package; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ini.trakem2.display.AreaTree; import ini.trakem2.display.Connector; import ini.trakem2.display.Displayable; import ini.trakem2.display.Node; import ini.trakem2.display.Tree; import ini.trakem2.display.Treeline; import ini.trakem2.utils.Utils; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public final class NeuroML { /** Given a branch or end node, gather the list of nodes all the way * up to the previous branch node or root (not included). * The list has be as the first node. */ static private final <T> List<Node<T>> cable(final Node<T> be) { final ArrayList<Node<T>> slab = new ArrayList<Node<T>>(); slab.add(be); // Collect nodes up to a node (not included) // that must have a parent (so not the root) // and more than one child. Node<T> p1 = be.getParent(); Node<T> p2 = null == p1 ? null : p1.getParent(); while (p2 != null && 1 == p1.getChildrenCount()) { slab.add(p1); p1 = p2; p2 = p2.getParent(); } return slab; } static private final void writeCellHeader(final Writer w, final Tree<?> t) throws IOException { w.write("<cell name=\""); w.write(Long.toString(t.getId())); w.write("\">\n"); w.write(" <meta:notes>"); w.write(t.getProject().getMeaningfulTitle(t)); final String annotation = t.getAnnotation(); if (null != annotation) { w.write("\n"); w.write(t.getAnnotation()); } w.write("</meta:notes>\n"); w.write(" <meta:properties>\n"); w.write(" <meta:property tag=\"Neuron type\" value=\"manually reconstructed\" />\n"); w.write(" </meta:properties>\n"); w.write(" <segments xmlns=\"\">\n"); } /** Transform in 2d the point with the given affine that combines the Tree affine and the calibration, * along with its z and radius. * * Then the data is stored into fp as: * fp[0] = x * fp[1] = y * fp[2] = z * fp[3] = radius */ static private final void toPoint(final Node<Float> nd, final float[] fp, final AffineTransform aff, final double zScale) { // 0,1: the point fp[0] = nd.getX(); fp[1] = nd.getY(); // 2,3: the point with x displaced by the radius fp[2] = fp[0] + nd.getData(); fp[3] = fp[1]; // aff.transform(fp, 0, fp, 0, 2); // Compute transformed radius fp[3] = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(fp[2] - fp[0], 2) + Math.pow(fp[3] - fp[1], 2)); // Set Z fp[2] = (float)(nd.getLayer().getZ() * zScale); } static private final void writeSomaSegment(final Writer w, final float[] root) throws IOException { w.write(" <segment id=\"0\" name=\"0\" cable=\"0\">\n"); final String sx = Float.toString(root[0]), sy = Float.toString(root[1]), sz = Float.toString(root[2]), sd = Float.toString(Math.max(1, 2 * root[3])); // it's a radius, and at least the diameter should be 1 w.write(" <proximal x=\""); w.write(sx); w.write("\" y=\""); w.write(sy); w.write("\" z=\""); w.write(sz); w.write("\" diameter=\""); w.write(sd); w.write("\"/>\n <distal x=\""); w.write(sx); w.write("\" y=\""); w.write(sy); w.write("\" z=\""); w.write(sz); w.write("\" diameter=\""); w.write(sd); w.write("\"/>\n </segment>\n"); } static private final void writeCableSegment(final Writer w, final float[] seg, final long segId, final long parentId, final float[] parentCoords, final String sCableId) throws IOException { final String sid = Long.toString(segId); w.write(" <segment id=\""); w.write(sid); w.write("\" name=\""); w.write(sid); w.write("\" parent=\""); w.write(Long.toString(parentId)); w.write("\" cable=\""); w.write(sCableId); w.write("\">\n"); if (null != parentCoords) { w.write(" <proximal x=\""); w.write(Float.toString(parentCoords[0])); w.write("\" y=\""); w.write(Float.toString(parentCoords[1])); w.write("\" z=\""); w.write(Float.toString(parentCoords[2])); w.write("\" diameter=\""); w.write(Float.toString(Math.max(1, parentCoords[3]))); w.write("\"/>\n"); } w.write(" <distal x=\""); w.write(Float.toString(seg[0])); w.write("\" y=\""); w.write(Float.toString(seg[1])); w.write("\" z=\""); w.write(Float.toString(seg[2])); w.write("\" diameter=\""); w.write(Float.toString(Math.max(1, seg[3]))); // at least 1 w.write("\"/>\n </segment>\n"); } static private final class HalfSynapse { private Connector c; private Tree<?