package ini.trakem2.display; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Composite; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.scijava.vecmath.Color3f; import org.scijava.vecmath.Point3f; import customnode.CustomTriangleMesh; import fiji.geom.AreaCalculations; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.measure.ResultsTable; import ini.trakem2.Project; import ini.trakem2.imaging.Segmentation; import ini.trakem2.utils.AreaUtils; import ini.trakem2.utils.IJError; import ini.trakem2.utils.M; import ini.trakem2.utils.ProjectToolbar; import ini.trakem2.utils.Utils; public class AreaTree extends Tree<Area> implements AreaContainer { private boolean fill_paint = true; public AreaTree(final Project project, final String title) { super(project, title); addToDatabase(); } /** Reconstruct from XML. */ public AreaTree(final Project project, final long id, final HashMap<String,String> ht_attr, final HashMap<Displayable,String> ht_links) { super(project, id, ht_attr, ht_links); } /** For cloning purposes, does not call addToDatabase() */ public AreaTree(final Project project, final long id, final String title, final float width, final float height, final float alpha, final boolean visible, final Color color, final boolean locked, final AffineTransform at) { super(project, id, title, width, height, alpha, visible, color, locked, at); } @Override public Tree<Area> newInstance() { return new AreaTree(project, project.getLoader().getNextId(), title, width, height, alpha, visible, color, locked, at); } @Override public Node<Area> newNode(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer la, final Node<?> modelNode) { // Ignore modeNode (could be nice, though, to automatically add the previous area) return new AreaNode(lx, ly, la); } @Override public Node<Area> newNode(final HashMap<String,String> ht_attr) { return new AreaNode(ht_attr); } @Override public AreaTree clone(final Project pr, final boolean copy_id) { final long nid = copy_id ? : pr.getLoader().getNextId(); final AreaTree art = new AreaTree(pr, nid, title, width, height, alpha, visible, color, locked, at); art.root = null == this.root ? null : this.root.clone(pr); art.addToDatabase(); if (null != art.root) art.cacheSubtree(art.root.getSubtreeNodes()); return art; } static public final class AreaNode extends Node<Area> { /** The Area wrapped by AreaWrapper is in local AreaTree coordinates, not in local Node coordinates. */ private AreaWrapper aw; public AreaNode(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer la) { super(lx, ly, la); } /** To reconstruct from XML, without a layer. */ public AreaNode(final HashMap<String,String> attr) { super(attr); } @Override public final Node<Area> newInstance(final float lx, final float ly, final Layer layer) { return new AreaNode(lx, ly, layer); } @Override public final synchronized boolean setData(final Area area) { if (null == area) { if (null == return true;; } else { if (null !=; else = new AreaWrapper(area); } return true; } @Override public final synchronized Area getData() { if (null == = new AreaWrapper(); return; } @Override public final synchronized Area getDataCopy() { if (null == return null; return new Area(; } /** Return Area in local coords. The area includes a little square for the point, always. */ @Override public final Area getArea() { if (null == return super.getArea(); // a little square labeling this point final Area a =; if (a.isEmpty()) return super.getArea(); a.add(super.getArea()); // ensure the point is part of the Area always return a; } @Override public void paintData(final Graphics2D g, final Rectangle srcRect, final Tree<Area> tree, final AffineTransform to_screen, final Color cc, final Layer active_layer) { if (null == aw) return; if (!tree.layer_set.area_color_cues && active_layer != return; Composite oc = null; if (cc != tree.color) { oc = g.getComposite(); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, Math.min(tree.alpha, 