package processing.hashtag; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import common.Bookmark; import common.MapUtil; import common.Utilities; import file.BookmarkReader; import file.PredictionFileWriter; import processing.BLLCalculator; import processing.hashtag.baseline.ContentPersonalTemporalCalculator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import processing.hashtag.solr.SolrHashtagCalculator; /** * @author spujari * */ public class HashtagRecommendationEngine { private BookmarkReader reader; private String filename; private String sampleDir; private HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> userTagTimes; private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> network; private List<String> users; private List<String> tags; private int trainSize; private List<String> idNameMap; private List<Map<Integer, Double>> resultMapPersonalBLLAllUsers; private List<Map<Integer, Double>> resultMapPersonalFreqAllUsers; private String mentionFilename; private String retweetFilename; private String replyFilename; private String solrCore; private String solrUrl; private double eta_h; private double eta_l; private SocialStrengthCalculator socialStrengthCalculator; /** * Base constructor. * * @param sampleDir * @param userTweetFilename * @param networkFilename * @param trainSize * @param testSize * @param dIndividual * @param lambdaIndividual */ public HashtagRecommendationEngine(String sampleDir, String userTweetFilename, String networkFilename, int trainSize, int testSize, double dIndividual, Double lambdaIndividual) { this.filename = userTweetFilename; this.sampleDir = sampleDir; this.trainSize = trainSize; initUserTagTime(userTweetFilename, trainSize); initNetwork(networkFilename); initBLLAndFreqMaps(trainSize, dIndividual, lambdaIndividual); } /** * * @param sampleDir * @param userTweetFilename * @param networkFilename * @param mentionFilename * @param retweetFilename * @param replyFilename * @param trainSize * @param testSize * @param dIndividual * @param lambdaIndividual **/ public HashtagRecommendationEngine(String sampleDir, String userTweetFilename, String networkFilename, String mentionFilename, String retweetFilename, String replyFilename, int trainSize, int testSize, double dIndividual, Double lambdaIndividual) { this(sampleDir, userTweetFilename, networkFilename, trainSize, testSize, dIndividual, lambdaIndividual); this.mentionFilename = mentionFilename; this.retweetFilename = retweetFilename; this.replyFilename = replyFilename; } /** * * @param sampleDir * @param userTweetFilename * @param networkFilename * @param solrUrl * @param solrCore * @param trainSize * @param testSize * @param dIndividual * @param lambdaIndividual */ public HashtagRecommendationEngine(String sampleDir, String userTweetFilename, String networkFilename, String solrUrl, String solrCore, int trainSize, int testSize, double dIndividual, Double lambdaIndividual){ this(sampleDir, userTweetFilename, networkFilename, trainSize, testSize, dIndividual, lambdaIndividual); this.solrCore = solrCore; this.solrUrl = solrUrl; } /** * Init Network. * **/ private void initNetwork(String networkFilename) { = SocialInitEngine.getNetwork(networkFilename, SocialInitEngine.getNameIdMap(idNameMap)); } /** * Init UserTagTime Hashmap. **/ private void initUserTagTime(String userTweetFilename, int trainSize) { this.reader = new BookmarkReader(trainSize, false); this.reader.readFile(userTweetFilename); this.users = reader.getUsers(); this.tags = reader.getTags(); this.idNameMap = reader.getUsers(); this.userTagTimes = SocialInitEngine.getBookmarks(reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, this.trainSize), users); } /** * Init BLL and Freq score maps which are later used for the hybrid approaches. **/ private void initBLLAndFreqMaps(int trainSize, double dIndividual, Double lambdaIndividual) { List<Bookmark> trainList = this.reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, this.trainSize); List<Bookmark> testList = this.reader.getBookmarks().subList(this.trainSize, this.reader.getBookmarks().size()); this.resultMapPersonalBLLAllUsers = BLLCalculator.getArtifactMaps(reader, trainList, testList, false, new ArrayList<Long>(), new ArrayList<Double>(), dIndividual, true, lambdaIndividual); this.resultMapPersonalFreqAllUsers = Utilities .getNormalizedMaps(this.reader.getBookmarks().subList(0, trainSize), false); } /** * Get User Tag times * * @return Hashmap of user-user timestamps */ public HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Long>>> getUserTagTimes() { return userTagTimes; } /** * Get the underlying network. * * @return Network */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getNetwork() { return; } /** * For all test data create the map of tags to the weight. * * @param beta * @param exponentSocial * @param algorithm * The algorithm for creating the recommendation list. * @param sort * Whether the map is to be sorted. * @return List of Map where is item represents a set of tags and score * assigned to them. */ private List<Map<Integer, Double>> calculateSocialTagScore(double beta, double exponentSocial, String algorithm, boolean sort) { List<Map<Integer, Double>> results = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Double>>(); if (algorithm.equals("social_top_per_temp")){ ContentPersonalTemporalCalculator contentPersTempCalculator = null; Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>> contentBasedValues = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>>(); String serialFilePath = "./data/results/" + sampleDir + "/" + solrCore + "_cbcfpredictions.ser"; if(new File(serialFilePath).exists()){ contentBasedValues = SolrHashtagCalculator.deSerializeHashtagPrediction(serialFilePath); System.out.println(">> serial file path exist >> " + serialFilePath); contentPersTempCalculator = new ContentPersonalTemporalCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users, tags, solrUrl, solrCore, sampleDir, contentBasedValues); contentPersTempCalculator.setEta_h(eta_h); contentPersTempCalculator.setEta_l(eta_l); System.out.println(" HashtagRecommendation >> eta_h " + eta_h + " >> eta_l >> " + eta_l); for (int i = trainSize; i < reader.getBookmarks().size(); i++) { Bookmark data = reader.getBookmarks().get(i); Map<Integer, Double> map = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); // compute