> t; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Node<?> node; private long segmentId; /** A pre- or a post-synaptic site, located at {@code node} with which a segment with id {@code segmentId} was made.*/ HalfSynapse(final Connector c, final Tree<?> t, final Node<?> node, final long segmentId) { this.c = c; this.t = t; this.node = node; this.segmentId = segmentId; } } static private final class Synapse { private final HalfSynapse pre, post; Synapse(final HalfSynapse pre, final HalfSynapse post) { this.pre = pre; = post; } } static private final void collectConnectors(final Node<?> node, final Tree<?> t, final float[] nodeWorldCoords, final long segmentId, final List<HalfSynapse> pre, final List<HalfSynapse> post) { for (final Displayable d : t.getLayerSet().findZDisplayables(Connector.class, node.getLayer(), (int)nodeWorldCoords[0], (int)nodeWorldCoords[1], false)) { final Connector c = (Connector) d; if (c.intersectsOrigin(nodeWorldCoords[0], nodeWorldCoords[1], node.getLayer())) { pre.add(new HalfSynapse(c, t, node, segmentId)); } else { post.add(new HalfSynapse(c, t, node, segmentId)); } } } static private final class TreePair { final Tree<?> source, target; TreePair(Tree<?> source, Tree<?> target) { this.source = source; = target; } public final boolean equals(final Object ob) { final TreePair p = (TreePair) ob; return (source == p.source && target ==; } } static private final double scaleToMicrometers(final Calibration cal) { final double scale; final String unit = cal.getUnit().trim().toLowerCase(); if (unit.equals("nanometer") || unit.equals("nm")) scale = 0.001; else if (unit.equals("micrometer") || unit.equals("µm") || unit.equals("um")) scale = 1; else if (unit.equals("milimeter") || unit.equals("mm")) scale = 1000; else if (unit.equals("meter") || unit.equals("m")) scale = 1000000; else { scale = 1; Utils.logAll("UNKNOWN unit '" + unit + "' -- using scale of 1."); } return scale; } static public final void exportMorphML(final Collection<Tree<?>> trees, final Writer w) throws Exception { exportMorphML(new HashSet<Tree<?>>(trees), w); } static public final void exportMorphML(final Set<Tree<?>> trees, final Writer w) throws Exception { if (trees.isEmpty()) return; // Header w.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); w.write("<!-- Exported from TrakEM2 '" + Utils.version + "' at " + new Date() + "\nTrakEM2 software by Albert Cardona, Institute of Neuroinformatics of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich -->\n"); w.write("<morphml xmlns=\"\"\n"); w.write(" xmlns:meta=\"\"\n"); w.write(" xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"); w.write(" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\"\n"); w.write(" length_units=\"micrometer\">\n<cells>\n"); // Scale units to micrometers final Calibration cal = trees.iterator().next().getLayerSet().getCalibration(); final double scale = scaleToMicrometers(cal); final AffineTransform scale2d = new AffineTransform(cal.pixelWidth * scale, 0, 0, cal.pixelHeight * scale, 0, 0); final double zScale = cal.pixelWidth * scale; // not pixelDepth // Each Tree is a cell for (final Tree<?> t : trees) { if (null == t.getRoot()) continue; exportMorphMLCell(w, t, trees, null, null, scale2d, zScale); } w.write("</cells>\n</morphml>\n"); } static public final void exportNeuroML(final Collection<Tree<?>> trees, final Writer w) throws Exception { exportNeuroML(new HashSet<Tree<?>>(trees), w); } /** Export to NeuroML 1.8.3, with synapses. * Every {@link Tree} is represented by a <cell>, and an instance of that <cell> * is represented by a <population> of one single cell. */ static public final void exportNeuroML(final Set<Tree<?>> trees, final Writer w) throws Exception { if (trees.isEmpty()) return; // Header w.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<!