package br.ufms.dct.simplerep.handlers; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope; import; import; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.enums.AddressingConstants; /** * This handler removes the ReplyTo and FaultTo headers from the original request * @author José Ricardo * */ public class AddressingRequestHandler implements AbstractHandler { // this implementation works only with WS-Addressing 1.0 protected static final String addressingNamespace = ""; protected static final String defaultPrefix = "wsa"; public ProcessingStatus invoke(MessageContext context) { SOAPEnvelope env = context.getEnvelope(); Iterator it = env.getHeader().getChildrenWithName(new QName(addressingNamespace, "ReplyTo", defaultPrefix )); // if some of the headers are present, we have to store them, so the reverse proxy // works appropriately according to the WS-addressing 1.0 OMElement replyTo = null, faultTo = null; if (it != null && it.hasNext()) { replyTo = (OMElement); // TODO: check if it is the anonymous address, if it is, we don't have to store it context.setProperty(AddressingConstants.replyTo, replyTo.toString()); it.remove(); } it = env.getHeader().getChildrenWithName(new QName(addressingNamespace, "FaultTo", defaultPrefix )); if (it != null && it.hasNext()) { faultTo = (OMElement); // TODO: check if it is the anonymous address, if it is, we don't have to store it context.setProperty(AddressingConstants.faultTo, faultTo.toString()); it.remove(); } return ProcessingStatus.CONTINUE; } }