package; import com.itextpdf.text.*; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.jidesoft.popup.JidePopup; import com.jidesoft.swing.DefaultOverlayable; import com.jidesoft.swing.JideButton; import com.jidesoft.swing.OverlayTextArea; import entity.EntityTools; import entity.building.Rooms; import entity.building.RoomsTools; import entity.files.SYSFilesTools; import; import; import; import; import entity.prescription.GP; import entity.prescription.GPTools; import entity.prescription.Hospital; import entity.prescription.HospitalTools; import entity.values.ResValue; import entity.values.ResValueTools; import entity.values.ResValueTypes; import entity.values.ResValueTypesTools; import gui.GUITools; import op.OPDE; import op.system.PDF; import op.threads.DisplayMessage; import*; import org.apache.commons.collections.Closure; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent; import javax.swing.event.CaretListener; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: tloehr * Date: 11.05.13 * Time: 13:57 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class PnlEditResInfo { public static final int EDIT = 0; public static final int CHANGE = 1; public static final int NEW = 2; public static final int DISPLAY = 3; public static final String internalClassID = ""; private final int TYPE_DONT_CARE = 0; private final int TYPE_INT = 1; private final int TYPE_DOUBLE = 2; private final int TYPE_DATE = 3; private final int TYPE_TIME = 4; private int mode; private boolean scalemode; // private ResValue scaleValue = null; private final int TEXTFIELD_STANDARD_WIDTH = 35; boolean initPanel = false; Properties content; private JTextArea sumlabel; private Component focusOwner = null; public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } private boolean enabled; private ArrayList<RiskBean> scaleriskmodel; private String scalesumlabeltext; private ArrayList<String> scaleButtonGroups, defaultdisabled; // eine Liste mit den Namen der Buttongroups eines scales; private HashMap<String, Object> components; private ArrayList<String> lockedforchanges; private ArrayList<JComponent> focusTraversal; private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> enables, disables; private HashMap<String, String> enabledBy, disabledBy; private ResInfo resInfo; private Closure closure; private JPanel pnlContent, main; private boolean changed = false; private OverlayTextArea txtComment; private DefaultOverlayable ovrComment; Exception lastParsingException; Color background; public PnlEditResInfo(ResInfo resInfo, Color basecolor) { this(resInfo, null, basecolor); } public PnlEditResInfo(ResInfo resInfo, Closure closure, Color basecolor) { this.resInfo = resInfo; this.closure = closure; this.mode = DISPLAY; if (basecolor != null) { background = GUITools.blend(basecolor, Color.WHITE, 0.1f); } initPanel(resInfo.getResInfoType().getXml()); } public void addInfoButtons(JPanel pnl, String tooltip, String tx) { if (tooltip == null && tx == null) return; final JTextPane txt = new JTextPane(); txt.setContentType("text/html"); txt.setEditable(false); final JidePopup popupInfo = new JidePopup(); popupInfo.setMovable(false); JScrollPane scrl = new JScrollPane(txt); scrl.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(550, 300)); popupInfo.setContentPane(scrl); popupInfo.removeExcludedComponent(txt); popupInfo.setDefaultFocusComponent(txt); if (tooltip != null) { tooltip = tooltip.replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>'); if (tooltip.indexOf("<p>") < 0 && tooltip.indexOf("<li>") < 0) { tooltip = "<p>" + tooltip + "</p>"; } tooltip = tooltip.replace("<p>", "<p style=\"width:300px;\">"); tooltip = tooltip.replace("<li>", "<li style=\"width:300px;\">"); final JButton ttip = GUITools.getTinyButton(SYSTools.toHTMLForScreen(tooltip), SYSConst.icon16info); txt.setText(SYSTools.toHTMLForScreen(tooltip)); ttip.addActionListener(e -> { popupInfo.setOwner(ttip); GUITools.showPopup(popupInfo, SwingConstants.SOUTH_WEST); }); pnl.add("left", ttip); } if (tx != null) { tx = tx.replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>'); if (tx.indexOf("<p>") < 0 && tx.indexOf("<li>") < 0) { tx = "<p>" + tx + "</p>"; } tx = tx.replace("<p>", "<p style=\"width:300px;\">"); tx = tx.replace("<li>", "<li style=\"width:300px;\">"); final JButton btntx = GUITools.getTinyButton(SYSTools.toHTMLForScreen(tx), SYSConst.icon16ambulance); txt.setText(SYSTools.toHTMLForScreen(tx)); btntx.addActionListener(e -> { popupInfo.setOwner(btntx); GUITools.showPopup(popupInfo, SwingConstants.SOUTH_WEST); }); pnl.add("left", btntx); } pnl.add("left", new JLabel(" ")); } /** * only for development reasons * * @param xml */ public PnlEditResInfo(String xml, Closure closure) { this.resInfo = null; this.closure = closure; this.mode = NEW; initPanel(xml); } public void cleanup() { // focusTraversal.clear(); // enables.clear(); // disables.clear(); // lockedforchanges.clear(); // components.clear(); // enabledBy.clear(); // disabledBy.clear(); } private void initPanel(String xml) { content = new Properties(); focusTraversal = new ArrayList<JComponent>(); lockedforchanges = new ArrayList<String>(); enables = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); disables = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); defaultdisabled = new ArrayList<String>(); enabledBy = new HashMap<String, String>(); disabledBy = new HashMap<String, String>(); pnlContent = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); initPanel = true; lastParsingException = null; // Structure... try { String xmltext = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><structure>" + xml + "</structure>"; XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); InputSource is = new org.xml.sax.InputSource(new; HandlerDatenStruktur h = new HandlerDatenStruktur(); parser.setContentHandler(h); parser.parse(is); txtComment = new OverlayTextArea(); txtComment.setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.DARK_GRAY, 1)); txtComment.setOpaque(true); if (background != null) { txtComment.setBackground(background); } txtComment.setRows(3); txtComment.setWrapStyleWord(true); txtComment.setLineWrap(true); txtComment.setDisabledTextColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); txtComment.addCaretListener(e -> { if (initPanel) return; changed = true; }); ovrComment = new DefaultOverlayable(txtComment); JLabel lblComment = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.comment")); lblComment.setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); lblComment.setFont(SYSConst.ARIAL18BOLD); ovrComment.addOverlayComponent(lblComment, DefaultOverlayable.SOUTH_EAST); if (resInfo != null && resInfo.getResValue() != null) { pnlContent.add(new JLabel(SYSTools.xx("")), BorderLayout.NORTH); } pnlContent.add(h.getPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); pnlContent.add(new JScrollPane(ovrComment), BorderLayout.SOUTH); } catch (SAXException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); lastParsingException = ex1; } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); lastParsingException = ex; } if (resInfo != null) { // ... and content setContent(); } initPanel = false; // add apply and cancel button main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); main.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); main.add(pnlContent, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel enclosingUpperButtonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); enclosingUpperButtonPanel.setOpaque(false); JPanel enclosingLowerButtonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); enclosingLowerButtonPanel.setOpaque(false); JPanel upperButtonBanel = new JPanel(); upperButtonBanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(upperButtonBanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); upperButtonBanel.setOpaque(false); JPanel lowerButtonBanel = new JPanel(); lowerButtonBanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(lowerButtonBanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); lowerButtonBanel.setOpaque(false); // export 2 png function for development if (OPDE.isDebug()) { JButton png = new JButton(SYSConst.icon22magnify1); png.setBorder(null); png.setContentAreaFilled(false); png.setPressedIcon(SYSConst.icon22Pressed); png.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); png.addActionListener(e -> GUITools.exportToPNG(pnlContent, resInfo.getResInfoType().getID())); upperButtonBanel.add(png); } JButton apply1 = GUITools.getTinyButton(null, SYSConst.icon22apply); apply1.addActionListener(e -> { if (resInfo != null) { closure.execute(getResInfo()); } else { closure.execute(content); } cleanup(); }); upperButtonBanel.add(apply1); JButton apply2 = GUITools.getTinyButton(null, SYSConst.icon22apply); apply2.addActionListener(e -> { if (resInfo != null) { closure.execute(getResInfo()); } else { closure.execute(content); } cleanup(); }); lowerButtonBanel.add(apply2); JButton cancel1 = GUITools.getTinyButton(null, SYSConst.icon22cancel); cancel1.addActionListener(e -> cancel()); upperButtonBanel.add(cancel1); JButton cancel2 = GUITools.getTinyButton(null, SYSConst.icon22cancel); cancel2.addActionListener(e -> cancel()); lowerButtonBanel.add(cancel2); enclosingUpperButtonPanel.add(upperButtonBanel, BorderLayout.LINE_START); main.add(enclosingUpperButtonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); enclosingLowerButtonPanel.add(lowerButtonBanel, BorderLayout.LINE_END); main.add(enclosingLowerButtonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // JPanel hdrPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); // JLabel jl = new JLabel(resInfo != null ? resInfo.getResInfoType().getShortDescription() : "dev"); // jl.setFont(SYSConst.ARIAL24BOLD); // hdrPanel.add(jl, BorderLayout.CENTER); // hdrPanel.add(new JSeparator(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); // main.add(jl, BorderLayout.NORTH); if (!focusTraversal.isEmpty()) { main.setFocusCycleRoot(true); main.setFocusTraversalPolicy(new FocusTraversalPolicy() { @Override public Component getComponentAfter(Container aContainer, Component aComponent) { if (focusOwner == null) { focusOwner = focusTraversal.get(0); } else { int pos = focusTraversal.indexOf(focusOwner) + 1; if (pos >= focusTraversal.size()) { pos = 0; } focusOwner = focusTraversal.get(pos); } return focusOwner; } @Override public Component getComponentBefore(Container aContainer, Component aComponent) { if (focusOwner == null) { focusOwner = focusTraversal.get(focusTraversal.size() - 1); } else { int pos = focusTraversal.indexOf(focusOwner) - 1; if (pos < 0) { pos = focusTraversal.size() - 1; } focusOwner = focusTraversal.get(pos); } return focusOwner; } @Override public Component getFirstComponent(Container aContainer) { return focusTraversal.get(0); } @Override public Component getLastComponent(Container