package org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.persistency; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import org.hive2hive.core.processes.files.list.FileNode; import; import; import org.peerbox.watchservice.PathUtils; import org.sql2o.Connection; import org.sql2o.Sql2o; import; public class RemoteFileDao { private static final String REMOTE_FILE_TABLE = "remote_files"; /* aliases are important to match Java bean */ private static final String DEFAULT_COLUMNS = "path, is_file isFile, content_hash contentHash"; private final DbContext dbContext; private final Sql2o sql2o; @Inject public RemoteFileDao(DbContext dbContext) { this.dbContext = dbContext; this.sql2o = new Sql2o(this.dbContext.getDataSource()); createTable(); } public String getTableName() { return REMOTE_FILE_TABLE; } public boolean tableExists() { final String sql = String.format( "SELECT tbl.cnt FROM " + "(SELECT count(*) cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = UPPER('%s')) as tbl", REMOTE_FILE_TABLE); try (Connection con = { int cnt = con.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(Integer.class); return cnt > 0; } } /** * Creates tables and indices (if they do not exist yet) */ public void createTable() { final String tableSql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + REMOTE_FILE_TABLE + " ( " + "id IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment, " + "path NVARCHAR NOT NULL UNIQUE, " + "is_file BOOLEAN NOT NULL, " + "content_hash NVARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, " + "to_delete BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT(FALSE)" + ");"; final String indexSql = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS remote_files_path " + "ON "+ REMOTE_FILE_TABLE + " (path);"; try (Connection con = sql2o.beginTransaction()) { con.createQuery(tableSql).executeUpdate(); con.createQuery(indexSql).executeUpdate(); con.commit(); } } /** * Persists the given list of file nodes by either inserting new files or updating existing * information. * * @param fileNodes */ public void persistAndReplaceFileNodes(List<FileNode> fileNodes) { /* * procedure works as follows (in a transaction): * - mark all records as to_delete(true) * - update or insert records with given list, set to_delete(false) * - delete all records that still have to_delete(true), i.e. records that were not updated */ final String markToDelete = String.format( "UPDATE %s SET to_delete = true;", REMOTE_FILE_TABLE); final String deleteStale = String.format( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE to_delete = true", REMOTE_FILE_TABLE); final String insert = String.format( "MERGE INTO %s (path, is_file, content_hash, to_delete) " + "KEY (path) " + "VALUES ( :path, :is_file, :content_hash, :to_delete );", REMOTE_FILE_TABLE); try (Connection con = sql2o.beginTransaction()) { // mark to delete con.createQuery(markToDelete).executeUpdate(); for (FileNode node : fileNodes) { String hash = node.isFile() ? PathUtils.base64Encode(node.getMd5()) : ""; // insert or update con.createQuery(insert) .addParameter("path", node.getFile().toString()) .addParameter("is_file", node.isFile()) .addParameter("content_hash", hash) .addParameter("to_delete", false) .executeUpdate(); } // cleanup deleted files con.createQuery(deleteStale).executeUpdate(); con.commit(); } } public List<FileInfo> getAllFileNodeAttributes() { final String sql = String.format( "SELECT %s FROM %s ORDER BY path ASC;", DEFAULT_COLUMNS, REMOTE_FILE_TABLE); try (Connection con = { return con.createQuery(sql).executeAndFetch(new FileInfoResultSetHandler()); } } public void deleteByPath(Path file) { final String sql = String.format( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE path = :path", REMOTE_FILE_TABLE); try (Connection con = { con.createQuery(sql) .addParameter("path", file.toString()) .executeUpdate(); } } public void dumpCsv() { DaoUtils.dumpTableToCsv(REMOTE_FILE_TABLE, sql2o); } }