0.25f))); } aw.paint(g, to_screen, ((AreaTree)tree).fill_paint, cc); if (null != oc) g.setComposite(oc); } @Override protected void paintHandle(final Graphics2D g, final Rectangle srcRect, final double magnification, final Tree<Area> t) { paintHandle(g, srcRect, magnification, t, true); } /* final boolean contains(final int lx, final int ly) { return null != aw && aw.getArea().contains(lx, ly); } */ final boolean contains(final float lx, final float ly) { return null != aw && aw.getArea().contains(lx, ly); } /** Expects @param a in local coords. */ @Override public boolean intersects(final Area a) { if (null == aw) return a.contains(x, y); return M.intersects(a, aw.getArea()); } @Override public boolean isRoughlyInside(final Rectangle localbox) { if (null == aw) return localbox.contains((int)x, (int)y); if (aw.getArea().getBounds().intersects(localbox)) return true; return super.isRoughlyInside(localbox); } @Override public Collection<Displayable> findLinkTargets(final AffineTransform aff) { if (null == aw) return super.findLinkTargets(aff); Area a = aw.getArea(); if (!aff.isIdentity()) { a = a.createTransformedArea(aff); } return, a, true); } @Override public void apply(final mpicbg.models.CoordinateTransform ct, final Area roi) { // transform the point itself super.apply(ct, roi); // ... and the area if (null == aw) return; M.apply(ct, roi, aw.getArea()); } @Override public void apply(final VectorDataTransform vlocal) { // transform the point itself super.apply(vlocal); // ... and the area if (null == aw) return; M.apply(vlocal, aw.getArea()); } @Override protected void transformData(final AffineTransform aff) { if (null == aw) return; aw.getArea().transform(aff); } } /** Return the list of areas, in world coordinates, at the given layer, that intersect the given bounding box. */ @Override public List<Area> getAreas(final Layer layer, final Rectangle box) { synchronized (node_layer_map) { final Set<Node<Area>> nodes = node_layer_map.get(layer); if (null == nodes) return null; final List<Area> a = new ArrayList<Area>(); for (final AreaNode nd : (Collection<AreaNode>) (Collection) nodes) { if (null != && { a.add(; } } return a; } } static public void exportDTD(final StringBuilder sb_header, final HashSet<String> hs, final String indent) { Tree.exportDTD(sb_header, hs, indent); final String type = "t2_areatree"; if (hs.contains(type)) return; hs.add(type); sb_header.append(indent).append("<!ELEMENT t2_areatree (t2_node*,").append(Displayable.commonDTDChildren()).append(")>\n"); Displayable.exportDTD(type, sb_header, hs, indent); } @Override protected boolean exportXMLNodeAttributes(final StringBuilder indent, final StringBuilder sb, final Node<Area> node) { return true; } @Override protected boolean exportXMLNodeData(final StringBuilder indent, final StringBuilder sb, final Node<Area> node) { final AreaNode an = (AreaNode)node; //Utils.log2("Calling AreaTree.exportXMLNodeData for node " + an + " which has area: " + (null != + " which is not empty: " + (null != ? ! : true)); if (null == || { return true; } //Utils.log2("exporting area:"); sb.append(indent).append("<t2_area>\n"); indent.append(' '); AreaList.exportArea(sb, indent.toString(), ((AreaNode)node).aw.getArea()); indent.setLength(indent.length() -1); sb.append(indent).append("</t2_area>\n"); return true; } @Override public boolean calculateBoundingBox(final Layer la) { try { if (null == root) {; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; return false; } Rectangle box = null; int countNodes = 0; // Compute bounds for all nodes in all layers synchronized (node_layer_map) { for (final Collection<? extends Node<Area>> nodes : node_layer_map.values()) { final Rectangle b = getBounds(nodes); if (null == b) continue; if (null == box) box = b; else box.add(b); countNodes += nodes.size(); } } if (null == box) return false; // empty this.width = box.width; this.height = box.height; if (0 == box.x && 0 == box.y) { // No need to translate return false; } final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -box.x, -box.y); // now adjust points to make min_x,min_y be the x,y synchronized (node_layer_map) { if (node_layer_map.size() < 10 && countNodes < 100 ) { for (final Collection<? extends Node<Area>> nodes : node_layer_map.values()) { for (final AreaNode nd : (Collection<AreaNode>) nodes) { nd.translate(-box.x, -box.y); // just the x,y itself if (null !