i=0, k=1; i<t.length; i+=inc, k++) { /* X */ p[k+k] = Float.parseFloat(t[i]); /* Y */ p[k+k+1] = Float.parseFloat(t[i+1]); /* LZ */ lids[k] = Long.parseLong(t[i+2]); if (new_format) radius[k] = Float.parseFloat(t[i+3]); } } //if (!new_format) calculateBoundingBox(null); // Now, into nodes: final Node<Float> root = new ConnectorNode(p[0], p[1], ls.getLayer(lids[0]), radius[0]); for (int i=1; i<lids.length; i++) { final Node<Float> nd = new ConnectorNode(p[i+i], p[i+i+1], ls.getLayer(lids[i]), radius[i]); root.add(nd, Node.MAX_EDGE_CONFIDENCE); } setRoot(root); // Above, cannot be done with addNode: would call repaint and thus calculateBoundingBox, which would screw up relative coords. // Fix bounding box to new tree methods: calculateBoundingBox(null); } } public int addTarget(final float x, final float y, final long layer_id, final float r) { if (null == root) return -1; root.add(new ConnectorNode(x, y, layer_set.getLayer(layer_id), r), Node.MAX_EDGE_CONFIDENCE); return root.getChildrenCount() - 1; } public int addTarget(final double x, final double y, final long layer_id, final double r) { return addTarget((float)x, (float)y, layer_id, (float)r); } protected void mergeTargets(final Connector c) throws NoninvertibleTransformException { if (null == c.root) return; if (null == this.root) this.root = newNode(c.root.x, c.root.y,, c.root); final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform(; aff.preConcatenate(; final float[] f = new float[4]; for (final Map.Entry<Node<Float>,Byte> e : c.root.getChildren().entrySet()) { final ConnectorNode nd = (ConnectorNode)e.getKey(); f[0] = nd.x; f[1] = nd.y; f[2] = nd.x + nd.r; // make the radius be a point to the right of x,y f[3] = nd.y; aff.transform(f, 0, f, 0, 2); this.root.add(new ConnectorNode(f[0],f[1],, Math.abs(f[2] - f[0])), e.getValue().byteValue()); } } public boolean intersectsOrigin(final Area area, final Layer la) { if (null == root || != la) return false; final Area a = root.getArea(); a.transform(; return M.intersects(area, a); } /** Whether the area of the root node intersects the world coordinates {@code wx}, {@code wy} at {@link Layer} {@code la}. */ public boolean intersectsOrigin(final double wx, final double wy, final Layer la) { if (null == root || != la) return false; final Area a = root.getArea(); a.transform(; return a.contains(wx, wy); } /** Returns the set of Displayable objects under the origin point, or an empty set if none. */ public Set<Displayable> getOrigins(final Class<?> c) { final int m = c.getModifiers(); return getOrigins(c, Modifier.isAbstract(m) || Modifier.isInterface(m)); } public Set<Displayable> getOrigins(final Class<?> c, final boolean instance_of) { if (null == root) return new HashSet<Displayable>(); return getUnder(root, c, instance_of); } private final Set<Displayable> getUnder(final Node<Float> node, final Class<?> c, final boolean instance_of) { final Area a = node.getArea(); a.transform(; final HashSet<Displayable> targets = new HashSet<Displayable>(layer_set.find(c,, a, false, instance_of)); targets.remove(this); return targets; } /** Returns the set of Displayable objects under the origin point, or an empty set if none. */ public Set<Displayable> getOrigins() { if (null == root) return new HashSet<Displayable>(); return getUnder(root, Displayable.class, true); } public List<Set<Displayable>> getTargets(final Class<?> c, final boolean instance_of) { final List<Set<Displayable>> al = new ArrayList<Set<Displayable>>(); if (null == root || !root.hasChildren()) return al; for (final Node<Float> nd : root.getChildrenNodes()) { al.add(getUnder(nd, c, instance_of)); } return al; } /** Returns the list of sets of visible Displayable objects under each target, or an empty list if none. */ public List<Set<Displayable>> getTargets(final Class<?> c) { final int m = c.getModifiers(); return getTargets(c, Modifier.isAbstract(m) || Modifier.isInterface(m)); } /** Returns the list of sets of visible Displayable objects under each target, or an empty list if none. */ public List<Set<Displayable>> getTargets() { return getTargets(Displayable.class, true); } public int getTargetCount() { if (null == root) return 0; return root.getChildrenCount(); } static public void exportDTD(final StringBuilder sb_header, final HashSet<String> hs, final String indent) { Tree.exportDTD(sb_header, hs, indent); final String type = "t2_connector"; if (hs.contains(type)) return; hs.add(type); sb_header.append(indent).append("<!ELEMENT t2_connector (t2_node*,").append(Displayable.commonDTDChildren()).append(")>\n"); Displayable.exportDTD(type, sb_header, hs, indent); } @Override public Connector clone(final Project pr, final boolean copy_id) { final long nid = copy_id ? : pr.getLoader().getNextId(); final Connector copy = new Connector(pr, nid, title, width, height, this.alpha, true, this.color, this.locked,; copy.root = null == this.root ? null : this.root.clone(pr); copy.addToDatabase(); if (null != copy.root) copy.cacheSubtree(copy.root.getSubtreeNodes()); return copy; } private final void