aContainer) { return focusTraversal.get(focusTraversal.size() - 1); } @Override public Component getDefaultComponent(Container aContainer) { return focusTraversal.get(0); } }); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { focusTraversal.get(0).requestFocus(); focusOwner = focusTraversal.get(0); }); } setXEnabled(main, false); } public void cancel() { closure.execute(null); cleanup(); } public Exception getLastParsingException() { return lastParsingException; } /** * retrieves presets from various locations in the database. mainly from ResValue. * * @param preset * @param deflt * @return */ private String getPreset(String preset, String deflt) { String d = SYSTools.catchNull(deflt); // NumberFormat nf = DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance(); // nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); // nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); // nf.setGroupingUsed(false); if (SYSTools.catchNull(preset).isEmpty()) { return d; } Resident resident; if (resInfo == null) { resident = ResidentTools.getAllActive().get(0); // only for development reasons } else { resident = resInfo.getResident(); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("currenttime")) { return DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(new Date()); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("currentdate")) { return DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT).format(new Date()); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("heightlast")) { ResValue r = ResValueTools.getLast(resident, ResValueTypesTools.HEIGHT); return r == null ? d : SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(r.getVal1()); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("weightlast")) { ResValue r = ResValueTools.getLast(resident, ResValueTypesTools.WEIGHT); return r == null ? d : SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(r.getVal1()); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("weight-1m")) { long target = new DateTime().minusMonths(1).getMillis(); ArrayList<ResValue> list = ResValueTools.getResValues(resident, ResValueTypesTools.WEIGHT, new LocalDate().minusDays(45), new LocalDate().minusDays(15)); ResValue closest = null; long distance = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (ResValue rv : list) { if (Math.abs(target - rv.getPit().getTime()) < distance) { distance = Math.abs(target - rv.getPit().getTime()); closest = rv; } } return closest == null ? d : SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(closest.getVal1()); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("weight-6m")) { long target = new DateTime().minusMonths(6).getMillis(); ArrayList<ResValue> list = ResValueTools.getResValues(resident, ResValueTypesTools.WEIGHT, new LocalDate().minusMonths(6).minusDays(15), new LocalDate().minusMonths(5).minusDays(15)); ResValue closest = null; long distance = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (ResValue rv : list) { if (Math.abs(target - rv.getPit().getTime()) < distance) { distance = Math.abs(target - rv.getPit().getTime()); closest = rv; } } return closest == null ? d : SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(closest.getVal1()); } if (preset.equalsIgnoreCase("weight-1y")) { long target = new DateTime().minusYears(1).getMillis(); ArrayList<ResValue> list = ResValueTools.getResValues(resident, ResValueTypesTools.WEIGHT, new LocalDate().minusYears(1).minusDays(15), new LocalDate().minusMonths(11).minusDays(15)); ResValue closest = null; long distance = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (ResValue rv : list) { if (Math.abs(target - rv.getPit().getTime()) < distance) { distance = Math.abs(target - rv.getPit().getTime()); closest = rv; } } return closest == null ? d : SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(closest.getVal1()); } return d; } public void print() { try { final PDF pdf = new PDF(null, "", 10); Paragraph h1 = new Paragraph(new Phrase(SYSTools.xx(""), PDF.plain(PDF.sizeH1()))); h1.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdf.getDocument().add(h1); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(new Phrase(ResidentTools.getLabelText(resInfo.getResident()))); p.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); pdf.getDocument().add(p); pdf.getDocument().add(Chunk.NEWLINE); Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(); p1.add(new Chunk(resInfo.getResInfoType().getResInfoCat().getText())); p1.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); p1.add(new Chunk(resInfo.getResInfoType().getShortDescription())); p1.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); p1.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); DateFormat df = resInfo.isSingleIncident() || resInfo.isBySecond() ? DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.SHORT) : DateFormat.getDateInstance(); if (resInfo.isSingleIncident()) { p1.add(new Chunk(df.format(resInfo.getFrom()) + " " + resInfo.getUserON().getFullname())); p1.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } else if (resInfo.isClosed()) { p1.add(new Chunk(df.format(resInfo.getFrom()) + " (" + resInfo.getUserON().getFullname()) + ") >> " + df.format(resInfo.getTo()) + " (" + resInfo.getUserOFF().getFullname() + ")"); p1.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } else { p1.add(new Chunk(df.format(resInfo.getFrom()) + " (" + resInfo.getUserON().getFullname()) + ") >> "); p1.