=; } } } else { final ExecutorService exe = Utils.newFixedThreadPool("AreaTree-CBB"); final Collection<Future<?>> fus = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); final float dx = -box.x; final float dy = -box.y; for (final Collection<? extends Node<Area>> nodes : node_layer_map.values()) { fus.add(exe.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // WARNING potential concurrent modification exception of 'nodes' for (final AreaNode nd : (Collection<AreaNode>) nodes) { nd.translate(dx, dy); // just the x,y itself if (null !=; } } })); } Utils.wait(fus); exe.shutdown(); } }, box.y); // not using super.translate(...) because a preConcatenation is not needed; here we deal with the data. return true; } finally { updateBucket(la); } } private AreaNode findEventReceiver(final Collection<Node<Area>> nodes, final int lx, final int ly, final Layer layer, final double mag, final InputEvent ie) { Area brush = null; try { brush = AreaWrapper.makeMouseBrush(ProjectToolbar.getBrushSize(), mag).createTransformedArea(; } catch (final Exception e) { IJError.print(e); return null; } // Try to find an area onto which the point intersects, or the brush diameter synchronized (node_layer_map) { AreaNode closest = null; double min_dist = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (final AreaNode an : (Collection<AreaNode>) (Collection) nodes) { // nodes are the nodes in the current layer if (brush.contains(an.x, an.y) || M.intersects(an.getData(), brush)) { return an; } if (null == continue; // Look inside holes, for filling final Collection<Polygon> pols = M.getPolygons(an.getData()); for (final Polygon pol : pols) { if (pol.contains(lx, ly)) { return an; } } // If erasing, find the closest area to the brush if (ie.isAltDown()) { for (final Polygon pol : pols) { for (int i=0; i<pol.npoints; i++) { final double sqdist = Math.pow(lx - pol.xpoints[i], 2) + Math.pow(ly - pol.ypoints[i], 2); if (sqdist < min_dist) { closest = an; min_dist = sqdist; } } } } } if (null != closest) return closest; } // Check whether last area is suitable: /* // IT'S CONFUSING when there's more than one node per layer if (null != receiver && layer == { Rectangle srcRect = Display.getFront().getCanvas().getSrcRect(); if (receiver.getData().createTransformedArea( { // paint on last area, its in this layer and within current view return receiver; } } */ return null; } private AreaNode receiver = null; @Override public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent me, final Layer la, final int x_p, final int y_p, final double mag) { final int tool = ProjectToolbar.getToolId(); //Utils.log2("tool is pen: " + (ProjectToolbar.PEN == tool) + " or brush: " + (ProjectToolbar.BRUSH == tool)); if (ProjectToolbar.PEN == tool) { super.mousePressed(me, la, x_p, y_p, mag); return; } if (null == root) return; final Layer layer = Display.getFrontLayer(); final Collection<Node<Area>> nodes = node_layer_map.get(layer); if (null == nodes || nodes.isEmpty()) { return; } // Find a node onto which a click was made // if (tool == ProjectToolbar.PENCIL) { // Semi automatic segmentation tools final Area roi; try { roi = new Area(, y_p))); } catch (final NoninvertibleTransformException nite) { IJError.print(nite); return; } for (final Node<Area> nd : nodes) { if (nd.intersects(roi)) { receiver = (AreaNode)nd; break; } } } else if (tool == ProjectToolbar.BRUSH) { // transform