package org.opentripplanner.analyst; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class DiskBackedPointSetCache extends PointSetCache { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DiskBackedPointSetCache.class); protected File pointSetPath; protected class PointSetLoader extends CacheLoader<String, PointSet> { @Override public PointSet load(String pointSetId) throws Exception { if (pointSetPath != null && ! (pointSetPath.isDirectory() && pointSetPath.canRead())) { LOG.error("'{}' is not a readable directory.", pointSetPath); return null; } for (File file : pointSetPath.listFiles()) { if(file.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith(pointSetId.toLowerCase())) {"Attempting to load pointset from '{}'.", file); PointSet pointSet = this.loadFromFile(file); if(pointSet == null) { LOG.error("Pointset loading function returned null."); return null; } else { return pointSet; } } } LOG.error("No file was found with the given pointset name."); return null; } public PointSet loadFromFile(File pointSetData) { String name = pointSetData.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".csv")) { String baseName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4);"loading '{}' with ID '{}'", pointSetData, baseName); try { PointSet pset = PointSet.fromCsv(pointSetData); if (pset == null) { LOG.warn("Failure, skipping this pointset."); } return pset; } catch (IOException ioex) { LOG.warn("Exception while loading pointset.", ioex); } } else if (name.endsWith(".json")) { String baseName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 5);"loading '{}' with ID '{}'", pointSetData, baseName); PointSet pset = PointSet.fromGeoJson(pointSetData); if (pset == null) { LOG.warn("Failure, skipping this pointset."); } return pset; } return null; } } public DiskBackedPointSetCache(Integer maxCacheSize, File pointSetPath) { super(); this.pointSetPath = pointSetPath; // TODO could convert to a weight-based eviction strategy based on pointset size this.pointSets = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(maxCacheSize) .build(new PointSetLoader()); } @Override public ArrayList<String> getPointSetIds() { ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); for(File f : pointSetPath.listFiles()) { String name = f.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".csv")) { String baseName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 4); ids.add(baseName); } else if (name.endsWith(".json")) { String baseName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 5); ids.add(baseName); } } return ids; } }