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } pdf.getDocument().add(p1); setXEnabled(main, true); Image image = Image.getInstance(GUITools.getAsImage(pnlContent).toByteArray()); setXEnabled(main, enabled); image.scaleToFit(Utilities.millimetersToPoints(170f), Utilities.millimetersToPoints(170f)); pdf.getDocument().add(image); pdf.getDocument().close(); SYSFilesTools.handleFile(pdf.getOutputFile(), Desktop.Action.OPEN); } catch (Exception e) { OPDE.fatal(e); } } public void setClosure(Closure closure) { this.closure = closure; } private ResInfo getResInfo() { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); // // remove content form disabled controls for (String key : content.stringPropertyNames()) { if (components.containsKey(key) && components.get(key) instanceof Component && !((Component) components.get(key)).isEnabled()) { content.remove(key); OPDE.debug("removing content for: " + key); } }, "[" + resInfo.getResInfoType().getID() + "] " + resInfo.getResInfoType().getShortDescription()); resInfo.setProperties(writer.toString()); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { OPDE.fatal(e1); } resInfo.setText(txtComment.getText()); return resInfo; } /** * this method creates a panel based on the XML structure taken from ResInfoType and the content stored in the properties data * in ResInfo. */ public JPanel getPanel() { if (background != null) { pnlContent.setOpaque(true); pnlContent.setBackground(background); } if (main != null) { if (background != null) { main.setOpaque(true); main.setBackground(background); } return main; } return pnlContent; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled, int mode) { this.mode = mode; this.enabled = enabled; setXEnabled(main, enabled); } /** * läuft rekursiv durch alle Kinder eines Containers und setzt deren Enabled Status auf * enabled. */ private void setXEnabled(JComponent container, boolean enabled) { // Bei einer Combobox muss die Rekursion ebenfalls enden. // Sie besteht aus weiteren Unterkomponenten // "disabled" wird sie aber bereits hier. if (container.getComponentCount() == 0 || container instanceof JComboBox) { // Rekursionsanker container.setEnabled(enabled); } else { Component[] c = container.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c[i] instanceof JComponent) { JComponent jc = (JComponent) c[i]; // OPDE.debug(SYSTools.catchNull(jc.getName())); if (!enabled) { setXEnabled(jc, enabled); } else if (mode == CHANGE && lockedforchanges.contains(jc.getName())) { setXEnabled(jc, false); } else if (mode == NEW && defaultdisabled.contains(jc.getName())) { setXEnabled(jc, false); } else if (enabledBy.containsKey(jc.getName())) { setXEnabled(jc, ((JCheckBox) components.get(enabledBy.get(jc.getName()))).isSelected()); } else if (disabledBy.containsKey(jc.getName())) { setXEnabled(jc, !((JCheckBox) components.get(disabledBy.get(jc.getName()))).isSelected()); } else { setXEnabled(jc, enabled); } } } } } private void calcScale() { if (!scalemode) return; BigDecimal scalesum = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (String bgName : scaleButtonGroups) { ButtonGroup bg = (ButtonGroup) components.get(bgName); Enumeration e = bg.getElements(); boolean found = false; while (e.hasMoreElements() && !found) { AbstractButton ab = (AbstractButton) e.nextElement(); if (ab.getModel().isSelected()) { found = true; scalesum = scalesum.add(((Pair<JComboBox, BigDecimal>) components.get(bgName + ":" + ab.getName())).getSecond()); } } } if (scaleriskmodel != null && scalesum != null) { String risiko = "unbekanntes Risiko"; String color = "black"; String rating = "0"; for (RiskBean risk : scaleriskmodel) { if (risk.getFrom().compareTo(scalesum) <= 0 && scalesum.compareTo(risk.getTo()) <= 0) { color = risk.getColor(); risiko = risk.getLabel(); rating = risk.getRating(); break; } } sumlabel.setText(scalesumlabeltext + ": " + scalesum + " (" + risiko + ")"); sumlabel.setForeground(GUITools.getColor(color)); content.put("scalesum", SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(scalesum)); content.put("risk", risiko); content.put("rating", rating); if (resInfo.getResValue() != null) { resInfo.getResValue().setVal1(scalesum); resInfo.getResValue().setText(SYSTools.xx("") + ": " + resInfo.getResInfoType().getShortDescription() + " " + resInfo.getResInfoType().getLongDescription() + ": " + risiko); } } } /** * tells whether the user has changed the data or not. * * @return */ public boolean isChanged() { return changed; } private void setContent() { txtComment.setText(SYSTools.catchNull(resInfo.getText())); if (SYSTools.catchNull(resInfo.getProperties()).isEmpty()) { return; } try { StringReader reader = new StringReader(resInfo.getProperties()); content.load(reader); reader.