the x_p, y_p to the local coordinates int x_pl = x_p; int y_pl = y_p; if (! { final Point2D.Double po = inverseTransformPoint(x_p, y_p); x_pl = (int)po.x; y_pl = (int)po.y; } receiver = findEventReceiver(nodes, x_pl, y_pl, layer, mag, me); } if (null != receiver) { receiver.getData(); // create the AreaWrapper if not there already;, la, x_p, y_p, mag, Arrays.asList(new Runnable[]{ new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { calculateBoundingBox(la); }}}));; setLastEdited(receiver); //Utils.log2("receiver: " + receiver); //Utils.log2(" at layer: " +; //Utils.log2(" area: " + receiver.getData()); } } @Override public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent me, final Layer la, final int x_p, final int y_p, final int x_d, final int y_d, final int x_d_old, final int y_d_old) { if (ProjectToolbar.PEN == ProjectToolbar.getToolId()) { super.mouseDragged(me, la, x_p, y_p, x_d, y_d, x_d_old, y_d_old); return; } if (null == receiver) return;;, la, x_p, y_p, x_d, y_d, x_d_old, y_d_old); // no need, repaint includes the brush area//calculateBoundingBox();; // since a mouse released can occur outside the canvas } @Override public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent me, final Layer la, final int x_p, final int y_p, final int x_d, final int y_d, final int x_r, final int y_r) { if (ProjectToolbar.PEN == ProjectToolbar.getToolId()) { super.mouseReleased(me, la, x_p, y_p, x_d, y_d, x_r, y_r); return; } if (null == receiver) return;;, la, x_p, y_p, x_d, y_d, x_r, y_r);; updateViewData(receiver); receiver = null; } @Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent ke) { final int tool = ProjectToolbar.getToolId(); try { if (ProjectToolbar.BRUSH == tool) { final Object origin = ke.getSource(); if (! (origin instanceof DisplayCanvas)) { ke.consume(); return; } final DisplayCanvas dc = (DisplayCanvas)origin; final Layer layer = dc.getDisplay().getLayer(); final Collection<Node<Area>> nodes = node_layer_map.get(layer); if (null == nodes || nodes.isEmpty()) { return; } final Point p = dc.getCursorLoc(); // as offscreen coords int x = p.x; int y = p.y; if (! { final Point2D.Double po = inverseTransformPoint(x, y); x = (int)po.x; y = (int)po.y; } final AreaNode nd = findEventReceiver(nodes, x, y, layer, dc.getMagnification(), ke); // Prepare for paste command: if (null != nd && null == && ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_V) { nd.getData(); // creates } if (null != nd && null != {;, dc, layer);; if (ke.isConsumed()) { updateViewData(nd); return; } } } } finally { if (!ke.isConsumed()) { super.keyPressed(ke); } } } @Override protected Rectangle getBounds(final Collection<? extends Node<Area>> nodes) { Rectangle box = null; for (final AreaNode nd : (Collection<AreaNode>) nodes) { final Rectangle b; if (null == || b = new Rectangle((int)nd.x, (int)nd.y, 1, 1); else { b =; b.add(new Rectangle((int)nd.x, (int)nd.y, 1, 1)); // the node itself, if not contained } // if (null == box) box = b; else box.add(b); } return box; } public MeshData generateMesh(final double scale, final int resample) { final HashMap<Layer,Area> areas = new HashMap<Layer,Area>(); synchronized (node_layer_map) { for (final Map.Entry<Layer,Set<Node<Area>>> e : node_layer_map.entrySet()) { final Area a = new Area(); for (final AreaNode nd : (Collection<AreaNode>) (Collection) e.getValue()) { if (null != a.add(; } areas.put(e.getKey(), a); } } final List<Point3f> ps = AreaUtils.generateTriangles(this, scale, resample, areas); final List<Color3f> colors = new ArrayList<Color3f>(); // Determine colors by proximity to a node, since there isn't any other way. // TODO Utils.log("WARNING: AreaTree multicolor 3D mesh is not yet implemented."); final Color3f cf = new Color3f(color); for (int i=0; i<ps.size(); i++) colors.add(cf); return new MeshData(ps, colors); } public void debug() { for (final Map.Entry<Layer,Set<Node<Area>>> e : node_layer_map.entrySet()) { for (final Node<Area> nd : e.getValue()) { final Area a = ((AreaNode)nd).aw.getArea(); Utils.log2("area: " + a + " " + (null != a ? a.getBounds() : null)); Utils.log2(" .. and has paths: " + M.getPolygons(a).size()); } } } /** Returns true if the given point falls within a certain distance of any of the treeline segments, * where a segment is defined as the line between a clicked point and the next. */ @Override protected boolean isAnyNear(final Collection<Node<Area>> nodes, final float lx, final float ly, final float radius) { for (final Node<Area> nd : nodes) { final AreaNode an = (AreaNode)nd; if (null == && an.isNear(lx, ly, radius)) return true; if (an.getData().contains(lx, ly)) return true; } return false; } @Override public ResultsTable measureAreas(ResultsTable rt) { if (null == root) return rt; if (null == rt) rt = Utils.createResultsTable("Area results", new String[]{"id", "name-id", "layer index", "area"}); final double nameId = getNameId(); final Calibration cal = layer_set.getCalibration(); final String units = cal.getUnit(); final TreeMap<Layer,Collection<Area>> sm = new TreeMap<Layer,Collection<Area>>(Layer.COMPARATOR); // Sort by layer index synchronized (node_layer_map) { for (final Node<Area> nd : root.getSubtreeNodes()) { final Area area = nd.getData(); if (null == area || area.isEmpty()) continue; Collection<Area> col = sm.get(nd.getLayer()); if (null == col) { col = new ArrayList<Area>(); sm.put(nd.getLayer(), col); } col.add(area); } } for (final Map.Entry<Layer,Collection<Area>> e : sm.entrySet()) { final int index = layer_set.indexOf(e.getKey()) + 1; // 1-based for (final Area area : e.getValue()) { rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addLabel("units", units); rt.addValue(0,; rt.addValue(1, nameId); rt.addValue(2, index); // measure surface final double pixel_area = Math.abs(AreaCalculations.area(area.createTransformedArea(; final double surface = pixel_area * cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight; rt.addValue(3, surface); } } return rt; } /** Find the nearest parent with a non-null, non-empty Area, and interpolate from {@code nd} to it. * * @param nd The node to start interpolating from, towards its nearest parent with an area. * @param node_centric If true, consider areas relative to the node coordinates. If false, relative to the overall AreaTree. * * @throws Exception */ public boolean interpolateTowardsParent(final Node<Area> nd, final boolean node_centric, final boolean always_use_distance_map) throws Exception { if (null == nd || null == nd.parent) return false; Area first = nd.getData(); if (null == first || first.isEmpty()) { return false; } final LinkedList<Node<Area>> chain = new LinkedList<Node<Area>>(); Node<Area> p = nd.parent; while (null != p && (null == p.getData() || p.getData().isEmpty())) { chain.add(p); p = p.parent; } if (p == nd.parent) { // Nothing to interpolate return false; } Area last = p.getData(); int minx = 0, miny = 0; if (node_centric) { // Make areas relative to the nodes: first = first.createTransformedArea(new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -nd.x, -nd.y)); last = last.createTransformedArea(new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -p.x, -p.y)); // Remove translations final Rectangle bfirst = first.getBounds(); final Rectangle blast = last.getBounds(); minx = Math.min(bfirst.x, blast.x); miny = Math.min(bfirst.y, blast.y); final AffineTransform rmtrans = new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -minx, -miny); first = first.createTransformedArea(rmtrans); last = last.createTransformedArea(rmtrans); } // Interpolate final Area[] as; if (!always_use_distance_map && first.isSingular() && last.isSingular()) { as = AreaUtils.singularInterpolation(first, last, chain.size()); } else { as = AreaUtils.manyToManyInterpolation(first, last, chain.size()); } // Assign