package op.threads; import entity.files.SYSFilesTools; import; import entity.system.SYSLoginTools; import entity.system.SYSPropsTools; import op.OPDE; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.Closure; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: tloehr * Date: 28.03.12 * Time: 16:00 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class DisplayManager extends Thread { public static final String internalClassID = "opde.displaymanager"; private final Closure timeoutAction; private final JProgressBar pbTimeout; private boolean interrupted; private JProgressBar jp; private JLabel lblMain; private JLabel lblSub; private MessageQ messageQ; // a pair for the text and the value for the progressbar. private Pair<String, Integer> progressBarMessage; private final Color defaultColor = new Color(105, 80, 69); private Icon icondead, iconaway, icongone, iconbiohazard; private JLabel lblBiohazard, lblDiabetes, lblAllergy, lblWarning; private long step = 0; private int lastMinute; private long lastoperation; // used for the timeout function to automatically log out idle users private boolean pbIsInUse, pbTOIsInUse, sublabelIsInUse; // for optimization. the jp.setString() was called a trillion times without any need. private Icon[] reloading; private int currentAnimationFrameForReload = -1; // -1 means, no animation private int timeoutmins; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); private SwingWorker mailIconFlasher = null; public DisplayManager() { this.timeoutAction = null; this.pbTimeout = null; } public DisplayManager(JProgressBar p, JLabel lblM, JLabel lblS, JPanel pnlIcons, JProgressBar pbTimeout, Closure timeoutAction) { super(); reloading = new Icon[]{SYSConst.icon32reload0, SYSConst.icon32reload1, SYSConst.icon32reload2, SYSConst.icon32reload3, SYSConst.icon32reload4, SYSConst.icon32reload5, SYSConst.icon32reload6, SYSConst.icon32reload7, SYSConst.icon32reload8, SYSConst.icon32reload9, SYSConst.icon32reload10, SYSConst.icon32reload11, SYSConst.icon32reload12, SYSConst.icon32reload13, SYSConst.icon32reload14, SYSConst.icon32reload15}; timeoutmins = OPDE.getTimeout(); this.pbTimeout = pbTimeout; if (timeoutmins == 0) { pbTimeout.setValue(0); pbTimeout.setToolTipText(SYSTools.xx("") + " " + SYSTools.xx("")); } sublabelIsInUse = false; pbIsInUse = false; pbTOIsInUse = false; progressBarMessage = new Pair<String, Integer>("", -1); this.timeoutAction = timeoutAction; setName("DisplayManager"); touch(); interrupted = false; jp = p; jp.setStringPainted(false); jp.setValue(0); jp.setMaximum(100); lblMain = lblM; lblSub = lblS; icondead = SYSConst.icon22residentDied; iconaway = SYSConst.icon22residentAbsent; icongone = SYSConst.icon22residentGone; iconbiohazard = SYSConst.icon22biohazard; lblBiohazard = new JLabel(iconbiohazard); lblBiohazard.setVisible(false); lblBiohazard.setOpaque(false); lblWarning = new JLabel(SYSConst.icon22warning); lblWarning.setVisible(false); lblWarning.setOpaque(false); lblAllergy = new JLabel(SYSConst.icon22allergy); lblAllergy.setVisible(false); lblAllergy.setOpaque(false); lblDiabetes = new JLabel(SYSConst.icon22diabetes); lblDiabetes.setVisible(false); lblDiabetes.setOpaque(false); pnlIcons.add(lblWarning); pnlIcons.add(lblBiohazard); pnlIcons.add(lblDiabetes); pnlIcons.add(lblAllergy); lblMain.setText(" "); lblSub.setText(" "); messageQ = new MessageQ(); } public void setMainMessage(String message) { setMainMessage(message, null); } public void setMainMessage(final String message, final String tooltip) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { // OPDE.debug("DisplayManager.setMainMessage"); lblMain.setText(SYSTools.xx(message)); lblMain.setIcon(null); lblMain.setToolTipText(tooltip); }); } public void clearAllMessages() { setMainMessage(" "); setIconBiohazard(null); setIconDiabetes(null); setIconWarning(null); setIconAllergy(null); messageQ.clear(); processSubMessage(); } public void setIconDead() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> lblMain.setIcon(icondead)); } public void