package squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputAdapter; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.CharArray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.StretchViewport; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Acts like SquidInput but displays available keys as visible buttons if the device has no physical keyboard. * Only relevant if you want keyboard input to always be available, so this doesn't implement the SquidInput * constructors that don't handle any keys (the buttons this shows will act like keys even on Android and iOS). * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 4/15/2016. */ public class VisualInput extends SquidInput { public SquidPanel left, right; protected TextCellFactory tcfLeft, tcfRight; protected TreeMap<Character, String> availableKeys; protected SquidMouse mouseLeft, mouseRight; private int sectionWidth, sectionHeight; private float screenWidth = -1, screenHeight = -1; protected boolean initialized = false; public Color color = Color.WHITE; protected CharArray clicks; public boolean eightWay = true, forceButtons = false; public Stage stage; protected ShrinkPartViewport spv; private void init() { initialized = true; sectionWidth = / 8; sectionHeight =; tcfLeft = DefaultResources.getStretchableFont().width(sectionWidth / 4).height(sectionHeight / 16).initBySize(); tcfRight = DefaultResources.getStretchableFont().width(sectionWidth / 12).height(sectionHeight / 24).initBySize(); left = new SquidPanel(4, 16, tcfLeft); if(eightWay) { left.put(0, 7, new char[][]{ new char[]{'\\', '-', '/'}, new char[]{'|', 'O', '|'}, new char[]{'/', '-', '\\'}, }, color); } else { left.put(0, 7, new char[][]{ new char[]{' ', SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW, ' '}, new char[]{SquidInput.UP_ARROW, 'O', SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW}, new char[]{' ', SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW, ' '}, }, color); } right = new SquidPanel(12, 24, tcfRight, null, - sectionWidth, 0); mouseLeft = new SquidMouse(left.cellWidth(), left.cellHeight(), left.gridWidth, left.gridHeight, 0, 0, new InputAdapter() { @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if(screenX < 3 && screenY >= 5 && screenY <= 7 && left.contents[screenX][screenY + 2] != 0 && left.contents[screenX][screenY + 2] != ' ') { switch ((screenY - 5) * 3 + screenX) { case 0: queue.add(SquidInput.UP_LEFT_ARROW); break; case 1: queue.add(SquidInput.UP_ARROW); break; case 2: queue.add(SquidInput.UP_RIGHT_ARROW); break; case 3: queue.add(SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW); break; case 4: queue.add(SquidInput.CENTER_ARROW); break; case 5: queue.add(SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW); break; case 6: queue.add(SquidInput.DOWN_LEFT_ARROW); break; case 7: queue.add(SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW); break; case 8: queue.add(SquidInput.DOWN_RIGHT_ARROW); break; default: return false; } queue.add('\u0000'); return true; } else return false; } }); //if(mouse != null) // mouse.setOffsetX(-sectionWidth); stage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(,; stage.addActor(left); stage.addActor(right); } private void fillActions() { if(!initialized) return; int y = 0; clicks = new CharArray(right.getGridHeight()); for(Map.Entry<Character, String> kv : availableKeys.entrySet()) { switch (kv.getKey()) { case SquidInput.UP_LEFT_ARROW: case SquidInput.UP_ARROW: case SquidInput.UP_RIGHT_ARROW: case SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW: case SquidInput.CENTER_ARROW: case SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW: case SquidInput.DOWN_LEFT_ARROW: case SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW: case SquidInput.DOWN_RIGHT_ARROW: break; default: right.put(1, y, kv.getValue(), color); clicks.add(kv.getKey()); y++; } if(y > right.getGridHeight()) break; } mouseRight = new SquidMouse(right.cellWidth(), right.cellHeight(), right.gridWidth(), right.gridHeight(), - sectionWidth, Math.round(sectionHeight - right.getHeight()), new InputAdapter() { @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if(screenY < clicks.size) { queue.add(clicks.get(screenY)); queue.add('\u0000'); return true; } return false; } }); } /** * Convenience method that does essentially the same thing as init(Map<Character, String>). * This assumes that each String passed to this is an action, and the first letter of a String is the character that * a keypress would generate to perform the action named by the String. For example, calling this with * {@code init("fire", "Fortify")} would register "fire" under 'f' and "Fortify" under 'F', displaying the Strings * instead of the characters if possible. The first char of each String should be unique in the arguments. * <br> * This also initializes the displayed buttons if there is no hardware keyboard available. This uses the color and * eightWay fields to determine what color the buttons will be drawn with and if directions should be 8-way or * 4-way, respectively. These fields should be set before calling init() if you don't want the defaults, which are * white buttons and 8-way directions. * @param enabled an array or vararg of Strings that name actions; the first char of each String should be unique */ public void init(String... enabled) { if(!forceButtons && Gdx.input.isPeripheralAvailable(Input.Peripheral.HardwareKeyboard)) return; init(); availableKeys = new TreeMap<>(); if(enabled == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < enabled.length; i++) { if(enabled[i] != null && !enabled[i].isEmpty()) availableKeys.put(enabled[i].charAt(0), enabled[i]); } fillActions(); } /** * For