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { OPDE.fatal(ex); } for (Object key : components.keySet()) { Object entry = components.get(key); if (entry instanceof JRadioButton) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key.toString(), ":"); String tagname = st.nextToken(); String value = st.nextToken(); ((JRadioButton) entry).setSelected(content.containsKey(tagname) && content.getProperty(tagname).equals(value)); } else if (entry instanceof Pair) { // Scale StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key.toString(), ":"); String tagname = st.nextToken(); String value = st.nextToken(); ((Pair<JRadioButton, BigDecimal>) entry).getFirst().setSelected(content.getProperty(tagname).equals(value)); } else if (entry instanceof JCheckBox) { ((JCheckBox) entry).setSelected(content.getProperty(key.toString()).equalsIgnoreCase("true")); } else if (entry instanceof JTextField) { ((JTextField) entry).setText(SYSTools.unescapeXML(content.getProperty(key.toString()))); } else if (entry instanceof PnlBodyScheme) { ((PnlBodyScheme) entry).setContent(content); } else if (entry instanceof PnlGP) { long gpid = Long.parseLong(SYSTools.catchNull(content.getProperty(key + ".id"), "-1")); if (gpid > 0) { GP gp = EntityTools.find(GP.class, gpid); ((PnlGP) entry).setSelected(gp); } } else if (entry instanceof PnlHospital) { long hid = Long.parseLong(SYSTools.catchNull(content.getProperty(key + ".id"), "-1")); if (hid > 0) { Hospital hospital = EntityTools.find(Hospital.class, hid); ((PnlHospital) entry).setSelected(hospital); } } else if (entry instanceof JPanel) { JPanel thisPanel = ((JPanel) entry); if (((JPanel) entry).getName().equals("roomSelect")) { long rid = Long.parseLong(SYSTools.catchNull(content.getProperty(key + ".id"), "-1")); JComboBox<Rooms> mycmb = (JComboBox) thisPanel.getComponents()[0]; // there can be only one, highlander :P if (rid > 0) { Rooms room = EntityTools.find(Rooms.class, rid); mycmb.setSelectedItem(room); } else { mycmb.setSelectedItem(null); } } } else if (entry instanceof JComboBox) { JComboBox cmb = ((JComboBox) entry); for (int i = 0; i < cmb.getModel().getSize(); i++) { if (((ComboBoxBean) cmb.getModel().getElementAt(i)).getName().equals(content.getProperty(key.toString()))) { cmb.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } } } calcScale(); } private class RadioButtonActionListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JRadioButton j = (JRadioButton) evt.getSource(); JPanel innerpanel = (JPanel) j.getParent(); String groupname = innerpanel.getName(); String optionname = j.getName(); content.put(groupname, optionname); if (scalemode) { calcScale(); } changed = true; } } private class BodySchemeItemListener implements ItemListener { private final String name; private BodySchemeItemListener(String name) { = name; } @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { // OPDE.debug(((JCheckBox) e.getSource()).getName() + " clicked"); content.put(name + "." + ((JCheckBox) e.getSource()).getName(), Boolean.toString(((JCheckBox) e.getSource()).isSelected())); changed = true; } } private class CheckBoxItemListener implements ItemListener { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) { JCheckBox j = (JCheckBox) evt.getSource(); String cbname = j.getName(); content.put(cbname, Boolean.toString(j.isSelected())); changed = true; if (enables.containsKey(cbname)) { for (String key : enables.get(cbname)) { if (components.containsKey(key) && components.get(key) instanceof Component) { ((Component) components.get(key)).setEnabled(j.isSelected()); if (components.get(key) instanceof JTextComponent) { ((JTextComponent) components.get(key)).setText(""); } } } } if (disables.containsKey(cbname)) { for (String key : disables.get(cbname)) { if (components.containsKey(key) && components.get(key) instanceof Component) { boolean disable = j.isSelected(); ((Component) components.get(key)).setEnabled(!disable); if (components.get(key) instanceof JTextComponent) { ((JTextComponent) components.get(key)).setText(null); } // ((Component) components.get(key)).action(); // ((Component) components.get(key)).repaint(); } } } } } private class ComboBoxItemStateListener implements ItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt) { if (evt.getStateChange() != ItemEvent.SELECTED) return; JComboBox j = (JComboBox) evt.getSource(); if (!j.isEnabled()) return; ComboBoxBean bean = (ComboBoxBean) j.getSelectedItem(); content.put(j.getName(), bean.getName()); j.setToolTipText(bean.getTooltip()); changed = true; } } private class TextFieldFocusListener implements FocusListener { int type = TYPE_DONT_CARE; Pair<DateTime, DateTime> minmax; boolean optional; TextFieldFocusListener(int type, boolean optional) { this.type = type; this.optional = optional; minmax = new Pair<DateTime, DateTime>(new DateTime(SYSConst.DATE_THE_VERY_BEGINNING), new DateTime(SYSConst.DATE_UNTIL_FURTHER_NOTICE)); } TextFieldFocusListener(int type, Pair<DateTime, DateTime> minmax, boolean optional) { this.type = type; this.minmax = minmax; this.optional = optional; } public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { SYSTools.markAllTxt((JTextField) e.getSource()); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { JTextField j = (JTextField) e.getSource(); String text = ((JTextField) e.getSource()).getText(); if (type != TYPE_DONT_CARE) { if (optional && text.trim().isEmpty()) { // nop! } else if (type == TYPE_DATE) { try { Date myDate = SYSCalendar.parseDate(text); if (new DateMidnight(myDate).isBefore(minmax.getFirst().toDateMidnight())) { throw new Exception("date out of bounds"); } if (new DateMidnight(myDate).isAfter(minmax.getSecond().toDateMidnight())) { throw new Exception("date out of bounds"); } j.setText(DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(myDate)); } catch (Exception ex) { OPDE.getDisplayManager().addSubMessage(new DisplayMessage("misc.msg.wrongdate", DisplayMessage.WARNING)); j.setText(DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date())); } } else if (type == TYPE_TIME) { try { Date myDate = new