package squidpony.examples; import squidpony.squidgrid.LOS; import squidpony.squidgrid.Radius; import squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonGenerator; import squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.styled.TilesetType; import squidpony.squidmath.*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * A quick test to visually compare the results of five different LOS algorithms. * Created by Tommy Ettinger on 4/8/2015. * @author Tommy Ettinger - */ public class LOSComparisonTest { public static int width = 37, height = 23; public static void main( String[] args ) { for(int l : new int[]{1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3}) { //seed is, in base 36, the number SQUIDLIB StatefulRNG rng = new StatefulRNG(new ThunderRNG(2252637788195L)); DungeonGenerator dungeonGenerator = new DungeonGenerator(width, height, rng); char[][] dungeon = dungeonGenerator.generate(TilesetType.OPEN_AREAS); char[][] bare = dungeonGenerator.getBareDungeon(); short[] floors = CoordPacker.pack(bare, '.'); Coord start = dungeonGenerator.utility.randomCell(floors); short[] flooded = CoordPacker.flood(floors, CoordPacker.packOne(start), 11, true); short[] outside = CoordPacker.differencePacked(CoordPacker.rectangle(width, height),// flooded); CoordPacker.expand(flooded, 1, width, height)); ArrayList<Coord> allSeen = new ArrayList<>(128), targets = new ArrayList<>(5); LOS los; if(l < 7) los = new LOS(l); else los = new LOS(6); los.setRadiusStrategy(Radius.SQUARE); rng.nextLong(); CoordPacker.singleRandom( CoordPacker.differencePacked(flooded, CoordPacker.flood(floors, CoordPacker.packOne(start), 3, true)), rng); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Coord end = CoordPacker.singleRandom( CoordPacker.differencePacked(flooded, CoordPacker.flood(floors, CoordPacker.packOne(start), 3, true)), rng); targets.add(end); if(l < 7) los.isReachable(bare, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y); else los.spreadReachable(bare, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, Radius.CIRCLE, l - 7); allSeen.addAll(los.getLastPath()); } for(Coord c : CoordPacker.allPacked(outside)) { dungeon[c.x][c.y] = ' '; } for(Coord c : allSeen) { dungeon[c.x][c.y] = '*'; } for(Coord c : targets) { dungeon[c.x][c.y] = '$'; } dungeon[start.x][start.y] = '@'; dungeonGenerator.setDungeon(dungeon); System.out.println(dungeonGenerator); } } }