-- Exported from TrakEM2 '" + Utils.version + "' at " + new Date() + "\nTrakEM2 software by Albert Cardona, Institute of Neuroinformatics of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich -->\n" + "<neuroml xmlns=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:net=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:mml=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:meta=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:bio=\"\"\n" + " xmlns:cml=\"\"\n" + " xsi:schemaLocation=\"\"\n" + " length_units=\"micrometer\">\n"); final List<HalfSynapse> presynaptic = new ArrayList<HalfSynapse>(); final List<HalfSynapse> postsynaptic = new ArrayList<HalfSynapse>(); // Scale units to micrometers final Calibration cal = trees.iterator().next().getLayerSet().getCalibration(); final double scale = scaleToMicrometers(cal); final AffineTransform scale2d = new AffineTransform(cal.pixelWidth * scale, 0, 0, cal.pixelHeight * scale, 0, 0); final double zScale = cal.pixelWidth * scale; // not pixelDepth w.write("<cells>\n"); // Each Tree is a cell for (final Tree<?> t : trees) { if (null == t.getRoot()) continue; exportMorphMLCell(w, t, trees, presynaptic, postsynaptic, scale2d, zScale); } w.write("</cells>\n"); // Write a a population of cell for every Tree, where each population has only one cell at 0,0,0. // If the id=10, then the name is p10 and the type is t10. w.write("<populations xmlns=\"\">\n"); for (final Tree<?> t : trees) { w.write(" <population name=\"p"); final String sid = Long.toString(t.getId()); w.write(sid); w.write("\" cell_type=\"t"); w.write(sid); w.write("\">\n <instances size=\"1\">\n <instance id=\"0\"><location x=\"0\" y=\"0\" z=\"0\"/></instance>\n </instances>\n </population>\n"); } w.write("</populations>\n"); // Write a project group with all the synapses among the members of the set of trees. w.write("<projections units=\"Physiological Units\" xmlns=\"\">\n"); // Figure out which pre connect to which post: the Connector instance is shared, so use it as key final Map<Connector,HalfSynapse> cpre = new HashMap<Connector,HalfSynapse>(); for (final HalfSynapse syn : presynaptic) { cpre.put(syn.c, syn); } final Map<TreePair,List<Synapse>> pairs = new HashMap<TreePair,List<Synapse>>(); for (final HalfSynapse post : postsynaptic) { final HalfSynapse pre = cpre.get(post.c); if (null == pre) continue; // Does not originate within the set of trees // pre and post share the same Connector final TreePair pair = new TreePair(pre.t, post.t); List<Synapse> ls = pairs.get(pair); if (null == ls) { ls = new ArrayList<Synapse>(); pairs.put(pair, ls); } ls.add(new Synapse(pre, post)); } for (final Map.Entry<TreePair,List<Synapse>> e : pairs.entrySet()) { // Write synapse between pre and post final TreePair pair = e.getKey(); w.write(" <projection name=\"NetworkConnection\" source=\"p"); w.write(Long.toString(pair.source.getId())); w.write("\" target=\"p"); w.write(Long.toString(; w.write("\">\n"); w.write(" <synapse_props synapse_type=\"DoubExpSynA\" internal_delay=\"5\" weight=\"1\" threshold=\"-20\"/>\n"); w.write(" <connections size=\""); final List<Synapse> ls = e.getValue(); w.write(Integer.toString(ls.size())); w.write("\">\n"); int cid = 0; for (final Synapse syn : ls) { w.write(" <connection id=\""); w.write(Integer.toString(cid)); w.write("\" pre_cell_id=\"0\" pre_segment_id=\""); w.write(Long.toString(syn.pre.segmentId)); w.write("\" pre_fraction_along=\"0.5\" post_cell_id=\"0\" post_segment_id=\""); w.write(Long.toString(; w.write("\"/>\n"); cid += 1; } w.write(" </connections>\n"); w.write(" </projection>\n"); } w.write(" </projections>\n"); w.write("</neuroml>\n"); } /** Without headers, just the cell block for a single AreaTree. * Works by duplicating the AreaTree as a Treeline. */ static private final void exportMorphMLCell(final Writer w, final Tree<?> t, final Set<Tree<?