Date(SYSCalendar.parseTime(text).getTimeInMillis()); j.setText(DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(myDate)); } catch (Exception ex) { OPDE.getDisplayManager().addSubMessage(new DisplayMessage("misc.msg.wrongtime", DisplayMessage.WARNING)); j.setText(DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(new Date())); } } else { NumberFormat nf = DecimalFormat.getNumberInstance(); text = text.replace(".", ","); Number num; try { num = nf.parse(text); } catch (ParseException ex) { num = null; } if (type == TYPE_INT) { if (num == null) { num = new Integer(1); } } if (type == TYPE_DOUBLE) { if (num == null) { num = new Double(1.0); } } j.setText(num.toString()); } } content.put(j.getName(), SYSTools.escapeXML(j.getText())); changed = true; } } /** * Dieser Handler ist ein SaxParser Handler. Er durchläuft das Struktur XML Dokument und erstellt einen JPanel, der alle * notwendigen Swing Komponenten enthält. * <p> * Folgende XML Konstrukte können verwendet werden: * <ol> * <li><code><checkbox name="aengstlich" label="ängstlich"/></code> führt zu <img src="doc-files/checkbox.png"> * </li> * </ol> * <p> * Die beschriebenen Konstrukte können nacheinander verwendet werden, so dass nach einer Optiongroup mehrere Checkboxes folgen. * Ein Konstrukt wird immer in eine eigene JPanel mit einem FlowLayout eingeschlossen (innerpanel). * Die innerpanels werden dann alle der Reihe nach wieder in eine JPanel (untereinander, GridLayout) eingefügt (outerpanel). * Diese outerpanel ist letztlich das Ergebnis. * <p> * Ausserdem schreibt der Handler in die beiden HashMaps <code>components</code> und <code>antwort</code>. <code>components</code> enthält die * erstellten Components, der Zugriff erfolgt über das <code>name</code> Attribut aus der XML Struktur. So dass man, gemäß des obigen Beispiels unter 1.), über * <code>component.get("aengstlich")</code> den Zugriff auf die entsprechend JCheckbox erhält. * <p> * <code>antwort</code> enthält den aktuellen Zustand des jeweiligen Widgets. Bei Checkboxes (wie im Beispiel beschrieben): ("aengstlich", "false"). Bei Optiongroups * setzt sich der Name des einzelnen Radiobuttons aus gruppenname und optionname zusammen: ("hilfebedarf.uA", "true"). Textfelder enthalten den Eingabetext direkt: * ("vorname", "Torsten"). Listen enthalten den Primary Key der entsprechenden Tabellenzeile (meist ist das ein <code>long</code> Wert: ("zimm", 38). */ private class HandlerDatenStruktur extends DefaultHandler { private JPanel outerpanel; private JPanel innerpanel; private boolean tabgroup; private String groupname; private DefaultComboBoxModel boxModel; @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { components = new HashMap(); boxModel = null; outerpanel = new JPanel(new RiverLayout()); tabgroup = false; // set a title JLabel jl = new JLabel(resInfo != null ? resInfo.getResInfoType().getShortDescription() : "dev"); jl.setFont(SYSConst.ARIAL24BOLD); outerpanel.add(jl, RiverLayout.LEFT); } @Override public void startElement(String nsURI, String strippedName, String tagName, final Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { /*** * _ _ * ___ _ __| |_(_)___ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ * / _ \ '_ \ _| / _ \ ' \/ _` | '_/ _ \ || | '_ \ * \___/ .__/\__|_\___/_||_\__, |_| \___/\_,_| .__/ * |_| |___/ |_| */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("optiongroup") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("scalegroup")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); //Diese HashMap enthält alle Buttongroups zugeordnet zu den Gruppennamen //ButtonGroup thisBG = new ButtonGroup(); components.put(groupname, new ButtonGroup()); // Jede neue Optiongroup braucht eine eigene Buttongroup. if (scalemode) { scaleButtonGroups.add(groupname); } innerpanel = new JPanel(new RiverLayout()); innerpanel.setName(groupname); innerpanel.setOpaque(false); if (attributes.getValue("label") != null) { JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label"))); int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 14)); } // underline it Font original = jl.getFont(); Map map = original.getAttributes(); map.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON); jl.setFont(original.deriveFont(map)); outerpanel.add("p left", jl); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); } } if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("scale")) { scalemode = true; scalesumlabeltext = SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")); scaleButtonGroups = new ArrayList(); scaleriskmodel = new ArrayList(); try { ResValueTypes scaleValueType = ResValueTypesTools.getType(Short.parseShort(SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("resvaltype")))); resInfo.setResValue(new ResValue(resInfo.getResident(), scaleValueType, resInfo.getFrom())); resInfo.getResValue().setVal1(BigDecimal.ZERO); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { resInfo.setResValue(null); } } if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("risk")) { scaleriskmodel.add(new RiskBean(attributes.getValue("from"), attributes.getValue("to"), attributes.getValue("label"), attributes.getValue("color"), attributes.getValue("rating"))); } /*** * _ _ * | |_ __ _| |__ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ * | _/ _` | '_ \/ _` | '_/ _ \ || | '_ \ * \__\__,_|_.__/\__, |_| \___/\_,_| .