package org.peerbox.presenter.validation; import org.hive2hive.core.exceptions.NoPeerConnectionException; import; import; public class ValidationUtils { public enum ValidationResult { OK("ok"), ERROR("error"), USERNAME_EMPTY("Username cannot be empty."), USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN("Username is already taken."), USER_NOT_EXISTS("Username does not exist."), PASSWORD_EMPTY("Password cannot be empty."), PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT(String.format( "The password should be at least %d characters long.", Constants.MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH)), PASSWORD_MISMATCH("The passwords do not match."), PIN_EMPTY("Pin cannot be empty."), PIN_TOO_SHORT(String.format( "The pin should be at least %d characters long.", Constants.MIN_PIN_LENGTH)), PIN_MISMATCH("The pins do not match."), BOOTSTRAPHOST_EMPTY("The bootstrap host cannot be empty."), ROOTPATH_NOTEXISTS("Directory does not exist."), ROOTPATH_NOTADIRECTORY("Path is not a directory."), ROOTPATH_NOTWRITABLE("Directory is not writable."), ROOTPATH_CREATE_ACCESSDENIED("Could not create the directory (access denied)."), ROOTPATH_CREATE_FAILED("Could not create the directory."); private String message; private ValidationResult(String message) { this.message = message; } public boolean isError() { return this != OK; } public String getMessage() { return message; } } public static ValidationResult validateUsername(final String username, boolean checkIfRegistered, final IUserManager userManager) throws NoPeerConnectionException { if(username == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument username must not be null."); } if(checkIfRegistered && userManager == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument userManager must not be null if checkIfRegistered is true"); } if(username.trim().isEmpty()) { return ValidationResult.USERNAME_EMPTY; } if(checkIfRegistered && userManager != null) { if(userManager.isRegistered(username)) { return ValidationResult.USERNAME_ALREADY_TAKEN; } } return ValidationResult.OK; } public static ValidationResult validateUserExists(final String username, boolean checkIfRegistered, final IUserManager userManager) throws NoPeerConnectionException { if(username == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument username must not be null."); } if(checkIfRegistered && userManager == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument userManager must not be null if checkIfRegistered is true."); } if(username.trim().isEmpty()) { return ValidationResult.USERNAME_EMPTY; } if(checkIfRegistered && userManager != null) { if(!userManager.isRegistered(username)) { return ValidationResult.USER_NOT_EXISTS; } } return ValidationResult.OK; } public static ValidationResult validatePins(final String pin, final String confirmPin) { if(pin == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument pin must not be null."); } if(confirmPin == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument confirmPin must not be null."); } if (pin.isEmpty()) { return ValidationResult.PIN_EMPTY; } if (pin.length() < Constants.MIN_PIN_LENGTH) { return ValidationResult.PIN_TOO_SHORT; } if(!pin.equals(confirmPin)) { return ValidationResult.PIN_MISMATCH; } if(confirmPin.isEmpty()) { return ValidationResult.PIN_EMPTY; } return ValidationResult.OK; } public static ValidationResult validatePasswords(final String password, final String confirmPassword) { if(password == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument password must not be null."); } if(confirmPassword == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument confirmPassword must not be null."); } if (password.isEmpty()) { return ValidationResult.PASSWORD_EMPTY; } if (password.length() < Constants.MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) { return ValidationResult.PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT; } if(!password.equals(confirmPassword)) { return ValidationResult.PASSWORD_MISMATCH; } if(confirmPassword.isEmpty()) { return ValidationResult.PASSWORD_EMPTY; } return ValidationResult.OK; } }