package org.opentripplanner.profile; import gnu.trove.iterator.TObjectIntIterator; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.xml.xsi.XSISimpleTypes.Int; import org.mapdb.Fun.Tuple2; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.TimeSurface; import org.opentripplanner.analyst.TimeSurface.RangeSet; import org.opentripplanner.api.parameter.QualifiedModeSet; import org.opentripplanner.common.model.GenericLocation; import org.opentripplanner.profile.ProfileState.Type; import org.opentripplanner.routing.algorithm.AStar; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State; import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.SimpleTransfer; import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern; import org.opentripplanner.routing.error.VertexNotFoundException; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Edge; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph; import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex; import org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.DominanceFunction; import org.opentripplanner.routing.spt.ShortestPathTree; import org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry; import org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes; import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; /** * Profile routing using a round-based approach, more or less like RAPTOR ( * @author mattwigway * */ public class RoundBasedProfileRouter { public final Graph graph; public final ProfileRequest request; public TimeWindow window; public final int TIMEOUT = 60; /** the maximum number of rounds. this is the same as the maximum number of boarding */ public final int MAX_ROUNDS = 3; public static final int CUTOFF_SECONDS = 180 * 60; public static boolean RETAIN_PATTERNS = false; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoundBasedProfileRouter.class); public Multimap<TransitStop, ProfileState> retainedStates = HashMultimap.create(); /** the routing results */ public RangeSet timeSurfaceRangeSet; public RoundBasedProfileRouter (Graph graph, ProfileRequest request) { this.graph = graph; this.request = request; } public void route () {"access modes: {}", request.accessModes);"egress modes: {}", request.egressModes);"direct modes: {}", request.directModes); // TimeWindow could constructed in the caller, which does have access to the graph index. this.window = new TimeWindow(request.fromTime, request.toTime, graph.index.servicesRunning(; // Establish search timeouts long searchBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long abortTime = searchBeginTime + TIMEOUT * 1000;"Finding access/egress paths."); // Look for stops that are within a given time threshold of the origin and destination // Find the closest stop on each pattern near the origin and destination // TODO consider that some stops may be closer by one mode than another // and that some stops may be accessible by one mode but not another ProfileStateStore store = RETAIN_PATTERNS ? new MultiProfileStateStore() : new SingleProfileStateStore(); for (ProfileState ps : findInitialStops(false)) { store.put(ps); }"Found {} initial stops", store.size()); // note: we do not add the found stops to retainedStates, because, if you are making a zero-transfer trip, // we don't want to generate trips that are artificially forced to go past a transit stop. ROUNDS: for (int round = 0; round < MAX_ROUNDS; round++) { long roundStart = System.currentTimeMillis();"Begin round {}; {} stops to explore", round, store.size()); ProfileStateStore previousStore = store; store = RETAIN_PATTERNS ? new MultiProfileStateStore((MultiProfileStateStore) store) : new SingleProfileStateStore((SingleProfileStateStore) store); Set<TripPattern> patternsToExplore = Sets.newHashSet(); // explore all of the patterns at the stops visited on the previous round for (TransitStop tstop : previousStore.keys()) { Collection<TripPattern> patterns = graph.index.patternsForStop.get(tstop.getStop()); patternsToExplore.addAll(patterns); }"Exploring {} patterns", patternsToExplore.size()); // propagate all of the bounds down each pattern PATTERNS: for (final TripPattern pattern : patternsToExplore) { STOPS: for (int i = 0; i < pattern.stopVertices.length; i++) { if (!previousStore.containsKey(pattern.stopVertices[i])) continue STOPS; Collection<ProfileState> statesToPropagate; // only propagate nondominated states statesToPropagate = previousStore.get(pattern.stopVertices[i]); // don't propagate states that use the same pattern statesToPropagate = Collections2.filter(statesToPropagate, new Predicate<ProfileState> () { @Override public boolean apply(ProfileState input) { // don't reboard same pattern, and don't board patterns that are better boarded elsewhere return !input.containsPattern(pattern) && (input.targetPatterns == null || input.targetPatterns.contains(pattern)); } }); if (statesToPropagate.isEmpty()) continue STOPS; int minWaitTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxWaitTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // TODO: scheduled transfers. For scheduled transfers, recall that it depends on from whence you have come // (i.e. the transfer time is different for the initial boarding than transfers) for (FrequencyEntry freq : pattern.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries) { if (freq.exactTimes) { throw new IllegalStateException("Exact times not yet supported in profile routing."); } int overlap = window.overlap(freq.startTime, freq.endTime, freq.tripTimes.serviceCode); if (overlap > 0) { if (freq.headway > maxWaitTime) maxWaitTime = freq.headway; // if any frequency-based trips are running a wait of 0 is always possible, because it could come // just as you show up at the stop. minWaitTime = 0; } } DESTSTOPS: for (int j = i + 1; j < pattern.stopVertices.length; j++) { // how long does it take to ride this trip from i to j? int minRideTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxRideTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // how long does it take to get to stop j from stop i? for (TripTimes tripTimes : pattern.scheduledTimetable.tripTimes) { int depart = tripTimes.getDepartureTime(i); int arrive = tripTimes.getArrivalTime(j); if (window.includes (depart) && window.includes (arrive) && window.servicesRunning.get(tripTimes.serviceCode)) { int t = arrive - depart; if (t < minRideTime) minRideTime = t; if (t > maxRideTime) maxRideTime = t; } } /* Do the same thing for any frequency-based trips. */ for (FrequencyEntry freq : pattern.scheduledTimetable.frequencyEntries) { TripTimes tt = freq.tripTimes; int overlap = window.overlap(freq.startTime, freq.endTime, tt.serviceCode); if (overlap == 0) continue; int depart = tt.getDepartureTime(i); int arrive = tt.getArrivalTime(j); int t = arrive - depart; if (t < minRideTime) minRideTime = t; if (t > maxRideTime) maxRideTime = t; } if (minWaitTime == Integer.MAX_VALUE || maxWaitTime == Integer.MIN_VALUE || minRideTime == Integer.MAX_VALUE || maxRideTime == Integer.MIN_VALUE) // no trips in window that arrive at stop continue DESTSTOPS; if (minRideTime < 0 || maxRideTime < 0) { LOG.error("Pattern {} travels backwards in time between stop {} and {}", pattern, pattern.stopVertices[i].getStop(), pattern.stopVertices[j].getStop()); continue DESTSTOPS; } // note: unnecessary variance in the scheduled case. It is entirely possible that the max wait and the max ride time // cannot occur simultaneously. // propagate every profile state that we picked up at stop i to stop j // we've already checked to ensure we're not reboarding the same pattern for (ProfileState ps : statesToPropagate) { ProfileState ps2 = ps.propagate(minWaitTime + minRideTime, maxWaitTime + maxRideTime); if (ps2.upperBound > CUTOFF_SECONDS) continue; ps2.stop = pattern.stopVertices[j]; ps2.accessType = Type.TRANSIT; if (RETAIN_PATTERNS) ps2.patterns = new TripPattern[] { pattern }; store.put(ps2); } } } } // merge states that came from the same stop. if (RETAIN_PATTERNS) {"Round completed, merging similar states"); ((MultiProfileStateStore) store).mergeStates(); } for (ProfileState ps : store.getAll()) { retainedStates.put(ps.stop, ps); } if (round == MAX_ROUNDS - 1) {"Finished round {} in {} seconds", round, (System.currentTimeMillis() - roundStart) / 1000); break ROUNDS; } // propagate states to nearby stops (transfers)"Finding transfers . . ."); // avoid concurrent modification Set<TransitStop> touchedStopKeys = new HashSet<TransitStop>(store.keys()); for (TransitStop tstop : touchedStopKeys) { List<Tuple2<TransitStop, Integer>> accessTimes = Lists.newArrayList(); // find transfers for the stop for (Edge e : tstop.getOutgoing()) { if (e instanceof SimpleTransfer) { SimpleTransfer t = (SimpleTransfer) e; int time = (int) (t.getDistance() / request.walkSpeed); accessTimes.add(new Tuple2((TransitStop) e.getToVertex(), time)); } } // only transfer from nondominated states. only transfer to each pattern once Collection<ProfileState> statesAtStop = store.get(tstop); TObjectIntHashMap<TripPattern> minBoardTime = new TObjectIntHashMap<TripPattern>(1000, .75f, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Map<TripPattern, ProfileState> optimalBoardState = Maps.newHashMap(); List<ProfileState> xferStates = Lists.newArrayList(); // make a hashset of the patterns that stop here, because we don't want to transfer to them at another stop HashSet<TripPattern> patternsAtSource = new HashSet<TripPattern>(graph.index.patternsForStop.get(tstop.getStop())); for (ProfileState ps : statesAtStop) { for (Tuple2<TransitStop, Integer> atime : accessTimes) { ProfileState ps2 = ps.propagate(atime.b); ps2.accessType = Type.TRANSFER; ps2.stop = atime.a; // note that we do not reset pattern, as we still don't want to transfer from a pattern to itself. // (TODO: is this true? loop routes?) for (TripPattern patt : graph.index.patternsForStop.get(atime.a.getStop())) { // don't transfer to patterns that we can board at this stop. if (patternsAtSource.contains(patt)) continue; if (atime.b < minBoardTime.get(patt)) { minBoardTime.put(patt, atime.b); optimalBoardState.put(patt, ps2); } } xferStates.add(ps2); } } for (Entry<TripPattern, ProfileState> e : optimalBoardState.entrySet()) { ProfileState ps = e.getValue(); if (ps.targetPatterns == null) ps.targetPatterns = Sets.newHashSet(); ps.targetPatterns.add(e.getKey()); } for (ProfileState ps : xferStates) { if (ps.targetPatterns != null && !ps.targetPatterns.isEmpty()) { store.put(ps); } } }"Finished round {} in {} seconds", round, (System.currentTimeMillis() - roundStart) / 1000); }"Finished profile routing in {} seconds", (System.currentTimeMillis() - searchBeginTime) / 1000); makeSurfaces();"Finished analyst request in {} seconds total", (System.currentTimeMillis() - searchBeginTime) / 1000); } /** from a collection of profile states at a transit stop, return a collection of all the nondominated states */ public Collection<ProfileState> nondominated(Collection<ProfileState> original, TransitStop tstop) { // find the min upper bound int minUpperBound = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // TODO optimization: retain min upper bound as states are added. for (ProfileState ps : original) { if (ps.upperBound < minUpperBound) minUpperBound = ps.upperBound; } // we also check against states that were found in previous rounds and have already been propagated; // no reason to propagate again. for (ProfileState ps : retainedStates.get(tstop)) { if (ps.upperBound < minUpperBound) minUpperBound = ps.upperBound; } for (Iterator<ProfileState> it = original.