__/ * |___/ |_| */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("tabgroup")) { JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label"))); if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("color")).isEmpty()) { jl.setForeground(GUITools.getColor(attributes.getValue("color"))); } int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 14)); } // underline it Font original = jl.getFont(); Map map = original.getAttributes(); map.put(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON); jl.setFont(original.deriveFont(map)); // jl.setToolTipText(attributes.getValue("tooltip") == null ? null : SYSTools.toHTML("<p>" + SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("tooltip")).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')) + "</p>"); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); outerpanel.add(layout, jl); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); tabgroup = true; } /*** * _ _ * ___ _ __| |_(_)___ _ _ * / _ \ '_ \ _| / _ \ ' \ * \___/ .__/\__|_\___/_||_| * |_| */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("option")) { BigDecimal score = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (scalemode) { score = SYSTools.parseDecimal(attributes.getValue("score")); } JRadioButton j = new JRadioButton(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label"))); j.setOpaque(false); focusTraversal.add(j); String compName = attributes.getValue("name"); String layout = attributes.getValue("layout"); if (SYSTools.catchNull(layout).isEmpty()) { layout = "left"; } j.setName(compName); innerpanel.add(layout, j); addInfoButtons(innerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); j.addActionListener(new RadioButtonActionListener()); if (scalemode) { components.put(groupname + ":" + compName, new Pair<JRadioButton, BigDecimal>(j, score)); // Hier weichen wir vom üblichen SChema ab und übergeben nicht nur die Component sondern auch den Score. } else { j.addActionListener(new RadioButtonActionListener()); components.put(groupname + ":" + compName, j); // für den späteren Direktzugriff } ((ButtonGroup) components.get(groupname)).add(j); // der Knopf wird zu der passenden ButtonGroup hinzugefügt. if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("default")).equals("true")) { j.setSelected(true); content.put(groupname, attributes.getValue("name")); } } /*** * _ _ _ * __| |_ ___ __| |_| |__ _____ __ * / _| ' \/ -_) _| / / '_ \/ _ \ \ / * \__|_||_\___\__|_\_\_.__/\___/_\_\ * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("checkbox")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); JCheckBox j = new JCheckBox(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label"))); j.setOpaque(false); focusTraversal.add(j); j.setName(groupname); components.put(groupname, j); // für den späteren Direktzugriff // j.addActionListener(new CheckBoxActionListener()); j.addItemListener(new CheckBoxItemListener()); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), tabgroup ? "tab" : "br left"); outerpanel.add(layout, j); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); j.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { j.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); } if (attributes.getValue("default") != null && attributes.getValue("default").equals("true")) { j.setSelected(true); } content.put(groupname, (j.isSelected() ? "true" : "false")); if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("lockedforchanges"), "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { lockedforchanges.add(groupname); } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("enables")).isEmpty()) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attributes.getValue("enables"), ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (!enables.containsKey(groupname)) { enables.put(groupname, new ArrayList<String>()); } String token = st.nextToken(); enables.get(groupname).add(token); enabledBy.put(token, groupname); } } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("disables")).isEmpty()) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attributes.getValue("disables"), ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (!disables.containsKey(groupname)) { disables.put(groupname, new ArrayList<String>()); } String token = st.nextToken(); disables.get(groupname).add(token); disabledBy.put(token, groupname); } } } /*** * _ _ __ _ _ _ * | |_ _____ _| |_ / _(_)___| |__| | * | _/ -_) \ / _| _| / -_) / _` | * \__\___/_\_\\__|_| |_\___|_\__,_| * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("textfield")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); boolean optional = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("optional"), "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); TextFieldFocusListener tffl = new TextFieldFocusListener(TYPE_DONT_CARE, optional); if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("type")).equals("int")) { tffl = new TextFieldFocusListener(TYPE_INT, optional); } if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("type")).equals("double")) { tffl = new TextFieldFocusListener(TYPE_DOUBLE, optional); } if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("type")).equals("date")) { if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("onlyinfuture"), "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { tffl = new TextFieldFocusListener(TYPE_DATE, new Pair<DateTime, DateTime>(new DateTime(), new DateTime(SYSConst.DATE_UNTIL_FURTHER_NOTICE)), optional); } else { tffl = new TextFieldFocusListener(TYPE_DATE, optional); } } if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("type")).equals("time")) { tffl = new TextFieldFocusListener(TYPE_TIME, optional); } int length = TEXTFIELD_STANDARD_WIDTH; String hfill = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("hfill")).equalsIgnoreCase("false") ? "" : " hfill"; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("length")).isEmpty()) { length = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("length")); hfill = ""; } JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")) + ":"); JTextField j = new JTextField(length); j.setOpaque(false); j.setDisabledTextColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); focusTraversal.add(j); j.setName(groupname); int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); j.