package processing.hashtag.baseline; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import cc.mallet.pipe.StringList2FeatureSequence; import cc.mallet.topics.ParallelTopicModel; import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet; import cc.mallet.types.IDSorter; import cc.mallet.types.Instance; import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList; import common.Bookmark; import common.DoubleMapComparator; import common.MemoryThread; import common.PerformanceMeasurement; import common.Utilities; import file.BookmarkReader; import file.BookmarkWriter; import file.PredictionFileWriter; import processing.MalletCalculator; public class MalletCalculatorTweet { private final static int MAX_RECOMMENDATIONS = 10; private final static int NUM_ITERATIONS = 2000; private final static int MAX_TERMS = 100; private static double TOPIC_THRESHOLD = 0.001; private final static double ALPHA = 0.01; private final static double BETA = 0.01; private int numTopics; private Map<Integer, Double> mostPopularTopics; private List<Map<Integer, Double>> docList; private List<Map<Integer, Double>> topicList; private List<Map<Integer, Integer>> maps; private InstanceList instances; public MalletCalculatorTweet(List<Map<Integer, Integer>> maps, int numTopics) { this.numTopics = numTopics; this.maps = maps; this.mostPopularTopics = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); initializeDataStructures(); } private void initializeDataStructures() { this.instances = new InstanceList(new StringList2FeatureSequence()); for (Map<Integer, Integer> map : this.maps) { List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) { for (int i = 0; i < entry.getValue(); i++) { tags.add(entry.getKey().toString()); } } Instance inst = new Instance(tags, null, null, null); inst.setData(tags); this.instances.addThruPipe(inst); } } /** * What does this function returns. * @param LDA * @param maxTopicsPerDoc * @return */ private List<Map<Integer, Double>> getMaxTopicsByDocs(ParallelTopicModel LDA, int maxTopicsPerDoc){ List<Map<Integer, Double>> docList = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Double>>(); Map<Integer, Double> unsortedMostPopularTopics = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); int numDocs = this.instances.size(); for (int doc = 0; doc < numDocs; ++doc) { Map<Integer, Double> topicList = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); double[] topicProbs = LDA.getTopicProbabilities(doc); //double probSum = 0.0; for (int topic = 0; topic < topicProbs.length && topic < maxTopicsPerDoc; topic++) { if (topicProbs[topic] > TOPIC_THRESHOLD) { // TODO double newTopicProb = topicProbs[topic]; topicList.put(topic, newTopicProb); Double oldTopicProb = unsortedMostPopularTopics.get(topic); unsortedMostPopularTopics.put(topic, oldTopicProb == null ? newTopicProb : oldTopicProb.doubleValue() + newTopicProb); //probSum += topicProbs[topic]; } } //System.out.println("Topic Sum: " + probSum); Map<Integer, Double> sortedTopicList = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(new DoubleMapComparator(topicList)); sortedTopicList.putAll(topicList); docList.add(sortedTopicList); } Map<Integer, Double> sortedMostPopularTopics = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(new DoubleMapComparator(unsortedMostPopularTopics)); sortedMostPopularTopics.putAll(unsortedMostPopularTopics); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : sortedMostPopularTopics.entrySet()) { if (this.mostPopularTopics.size() < MAX_RECOMMENDATIONS) { this.mostPopularTopics.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return docList; } /** * The created model is passed to this method, this method gives maximum terms by topic. * @param LDA * @param limit * @return */ private List<Map<Integer, Double>> getMaxTermsByTopics(ParallelTopicModel LDA, int limit) { Alphabet alphabet = LDA.getAlphabet(); List<Map<Integer, Double>> topicList = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Double>>(); int numTopics = LDA.getNumTopics(); List<TreeSet<IDSorter>> sortedWords = LDA.getSortedWords(); for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; ++topic) { Map<Integer, Double> termList = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); TreeSet<IDSorter> topicWords = sortedWords.get(topic); //int i = 0; double weightSum = 0.0; for (IDSorter entry : topicWords) { if (entry.getWeight() > 0.0) { //if (i++ < limit) { int tag = Integer.parseInt(alphabet.lookupObject(entry.getID()).toString()); termList.put(tag, entry.getWeight()); weightSum += entry.getWeight(); //} else { // break; //} } } // relative values //double relSum = 0.0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : termList.entrySet()) { //relSum += (entry.getValue() / weightSum); entry.setValue(entry.getValue() / weightSum); } //System.out.println("RelSum: " + relSum); topicList.add(termList); } return topicList; } /** * What does this boolean value signify. * @param topicCreation */ public void predictValuesProbs(boolean topicCreation) { ParallelTopicModel LDA = new ParallelTopicModel(this.numTopics, ALPHA * this.numTopics, BETA); // TODO LDA.addInstances(this.instances); LDA.setNumThreads(1); LDA.setNumIterations(NUM_ITERATIONS); LDA.setRandomSeed(43); try { LDA.estimate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.docList = getMaxTopicsByDocs(LDA, this.numTopics); System.out.println("Fetched Doc-List"); this.topicList = !topicCreation ? getMaxTermsByTopics(LDA, MAX_TERMS) : null; System.out.println("Fetched Topic-List"); } /** * What does this method do? * @param id * @param topicCreation * @return */ public Map<Integer, Double> getValueProbsForID(int id, boolean topicCreation) { Map<Integer, Double> terms = null; if (id < this.docList.size()) { Map<Integer, Double> docVals = this.docList.get(id); if (this.topicList == null) { return docVals; } terms = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> topic : docVals.entrySet()) { // look at each assigned topic Set<Entry<Integer, Double>> entrySet = this.topicList.get(topic.getKey()).entrySet(); double topicProb = topic.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : entrySet) { // and its terms if (topicCreation) { // DEPRECATED if (topicProb > TOPIC_THRESHOLD) { terms.put(entry.getKey(), topicProb); break; // only use first tag as topic-name with the topic probability } } else { double wordProb = entry.getValue(); Double val = terms.get(entry.getKey()); terms.put(entry.getKey(), val == null ? wordProb * topicProb : val + wordProb * topicProb); } } } } return terms; } public Map<Integer, Double> getMostPopularTopics() { return this.mostPopularTopics; } /***************************************************** Get Ranked Tag List *******************************************************/ private static String timeString; private static Map<Integer, Double> getRankedTagList(BookmarkReader reader, Map<Integer, Double> userMap, Map<Integer, Double> resMap, boolean sorting) { Map<Integer, Double> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); // either of they userMap or resMap is null. Based on which of them is null calculate the resultMap. if (userMap != null) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : userMap.entrySet()) { resultMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().doubleValue()); } } if (resMap != null) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : resMap.entrySet()) { double resVal = entry.getValue().doubleValue(); Double val = resultMap.get(entry.getKey()); resultMap.put(entry.getKey(), val == null ? resVal : val.doubleValue() + resVal); } } // sort the result map. if (sorting) { Map<Integer, Double> sortedResultMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(new DoubleMapComparator(resultMap)); sortedResultMap.putAll(resultMap); Map<Integer, Double> returnMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(MAX_RECOMMENDATIONS); int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : sortedResultMap.entrySet()) { if (i++ < MAX_RECOMMENDATIONS) { returnMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { break; } } return returnMap; } return resultMap; } /** * Start the creation of LDA model. * @param reader * @param sampleSize * @param sorting * @param numTopics * @param userBased * @param resBased * @param topicCreation * @return */ private static List<Map<Integer, Double>> startLdaCreation(BookmarkReader reader, int sampleSize, boolean sorting, int numTopics, boolean userBased, boolean resBased, boolean topicCreation) { int size = reader.getBookmarks().size(); int trainSize = size - sampleSize; //int oldTrainSize = trainSize; Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.start(); MalletCalculatorTweet userCalc = null; List<Map<Integer, Integer>> userMaps = null; // what is meant by the user based maps if (userBased) { userMaps = Utilities.getUserMaps(reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, trainSize)); userCalc = new MalletCalculatorTweet(userMaps, numTopics); userCalc.predictValuesProbs(topicCreation); System.out.println("User-Training finished"); } MalletCalculator resCalc = null; List<Map<Integer, Integer>> resMaps = null; // what is meant by the resource based maps if (resBased) { resMaps = Utilities.getResMaps(reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, trainSize)); resCalc = new MalletCalculator(resMaps, numTopics); resCalc.predictValuesProbs(topicCreation); System.out.println("Res-Training finished"); } List<Map<Integer, Double>> results = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Double>>(); if (topicCreation) { trainSize = 0; } timer.stop(); long trainingTime = timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timer.reset(); timer.start(); int mpCount = 0; for (int i = trainSize; i < size; i++) { // the test set Bookmark data = reader.getBookmarks().get(i); int userID = data.getUserID(); int resID = data.getResourceID(); Map<Integer, Double> userPredMap = null; if (userCalc != null) { // create the user prediction map fopr the given user userPredMap = userCalc.getValueProbsForID(userID, topicCreation); } Map<Integer, Double> resPredMap = null; if (resCalc != null) { //if (i > oldTrainSize) { // System.out.println("Test-Set"); //} // if res specific lda call, the create resource specific map resPredMap = resCalc.getValueProbsForID(resID, topicCreation); if (topicCreation && resPredMap == null) { resPredMap = resCalc.getMostPopularTopics(); mpCount++; } } // get ranked tag list for the current user Map<Integer, Double> map = getRankedTagList(reader, userPredMap, resPredMap, sorting); results.add(map); } timer.stop(); long testTime = timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timeString = PerformanceMeasurement.addTimeMeasurement(timeString, true, trainingTime, testTime, (topicCreation ? size : sampleSize)); System.out.println("MpCount: " + mpCount); return results; } public static BookmarkReader predictSample(String filename, int trainSize, int sampleSize, int numTopics, boolean userBased, boolean resBased) { Timer timerThread = new Timer(); MemoryThread memoryThread = new MemoryThread(); timerThread.schedule(memoryThread, 0, MemoryThread.TIME_SPAN); BookmarkReader reader = new BookmarkReader(trainSize, false); reader.readFile(filename); List<Map<Integer, Double>> ldaValues = startLdaCreation(reader, sampleSize, true, numTopics, userBased, resBased, false); List<int[]> predictionValues = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < ldaValues.size(); i++) { Map<Integer, Double> ldaVal = ldaValues.get(i); predictionValues.add(Ints.toArray(ldaVal.keySet())); } reader.setTestLines(reader.getBookmarks().subList(trainSize, reader.getBookmarks().size())); PredictionFileWriter writer = new PredictionFileWriter(reader, predictionValues); writer.writeFile(filename + "_lda_" + numTopics); timeString = PerformanceMeasurement.addMemoryMeasurement(timeString, false, memoryThread.getMaxMemory()); timerThread.cancel(); Utilities.writeStringToFile("./data/metrics/" + filename + "_lda_" + numTopics + "_TIME.txt", timeString); return reader; } public static void createSample(String filename, short numTopics, boolean tagRec, int trainSize, boolean personalizedTopicCreation) { Timer timerThread = new Timer(); MemoryThread memoryThread = new MemoryThread(); timerThread.schedule(memoryThread, 0, MemoryThread.TIME_SPAN); String outputFile = new String(filename) + "_lda_" + numTopics; if (tagRec) { TOPIC_THRESHOLD = 0.001; } else { TOPIC_THRESHOLD = 0.01; } Integer creationTrainSize = (personalizedTopicCreation ? trainSize : null); BookmarkReader reader = new BookmarkReader(creationTrainSize == null ? 0 : creationTrainSize.intValue(), false); reader.readFile(filename); int size = reader.getBookmarks().size(); List<Map<Integer, Double>> ldaValues = startLdaCreation(reader, creationTrainSize == null ? 0 : size - creationTrainSize.intValue(), true, numTopics, false, true, true); List<int[]> predictionValues = new ArrayList<int[]>(); //List<double[]> probValues = new ArrayList<double[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < ldaValues.size(); i++) { Map<Integer, Double> ldaVal = ldaValues.get(i); predictionValues.add(Ints.toArray(ldaVal.keySet())); //probValues.add(Doubles.toArray(ldaVal.values())); } List<Bookmark> userSample = reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, size); BookmarkWriter.writeSample(reader, userSample, outputFile, predictionValues, false); //if (creationTrainSize != null) { List<Bookmark> trainUserSample = reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, trainSize); List<int[]> trainPredictionValues = predictionValues.subList(0, trainSize); List<Bookmark> testUserSample = reader.getBookmarks().subList(trainSize, size); List<int[]> testPredictionValues = predictionValues.subList(trainSize, size); BookmarkWriter.writeSample(reader, trainUserSample, outputFile + "_train", trainPredictionValues, false); BookmarkWriter.writeSample(reader, testUserSample, outputFile + "_test", testPredictionValues, false); //} timeString = PerformanceMeasurement.addMemoryMeasurement(timeString, false, memoryThread.getMaxMemory()); timerThread.cancel(); Utilities.writeStringToFile("./data/metrics/" + filename + "_lda_creation_" + numTopics + "_TIME.txt", timeString); } }