package; import net.time4j.PlainDate; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class OrdinalTest { @Parameterized.Parameters (name= "{index}: " + "(value={0},text={1})") public static Iterable<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[][] { {"2014-05-01", "1st of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-02", "2nd of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-03", "3rd of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-04", "4th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-05", "5th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-06", "6th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-07", "7th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-08", "8th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-09", "9th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-10", "10th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-11", "11th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-12", "12th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-13", "13th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-14", "14th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-15", "15th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-16", "16th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-17", "17th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-18", "18th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-19", "19th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-20", "20th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-21", "21st of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-22", "22nd of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-23", "23rd of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-24", "24th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-25", "25th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-26", "26th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-27", "27th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-28", "28th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-29", "29th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-30", "30th of May 2014"}, {"2014-05-31", "31st of May 2014"} } ); } private ChronoFormatter<PlainDate> formatter; private PlainDate value; private String text; public OrdinalTest( String value, String text ) throws ParseException { super(); this.formatter = ChronoFormatter.setUp(PlainDate.class, Locale.ENGLISH) .addEnglishOrdinal(PlainDate.DAY_OF_MONTH) .addPattern("' of 'MMMM uuuu", PatternType.CLDR) .build(); this.value = Iso8601Format.EXTENDED_CALENDAR_DATE.parse(value); this.text = text; } @Test public void printEnglishOrdinal() throws ParseException { assertThat(this.formatter.format(this.value), is(this.text)); } @Test public void parseEnglishOrdinal() throws ParseException { assertThat(this.formatter.parse(this.text), is(this.value)); } }