package br.ufms.dct.simplerep; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.enums.SupportedProtocols; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.exceptions.SimpleRepConfException; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.proxies.http.ElementalReverseProxy; import br.ufms.dct.simplerep.xml.XmlHelper; public class SimpleRepConfiguration { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SimpleRepConfiguration.class.getName()); private String appServerHost; private int proxyPort; private int appServerPort; private SupportedProtocols transportProtocol; private int frameworkLocalPort; private String replicationStyle; private int frameworkTimeout; private SystemContext systemContext; /** * Each element is an array of two elements * The first element is the host of the other process * The second element is the port */ private ArrayList<Host> otherFrameworkProcesses; /** * The reverse proxies, which receive client requests */ private ArrayList<Host> proxies; private String frameworkLocalHost; public static SimpleRepConfiguration getConfiguration() { if (singleton == null) { try { singleton = new SimpleRepConfiguration(); } catch (SimpleRepConfException e) { System.out.println("THE CONFIGURATION COULD NOT BE READ. REASON: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } } return singleton; } protected SimpleRepConfiguration() throws SimpleRepConfException { try { this.buildConf(); } catch (SAXException e) { logger.fatal("SAXException during configuration loading."); } catch (IOException e) { logger.fatal("IOException during configuration loading."); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { logger.fatal("ParseConfigurationException during configuration loading."); } } /** * This methods is responsible for reading the configuration file * and setting the respective properties * * @throws SimpleRepConfException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ protected void buildConf() throws SimpleRepConfException, SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { Document doc = XmlHelper.getDoc("simplerep_conf.xml"); if (doc == null) { throw new SimpleRepConfException("Configuration file is missing."); } Element replicasTag = XmlHelper.getFirstElement("replicas", doc); this.proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("port", doc)); String transportProtocol = XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("transportProtocol", doc); this.setFrameworkTimeout(Integer.parseInt(XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("timeout", doc))); if (transportProtocol.equals("http")) { this.transportProtocol = SupportedProtocols.HTTP; } else { // TODO add more protocols throw new SimpleRepConfException("The selected Transport Protocol is not supported."); } this.setReplicationStyle(replicasTag.getAttribute("style").trim()); if (this.getReplicationStyle().equals("")) { throw new SimpleRepConfException("The replication style (active, passive, etc) must be specified."); } NodeList replicas = replicasTag.getElementsByTagName("replica"); this.otherFrameworkProcesses = new ArrayList<Host>(); for (int s = 0; s < replicas.getLength(); s++) { String replicaAddress = XmlHelper.getElementValue(replicas.item(s)); String[] rawHost = new String[2]; if (replicaAddress.contains(":")) { rawHost[0] = replicaAddress.substring(0, replicaAddress.lastIndexOf(":")); rawHost[1] = replicaAddress.substring(replicaAddress.lastIndexOf(":") + 1); } else { throw new SimpleRepConfException("A replica address has not been properly defined (host:port)."); } try { otherFrameworkProcesses.add(new Host(rawHost[0], Integer.parseInt(rawHost[1]))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new SimpleRepConfException("A replica's port was not properly defined."); } } logger.debug(otherFrameworkProcesses.size() + " samoa addresses read."); Element proxiesTag = XmlHelper.getFirstElement("proxies", doc); NodeList proxiesNodes = proxiesTag.getElementsByTagName("proxy"); this.setProxies(new ArrayList<Host>()); for (int s = 0; s < proxiesNodes.getLength(); s++) { String proxyAddress = XmlHelper.getElementValue(proxiesNodes.item(s)); String[] rawHost = new String[2]; if (proxyAddress.contains(":")) { rawHost[0] = proxyAddress.substring(0, proxyAddress.lastIndexOf(":")); rawHost[1] = proxyAddress.substring(proxyAddress.lastIndexOf(":") + 1); } else { throw new SimpleRepConfException("A proxy address has not been properly defined (host:port)."); } try { this.getProxies().add(new Host(rawHost[0], Integer.parseInt(rawHost[1]))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new SimpleRepConfException("A proxy's port was not properly defined."); } } Element samoaTag = XmlHelper.getFirstElement("samoa", doc); this.setFrameworkLocalHost(XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("host", samoaTag)); this.frameworkLocalPort = Integer.parseInt(XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("port", samoaTag)); Element appServerTag = XmlHelper.getFirstElement("appserver", doc); this.appServerHost = XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("host", appServerTag); this.appServerPort = Integer.parseInt(XmlHelper.getFirstChildValue("port", appServerTag)); setSystemContext(new SystemContext()); logger.debug("Simplerep is ready to start the " + this.replicationStyle + " replication!"); } public SimpleRepConfiguration(String fileName) { // TODO } public void setAppServerHost(String appServerHost) { this.appServerHost = appServerHost; } public String getAppServerHost() { return appServerHost; } public void setProxyPort(int proxyPort) { this.proxyPort = proxyPort; } public int getProxyPort() { return proxyPort; } public void setAppServerPort(int appServerPort) { this.appServerPort = appServerPort; } public int getAppServerPort() { return appServerPort; } public void setTransportProtocol(SupportedProtocols transportProtocol) { this.transportProtocol = transportProtocol; } public SupportedProtocols getTransportProtocol() { return transportProtocol; } private static SimpleRepConfiguration singleton = null; public int getFrameworkLocalPort() { return this.frameworkLocalPort; } public void setFrameworkLocalPort(int port) { this.frameworkLocalPort = port; } public void setFrameworkProcesses(ArrayList<Host> hosts) { this.otherFrameworkProcesses = hosts; } public ArrayList<Host> getFrameworkProcesses() { return this.otherFrameworkProcesses; } private void setReplicationStyle(String replicationStyle) { this.replicationStyle = replicationStyle; } public String getReplicationStyle() { return replicationStyle; } public void setFrameworkTimeout(int frameworkTimeout) { this.frameworkTimeout = frameworkTimeout; } public int getFrameworkTimeout() { return frameworkTimeout; } public void setSystemContext(SystemContext systemContext) { this.systemContext = systemContext; } public SystemContext getSystemContext() { return systemContext; } public void setFrameworkLocalHost(String frameworkLocalHost) { this.frameworkLocalHost = frameworkLocalHost; } public String getFrameworkLocalHost() { return frameworkLocalHost; } public void setProxies(ArrayList<Host> proxies) { this.proxies = proxies; } public ArrayList<Host> getProxies() { return proxies; } }