package org.peerbox.watchservice; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Set; import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Handler; import; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hive2hive.core.model.PermissionType; import org.hive2hive.core.model.UserPermission; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.peerbox.forcesync.ForceSyncCompleteMessage; import org.peerbox.forcesync.ForceSyncMessage; import org.peerbox.forcesync.IForceSyncHandler; import org.peerbox.notifications.InformationNotification; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.FileTree; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.IFileTree; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.composite.FileComponent; import org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.composite.FolderComposite; import org.peerbox.watchservice.states.StateType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; /** * The FileEventManager forms the glue between the events delivered by the * {@link org.peerbox.watchservice.FolderWatchService FolderWatchService} and * the PeerWasp core, in which the state for each file is maintained. To fulfill * this purpose, the FileEventManager provides a set of event handlers, which are * used by the {@link org.peerbox.watchservice.FolderWatchService FolderWatchService} * or other code parts (like the GUI) to forward the events to an {@link org.peerbox. * watchservice.Action Action} object coupled to a file. Depending on the type of * the event, additional measures may be taken into consideration, like applying events * recursively in case the triggering object is a folder. * * @author Claudio */ @Singleton public class FileEventManager implements IFileEventManager, ILocalFileEventListener, IFileEventListener { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileEventManager.class); /** * This queue contains FileComponents on which local or remote events happened that require * some kind of network operation. The objects can be picked from the queu when no new events * occured for a specified time. Check {@link org.peerbox.watchservice.FileComponentQueue} */ private final FileComponentQueue fileComponentQueue; /** * Represents the file system view from the perspective * of PeerWasp, which is influenced by local and remote file events. */ private final FileTree fileTree; /** Used to publish important events system-wide.*/ private final MessageBus messageBus; /** * If the execution of an {@link org.peerbox.watchservice.Action Action} * definitely fails (i.e. repeatedly until the maximal number of attempts to * re-execute is reached), the path is added to this set. As soon as the PeerWasp * retries to execute it or clean it up, the file is removed again. This set is * important to correctly represent failed operations in the {@link org.peerbox. * presenter.settings.synchronization.Synchronization Synchronzation}. */ private final Set<Path> failedOperations; // private final Set<Path> sharedFolders; private boolean cleanupRunning; private Set<Path> pendingEvents = new ConcurrentHashSet<Path>(); private Provider<IForceSyncHandler> forceSyncHandlerProvider; private IForceSyncHandler forceSyncHandler; /** * * @param fileTree The file tree representation of PeerWasp * @param messageBus To publish events system-wide */ @Inject public FileEventManager(final FileTree fileTree, MessageBus messageBus) { this.fileComponentQueue = new FileComponentQueue(); this.fileTree = fileTree; this.messageBus = messageBus; this.failedOperations = new ConcurrentHashSet<Path>(); } @Inject public void setForceSyncHandlerProvider(Provider<IForceSyncHandler> forceSyncHandlerProvider){ this.forceSyncHandlerProvider = forceSyncHandlerProvider; forceSyncHandlerProvider.get(); } public IForceSyncHandler getForceSyncHandler(){ if(forceSyncHandler == null){ forceSyncHandler = forceSyncHandlerProvider.get(); } return forceSyncHandler; } /** * Handles incoming create events. First of all, it gets or creates the * corresponding {@link org.peerbox.watchservice.filetree.composite.FileComponent * FileComponent} from the {@link #fileTree} and markes it as synchronized. * * If the created component is a folder, check if the operation is part of a * move operation by checking the folder's * structure hash. Otherwise, make a complete content discovery. * * If it is a file, check if a move based on file content is possible to trigger * a conventional move operation, otherwise just handle * the event as a conventional create. * * Assumptions: * - The file exists, hence this handler is not invoked manually if the file has been * deleted before. */ @Override public void onLocalFileCreated(final Path path) { if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(path); return; } logger.debug("onLocalFileCreated: {} - Manager ID {}", path, hashCode()); final boolean isFolder = Files.isDirectory(path); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, this); // if(file.isUploaded() && !file.isSynchronized() && file.getAction().getCurrentState() instanceof InitialState){ // logger.trace("The file {} has already been uploaded and was recreated. Resolve conflict."); // ConflictHandler.resolveConflict(path, true); // return; // } file.setIsSynchronized(true); if (isFolder) { String structureHash = fileTree.discoverSubtreeStructure(path, this); ((FolderComposite)file).setStructureHash(structureHash); } file.updateContentHash(); file.getAction().handleLocalCreateEvent(); //check if it is a folder and the move detection did not work: if (isFolder && fileTree.getFile(path).getAction().getCurrentState().getStateType() != StateType.INITIAL) { logger.trace("No move detected after folder {} was created. Initiate complete discovery.", path); fileTree.discoverSubtreeCompletely(path, this); } } /** * Used to handle local update events. The event is ignored if at least one of the * following requirements is met: The object does not exist on disk, the object is * a folder, or the objects content hash did not change. Otherwise, the event is forwarded * to the core. */ @Override public void onLocalFileModified(final Path path) { if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(path); return; } logger.debug("onLocalFileModified: {}", path); if(!Files.exists(path) || Files.isDirectory(path)){ logger.trace("File {} does not exist on disk or is a folder, discard local update", path); return; } final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, this); if (file.isFolder()) { logger.debug("File {} is a folder. Update rejected.", path); return; } boolean hasChanged = file.updateContentHash(); if (!hasChanged) { logger.debug("Content hash did not change for file {}. Update rejected.", path); return; } file.getAction().handleLocalUpdateEvent(); } /** * Forwards the local delete event to the core. Additionally, it publishes a {@link * LocalFileDesyncMessage} using * the {@link #messageBus} to inform GUI components. */ @Override public void onLocalFileDeleted(final Path path) { if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(path); return; } logger.debug("onLocalFileDelete: {}", path); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, this); if (file.isFolder()) { logger.debug("onLocalFileDelete: structure hash of {} is '{}'", path, ((FolderComposite)file).getStructureHash()); } publishMessage(new LocalFileSoftDeleteMessage(new FileInfo(file))); file.getAction().handleLocalSoftDeleteEvent(); } /** * Triggered by the user using the Windows Explorer context menu option "PeerWasp->Delete" or * the "Delete from network" option in the context menu of the view "Settings->Synchronization". * Completely deletes a file from the network such that it is not recoverable anymore. */ @Override public void onLocalFileHardDelete(final Path path) { if(cleanupRunning){ return; } logger.debug("onLocalFileHardDelete: {} - Manager ID {}", path, hashCode()); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, this); file.getAction().handleLocalHardDeleteEvent(); } /** * Triggered by the user using the view "Settings->Synchronization". By unchecking checkboxes, * items can be soft-deleted, which is done by this event handler. This handler deletes the * corresponding file or folder recursively. */ @Override public void onFileSoftDeleted(final Path path) { if (cleanupRunning) { return; } logger.debug("onFileDesynchronized: {}", path); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getFile(path); if (file != null) { file.setIsSynchronized(false); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(path.toFile()); } else { logger.error("onFileDesynchronized: Did not find file component: {}", path); } } /** * Triggered by the user using the view "Settings->Synchronization". By checking checkboxes, * soft-deleted items can be restored by downloading them again. */ @Override public void onFileSynchronized(final Path path, boolean isFolder) { if(cleanupRunning){ return; } logger.debug("onFileSynchronized: {}", path); // is this even required if we do onFileAdd later? final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, !isFolder, this); // if (file.isSynchronized()) { // logger.trace("File {} is still synchronized, return!", path); // return; // } fileTree.putFile(path, file); // FileCompositeUtils.setIsUploadedWithAncestors(file, true); file.setIsSynchronized(true); onFileAdd(new FileAddEvent(path.toFile(), isFolder)); } private boolean hasSynchronizedAncestor(final Path path) { // FIXME: maybe stop when rootPath is reached...! FileComponent file = fileTree.getFile(path); if (file == null) { // logger.trace("checkForSynchronizedAncestor: Did not find {}", path); return hasSynchronizedAncestor(path.getParent()); } else { // logger.trace("checkForSynchronizedAncestor: {} isSynchronized({})", path, file.isSynchronized()); // return hasSynchronizedAncestor(path.getParent()); return file.isSynchronized(); } } /** * This handler is for remote create events and is called by the network when * new files are recognized. The file is only downloaded if it has an ancestor * in the {@link #fileTree} that is existing and synchronized. Otherwise, the * event is ignored. */ @Override @Handler public synchronized void onFileAdd(final IFileAddEvent fileEvent){ if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(fileEvent.getFile().toPath()); return; } final Path path = fileEvent.getFile().toPath(); logger.debug("onFileAdd: {}", path); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, fileEvent.isFile(), this); file.getAction().setFile(file); file.getAction().setFileEventManager(this); logger.trace("file {} has ID {}", path, file.hashCode()); if (!hasSynchronizedAncestor(path)) { logger.debug("File {} is in folder that is not synchronized. Event ignored.", path); file.setIsSynchronized(false); getMessageBus().publish(new FileExecutionStartedMessage(new FileInfo(file), StateType.INITIAL)); //return; } else { logger.debug("File {} is in folder that is synchronized.", path); file.setIsSynchronized(true); file.getAction().handleRemoteCreateEvent(); } } /** * This handler is for remote delete events and is called by the network when * a file has been definitely deleted. Besides forwarding the event to the core, * this method publishes a {@link * RemoteFileDeletedMessage} to notify the GUI. */ @Override @Handler public void onFileDelete(final IFileDeleteEvent fileEvent) { if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(fileEvent.getFile().toPath()); return; } final Path path = fileEvent.getFile().toPath(); logger.debug("onFileDelete: {}", path); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, fileEvent.isFile(), this); file.getAction().handleRemoteDeleteEvent(); FileInfo fileHelper = new FileInfo(file); messageBus.publish(new RemoteFileDeletedMessage(fileHelper)); } /** * This handler is for remote update events and is called by the network when * a file has been changed remotely. This method only forwards the event to the core. */ @Override @Handler public void onFileUpdate(final IFileUpdateEvent fileEvent) { if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(fileEvent.getFile().toPath()); return; } final Path path = fileEvent.getFile().toPath(); logger.debug("onFileUpdate: {}", path); final FileComponent file = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(path, this); file.getAction().handleRemoteUpdateEvent(); } /** * This handler is for remote move events and is called by the network when * a file has been moved remotely. This method forwards the event to the core and * publishes a {@link * RemoteFileMovedMessage} to inform the GUI. */ @Override @Handler public void onFileMove(final IFileMoveEvent fileEvent) { if(cleanupRunning){ pendingEvents.add(fileEvent.getSrcFile().toPath()); pendingEvents.add(fileEvent.getDstFile().toPath()); return; } final Path srcPath = fileEvent.getSrcFile().toPath(); final Path dstPath = fileEvent.getDstFile().toPath(); logger.debug("onFileMove: {} -> {}", srcPath, dstPath); final FileComponent source = fileTree.getOrCreateFileComponent(srcPath, this); source.getAction().handleRemoteMoveEvent(dstPath); FileInfo srcFile = new FileInfo(srcPath, fileEvent.isFolder()); FileInfo dstFile = new FileInfo(dstPath, fileEvent.isFolder()); messageBus.publish(new RemoteFileMovedMessage(srcFile, dstFile)); } @Override @Handler public void onFileShare(IFileShareEvent fileEvent) { String permissionStr = ""; for (UserPermission p : fileEvent.getUserPermissions()) { permissionStr = permissionStr.concat(p.getUserId() + " "); if(p.getPermission() == PermissionType.READ){ permissionStr = permissionStr.concat("Read"); } else { permissionStr = permissionStr.concat("Read / Write"); } }"Share: Invited by: {}, Permission: [{}]", fileEvent.getInvitedBy(), permissionStr, fileEvent.getFile()); fileEvent.getInvitedBy(); Set<UserPermission> permissions = fileEvent.getUserPermissions(); String invitedBy = fileEvent.getInvitedBy(); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileEvent); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("User ").append(invitedBy).append(" shared the folder "). append(fileEvent.getFile().toPath()).append(" with you."); getMessageBus().post(new InformationNotification("Shared folder", sb.toString())).now(); publishMessage(new RemoteShareFolderMessage(file, permissions, invitedBy)); } /** * @return The {@link #fileComponentQueue}. */ @Override public FileComponentQueue getFileComponentQueue() { return fileComponentQueue; } /** * @return The {@link #fileTree}. */ @Override public synchronized IFileTree getFileTree() { return fileTree; } /** * @return The {@link #failedOperations} containing the {@link java.nio.file.Path * Path}s of all failed Actions. */ @Override public Set<Path> getFailedOperations(){ return failedOperations; } /** * @return The {@link #messageBus} used to publish events system-wide. */ public MessageBus getMessageBus() { return messageBus; } private void publishMessage(IFileMessage message) { if (messageBus != null) { messageBus.publish(message); } else { logger.warn("No message sent, as message bus is null!"); } } @Handler public void onForceSync(ForceSyncMessage message){ logger.trace("onForceSync: Block events and clear fileComponentQueue {}", message.getTopLevel()); setCleanupRunning(true); fileComponentQueue.clear(); } @Handler public void onForceSyncComplete(ForceSyncCompleteMessage message){ logger.trace("Forced synchronization: Event block removed."); setCleanupRunning(false); } public void setCleanupRunning(boolean b) { cleanupRunning = b; } public Set<Path> getPendingEvents() { return pendingEvents; } public void initiateForceSync(Path topLevel){ logger.trace("PeerWasp initiated a force synchronization automatically on {}", topLevel); IForceSyncHandler handler = getForceSyncHandler(); if(handler != null){ handler.forceSync( topLevel); } getMessageBus().publish(new InformationNotification("Forced synchronization", "Try to restore consistency")); } }