each area for (final Area interpolated : as) { final Node<Area> target = chain.removeFirst(); if (node_centric) { interpolated.transform(new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, minx + target.x, miny + target.y)); } target.setData(interpolated); } return true; } /** Processes shorter chains first. */ public boolean interpolateAllGaps(final boolean node_centric, final boolean always_use_distance_map) throws Exception { if (null == root) return false; // Find all nodes that have an area final Map<Node<Area>,Integer> m = new HashMap<Node<Area>,Integer>(); for (final Node.NodeIterator<Area> it = new Node.FilteredIterator<Area>(root) { @Override public boolean accept(ini.trakem2.display.Node<Area> node) { return null != node.getData() && !node.getData().isEmpty(); } }; it.hasNext(); ) { final Node<Area> node =; // Skip root node if (null == node.parent) continue; // Gather the chain towards the nearest parent with an area final LinkedList<Node<Area>> chain = new LinkedList<Node<Area>>(); Node<Area> p = node.parent; while (null != p && (null == p.getData() || p.getData().isEmpty())) { chain.add(p); p = p.parent; } // Skip pairs of nodes with areas if (chain.isEmpty()) continue; // Record m.put(node, chain.size()); } // Sort by size final ArrayList<Map.Entry<Node<Area>,Integer>> l = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Node<Area>,Integer>>(m.entrySet()); Collections.sort(l, new Comparator<Map.Entry<Node<Area>,Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(final Map.Entry<Node<Area>, Integer> o1, final Map.Entry<Node<Area>, Integer> o2) { return o1.getValue() - o2.getValue(); } }); // Process in order: shorter chains first boolean processed = false; for (final Map.Entry<Node<Area>,Integer> e : l) { final Node<Area> node = e.getKey(); processed |= interpolateTowardsParent(node, node_centric, always_use_distance_map); } return processed; } /** Assumes {@code nd} is an AreaNode. Otherwise fails with {@link ClassCastException}. * @param nd An AreaNode. */ public void addWorldAreaTo(final Node<?> nd, final Area a) { final AreaNode an = (AreaNode) nd; if (null == an.getData(); // creates,; } private class AreaMeasurementPair extends Tree<Area>.MeasurementPair { public AreaMeasurementPair(final Tree<Area>.NodePath np) { super(np); } /** A list of calibrated areas, one per node in the path.*/ @Override protected List<Area> calibratedData() { final ArrayList<Area> data = new ArrayList<Area>(); final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform(; final Calibration cal = layer_set.getCalibration(); aff.preConcatenate(new AffineTransform(cal.pixelWidth, 0, 0, cal.pixelHeight, 0, 0)); for (final Node<Area> nd : super.path) { final Area a = nd.getData(); if (null == a) data.add(null); data.add(a.createTransformedArea(aff)); } return data; } @Override public String getResultsTableTitle() { return "AreaTree tagged pairs"; } @Override public ResultsTable toResultsTable(ResultsTable rt, final int index, final double scale, final int resample) { if (null == rt) { final String unit = layer_set.getCalibration().getUnit(); rt = Utils.createResultsTable(getResultsTableTitle(), new String[]{"id", "index", "length " + unit, "volume " + unit + "^3"}); } rt.incrementCounter(); rt.addValue(0,; rt.addValue(1, index); rt.addValue(2, distance); final CustomTriangleMesh mesh = new CustomTriangleMesh(createMesh(scale, resample).verts); rt.addValue(3, mesh.getVolume()); return rt; } @Override public MeshData createMesh(final double scale, final int resample) { final AreaTree sub = new AreaTree(project, -1, "", width, height, alpha, true, color, false, new AffineTransform(at)); sub.layer_set = AreaTree.this.layer_set; sub.root = path.get(0); sub.cacheSubtree(path); return sub.generateMesh(scale, resample); } } @Override protected MeasurementPair createMeasurementPair(final NodePath np) { return new AreaMeasurementPair(np); } }