package org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import org.peerbox.watchservice.FileEventManager; import org.peerbox.watchservice.FileWalker; import org.peerbox.watchservice.IFileEventManager; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.composite.FileComponent; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.composite.FileLeaf; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.composite.FolderComposite; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton public class FileTree implements IFileTree { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileTree.class); private FolderComposite rootOfFileTree; private SetMultimap<String, FolderComposite> deletedByStructureHash = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.create()); private SetMultimap<String, FolderComposite> createdByStructureHash = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.create()); private SetMultimap<String, FileComponent> deletedByContentHash = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.create()); private SetMultimap<String, FileComponent> createdByContentHash = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.create()); private boolean maintainContentHashes; @Inject public FileTree(Path rootPath) { this(rootPath, true); } /** * @param rootPath is the root folder of the tree * @param maintainContentHashes set to true if content hashes have to be maintained. * Content hash changes are then propagated upwards to the parent directory. */ public FileTree(Path rootPath, boolean maintainContentHashes) { this.maintainContentHashes = maintainContentHashes; this.rootOfFileTree = new FolderComposite(rootPath, maintainContentHashes, true); } public boolean getMaintainContentHashes(){ return maintainContentHashes; } public FolderComposite getRootOfFileTree(){ return rootOfFileTree; } @Override public void putFile(Path dstPath, FileComponent fileToPut) { rootOfFileTree.putComponent(dstPath, fileToPut); } @Override public FileComponent getFile(Path fileToGet) { return rootOfFileTree.getComponent(fileToGet); } public FileComponent getOrCreateFileComponent(Path path, Boolean isFile, IFileEventManager eventManager) { FileComponent file = getFile(path); if(file == null){ logger.trace("FileComponent {} is new and now created.", path); if(isFile == null){ logger.trace("FileComponent {} has no fileevent.", path); file = createFileComponent(path, Files.isRegularFile(path)); } else { logger.trace("FileComponent {} has a fileevent isfile= {}", path, isFile); file = createFileComponent(path, isFile); } file.getAction().setFile(file); file.getAction().setFileEventManager(eventManager); } logger.debug("File {} has state {}", file.getPath(), file.getAction().getCurrentStateName()); return file; } public FileComponent getOrCreateFileComponent(Path path, IFileEventManager eventManager){ return getOrCreateFileComponent(path, null, eventManager); } private FileComponent createFileComponent(Path path, boolean isFile) { FileComponent component = null; if (isFile) { logger.trace("FileComponent {} created.", path); component = new FileLeaf(path, getMaintainContentHashes()); } else { logger.trace("FolderComponent {} created.", path); component = new FolderComposite(path, getMaintainContentHashes()); } logger.trace("Content hash of newly created file {} is {}", component.getPath(), component.getContentHash()); // getSynchronizedFiles().add(path); return component; } @Override public FileComponent deleteFile(Path fileToDelete) { return rootOfFileTree.deleteComponent(fileToDelete); } @Override public FileComponent updateFile(Path fileToUpdate) { return null; } @Override public SetMultimap<String, FolderComposite> getDeletedByStructureHash() { return deletedByStructureHash; } public SetMultimap<String, FileComponent> getDeletedByContentHash(){ return deletedByContentHash; } /** * This function runs the FileWalker to discover the structure of the subtree * at the given location. This means, content hashes are neither computed nor * propagated upwards. The structure is represented using a hash on the names * of the contained objects of each folder * @param filePath represents the root of the subtree * @return the hash representing the folder's structure */ public String discoverSubtreeStructure(Path filePath, FileEventManager manager) { FileWalker walker = new FileWalker(filePath, manager); logger.debug("start discovery of subtree structure at : {}", filePath); return walker.computeStructureHashOfFolder(); } /** * This function runs the FileWalker to discover the complete content of a subtree * at the given location. The content hash of each file is computed, the content hash * of a folder consists of a hash over contained files' content hashes. If these hashes * change, the change is propagated to the parent folder * @param filePath represents the root of the subtree * @return the complete subtree as a FolderComposite */ public void discoverSubtreeCompletely(Path filePath, FileEventManager manager) { FileWalker walker = new FileWalker(filePath, manager); logger.debug("start complete subtree discovery at : {}", filePath); walker.generateLocalCreateEvents(); } private FileComponent findComponentInSetMultimap(FileComponent toSearch, SetMultimap<String, ? extends FileComponent> filesByContent){ FileComponent result = null; String hash = ""; if(toSearch.isFile()){ hash = toSearch.getContentHash(); } else { hash = ((FolderComposite)toSearch).getStructureHash(); } logger.trace("Contenthash to search for: {}", hash); Set<? extends FileComponent> sameContentSet = filesByContent.get(hash); for(Map.Entry<String, ? extends FileComponent> entry : filesByContent.entries()){ logger.trace("Path: {} Hash: {}", entry.getValue().getPath(), entry.getKey()); } long minTimeDiff = Long.MAX_VALUE; for(FileComponent candidate : sameContentSet) { long timeDiff = toSearch.getAction().getTimestamp() - candidate.getAction().getTimestamp(); if(timeDiff < minTimeDiff) { minTimeDiff = timeDiff; result = candidate; } } if(result != null){ boolean isRemoved = sameContentSet.remove(result); logger.trace("findComponentsInSetMultimap - file: {} removed {}", result.getPath(), isRemoved); } return result; } @Override public FileLeaf findCreatedByContent(FileLeaf deletedComponent) { return (FileLeaf)findComponentInSetMultimap(deletedComponent, getCreatedByContentHash()); } /** * Searches the SetMultiMap<String, FileComponent> deletedByContentHash for * a deleted FileComponent with the same content hash. If several exist, the temporally * closest is returned. * * @param createdComponent The previously deleted component * @return */ @Override public FileLeaf findDeletedByContent(FileLeaf createdComponent){ return (FileLeaf)findComponentInSetMultimap(createdComponent, getDeletedByContentHash()); } @Override public FolderComposite findCreatedByStructure(FolderComposite toSearch) { return (FolderComposite) findComponentInSetMultimap((FileComponent) toSearch, getCreatedByStructureHash()); } @Override public FolderComposite findDeletedByStructure(FolderComposite toSearch) { return (FolderComposite) findComponentInSetMultimap((FileComponent) toSearch, getDeletedByStructureHash()); } public Path getRootPath() { return rootOfFileTree.getPath(); } @Override public Set<Path> getSynchronizedPathsAsSet() { Set<Path> synchronizedFiles = new ConcurrentHashSet<Path>(); rootOfFileTree.getSynchronizedChildrenPaths(synchronizedFiles); return synchronizedFiles; } @Override public SetMultimap<String, FileComponent> getCreatedByContentHash() { return createdByContentHash; } @Override public SetMultimap<String, FolderComposite> getCreatedByStructureHash() { return createdByStructureHash; } @Override public List<FileComponent> asList() { // resulting list List<FileComponent> list = new ArrayList<>(); // traversal through tree List<FileComponent> toVisit = new ArrayList<>(); toVisit.add(rootOfFileTree); while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) { FileComponent current = toVisit.remove(0); list.add(current); // add children to visit in the future if (current.isFolder()) { FolderComposite currentFolder = (FolderComposite) current; toVisit.addAll(currentFolder.getChildren().values()); } } return list; } }