package processing; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import common.CalculationType; import common.CooccurenceMatrix; import common.DoubleMapComparator; import common.Bookmark; import common.MemoryThread; import common.PerformanceMeasurement; import common.Utilities; import file.PredictionFileWriter; import file.BookmarkReader; public class ThreeLTCalculator { private BookmarkReader reader; private List<Bookmark> trainList; private double beta; // used for user - res combination private double dValue; // used for time private boolean userBased; private boolean resBased; private boolean bookmarkBLL; private List<List<Bookmark>> userBookmarks; List<Map<Integer, Double>> resMaps; private CooccurenceMatrix rMatrix; private CalculationType cType; private List<Map<Integer, Double>> userCounts; private List<Map<Integer, Double>> resCounts; public List<Map<Integer, Double>> getUserMaps() { return this.userCounts; } public ThreeLTCalculator(BookmarkReader reader, int trainSize, int dValue, int beta, boolean userBased, boolean resBased, boolean bookmarkBLL, CalculationType cType) { this.reader = reader; this.trainList = this.reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, trainSize); this.userBookmarks = Utilities.getBookmarks(this.trainList, false); this.beta = (double)beta / 10.0; this.dValue = (double)dValue / 10.0; this.userBased = userBased; this.resBased = resBased; this.bookmarkBLL = bookmarkBLL; this.cType = cType; this.resMaps = BLLCalculator.getArtifactMaps(reader, this.trainList, null, true, new ArrayList<Long>(), new ArrayList<Double>(), 0, true, null); this.userCounts = Utilities.getRelativeTagMaps(this.trainList, false); this.resCounts = Utilities.getRelativeTagMaps(this.trainList, true); if (this.cType == CalculationType.USER_TO_RESOURCE) { this.rMatrix = new CooccurenceMatrix(this.trainList, this.reader.getTagCounts(), true); } } private Map<Integer, Double> getLastUsages(List<Bookmark> bookmarks, double timestamp, boolean categories) { Map<Integer, Double> usageMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (Bookmark data : bookmarks) { List<Integer> keys = (categories ? data.getCategories() : data.getTags()); double targetTimestamp = Double.parseDouble(data.getTimestamp()); for (int key : keys) { Double val = usageMap.get(key); if (val == null || targetTimestamp > val.doubleValue()) { usageMap.put(key, targetTimestamp); } } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : usageMap.entrySet()) { Double rec = Math.pow(timestamp - entry.getValue() + 1.0, this.dValue * (-1.0)); //Double rec = Math.exp((timestamp - entry.getValue() + 1.0) * -1.0); if (!rec.isInfinite() && !rec.isNaN()) { entry.setValue(rec.doubleValue()); } else { System.out.println("BLL - NAN"); entry.setValue(0.0); } } return usageMap; } public Map<Integer, Double> getRankedTagList(int userID, int resID, List<Integer> testCats, double testTimestamp, int limit, boolean tagBLL, boolean topicBLL, boolean sorting) { Map<Integer, Double> userResultMap = null; if (this.userBased) { List<Bookmark> userB = null; Map<Integer, Double> userTagMap = null; Map<Integer, Double> userCatMap = null; Map<Integer, Double> userCount = null; Map<Integer, Double> resCount = null; if (userID != -1 && userID < this.userBookmarks.size()) { userB = this.userBookmarks.get(userID); userCount = this.userCounts.get(userID); if (tagBLL) { userTagMap = getLastUsages(userB, testTimestamp, false); } if (topicBLL) { userCatMap = getLastUsages(userB, testTimestamp, true); } } else { userB = new ArrayList<Bookmark>(); userCount = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); } userResultMap = getResultMap(userB, testCats, userTagMap, userCatMap, testTimestamp, topicBLL); if (this.cType == CalculationType.USER_TO_RESOURCE && resID < this.resCounts.size()) { resCount = this.resCounts.get(resID); Map<Integer, Double> associativeValues = this.rMatrix.calculateAssociativeComponentsWithTagAssosiation(userCount, resCount, false, true, false); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : associativeValues.entrySet()) { Double val = userResultMap.get(entry.getKey()); userResultMap.put(entry.getKey(), val == null ? entry.getValue().doubleValue() : val.doubleValue() + entry.getValue().doubleValue()); } double denom = 0.0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : