package processing.hashtag.analysis; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import common.TimeUtil; /** * @author spujari * */ public class ProcessFrequencyRecency { private String sampleDir; public void ProcessTagAnalytics(String sampleDir, HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap, Integer granularity) { this.sampleDir = sampleDir; // frequency //HashMap<Integer, Integer> tagFrequency = getTagFrequency(userTagTimestampMap); //saveHashMap(tagFrequency, "./tagfrequency"); // recency in duration //HashMap< Integer, Integer> tagRecency = getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap); if (granularity == null) { //saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.SECOND), "individual_recency_seconds.txt"); //saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.MINUTE), "individual_recency_minutes.txt"); saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.HOUR), "individual_recency_hours.txt"); saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.DAY), "individual_recency_days.txt"); } else { if (granularity == TimeUtil.SECOND) { saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.SECOND), "individual_recency_seconds.txt"); } else if (granularity == TimeUtil.MINUTE) { saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.MINUTE), "individual_recency_minutes.txt"); } else if (granularity == TimeUtil.HOUR) { saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.HOUR), "individual_recency_hours.txt"); } else if (granularity == TimeUtil.DAY) { saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.DAY), "individual_recency_days.txt"); } } //saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.FIFTEEN_DAYS), "./tagrecency" + "_" + "FIFTEEN_DAYS"); //saveHashMap(getRecencyInDuration(userTagTimestampMap, TimeUtil.MONTH), "./tagrecency" + "_" + "MONTH"); // user unique tag count //HashMap< Integer, Integer> uniqueTagCount = getUserUniqueTagCount(userTagTimestampMap); //saveHashMap(uniqueTagCount, "./uniqueTagCount"); // user tag count //HashMap< Integer, Integer> userTagCount = getUserTagCount(userTagTimestampMap); // tag tag count // HashMap< Integer, Integer> tagTagCount = getTagTagCount(userTagTimestampMap); // tag user count //HashMap< Integer, Integer> tagUserCount = getTagUserCount(userTagTimestampMap); } private void saveHashMap(HashMap<Integer, Integer> saveHashMap, String filename){ File file = new File("./data/metrics/" + this.sampleDir + "/" + filename); try { if (!file.exists()){ file.createNewFile(); } BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); for (Integer key : saveHashMap.keySet()){ for(int i=0; i < saveHashMap.get(key) ; i++){ bw.write(key + "\n"); } } bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * get how frequent is length of timestamp list. * @param userTagTimestampMap user map to tag to list of timestamps of tag usage. * @return a map of timestamp list lenght to number of times its occuring in the dataset. */ private HashMap<Integer, Integer> getTagFrequency(HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> hashMapInteger = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (String user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ for (Integer tag : userTagTimestampMap.get(user).keySet()){ List<Long> timestampList = userTagTimestampMap.get(user).get(tag); Integer timestampListLen = timestampList.size(); if (!hashMapInteger.containsKey(timestampListLen)) { hashMapInteger.put(timestampListLen, 0); }else{ } hashMapInteger.put(timestampListLen, hashMapInteger.get(timestampListLen) + 1); } } return hashMapInteger; } /** * how recent the tags are used in the dataset. * @param userTagTimestampMap user map to tag to list of timestamps of tag usage. * @return the duration count between the 2 consecutive use of hastags. */ private HashMap<Integer, Integer> getRecencyInDuration(HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap, int durationType){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> durationCountMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (String user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ for (Integer tag : userTagTimestampMap.get(user).keySet()){ Long lastTimestamp = new Long(0); List<Long> timestampList = userTagTimestampMap.get(user).get(tag); Collections.sort(timestampList); for (Long currentTimestamp : timestampList){ if (lastTimestamp == 0){ lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp; continue; }else{ int duration = (int)(currentTimestamp - lastTimestamp); duration = TimeUtil.getDurationAtGranularity(duration, durationType); duration++; if (!durationCountMap.containsKey(duration)){ durationCountMap.put(duration, 0); }else{ } durationCountMap.put(duration, durationCountMap.get(duration) + 1); lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp; } } } } return durationCountMap; } /** * How many unique tags does a user use. * @param userTagTimestampMap * @return */ private HashMap<Integer, Integer> getUserUniqueTagCount(HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> userUniqueTagCount = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (String user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ int numberUniqueTags = userTagTimestampMap.get(user).size(); if (!userUniqueTagCount.containsKey(numberUniqueTags)){ userUniqueTagCount.put(numberUniqueTags, 0); }else{ } userUniqueTagCount.put(numberUniqueTags, userUniqueTagCount.get(numberUniqueTags) + 1); } return userUniqueTagCount; } /** * The total number of tags used by the user * @param userTagTimestampMap * @return */ private HashMap<Integer, Integer> getUserTagCount(HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> userTotalTagCountMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (String user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ int userTotalTagCount = 0; for (Integer tag : userTagTimestampMap.get(user).keySet()){ List<Long> timestampList = userTagTimestampMap.get(user).get(tag); int lenTimestampList = timestampList.size(); userTotalTagCount = userTotalTagCount + lenTimestampList; } if (!userTotalTagCountMap.containsKey(userTotalTagCount)){ userTotalTagCountMap.put(userTotalTagCount, 0); } userTotalTagCountMap.put(userTotalTagCount, userTotalTagCountMap.get(userTotalTagCount) + 1); } return userTotalTagCountMap; } private HashMap<Integer, Integer> getTagTagCount(HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap){ /* * Count of tags in the system. Some tags are frequent the others. * */ HashMap<Integer, Integer> tagTagCount = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (String user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ for (Integer tag : userTagTimestampMap.get(user).keySet()){ List<Long> timestampList = userTagTimestampMap.get(user).get(tag); if (!tagTagCount.containsKey(tag)){ tagTagCount.put(tag, 0); }else{ } tagTagCount.put(tag, tagTagCount.get(tag) + timestampList.size()); } } // get the count of tags that are used particular number of time. HashMap<Integer, Integer> tagCountCountMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Integer tag : tagTagCount.keySet()){ Integer count = tagTagCount.get(tag); if (!tagCountCountMap.containsKey(count)){ tagCountCountMap.put(count, 0); }else{ } tagCountCountMap.put(count,tagCountCountMap.get(count) + 1); } return tagCountCountMap; } private HashMap<Integer, Integer> getTagUserCount(HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap){ /** * Some tags have more users then the others. * */ HashMap<Integer, Integer> tagUserCount = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (String user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ for (Integer tag : userTagTimestampMap.get(user).keySet()){ if(!tagUserCount.containsKey(tag)){ tagUserCount.put(tag, 0); }else{ } tagUserCount.put(tag, tagUserCount.get(tag)); } } HashMap<Integer, Integer> tagUserCountCount = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Integer tag : tagUserCount.keySet()){ Integer count = tagUserCount.get(tag); if (!tagUserCountCount.containsKey(count)){ tagUserCountCount.put(count, 0); }else{ } tagUserCountCount.put(count,tagUserCountCount.get(count) + 1); } return tagUserCountCount; } private void getSocialExternalHashTagCount(HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, List<Long>>> userTagTimestampMap, HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> network){ /** * get the first use of hashtag was external or social. * */ for (Integer user : userTagTimestampMap.keySet()){ for (Integer tag : userTagTimestampMap.get(user).keySet()){ List<Long> timestampList = userTagTimestampMap.get(user).get(tag); } } return; } }