score only if the text based similarity metric is available. if(contentBasedValues.containsKey(data.getUserID())){ map = contentPersTempCalculator.getSimilarityScoreVersion3(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), true); //System.out.println("sorted map >>" + map); results.add(map); }else{ //System.out.println("user id not present "); results.add(null); } } }else{ System.out.println(">> serial file path not exist >> " + serialFilePath); } return results; }if(algorithm.equals("social_link_weight")){ SocialLinkWeightCalculator socialLinkWeightCalculator = new SocialLinkWeightCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users, mentionFilename, retweetFilename, replyFilename); for (int i = trainSize; i < reader.getBookmarks().size(); i++) { Bookmark data = reader.getBookmarks().get(i); Map<Integer, Double> map = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); map = socialLinkWeightCalculator.getRankedTagListSocialLinkWeight(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), true); results.add(map); } return results; }else { for (int i = trainSize; i < reader.getBookmarks().size(); i++) { Bookmark data = reader.getBookmarks().get(i); Map<Integer, Double> map = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); if (algorithm.equals("social_freq")) { map = new SocialFrequencyCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users) .getRankedTagListSocialFrequency(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), true); } else if (algorithm.equals("social")) { map = new SocialBLLCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users).getRankedTagListSocial(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), exponentSocial); } else if (algorithm.equals("hybrid")) { map = new SocialHybridCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users, resultMapPersonalBLLAllUsers, resultMapPersonalFreqAllUsers) .getRankedTagListSocialBLLHybrid(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), beta, exponentSocial, sort, false); } else if(algorithm.equals("hybrid_link")){ SocialHybridCalculator socialHybridCalculator = new SocialHybridCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users, resultMapPersonalBLLAllUsers, resultMapPersonalFreqAllUsers); socialHybridCalculator.setSocialStrengthCalculator(socialStrengthCalculator); map = socialHybridCalculator.getRankedTagListSocialBLLHybrid(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), beta, exponentSocial, sort, true); } else if (algorithm.equals("hybrid_freq")) { map = new SocialHybridCalculator(userTagTimes, network, users, resultMapPersonalBLLAllUsers, resultMapPersonalFreqAllUsers) .getRankedTagListSocialFrequencyHybrid(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), beta); } else if (algorithm.equals("social_recency")) { map = new SocialRecencyRecommender(userTagTimes, network, users) .getRankedTagListSocialRecency(data.getUserID(), data.getTimestampAsLong(), true); } results.add(map); } return results; } } /** * The entrance point for creating the result for all the test set. * * @param betaBLL * weight for the BLL score * @param betaCB * parameter for the content values * @param dSocial * parameter for exponent for social recommendation. * @param lambdaSocial * weight for the social score * @param algorithm * The algorithm for which we want to get the recommendation. * @param contentBasedValues * content based values. * @return return the {@link BookmarkReader} object after computing the * recommendation for the test dataset. */ public BookmarkReader predictSample(double betaBLL, double betaCB, double dSocial, Double lambdaSocial, String algorithm, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Double>> contentBasedValues, String suffix) { List<Map<Integer, Double>> resultValues = null; List<Map<Integer, Double>> actValues = null; reader.setTestLines(reader.getBookmarks().subList(trainSize, reader.getBookmarks().size())); List<Bookmark> testLines = reader.getTestLines(); if (contentBasedValues == null) { actValues = calculateSocialTagScore(betaBLL, dSocial, algorithm, true); resultValues = actValues; } else { actValues = calculateSocialTagScore(betaBLL, dSocial, algorithm, false); resultValues = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, Double>>(); int i = 0; for (Map<Integer, Double> actMap : actValues) { int userID = testLines.get(i++).getUserID(); Map<Integer, Double> contentMap = contentBasedValues.get(userID); if (actMap != null && actMap.entrySet() != null) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> actEntry : actMap.entrySet()) { if (actEntry != null && actEntry.getKey() != null) { actEntry.setValue(betaCB * actEntry.getValue()); } } } if (contentMap != null && contentMap.entrySet() != null) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> contentEntry : contentMap.entrySet()) { if (contentEntry != null && contentEntry.getKey() != null) { Double actVal = actMap.get(contentEntry.getKey()); double contentVal = (1.0 - betaCB) * contentEntry.getValue(); actMap.put(contentEntry.getKey(), actVal == null ? contentVal : actVal.doubleValue() + contentVal); } } } // Map<Integer, Double>sortedActMap = new TreeMap<Integer, // Double>(new DoubleMapComparator(actMap)); // sortedActMap.putAll(actMap); // resultValues.add(sortedActMap); resultValues.add(MapUtil.sortByValue(actMap)); // resultValues.add(MergeUtil.mergeMapsWithThreshold(contentMap, // actMap, 10)); } } List<int[]> predictionValues = new ArrayList<int[]>(); if (resultValues != null) { for (int i = 0; i < resultValues.size(); i++) { Map<Integer, Double> resultMap = resultValues.get(i); if (resultMap != null && resultMap.keySet() != null) { predictionValues.add(Ints.toArray(resultMap.keySet())); }else{ predictionValues.add(null); } } } PredictionFileWriter writer = new PredictionFileWriter(reader, predictionValues); writer.writeFile(this.filename + "_" + suffix); return reader; } public double getEta_h() { return eta_h; } public void setEta_h(double eta_h) { this.eta_h = eta_h; } public double getEta_l() { return eta_l; } public void setEta_l(double eta_l) { this.eta_l = eta_l; } public SocialStrengthCalculator getSocialStrengthCalculator() { return socialStrengthCalculator; } public void setSocialStrengthCalculator(SocialStrengthCalculator socialStrengthCalculator) { this.socialStrengthCalculator = socialStrengthCalculator; } }