package br.ufms.dct.simplerep.handlers; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader; import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock; import; import; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.enums.AddressingConstants; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.enums.SimpleRepConstants; public class AddressingInSeqIdHandler implements AbstractHandler { public ProcessingStatus invoke(MessageContext context) { System.out.println("[AddressingInSeqIdHandler] invoke()"); SOAPHeader soapHeader = context.getEnvelope().getHeader(); int seqId = -1; boolean isReset = false; Iterator headers = soapHeader.getHeadersToProcess(null, AddressingConstants.ADDRESSING_NAMESPACE); while (headers.hasNext()) { SOAPHeaderBlock soapHeaderBlock = (SOAPHeaderBlock); String localName = soapHeaderBlock.getLocalName(); if (localName.equals("SequenceID")) { seqId = Integer.parseInt(soapHeaderBlock.getText()); } else if (localName.equals("ResetSequenceID")) { isReset = true; } } if (seqId < 0) { // SequenceId was not received. // The client does not use the Addressing Extension return ProcessingStatus.CONTINUE; } // we're going to need the sequence id in the future, right? context.getOperationContext().set(SimpleRepConstants.RECEIVED_SEQUENCE_ID, new Integer(seqId)); int lastSeqId = -1; if (isReset) { // assuming there always is a RESET // and RESETs always come with a SequenceID = 1, nothing else to do lastSeqId = 1; } else { lastSeqId = getLastSeqId(soapHeader); if (lastSeqId <= 0) { // it's not a RESET and the client is using the extension // but we couldn't find the lastSeqId, something went REALLY wrong // it's VERY likely that the client is not sending the ReferenceParameters back return ProcessingStatus.CONTINUE; // there's nothing to do in this case } } if (seqId == lastSeqId + 1) { // yes, this is what we usually expect context.getOperationContext().set(SimpleRepConstants.LAST_SEQUENCE_ID, lastSeqId); } else if (seqId <= lastSeqId) { // the message has already been processed // as the user knows the lastSeqId, I can't figure out how this could have happened System.err.println("[AddressingInSeqIdHandler] Anomaly: seqId <= lastSeqId"); } else if (seqId > lastSeqId + 1) { System.err.println("[AddressingInSeqIdHandler] seqId > lastSeqId + 1. Someone is generating SequenceIDs too fast."); } return ProcessingStatus.CONTINUE; } private int getLastSeqId(SOAPHeader soapHeader) { Iterator headers = soapHeader.getHeadersToProcess(null, SimpleRepConstants.SIMPLEREP_NAMESPACE); while (headers.hasNext()) { SOAPHeaderBlock soapHeaderBlock = (SOAPHeaderBlock); String localName = soapHeaderBlock.getLocalName(); if (localName.equals("SequenceID")) { try { return Integer.parseInt(soapHeaderBlock.getText()); } catch(NumberFormatException ex) { return -1; } } } return -1; } }