package org.opentripplanner.standalone; import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider; import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.xml.JacksonXMLProvider; import; import; import org.glassfish.jersey.CommonProperties; import; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerProperties; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.filter.RolesAllowedDynamicFeature; import org.opentripplanner.api.common.OTPExceptionMapper; import org.opentripplanner.api.model.JSONObjectMapperProvider; import org.opentripplanner.api.resource.*; import org.opentripplanner.index.GeocoderResource; import org.opentripplanner.index.IndexAPI; import org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * A JAX-RS Application subclass which provides hard-wired configuration of an OTP server. * Avoids auto-scanning of any kind, and keeps injection to a bare minimum using HK2, the injection * library Jersey itself uses. * * Jersey has its own ResourceConfig class which is a subclass of Application. * We can get away with not using any Jersey-specific "conveniences" and stick with stock JAX-RS. */ public class OTPApplication extends Application { static { // Remove existing handlers attached to the j.u.l root logger SLF4JBridgeHandler.removeHandlersForRootLogger(); // Bridge j.u.l (used by Jersey) to the SLF4J root logger, so all logging goes through the same API SLF4JBridgeHandler.install(); } /* This object groups together all the modules for a single running OTP server. */ public final OTPServer server; /* If secure is true, OTP will require Basic authentication over HTTPS when accessing dangerous web services. */ private final boolean secure; /** * The OTPServer provides entry points to OTP routing functionality for a collection of OTPRouters. * It provides a Java API, not an HTTP API. * The OTPApplication wraps an OTPServer in a Jersey (JAX-RS) Application, configuring an HTTP API. * @param server The OTP server to wrap * @param secure Should this server require authentication over HTTPS to access secure resources, e.g. /routers? */ public OTPApplication (OTPServer server, boolean secure) { this.server = server; = secure; } /** * This method registers classes with Jersey to define web resources and enable custom features. * These are classes (not instances) that will be instantiated by Jersey for each request (they are request-scoped). * Types that have been confirmed to work are: annotated resources, ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> implementation, * ContainerResponseFilter and ContainerRequestFilter. * Note that the listed classes do not need to be annotated with @Provider -- that is for scanning config. */ @Override public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() { Set<Class<?>> classes = Sets.newHashSet(); classes.addAll(Arrays.asList( /* Jersey resource classes: define web services, i.e. an HTTP API. */ PlannerResource.class, IndexAPI.class, ExternalGeocoderResource.class, GeocoderResource.class, SimpleIsochrone.class, TileService.class, BikeRental.class, LIsochrone.class, ExternalGeocoderResource.class, TimeGridWs.class, AlertPatcher.class, PlannerResource.class, SIsochrone.class, Routers.class, LegendResource.class, ProfileResource.class, SimpleIsochrone.class, ServerInfo.class, SurfaceResource.class, PointSetResource.class, GraphInspectorTileResource.class, ScriptResource.class, UpdaterStatusResource.class, ScenarioResource.class, RepeatedRaptorTestResource.class, /* Features and Filters: extend Jersey, manipulate requests and responses. */ CorsFilter.class, MultiPartFeature.class )); if ( { // A filter that converts HTTP Basic authentication headers into a Jersey SecurityContext classes.add(AuthFilter.class); // Enforce roles annotations defined by JSR-250 (allow access to API methods based on the SecurityContext) classes.add(RolesAllowedDynamicFeature.class); } return classes; } /** * Like getClasses, this method declares web resources, providers, and features to the JAX-RS implementation. * However, these are single instances that will be reused for all requests (they are singleton-scoped). * See * Leave <Object> out of method signature to avoid confusing the Guava type inference. */ @Override public Set<Object> getSingletons() { return Sets.newHashSet ( // Show exception messages in responses new OTPExceptionMapper(), // Enable Jackson JSON response serialization new JacksonJsonProvider(), // Enable Jackson XML response serialization new JacksonXMLProvider(), // Serialize POJOs (unannotated) JSON using Jackson new JSONObjectMapperProvider(), // Allow injecting the OTP server object into Jersey resource classes server.makeBinder() ); } /** * Enabling tracing allows us to see how web resource names were matched from the client, in headers. * Disable auto-discovery of features because it's extremely obnoxious to debug and interacts * in confusing ways with manually registered features. */ // @Override public Map<String, Object> getProperties() { Map<String, Object> props = Maps.newHashMap(); props.put(ServerProperties.TRACING, Boolean.TRUE); props.put(CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE, Boolean.TRUE); return props; } }