package org.opentripplanner.api.parameter; import; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; public class BoundingBox { double minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon; private static void err (String message) { throw new WebApplicationException(Response .status(Status.BAD_REQUEST) .entity(message) .build()); } public BoundingBox (String s) { String[] elements = s.split(","); // what about ; between coordinates? if (elements.length != 4) { err ("A bounding box must have four coordinates."); } try { minLat = Double.parseDouble(elements[0]); minLon = Double.parseDouble(elements[1]); maxLat = Double.parseDouble(elements[2]); maxLon = Double.parseDouble(elements[3]); } catch (NumberFormatException pe) { err ("Unable to parse coordinate: " + pe.getMessage()); } } public Coordinate lowerLeft () { return new Coordinate(minLon, minLat); } public Coordinate upperLeft () { return new Coordinate(minLon, maxLat); } public Coordinate lowerRight () { return new Coordinate(maxLon, minLat); } public Coordinate upperRight () { return new Coordinate(maxLon, maxLat); } public Envelope envelope () { return new Envelope(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat); } }