package open.dolphin.stampbox; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import open.dolphin.delegater.StampDelegater; import open.dolphin.infomodel.ModuleInfoBean; import open.dolphin.infomodel.StampModel; import open.dolphin.project.Project; import open.dolphin.util.HexBytesTool; /** * stampBytesも含めたStampTreeXmlBuilder * * based on * @author masuda, Masuda Naika */ public class ExtendedStampTreeXmlBuilder { //private static final String[] MATCHES = new String[] { "<", ">", "&", "'","\""}; private static final String[] MATCHES = new String[] { "&", "<", ">", "'","\""}; //private static final String[] REPLACES = new String[] { "<", ">", "&" ,"'", """}; private static final String[] REPLACES = new String[] { "&" ,"<", ">", "'", """}; /** Control staffs */ private LinkedList<StampTreeNode> linkedList; private BufferedWriter writer; private StringWriter stringWriter; private StampTreeNode rootNode; // Logger private static final boolean DEBUG=false; private static final java.util.logging.Logger logger; static { logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(ExtendedStampTreeXmlBuilder.class.getName()); logger.setLevel(DEBUG ? java.util.logging.Level.FINE : java.util.logging.Level.INFO); } // Creates new ExtendedStampTreeXmlBuilder public ExtendedStampTreeXmlBuilder() { } /** * Returns the product of this builder * @return vector that contains StampTree instances */ public String getProduct() { String result = stringWriter.toString(); if (DEBUG) { logger.fine(result); } return result; } /** * Return the product of this builder * @throws */ public void buildStart() throws IOException { if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("StampTree Build start"); } stringWriter = new StringWriter(); writer = new BufferedWriter(stringWriter); writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"); writer.write(makeComment()); writer.write("<extendedStampTree project="); writer.write(addQuote("open.dolphin")); writer.write(" version="); writer.write(addQuote("1.0")); writer.write(">\n"); } private String makeComment() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<!-- StampBox Export Data, Creator: "); sb.append(Project.getUserModel().getFacilityModel().getFacilityName()); sb.append(", Created on: "); sb.append(new Date().toString()); sb.append(" -->\n"); return sb.toString(); } public void buildRoot(StampTreeNode root) throws IOException { if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("Build Root Node: " + root.toString()); } rootNode = root; TreeInfo treeInfo = (TreeInfo)rootNode.getUserObject(); writer.write("<root name="); writer.write(addQuote(treeInfo.getName())); writer.write(" entity="); writer.write(addQuote(treeInfo.getEntity())); writer.write(">\n"); linkedList = new LinkedList<>(); linkedList.addFirst(rootNode); } public void buildNode(StampTreeNode node) throws IOException { if ( node.isLeaf() ) { buildLeafNode(node); } else { buildDirectoryNode(node); } } private void buildDirectoryNode(StampTreeNode node) throws IOException { // 子ノードを持たないディレクトリノードは書き出さない if (node.getChildCount() != 0) { if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("Build Directory Node: " + node.toString()); } StampTreeNode myParent = (StampTreeNode) node.getParent(); StampTreeNode curNode = getCurrentNode(); if (myParent != curNode) { closeBeforeMyParent(myParent); } linkedList.addFirst(node); writer.write("<node name="); // 特殊文字を変換する String val = toXmlText(node.toString()); writer.write(addQuote(val)); writer.write(">\n"); } } private void buildLeafNode(StampTreeNode node) throws IOException { if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("Build Leaf Node: " + node.toString()); } StampTreeNode myParent = (StampTreeNode) node.getParent(); StampTreeNode curNode = getCurrentNode(); if (myParent != curNode) { closeBeforeMyParent(myParent); } // 特殊文字を変換する writer.write("<stampInfo name="); String val = toXmlText(node.toString()); writer.write(addQuote(val)); ModuleInfoBean info = (ModuleInfoBean) node.getUserObject(); writer.write(" role="); writer.write(addQuote(info.getStampRole())); writer.write(" entity="); writer.write(addQuote(info.getEntity())); writer.write(" editable="); val = String.valueOf(info.isEditable()); writer.write(addQuote(val)); val = info.getStampMemo(); if (val != null) { writer.write(" memo="); val = toXmlText(val); writer.write(addQuote(val)); } if (info.isSerialized()) { val = info.getStampId(); writer.write(" stampId="); writer.write(addQuote(val)); // ここで対応するstampBytesをデータベースから読み込み登録する。 String stampHexBytes = getHexStampBytes(val); // 実態のないスタンプの場合があった。なぜゾンビができたのだろう?? if (stampHexBytes != null) { //writer.write(" stampId="); //writer.write(addQuote(val)); writer.write(" stampBytes="); writer.write(addQuote(stampHexBytes)); } } writer.write("/>\n"); } // StampIdから対応するStampModelを取得してstampBytesのHex文字列を作成する private String getHexStampBytes(String stampId){ StampDelegater del = StampDelegater.getInstance(); // スタンプの実体を取得 StampModel model = null; try { model = del.getStamp(stampId); //System.err.println("!=ゾンビ"); } catch (Exception e) { //throw new RuntimeException("Stamp fetch error"); //e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.err.println("ゾンビ"); } // データベースにない場合はnullを返す if (model == null){ return null; } // stampBytesを返す byte[] stampBytes = model.getStampBytes(); return HexBytesTool.bytesToHex(stampBytes); } public void buildRootEnd() throws IOException { if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("Build Root End"); } closeBeforeMyParent(rootNode); writer.write("</root>\n"); } public void buildEnd() throws IOException { if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("Build end"); } writer.write("</extendedStampTree>\n"); writer.flush(); } private StampTreeNode getCurrentNode() { return linkedList.getFirst(); } private void closeBeforeMyParent(StampTreeNode parent) throws IOException { int index = linkedList.indexOf(parent); if (DEBUG) { logger.fine("Close before my parent: " + index); } for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) { writer.write("</node>\n"); linkedList.removeFirst(); } } private String addQuote(String s) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("\""); buf.append(s); buf.append("\""); return buf.toString(); } /** * 特殊文字を変換する。 */ private String toXmlText(String text) { for (int i = 0; i < REPLACES.length; i++) { text = text.replaceAll(MATCHES[i], REPLACES[i]); } return text; } }