setIconGone() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> lblMain.setIcon(icongone)); } public void setIconBiohazard(final String tooltip) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { lblBiohazard.setVisible(tooltip != null && !tooltip.isEmpty()); lblBiohazard.setToolTipText(tooltip); }); } public void setIconWarning(final String tooltip) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { lblWarning.setVisible(tooltip != null && !tooltip.isEmpty()); lblWarning.setToolTipText(tooltip); }); } public void setIconAllergy(final String tooltip) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { lblAllergy.setVisible(tooltip != null && !tooltip.isEmpty()); lblAllergy.setToolTipText(tooltip); }); } public void setIconDiabetes(final String tooltip) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { lblDiabetes.setVisible(tooltip != null && !tooltip.isEmpty()); lblDiabetes.setToolTipText(tooltip); }); } public void setIconAway() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> lblMain.setIcon(iconaway)); } public void clearAllIcons() { lblMain.setIcon(null); lblBiohazard.setVisible(false); lblWarning.setVisible(false); lblDiabetes.setVisible(false); lblAllergy.setVisible(false); } public void setProgressBarMessage(DisplayMessage pbMessage) { synchronized (progressBarMessage) { if (pbMessage == null) { progressBarMessage.setFirst(""); progressBarMessage.setSecond(-1); jp.setStringPainted(false); } else { progressBarMessage.setFirst(pbMessage.getMessage() == null ? "" : pbMessage.getMessage()); progressBarMessage.setSecond(pbMessage.getPercentage()); // logger.debug("pbMessage.getPercentage(): "+pbMessage.getPercentage()); jp.setStringPainted(true); } } } // public void setProgressBarMessage(String message, int percentage) { // synchronized (progressBarMessage) { // progressBarMessage.setFirst(message == null ? "" : message); // progressBarMessage.setSecond(percentage); // jp.setStringPainted(true); // } // } // // public synchronized void clearProgressBarMessage() { // synchronized (progressBarMessage) { // progressBarMessage.setFirst(""); // progressBarMessage.setSecond(-1); // jp.setStringPainted(false); // } // } public void addSubMessage(String text) { DisplayMessage msg = new DisplayMessage(text); addSubMessage(msg); } public void addSubMessage(DisplayMessage msg) { messageQ.add(msg); } public void clearSubMessages() { messageQ.clear(); processSubMessage(); } private void processSubMessage() { synchronized (messageQ) { if (!messageQ.isEmpty()) { if (messageQ.getHead().isObsolete()) {; } else if (!messageQ.getHead().isProcessed()) { messageQ.getHead().setProcessed(); lblSub.setText(SYSTools.toHTMLForScreen(messageQ.getHead().getMessage())); sublabelIsInUse = true; } else if (messageQ.hasNextMessage() && messageQ.getNextMessage().isUrgent()) {; } else if (messageQ.getHead().isShowingTillReplacement() && messageQ.hasNextMessage()) {; } } else if (sublabelIsInUse) { lblSub.setText(null); sublabelIsInUse = false; } if (sublabelIsInUse) { // Coloring if (!messageQ.isEmpty() && messageQ.getHead().getPriority() == DisplayMessage.IMMEDIATELY) { jp.setForeground(Color.RED); lblSub.setForeground(Color.RED); } else if (!messageQ.isEmpty() && messageQ.getHead().getPriority() == DisplayMessage.WARNING) { jp.setForeground(SYSConst.darkorange); lblSub.setForeground(SYSConst.darkorange); } else { lblSub.setForeground(defaultColor); jp.setForeground(defaultColor); } } } } public void mailCheck() { // Check 4 new mails ? if (OPDE.getLogin() == null) return; // bad timing if (MXmsgTools.hasUnread(OPDE.getLogin().getUser())) { addSubMessage(new DisplayMessage("", 5)); if (mailIconFlasher == null) { mailIconFlasher = new SwingWorker() { @Override protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception { while (!interrupted) { OPDE.getMainframe().toggleMailIcon(); currentThread().sleep(1000); OPDE.getMainframe().toggleMailIcon(); currentThread().sleep(1000); } return null; } @Override protected void done() { OPDE.getMainframe().toggleMailIcon(); } }; mailIconFlasher.execute(); } } else { if (mailIconFlasher != null) { if (!mailIconFlasher.isDone()) { mailIconFlasher.cancel(true); mailIconFlasher = null; OPDE.getMainframe().setMailIconOff(); } } } } private void check4EventsEveryMinute() { if (OPDE.getLogin() == null) { return; } int minute = new DateTime().getMinuteOfHour(); if (minute != lastMinute) { lastMinute = minute; // Maintenance Mode if (SYSPropsTools.isTrue(SYSPropsTools.KEY_MAINTENANCE_MODE, null)) { SYSFilesTools.print(SYSTools.xx("maintenance.mode.sorry"), false); SYSLoginTools.logout(); System.exit(0); } mailCheck(); } } private void processProgressBar() { if (!progressBarMessage.getFirst().isEmpty() || progressBarMessage.getSecond().intValue() >= 0) { // && zyklen/5%2 == 0 && zyklen % 5 == 0 if (progressBarMessage.getSecond().intValue() < 0) { if (currentAnimationFrameForReload == -1) { currentAnimationFrameForReload = 0; } } if (progressBarMessage.getSecond().intValue() >= 0) { jp.setValue(progressBarMessage.getSecond()); } jp.setString(progressBarMessage.getFirst()); pbIsInUse = true; } else { if (progressBarMessage.getSecond().intValue() < 0 && pbIsInUse) { OPDE.getMainframe().getBtnReload().setIcon(SYSConst.icon32reload0); jp.setValue(0); jp.setString(null); } if (jp.getValue() > 0) { jp.setValue(0); jp.setString(null); } currentAnimationFrameForReload = -1; pbIsInUse = false; } } public void touch() { lastoperation = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public static DisplayMessage getLockMessage(OptimisticLockException ole) { // Logger.getLogger(ole.getClass()).debug("LOCKING FFS!!!!"); // ole.getEntity().getClass().getName() return new DisplayMessage(SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.lockingexception") + ": " + ole.getMessage() + "", DisplayMessage.IMMEDIATELY, OPDE.WARNING_TIME); } public static DisplayMessage getLockMessage() { return new DisplayMessage(SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.lockingexception"), DisplayMessage.IMMEDIATELY, OPDE.WARNING_TIME); } /** * @param text * @param operation can be one of deleted, closed, entered, changed, edited * @return */ public static DisplayMessage getSuccessMessage(String text, String operation) { return new DisplayMessage("»" + text + " " + "« " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.successfully") + " " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg." + operation), DisplayMessage.NORMAL); } @Override public void run() { while (!interrupted) { try { step++; processProgressBar(); processSubMessage(); check4EventsEveryMinute(); /*** * _____ _ _ * |_ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ ___ _ _| |_ * | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ _ \| | | | __| * | | | | | | | | | __/ (_) | |_| | |_ * |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|\___/ \__,_|\__| * */ // if (timeoutmins > 0 && step % 120 == 0) { if (OPDE.getLogin() != null) { long timeoutPeriodInMillis = timeoutmins * 60 * 1000; long millisOfTimeout = lastoperation + timeoutPeriodInMillis; long millisToGo = millisOfTimeout - System.currentTimeMillis(); pbTimeout.setMaximum(new BigDecimal(timeoutmins * 60).intValue()); pbTimeout.setValue(new BigDecimal(millisToGo / 1000).intValue()); pbTOIsInUse = true; } else { if (pbTOIsInUse) { pbTimeout.setValue(0); pbTOIsInUse = false; } } if (OPDE.getLogin() != null && System.currentTimeMillis() > lastoperation + (timeoutmins * 60 * 1000)) { timeoutAction.execute(null); } } if (currentAnimationFrameForReload >= 0 && step % 4 == 0) { if (currentAnimationFrameForReload > reloading.length - 1) { currentAnimationFrameForReload = 0; } OPDE.getMainframe().getBtnReload().setIcon(reloading[currentAnimationFrameForReload]); currentAnimationFrameForReload++; } Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { interrupted = true; logger.debug("DisplayManager interrupted!"); } catch (Exception e) { OPDE.fatal(logger, e); } } } public void timeoutNow(){ timeoutAction.execute(null); } public void setTimeoutmins(int timeoutmins) { this.timeoutmins = timeoutmins; } }