insert(final Node<Float> nd, final ResultsTable rt, final int i, final Calibration cal, final float[] f) { f[0] = nd.x; f[1] = nd.y;, 0, f, 0, 1); // rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addLabel("units", cal.getUnits()); rt.addValue(0,; rt.addValue(1, i); rt.addValue(2, f[0] * cal.pixelWidth); rt.addValue(3, f[1] * cal.pixelHeight); rt.addValue(4, * cal.pixelWidth); // NOT pixelDepth! rt.addValue(5, ((ConnectorNode)nd).r); rt.addValue(6, nd.confidence); } @Override public ResultsTable measure(ResultsTable rt) { if (null == root) return rt; if (null == rt) rt = Utils.createResultsTable("Connector results", new String[]{"id", "index", "x", "y", "z", "radius", "confidence"}); final Calibration cal = layer_set.getCalibration(); final float[] f = new float[2]; insert(root, rt, 0, cal, f); if (null == root.children) return rt; for (int i=0; i<root.children.length; i++) { insert(root.children[i], rt, i+1, cal, f); } return rt; } public List<Point3f> getTargetPoints(final boolean calibrated) { if (null == root) return null; final List<Point3f> targets = new ArrayList<Point3f>(); if (null == root.children) return targets; final float[] f = new float[2]; for (final Node<Float> nd : root.children) { targets.add(fix(nd.asPoint(), calibrated, f)); } return targets; } public Coordinate<Node<Float>> getCoordinateAtOrigin() { if (null == root) return null; return createCoordinate(root); } /** Get a coordinate for target i. */ public Coordinate<Node<Float>> getCoordinate(final int i) { if (null == root || !root.hasChildren()) return null; return createCoordinate(root.children[i]); } @Override public String getInfo() { if (null == root) return "Empty"; return new StringBuilder("Targets: ").append(root.getChildrenCount()).append('\n').toString(); } /** If the root node is in Layer @param la, then all nodes are removed. */ @Override protected boolean layerRemoved(final Layer la) { if (null == root) return true; if ( == la) { super.removeNode(root); // and all its children return true; } // Else, remove any targets return super.layerRemoved(la); } /** Takes the List of Connector instances and adds the targets of all to the first one. * Removes the others from the LayerSet and from the Project. * If any of the Connector instances cannot be removed, returns null. */ static public Connector merge(final List<Connector> col) throws NoninvertibleTransformException { if (null == col || 0 == col.size()) return null; final Connector base = col.get(0); for (final Connector con : col.subList(1, col.size())) { base.mergeTargets(con); if (!con.remove2(false)) { Utils.log("FAILED to merge Connector " + con + " into " + base); return null; } } return base; } /** Add a root or child nodes to root. */ @Override public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent me, final Layer layer, final int x_p, final int y_p, final double mag) { if (ProjectToolbar.PEN != ProjectToolbar.getToolId()) { return; } if (-1 == last_radius) { last_radius = 10 / (float)mag; } if (null != root) { // transform the x_p, y_p to the local coordinates int x_pl = x_p; int y_pl = y_p; if (! { final Point2D.Double po = inverseTransformPoint(x_p, y_p); x_pl = (int)po.x; y_pl = (int)po.y; } Node<Float> found = findNode(x_pl, y_pl, layer, mag); setActive(found); if (null != found) { if (2 == me.getClickCount()) { setLastMarked(found); setActive(null); return; } if (me.isShiftDown() && Utils.isControlDown(me)) { if (found == root) { // Remove the whole Connector layer_set.addChangeTreesStep(); if (remove2(true)) { setActive(null); layer_set.addChangeTreesStep(); } else { layer_set.removeLastUndoStep(); // no need } return; } else { // Remove point removeNode(found); } } } else { if (2 == me.getClickCount()) { setLastMarked(null); return; } // Add new target point to root: found = newNode(x_pl, y_pl, layer, root); ((ConnectorNode)found).setData(last_radius); addNode(root, found, Node.MAX_EDGE_CONFIDENCE); setActive(found); repaint(true, layer); } return; } else { // First point root = newNode(x_p, y_p, layer, null); // world coords, so calculateBoundingBox will do the right thing addNode(null, root, (byte)0); ((ConnectorNode)root).setData(last_radius); setActive(root); } } @Override protected boolean requireAltDownToEditRadius() { return false; } @Override protected Rectangle getBounds(final Collection<? extends Node<Float>> nodes) { final Rectangle nb = new Rectangle(); Rectangle box = null; for (final RadiusNode nd : (Collection<RadiusNode>)(Collection)nodes) { final int r = 0 == nd.r ? 1 : (int)nd.r; if (null == box) box = new Rectangle((int)nd.x - r, (int)nd.y - r, r+r, r+r); else { nb.setBounds((int)nd.x - r, (int)nd.y - r, r+r, r+r); box.add(nb); } } return box; } /** If the root node (the origin) does not remain within the range, this Connector is left empty. */ @Override public boolean crop(final List<Layer> range) { if (null == root) return true; // it's empty already if (!range.contains( { this.root = null; synchronized (node_layer_map) { clearCache(); } return true; } return super.crop(range); } }