package open.dolphin.adm20.session; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import open.dolphin.infomodel.AllergyModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.DocumentModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.FacilityModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.KarteBean; import open.dolphin.infomodel.ModuleModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.NLaboItem; import open.dolphin.infomodel.NLaboModule; import open.dolphin.infomodel.ObservationModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.PHRKey; import open.dolphin.infomodel.PatientModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.RegisteredDiagnosisModel; import open.dolphin.infomodel.SchemaModel; /** * * @author kazushi, Minahawa */ @Named @Stateless public class AMD20_PHRServiceBean { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; public Long addOrUpdatePatient(PHRKey phrKey) { em.merge(phrKey); return phrKey.getId(); } public PHRKey getPHRKey(String accessKey) { PHRKey phrKey; List<PHRKey> list = (List<PHRKey>)em.createQuery("from PHRKey p where p.accessKey=:accessKey") .setParameter("accessKey", accessKey) .getResultList(); phrKey = (list!=null && list.size()==1) ? list.get(0) : null; return phrKey; } public PHRKey getPHRKeyByPatientId(String patientId) { PHRKey phrKey; List<PHRKey> list = (List<PHRKey>)em.createQuery("from PHRKey p where p.patientId=:patientId") .setParameter("patientId", patientId) .getResultList(); phrKey = (list!=null && list.size()==1) ? list.get(0) : null; return phrKey; } public PatientModel getPatient(String fid, String pid) { PatientModel bean = (PatientModel)em.createQuery("from PatientModel p where p.facilityId=:fid and p.patientId=:pid") .setParameter("fid", fid) .setParameter("pid", pid) .getSingleResult(); return bean; } public FacilityModel getFacility(String fid) { List<FacilityModel> fList = em.createQuery("from FacilityModel f where f.facilityId=:fid") .setParameter("fid", fid) .getResultList(); FacilityModel facility = fList.size()>0 ? fList.get(0) : null; return facility; } public KarteBean getKarte(String fid, String pid) { PatientModel bean = (PatientModel)em.createQuery("from PatientModel p where p.facilityId=:fid and p.patientId=:pid") .setParameter("fid", fid) .setParameter("pid", pid) .getSingleResult(); long pk = bean.getId(); KarteBean karte = (KarteBean) em.createQuery("from KarteBean k where") .setParameter("pk", pk) .getSingleResult(); return karte; } public List<DocumentModel> getDocuments(long karteId, Date since, int first, int max, String[] entities) { List<DocumentModel> ret; if (since!=null) { ret = em.createQuery("from DocumentModel d where and d.started > :since and d.status='F' order by d.started desc") .setParameter("kid", karteId) .setParameter("since", since) .setFirstResult(first) // 0 .setMaxResults(max) // 3 に制限 .getResultList(); } else { ret = em.createQuery("from DocumentModel d where and d.status='F' order by d.started desc") .setParameter("kid", karteId) .setFirstResult(first) .setMaxResults(max) .getResultList(); } if (ret==null|| ret.isEmpty()) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("from ModuleModel m where and (m.moduleInfo.entity='medOrder' or m.moduleInfo.entity='injectionOrder')"); String ejbQL = sb.toString(); -> { List<ModuleModel> list2 = (List<ModuleModel>)em.createQuery(ejbQL) .setParameter("docId", doc.getId()) .getResultList(); doc.setModules(list2); }); return ret; } public List<AllergyModel> getAllergies(long karteId) { List<AllergyModel> retList = new ArrayList<>(); List<ObservationModel> observations = (List<ObservationModel>)em.createQuery("from ObservationModel o where and o.observation='Allergy'") .setParameter("karteId", karteId) .getResultList(); for (ObservationModel observation : observations) { AllergyModel allergy = new AllergyModel(); allergy.setObservationId(observation.getId()); allergy.setFactor(observation.getPhenomenon()); allergy.setSeverity(observation.getCategoryValue()); allergy.setIdentifiedDate(observation.confirmDateAsString()); allergy.setMemo(observation.getMemo()); retList.add(allergy); } return retList; } public List<RegisteredDiagnosisModel> getDiagnosis(long karteId) { List<RegisteredDiagnosisModel> ret; // 疾患開始日の降順 i.e. 直近分 ret = em.createQuery("from RegisteredDiagnosisModel r where and r.ended is NULL order by r.started desc") .setParameter("karteId", karteId) .getResultList(); return ret; } public List<ModuleModel> getLastMedication(long karteId) { List<DocumentModel> list = em.createQuery("from DocumentModel d where and d.status='F' order by d.started desc") .setParameter("kid", karteId) .setFirstResult(0) .setMaxResults(1) .getResultList(); String ejbQL = "from ModuleModel m where and (m.moduleInfo.entity='medOrder' or m.moduleInfo.entity='injectionOrder')"; List<ModuleModel> ret = new ArrayList<>(); -> { List<ModuleModel> list2 = (List<ModuleModel>)em.createQuery(ejbQL) .setParameter("docId", doc.getId()) .getResultList(); ret.addAll(list2); }); return ret; } public List<NLaboModule> getLabTest(String fid, String pid, String since, int first, int max) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(fid); sb.append(":"); sb.append(pid); String fidPid = sb.toString(); List<FacilityModel> fList = em.createQuery("from FacilityModel f where f.facilityId=:fid") .setParameter("fid", fid) .getResultList(); FacilityModel facility = fList.get(0); List<NLaboModule> ret; if (since!=null) { ret = (List<NLaboModule>) em.createQuery("from NLaboModule l where l.patientId=:fidPid and l.sampleDate > :since order by l.sampleDate") .setParameter("fidPid", fidPid) .setParameter("since", since) .setFirstResult(first) .setMaxResults(max) .getResultList(); } else { ret = (List<NLaboModule>) em.createQuery("from NLaboModule l where l.patientId=:fidPid order by l.sampleDate desc") .setParameter("fidPid", fidPid) .setFirstResult(first) .setMaxResults(max) .getResultList(); } for (NLaboModule m : ret) { m.setFacilityId(facility.getFacilityId()); m.setFacilityName(facility.getFacilityName()); List<NLaboItem> items = (List<NLaboItem>) em.createQuery("from NLaboItem l where order by l.groupCode,l.parentCode,l.itemCode") .setParameter("mid", m.getId()) .getResultList(); m.setItems(items); } return ret; } public List<NLaboModule> getLastLabTest(String fid, String pid) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(fid); sb.append(":"); sb.append(pid); String fidPid = sb.toString(); List<NLaboModule> ret; ret = (List<NLaboModule>) em.createQuery("from NLaboModule l where l.patientId=:fidPid order by l.sampleDate desc") .setParameter("fidPid", fidPid) .setFirstResult(0) .setMaxResults(1) .getResultList(); for (NLaboModule m : ret) { List<NLaboItem> items = (List<NLaboItem>) em.createQuery("from NLaboItem l where order by l.groupCode,l.parentCode,l.itemCode") .setParameter("mid", m.getId()) .getResultList(); m.setItems(items); } return ret; } public SchemaModel getImages(long karteId) { List images = em.createQuery("from SchemaModel s where =:karteId and s.status='F' order by s.started desc") .setParameter("karteId", karteId) .setFirstResult(0) .setMaxResults(1) .getResultList(); if (images!=null && images.size()>0) { return (SchemaModel)images.get(0); } else { return null; } } }