userResultMap.entrySet()) { double val = Math.log(entry.getValue()); denom += Math.exp(val); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : userResultMap.entrySet()) { entry.setValue(Math.exp(Math.log(entry.getValue())) / denom); } } } else { userResultMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); } Map<Integer, Double> resResultMap = null; if (this.resBased) { if (this.resMaps != null) { if (resID != -1 && resID < this.resMaps.size()) { resResultMap = this.resMaps.get(resID); } else { resResultMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); } } } // merge user and resource results Map<Integer, Double> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.reader.getTags().size(); i++) { double userVal = 0.0; if (userResultMap != null && userResultMap.containsKey(i)) { userVal = userResultMap.get(i); } double resVal = 0.0; if (resResultMap != null && resResultMap.containsKey(i)) { resVal = resResultMap.get(i); } if (userVal != 0.0 || resVal != 0.0) { resultMap.put(i, this.beta * userVal + (1.0 - this.beta) * resVal); //resultMap.put(i, userVal + resVal); } } // sort and return Map<Integer, Double> returnMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); Map<Integer, Double> sortedResultMap = null; if (sorting) { sortedResultMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(new DoubleMapComparator(resultMap)); sortedResultMap.putAll(resultMap); } else { sortedResultMap = resultMap; } int count = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : sortedResultMap.entrySet()) { if (count++ < limit) { returnMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } else { break; } } return returnMap; } public Map<Integer, Double> getCollectiveRankedTagList(List<Integer> testCats, double testTimestamp, int limit, boolean tagBLL, boolean topicBLL) { Map<Integer, Double> collectiveTagMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); List<Bookmark> bookmarks = this.reader.getBookmarks(); List<Map<Integer, Integer>> resTopics = Utilities.getResTopics(bookmarks); for (Bookmark b : bookmarks) { if (b.getResourceID() < resTopics.size()) { double sim = Utilities.getCosineSimList(testCats, new ArrayList<Integer>(resTopics.get(b.getResourceID()).keySet())); Double ajhid = Math.pow(sim, 3); if (ajhid.isNaN() || ajhid.isInfinite()) { ajhid = 0.0; System.out.println("Cos - NAN"); } if (ajhid == 0.0) { ajhid = 0.1; } for (int t : b.getTags()) { Double tVal = collectiveTagMap.get(t); collectiveTagMap.put(t, tVal == null ? ajhid : tVal.doubleValue() + ajhid); } } } Map<Integer, Double> sortedResultMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(new DoubleMapComparator(collectiveTagMap)); sortedResultMap.putAll(collectiveTagMap); Map<Integer, Double> returnMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : sortedResultMap.entrySet()) { //if (returnMap.size() < limit) { returnMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); //} else { // break; //} } return returnMap; } private Map<Integer, Double> getResultMap(List<Bookmark> bookmarks, List<Integer> testCats, Map<Integer, Double> userTagMap, Map<Integer, Double> userCatMap, double testTimestamp, boolean topicBLL) { Map<Integer, Double> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); Map<Integer, Double> testCatsMap = getMapFromList(testCats, null); for (Bookmark data : bookmarks) { // old version for topicBLL Map<Integer, Double> catsMap = getMapFromList(data.getCategories(), null/*userCatMap*/); //Double ajhid = Math.exp((1.0 - Utilities.getCosineFloatSim(catsMap, testCatsMap)) * (-1.0)); Double sim = Utilities.getCosineFloatSim(catsMap, testCatsMap); Double ajhid = Math.pow(sim, 3); if (ajhid.isNaN() || ajhid.isInfinite()) { ajhid = 0.0; System.out.println("Cos - NAN"); } // new version for topicBLL if (topicBLL) { double topicRecSum = 0.0; Map<Integer, Double> catsRecMap = getMapFromList(data.getCategories(), userCatMap); for (double catRec : catsRecMap.values()) { topicRecSum += catRec; } ajhid *= topicRecSum; } if (this.bookmarkBLL) { ajhid *= getBookmarkBLL(data, testTimestamp); } Map<Integer, Double> tagsMap = getMapFromList(data.getTags(), userTagMap); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : tagsMap.entrySet()) { Double akout = ajhid.doubleValue() * entry.getValue().doubleValue(); Double value = resultMap.get(entry.getKey()); resultMap.put(entry.getKey(), value == null ? akout.doubleValue() : value.doubleValue() + akout.doubleValue()); } } // normalize and return double denom = 0.0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : resultMap.entrySet()) { double val = 0.0; if (entry.getValue() != 0.0) { val = Math.log(entry.getValue()); } denom += Math.exp(val); entry.setValue(val); } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : resultMap.entrySet()) { entry.setValue(Math.exp(entry.getValue()) / denom); } return resultMap; } private double getBookmarkBLL(Bookmark data, double testTimestamp) { Double rec = Math.pow(testTimestamp - Double.parseDouble(data.getTimestamp()) + 1.0, this.dValue * (-1.0)); if (!rec.isInfinite() && !rec.isNaN()) { return Math.log(rec + 1.0); } System.out.println("Bookmark-BLL - NAN"); return Math.log(1.0); } private Map<Integer, Double> getMapFromList(List<Integer> keys, Map<Integer, Double> values) { Map<Integer, Double> map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (int key : keys) { if (values != null && values.containsKey(key)) { Double val = Math.log(values.get(key) + 1.0); if (!val.isNaN() && !val.isInfinite()) { map.put(key, Math.log(values.get(key) + 1.0)); } else { map.put(key, Math.log(1.0 + 1.0)); } //map.put(key, values.get(key)); } else { map.put(key, Math.log(1.0 + 1.0)); //map.put(key, 1.0); } } return map; } /* private Map<Integer, Double> getAllUsages(List<Bookmark> bookmarks, double timestamp, boolean categories) { Map<Integer, Double> usageMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Double>(); for (Bookmark data : bookmarks) { List<Integer> keys = (categories ? data.getCategories() : data.getTags()); double targetTimestamp = Double.parseDouble(data.getTimestamp()); Double rec = Math.pow(timestamp - targetTimestamp + 1.0, this.dValue * (-1.0)); if (!rec.isInfinite() && !rec.isNaN()) { for (int key : keys) { Double oldVal = usageMap.get(key); usageMap.put(key, (oldVal != null ? oldVal + rec : rec)); } } else { System.out.println("BLL - NAN"); } } return usageMap; } */ // Statics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static String timeString; public static BookmarkReader predictSample(String filename, int trainSize, int sampleSize, int d, int beta, boolean userBased, boolean resBased, boolean tagBLL, boolean topicBLL, CalculationType cType) { Timer timerThread = new Timer(); MemoryThread memoryThread = new MemoryThread(); timerThread.schedule(memoryThread, 0, MemoryThread.TIME_SPAN); BookmarkReader reader = new BookmarkReader(trainSize, false); reader.readFile(filename); List<int[]> predictionValues = new ArrayList<int[]>(); Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.start(); ThreeLTCalculator calculator = new ThreeLTCalculator(reader, trainSize, d, beta, userBased, resBased, false, cType); timer.stop(); long trainingTime = timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timer.reset(); timer.start(); for (int i = trainSize; i < trainSize + sampleSize; i++) { // the test-set Bookmark data = reader.getBookmarks().get(i); long timestamp = Long.parseLong((data.getTimestamp())); Map<Integer, Double> map = calculator.getRankedTagList(data.getUserID(), data.getResourceID(), data.getCategories(), timestamp, 10, tagBLL, topicBLL, true); predictionValues.add(Ints.toArray(map.keySet())); } timer.stop(); long testTime = timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); timeString = PerformanceMeasurement.addTimeMeasurement(timeString, true, trainingTime, testTime, sampleSize); String suffix = "_layers"; if (!userBased) { suffix = "_reslayers"; } else if (!resBased) { suffix = "_userlayers"; } if (tagBLL && topicBLL) { suffix += "bll"; } else if (tagBLL) { suffix += "tagbll"; } else if (topicBLL) { suffix += "topicbll"; } if (cType == CalculationType.USER_TO_RESOURCE) { suffix += "ac"; } String outputFile = filename + suffix + "_" + beta + "_" + d; reader.setTestLines(reader.getBookmarks().subList(trainSize, reader.getBookmarks().size())); PredictionFileWriter writer = new PredictionFileWriter(reader, predictionValues); writer.writeFile(outputFile); timeString = PerformanceMeasurement.addMemoryMeasurement(timeString, false, memoryThread.getMaxMemory()); timerThread.cancel(); Utilities.writeStringToFile("./data/metrics/" + outputFile + "_TIME.txt", timeString); return reader; } }