each char and String in available, registers each keyboard key (as a char, such as 'A' or * SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW) with a String that names the action that key is used to perform, and makes these Strings * available as buttons on the right side of the screen if on a device with no hardware keyboard. Arrows will be * provided on the left side of the screen for directions. * <br> * This uses the color and eightWay fields to determine what color the buttons will be drawn with and if directions * should be 8-way or 4-way, respectively. These fields should be set before calling init() if you don't want the * defaults, which are white buttons and 8-way directions. * @param available a Map of Character keys representing keyboard keys and Strings for the actions they trigger */ public void init(Map<Character, String> available) { if(!forceButtons && Gdx.input.isPeripheralAvailable(Input.Peripheral.HardwareKeyboard)) return; init(); if(available != null) { availableKeys = new TreeMap<>(available); fillActions(); } } private VisualInput() { } public VisualInput(KeyHandler keyHandler) { super(keyHandler); } public VisualInput(KeyHandler keyHandler, boolean ignoreInput) { super(keyHandler, ignoreInput); } public VisualInput(KeyHandler keyHandler, SquidMouse mouse) { super(keyHandler, mouse); } public VisualInput(KeyHandler keyHandler, SquidMouse mouse, boolean ignoreInput) { super(keyHandler, mouse, ignoreInput); } @Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (initialized && mouseLeft.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return mouseLeft.touchDown(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); else if (initialized && mouseRight.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return mouseRight.touchDown(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); if(spv != null) { screenX *= spv.getScreenWidth() / (spv.getScreenWidth() - spv.barWidth); } return (!initialized || mouse.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) && super.touchDown(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); } @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (initialized && mouseLeft.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return mouseLeft.touchUp(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); else if (initialized && mouseRight.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return mouseRight.touchUp(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); if(spv != null) { screenX *= spv.getScreenWidth() / (spv.getScreenWidth() - spv.barWidth); } return (!initialized || mouse.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) && super.touchUp(screenX, screenY, pointer, button); } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { if (initialized && mouseLeft.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return mouseLeft.touchDragged(screenX, screenY, pointer); else if (initialized && mouseRight.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return mouseRight.touchDragged(screenX, screenY, pointer); if(spv != null) { screenX *= spv.getScreenWidth() / (spv.getScreenWidth() - spv.barWidth); } return (!initialized || mouse.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) && super.touchDragged(screenX, screenY, pointer); } @Override public boolean mouseMoved (int screenX, int screenY) { if(spv != null) { screenX *= spv.getScreenWidth() / (spv.getScreenWidth() - spv.barWidth); } if(ignoreInput || !mouse.onGrid(screenX, screenY)) return false; return mouse.mouseMoved(screenX, screenY); } public void reinitialize(float cellWidth, float cellHeight, float gridWidth, float gridHeight, int offsetX, int offsetY, float screenWidth, float screenHeight) { if(!initialized) { mouse.reinitialize(cellWidth, cellHeight, gridWidth, gridHeight, offsetX, offsetY); return; } if(this.screenWidth > 0) sectionWidth *= screenWidth / this.screenWidth; else sectionWidth *= screenWidth /; if(this.screenHeight > 0) sectionHeight *= screenHeight / this.screenHeight; else sectionHeight *= screenHeight /; cellWidth /= screenWidth / (screenWidth - sectionWidth); float leftWidth = screenWidth / 8f / 4f, rightWidth = screenWidth / 8f / 12f, leftHeight = screenHeight / 12f, rightHeight = screenHeight / 24f; mouse.reinitialize(cellWidth, cellHeight, gridWidth, gridHeight, offsetX - MathUtils.round((screenWidth / 8f) * (screenWidth / (screenWidth - sectionWidth)) + cellWidth /2f), offsetY); mouseLeft.reinitialize(leftWidth, leftHeight, 4, 16, offsetX, offsetY); mouseRight.reinitialize(rightWidth, rightHeight, 12, 24, MathUtils.ceil(offsetX - (screenWidth - sectionWidth)), MathUtils.round(offsetY - rightHeight / 2f + (right.getGridHeight() * rightHeight - screenHeight))); this.screenWidth = screenWidth; this.screenHeight = screenHeight; if(spv != null) spv.barWidth = sectionWidth; } public ShrinkPartViewport resizeInnerStage(Stage insides) { if(!initialized) return null; /* insides.getViewport().setWorldWidth(insides.getViewport().getWorldWidth() - screenWidth * 2); insides.getViewport().setScreenX(screenWidth); insides.getViewport().setScreenY(0); */ spv = new ShrinkPartViewport(insides.getWidth(), insides.getHeight(), sectionWidth); insides.setViewport(spv); return spv; } public int getSectionWidth() { return sectionWidth; } public int getSectionHeight() { return sectionHeight; } public void update(int width, int height, boolean centerCamera) { if(initialized) { stage.getViewport().update(width, height, centerCamera); } } public void show() { if(initialized) { stage.getViewport().apply(true); stage.draw(); stage.act(); } } }