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ProfileState ps =; if (ps.lowerBound > minUpperBound || ps.lowerBound > CUTOFF_SECONDS) it.remove(); } return original; } /** find the boarding stops */ private Collection<ProfileState> findInitialStops(boolean dest) { double lat = dest ? request.toLat : request.fromLat; double lon = dest ? request.toLon : request.fromLon; QualifiedModeSet modes = dest ? request.accessModes : request.egressModes; List<ProfileState> stops = Lists.newArrayList(); RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK); rr.dominanceFunction = new DominanceFunction.EarliestArrival(); rr.batch = true; rr.from = new GenericLocation(lat, lon); rr.walkSpeed = request.walkSpeed; = rr.from; rr.setRoutingContext(graph); // RoutingRequest dateTime defaults to currentTime. // If elapsed time is not capped, searches are very slow. rr.worstTime = (rr.dateTime + request.maxWalkTime * 60); AStar astar = new AStar(); rr.longDistance = true; rr.setNumItineraries(1); ShortestPathTree spt = astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 5); // timeout in seconds for (TransitStop tstop : graph.index.stopVertexForStop.values()) { State s = spt.getState(tstop); if (s != null) { ProfileState ps = new ProfileState(); ps.lowerBound = ps.upperBound = (int) s.getElapsedTimeSeconds(); ps.stop = tstop; ps.accessType = Type.STREET; stops.add(ps); } } Map<TripPattern, ProfileState> optimalBoardingLocation = Maps.newHashMap(); TObjectIntMap<TripPattern> minBoardTime = new TObjectIntHashMap<TripPattern>(100, 0.75f, Integer.MAX_VALUE); // Only board patterns at the closest possible stop for (ProfileState ps : stops) { for (TripPattern pattern : graph.index.patternsForStop.get(ps.stop.getStop())) { if (ps.lowerBound < minBoardTime.get(pattern)) { optimalBoardingLocation.put(pattern, ps); minBoardTime.put(pattern, ps.lowerBound); } } ps.targetPatterns = Sets.newHashSet(); }"Found {} reachable stops, filtering to only board at closest stops", stops.size()); for (Entry<TripPattern, ProfileState> e : optimalBoardingLocation.entrySet()) { e.getValue().targetPatterns.add(e.getKey()); } for (Iterator<ProfileState> it = stops.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { if ( it.remove(); } rr.cleanup(); return stops; } /** analyst mode: propagate to street network */ private void makeSurfaces() {"Propagating from transit stops to the street network..."); List<State> lower = Lists.newArrayList(); List<State> upper = Lists.newArrayList(); List<State> avg = Lists.newArrayList(); RoutingRequest rr = new RoutingRequest(TraverseMode.WALK); rr.batch = (true); rr.from = new GenericLocation(request.fromLat, request.fromLon); rr.setRoutingContext(graph); rr.longDistance = true; rr.dominanceFunction = new DominanceFunction.EarliestArrival(); rr.setNumItineraries(1); rr.worstTime = rr.dateTime + CUTOFF_SECONDS; long startTime = rr.dateTime; State origin = new State(rr); // Iterate over all rides at all clusters // Note that some may be dominated, but it doesn't matter // Multi-origin Dijkstra search; preinitialize the queue with states at each transit stop for (Collection<ProfileState> pss : retainedStates.asMap().values()) { TransitStop tstop = null; int lowerBound = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int upperBound = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (ProfileState ps : pss) { if (tstop == null) tstop = ps.stop; if (ps.lowerBound < lowerBound) lowerBound = ps.lowerBound; if (ps.upperBound < upperBound) upperBound = ps.upperBound; } if (lowerBound == Integer.MAX_VALUE || upperBound == Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid bound!"); lower.add(new State(tstop, null, lowerBound + startTime, startTime, rr)); upper.add(new State(tstop, null, upperBound + startTime, startTime, rr)); // TODO extremely incorrect hack! avg.add(new State(tstop, null, (upperBound + lowerBound) / 2 + startTime, startTime, rr)); } // get direct trips as well lower.add(origin); upper.add(origin); avg.add(origin); // create timesurfaces timeSurfaceRangeSet = new TimeSurface.RangeSet(); AStar astar = new AStar(); timeSurfaceRangeSet.min = new TimeSurface(astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 20, null, lower), false); astar = new AStar(); timeSurfaceRangeSet.max = new TimeSurface(astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 20, null, upper), false); astar = new AStar(); timeSurfaceRangeSet.avg = new TimeSurface(astar.getShortestPathTree(rr, 20, null, avg), false); rr.cleanup();"Done with propagation."); /* Store the results in a field in the router object. */ } public void cleanup () { // TODO } }