package net.time4j.calendar; import net.time4j.PlainDate; import net.time4j.engine.CalendarSystem; import net.time4j.engine.EpochDays; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import java.text.ParseException; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology; import java.time.chrono.HijrahDate; import java.time.temporal.ChronoField; import java.util.Arrays; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class UmalquraDataTest { @Parameterized.Parameters(name= "{index}: umalqura({0}-{1}-{2})={3}") public static Iterable<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[][] { {1300, 1, 1, "1882-11-12"}, {1355, 12, 29, "1937-03-13"}, {1356, 1, 1, "1937-03-14"}, // first date supported by v.Gent {1356, 1, 29, "1937-04-11"}, {1356, 2, 1, "1937-04-12"}, {1356, 6, 29, "1937-09-05"}, {1356, 6, 30, "1937-09-06"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1356, 7, 1, "1937-09-07"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1356, 7, 15, "1937-09-21"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1356, 7, 25, "1937-10-01"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1356, 7, 29, "1937-10-05"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1356, 8, 1, "1937-10-06"}, {1411, 4, 30, "1990-11-18"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 5, 1, "1990-11-19"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 5, 29, "1990-12-17"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 5, 30, "1990-12-18"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 6, 1, "1990-12-19"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 6, 29, "1991-01-16"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 7, 1, "1991-01-17"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 7, 30, "1991-02-15"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 8, 1, "1991-02-16"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 8, 28, "1991-03-15"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 8, 29, "1991-03-16"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 8, 30, "1991-03-17"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 9, 1, "1991-03-18"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 9, 29, "1991-04-15"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1411, 11, 30, "1991-06-13"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1425, 9, 29, "2004-11-12"}, {1425, 9, 30, "2004-11-13"}, {1425, 10, 1, "2004-11-14"}, {1427, 10, 30, "2006-11-21"}, {1436, 9, 17, "2015-07-04"}, {1436, 9, 29, "2015-07-16"}, {1436, 10, 1, "2015-07-17"}, {1436, 10, 15, "2015-07-31"}, {1436, 10, 29, "2015-08-14"}, {1436, 10, 30, "2015-08-15"}, {1436, 11, 1, "2015-08-16"}, {1436, 11, 29, "2015-09-13"}, {1436, 12, 1, "2015-09-14"}, {1437, 1, 1, "2015-10-14"}, {1439, 9, 29, "2018-06-13"}, {1440, 1, 1, "2018-09-11"}, {1440, 2, 1, "2018-10-10"}, {1440, 3, 1, "2018-11-09"}, {1448, 6, 11, "2026-11-21"}, {1462, 12, 10, "2040-12-15"}, // see issue #501 {1493, 3, 28, "2070-05-09"}, {1493, 4, 29, "2070-06-09"}, // deviation between KACST and v.Gent, we follow KACST {1493, 5, 1, "2070-06-10"}, {1493, 5, 21, "2070-06-30"}, {1500, 12, 30, "2077-11-16"} // after this date KACST-converter shows a numerical overflow } ); } private static final CalendarSystem<HijriCalendar> CALSYS = AstronomicalHijriData.UMALQURA; private HijriCalendar umalqura; private long epoch; public UmalquraDataTest( int year, int month, int dom, String iso ) throws ParseException { super(); this.umalqura = HijriCalendar.ofUmalqura(year, month, dom); this.epoch = Iso8601Format.EXTENDED_CALENDAR_DATE.parse(iso).get(EpochDays.UTC); } @Test public void fromHijri() { assertThat( CALSYS.transform(this.umalqura), is(this.epoch)); } @Test public void toHijri() { assertThat( CALSYS.transform(this.epoch), is(this.umalqura)); } @Test public void weekday() { assertThat( this.umalqura.getDayOfWeek(), is(PlainDate.of(this.epoch, EpochDays.UTC).get(PlainDate.DAY_OF_WEEK))); } @Test public void yearday() { assertThat( this.umalqura.getDayOfYear(), is(this.umalqura.get(HijriCalendar.DAY_OF_YEAR).intValue())); } @Test public void unixDays() { assertThat( this.umalqura.get(EpochDays.UNIX), is(this.epoch + 2 * 365)); } @Test public void threetenComparison() { HijrahDate threeten = HijrahChronology.INSTANCE.dateEpochDay(EpochDays.UNIX.transform(this.epoch, EpochDays.UTC)); assertThat( threeten.get(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA), is(this.umalqura.getYear())); assertThat( threeten.get(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR), is(this.umalqura.getMonth().getValue())); assertThat( threeten.get(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH), is(this.umalqura.getDayOfMonth())); assertThat( PlainDate.from(LocalDate.from(threeten)), is(this.umalqura.transform(PlainDate.class))); } }