>> trees, final List<HalfSynapse> pre, final List<HalfSynapse> post, final AffineTransform scale2d, final double zScale) throws Exception { if (t instanceof Treeline) { exportMorphMLCell(w, (Treeline)t, trees, pre, post, scale2d, zScale); } else if (t instanceof AreaTree) { exportMorphMLCell(w, Tree.copyAs((AreaTree)t, Treeline.class, Treeline.RadiusNode.class), trees, pre, post, scale2d, zScale); } } /** Without headers, just the cell block for a single Treeline. * If pre is null, then synapses are not collected. */ static private final void exportMorphMLCell(final Writer w, final Treeline t, final Set<Tree<?>> trees, final List<HalfSynapse> pre, final List<HalfSynapse> post, final AffineTransform scale2d, final double zScale) throws IOException { final float[] fp = new float[4]; // x, y, z, r // Prepare transform final AffineTransform aff = new AffineTransform(t.getAffineTransform()); aff.preConcatenate(scale2d); writeCellHeader(w, t); // Map of Node vs id of the node // These ids are used to express parent-child relationships between segments final HashMap<Node<Float>,Long> nodeIds = new HashMap<Node<Float>,Long>(); // Map of coords for branch or end nodes // so that the start of a cable can write the proximal coords final HashMap<Node<Float>,float[]> nodeCoords = new HashMap<Node<Float>,float[]>(); // Root gets ID of 0: long nextSegmentId = 0; long cableId = 0; final Node<Float> root = t.getRoot(); toPoint(root, fp, aff, zScale); writeSomaSegment(w, fp); // a dummy segment that has no length, and with a cableId of 0. if (null != pre) collectConnectors(root, t, fp, 0, pre, post); // Prepare nodeIds.put(root, nextSegmentId); nodeCoords.put(root, fp.clone()); nextSegmentId += 1; cableId += 1; // All cables that come out of the Soma (the root) require a special tag: final HashSet<Long> somaCables = new HashSet<Long>(); // Iterate all cables (all slabs; here a slab is synonym with cable, even if in NeuroML it doesn't have to be) for (final Node<Float> node : t.getRoot().getBranchAndEndNodes()) { // Gather the list of nodes all the way up to the previous branch node or root, // that last one not included. final List<Node<Float>> slab = cable(node); final String sCableId = Long.toString(cableId); // The id of the parent already exists, given that the Collection // is iterated depth-first from the root. final Node<Float> parent = slab.get(slab.size()-1).getParent(); long parentId = nodeIds.get(parent); // Use the parent coords for the proximal coords of the first segment of the cable float[] parentCoords = nodeCoords.get(parent); // Is it a cable coming out of the root node (the soma) ? if (0 == parentId) somaCables.add(cableId); // For every node starting from the closest to the root (the last), // write a segment of the cable for (final ListIterator<Node<Float>> it = slab.listIterator(slab.size()); it.hasPrevious(); ) { // Assign an id to the node of the slab final Node<Float> seg = it.previous(); // Write the segment toPoint(seg, fp, aff, zScale); writeCableSegment(w, fp, nextSegmentId, parentId, parentCoords, sCableId); // Inspect and collect synapses originating at this node if (null != pre) collectConnectors(seg, t, fp, nextSegmentId, pre, post); // Prepare next segment in the cable parentId = nextSegmentId; nextSegmentId += 1; parentCoords = null; // is used only for the first node } // Record the branch node, to be used for filling in "distal" fields if (node.getChildrenCount() > 1) { nodeIds.put(node, parentId); // parentId is the last used nextId, which is the id of node final float[] fpCopy = new float[4]; toPoint(node, fpCopy, aff, zScale); nodeCoords.put(node, fpCopy); } // Prepare next slab or cable cableId += 1; } w.write(" </segments>\n"); // Define the nature of each cable // Each cable requires a unique name w.write(" <cables xmlns=\"\">\n"); w.write(" <cable id=\"0\" name=\"Soma\">\n <meta:group>soma_group</meta:group>\n </cable>\n"); for (long i=1; i<cableId; i++) { final String sid = Long.toString(i); w.write(" <cable id=\""); w.write(sid); w.write("\" name=\""); w.write(sid); if (somaCables.contains(i)) w.write("\" fract_along_parent=\"0.5"); else w.write("\" fract_along_parent=\"1.0"); // child segments start at the end of the segment w.write("\">\n <meta:group>arbor_group</meta:group>\n </cable>\n"); } w.write(" </cables>\n</cell>\n"); } }