package framework.libraries.serialization; import org.jdom.Element; import uka.transport.Transportable; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class TElement implements Transportable { private Element content; public TElement(Element element) { content = element; } public Element getElement() { return this.content; } /** * Methods defined by the Transportable interface */ // Size of primitive fields protected static final int _SIZE = uka.transport.BasicIO.SIZEOF_int; // Number of elements private int _nbelements; /** Used by uka.transport.UnmarshalStream to unmarshal the object */ public TElement(uka.transport.UnmarshalStream _stream) throws, ClassNotFoundException { this(_stream, _SIZE); _stream.accept(_SIZE); } protected TElement(uka.transport.UnmarshalStream _stream, int _size) throws, ClassNotFoundException { _stream.request(_size); byte[] _buffer = _stream.getBuffer(); int _pos = _stream.getPosition(); _nbelements = uka.transport.BasicIO.extractInt(_buffer, _pos); _pos += uka.transport.BasicIO.SIZEOF_int; } /** Method of interface Transportable, it must be declared public. It is called from within UnmarshalStream after creating the object and assigning a stream reference to it. */ public void unmarshalReferences(uka.transport.UnmarshalStream _stream) throws, ClassNotFoundException { String name = ((TString) _stream.readObject()).toString(); String value = ((TString) _stream.readObject()).toString(); this.content = new Element(name); this.content.setText(value); for (int i=0; i<_nbelements; i++){ TElement el = (TElement) _stream.readObject(); this.content.addContent(el.getElement()); } } /** Called directly by uka.transport.MarshalStream */ public void marshal(uka.transport.MarshalStream _stream) throws { _stream.reserve(_SIZE); byte[] _buffer = _stream.getBuffer(); int _pos = _stream.getPosition(); marshalPrimitives(_buffer, _pos); _stream.deliver(_SIZE); marshalReferences(_stream); } protected void marshalPrimitives(byte[] _buffer, int _pos) throws { _nbelements = content.getChildren().size(); _pos = uka.transport.BasicIO.insert(_buffer, _pos, _nbelements); } protected void marshalReferences(uka.transport.MarshalStream _stream) throws { TString name = new TString(content.getName()); TString value = new TString(content.getText()); _stream.writeObject(name); _stream.writeObject(value); for (int i=0; i<_nbelements; i++) _stream.writeObject(new TElement((Element) content.getChildren().get(i))); } public final Object deepClone(uka.transport.DeepClone _helper) throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } /** Clone all references to other objects. Use the DeepClone to resolve cycles */ protected void deepCloneReferences(uka.transport.DeepClone _helper) throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } }