/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle America, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package squidpony.performance; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode; import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit; import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner; import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException; import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options; import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder; import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.TimeValue; import squidpony.squidmath.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** Generating 64 million points of noise, each run * Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units * NoiseBenchmark.measureMerlin2D avgt 4 734.085 ± 58.096 ms/op // different type of result, not smooth * NoiseBenchmark.measureMerlin3D avgt 4 1082.559 ± 143.629 ms/op // different type of result, not smooth * NoiseBenchmark.measurePerlin2D avgt 4 2100.514 ± 55.326 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measurePerlin3D avgt 4 3385.798 ± 77.035 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirling2D avgt 4 1609.510 ± 134.049 ms/op // best smooth 2D * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirling3D avgt 4 2808.307 ± 121.119 ms/op // best smooth 3D * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirlingAlt2D avgt 4 1758.283 ± 117.308 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirlingAlt3D avgt 4 2895.686 ± 98.599 ms/op * * Newer (March 29, 2017) * Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units * NoiseBenchmark.measureMerlin2D avgt 4 1044.135 ± 82.200 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureMerlin3D avgt 4 1057.640 ± 200.091 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measurePerlin2D avgt 4 1986.690 ± 529.819 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measurePerlin3D avgt 4 3023.699 ± 63.116 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measurePerlin4D avgt 4 3949.164 ± 599.040 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureSeeded2D avgt 4 1610.013 ± 148.908 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureSeeded3D avgt 4 2122.671 ± 314.632 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureSeeded4D avgt 4 3817.848 ± 444.091 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureSeeded6D avgt 4 8295.256 ± 886.270 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirling2D avgt 4 1778.534 ± 153.531 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirling3D avgt 4 2675.181 ± 116.986 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirling4D avgt 4 3988.344 ± 110.043 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirlingAlt2D avgt 4 1874.060 ± 83.351 ms/op * NoiseBenchmark.measureWhirlingAlt3D avgt 4 2842.153 ± 110.335 ms/op */ public class NoiseBenchmark { private static double seed = 9000; private static int state = 9999; public double doPerlin2D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += PerlinNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measurePerlin2D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doPerlin2D()); } public double doPerlin3D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += PerlinNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measurePerlin3D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doPerlin3D()); } public double doPerlin4D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += PerlinNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measurePerlin4D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doPerlin4D()); } public double doMerlin2D() { int a = 0; for (double x = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += MerlinNoise.noise2D(++a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureMerlin2D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doMerlin2D()); } public double doMerlin3D() { int a = 0; for (double x = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += MerlinNoise.noise3D(++a, a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureMerlin3D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doMerlin3D()); } public double doWhirling2D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += WhirlingNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureWhirling2D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doWhirling2D()); } public double doWhirling3D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += WhirlingNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureWhirling3D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doWhirling3D()); } public double doWhirling4D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += WhirlingNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureWhirling4D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doWhirling4D()); } public double doWhirlingAlt2D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += WhirlingNoise.noiseAlt(a += 0.0625, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureWhirlingAlt2D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doWhirlingAlt2D()); } public double doWhirlingAlt3D() { for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += WhirlingNoise.noiseAlt(a += 0.0625, a, a); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureWhirlingAlt3D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doWhirlingAlt3D()); } public double doSeeded2D() { state = 9999; for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += SeededNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, ++state); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureSeeded2D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doSeeded2D()); } public double doSeeded3D() { state = 9999; for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += SeededNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a, ++state); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureSeeded3D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doSeeded3D()); } public double doSeeded4D() { state = 9999; for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += SeededNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a, a, ++state); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureSeeded4D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doSeeded4D()); } public double doSeeded6D() { state = 9999; for (double x = 0.0, a = 0.0; x < 64000000.0; x++) { seed += SeededNoise.noise(a += 0.0625, a, a, a, a, a, ++state); } return seed; } @Benchmark @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) public void measureSeeded6D() throws InterruptedException { seed = 9000; System.out.println(doSeeded6D()); } /* * ============================== HOW TO RUN THIS TEST: ==================================== * * You are expected to see the different run modes for the same benchmark. * Note the units are different, scores are consistent with each other. * * You can run this test: * * a) Via the command line from the squidlib-performance module's root folder: * $ mvn clean install * $ java -jar target/benchmarks.jar NoiseBenchmark -wi 4 -i 4 -f 1 * * (we requested 5 warmup/measurement iterations, single fork) * * b) Via the Java API: * (see the JMH homepage for possible caveats when running from IDE: * http://openjdk.java.net/projects/code-tools/jmh/) */ public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException { Options opt = new OptionsBuilder() .include(NoiseBenchmark.class.getSimpleName()) .timeout(TimeValue.seconds(30)) .warmupIterations(4) .measurementIterations(4) .forks(1) .build(); new Runner(opt).run(); } }