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { j.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); } String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); outerpanel.add(layout, jl); String innerlayout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("innerlayout"), "left" + hfill); outerpanel.add(innerlayout, j); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); components.put(groupname, j); // für den späteren Direktzugriff j.addFocusListener(tffl); // j.addCaretListener(new TextFieldCaretListener(type, notempty)); // String defaultText = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("default")); if (mode != CHANGE) { j.setText(getPreset(attributes.getValue("preset"), attributes.getValue("default"))); } content.put(groupname, j.getText()); } // ---------------------- Separators -------------------------------- if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("separator")) { String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "p hfill"); outerpanel.add(layout, new JSeparator()); } /*** * _ _ * __ _ _ __ ___ ___| |___ __| |_ * / _` | '_ (_-</ -_) / -_) _| _| * \__, | .__/__/\___|_\___\__|\__| * |___/|_| */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("gpselect")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); final String thisGroupName = groupname; String sNeurologist = attributes.getValue("neurologist"); Boolean neurologist = sNeurologist == null ? null : (sNeurologist.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? true : false); String sDermatology = attributes.getValue("dermatology"); Boolean dermatology = sDermatology == null ? null : (sDermatology.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ? true : false); PnlGP pnlGP = new PnlGP(o -> { long gpid; String gpText; if (o == null) { gpid = -1; gpText = "--"; } else { gpid = ((GP) o).getArztID(); gpText = GPTools.getCompleteAddress((GP) o); } content.put(thisGroupName + ".id", Long.toString(gpid)); content.put(thisGroupName + ".text", gpText); changed = true; }, neurologist, dermatology); int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); if (attributes.getValue("label") != null) { JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")) + ":"); if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); } outerpanel.add(layout, jl); layout = "left"; } components.put(groupname, pnlGP); outerpanel.add(layout, pnlGP); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); } /*** * ____ _ _ * _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ / ___| ___| | ___ ___| |_ * | '__/ _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \\___ \ / _ \ |/ _ \/ __| __| * | | | (_) | (_) | | | | | |___) | __/ | __/ (__| |_ * |_| \___/ \___/|_| |_| |_|____/ \___|_|\___|\___|\__| * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("roomselect")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); final String thisGroupName = groupname; JPanel pnlRoom = new JPanel(); pnlRoom.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); pnlRoom.setName("roomSelect"); DefaultComboBoxModel<Rooms> dcmb = SYSTools.list2cmb(RoomsTools.getAllActive()); dcmb.insertElementAt(null, 0); JComboBox<Rooms> cmbRooms = new JComboBox<>(dcmb); cmbRooms.setSelectedIndex(0); cmbRooms.setRenderer(RoomsTools.getRenderer()); cmbRooms.addItemListener(e -> { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { long rid; String roomText; if (e.getItem() == null) { rid = -1; roomText = "--"; } else { rid = ((Rooms) e.getItem()).getRoomID(); roomText = ((Rooms) e.getItem()).toString(); } content.put(thisGroupName + ".id", Long.toString(rid)); content.put(thisGroupName + ".text", roomText); changed = true; } }); pnlRoom.add(cmbRooms, BorderLayout.CENTER); int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); if (attributes.getValue("label") != null) { JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")) + ":"); if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); } outerpanel.add(layout, jl); layout = "left"; } components.put(groupname, pnlRoom); outerpanel.add(layout, pnlRoom); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); } /*** * _ _ _ _ _ _ * | |__ ___ ___ _ __ (_) |_ __ _| |___ ___| | ___ ___| |_ * | '_ \ / _ \/ __| '_ \| | __/ _` | / __|/ _ \ |/ _ \/ __| __| * | | | | (_) \__ \ |_) | | || (_| | \__ \ __/ | __/ (__| |_ * |_| |_|\___/|___/ .__/|_|\__\__,_|_|___/\___|_|\___|\___|\__| * |_| */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("hospitalselect")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); final String thisGroupName = groupname; PnlHospital pnlHospital = new PnlHospital(o -> { long hid; String hText; if (o == null) { hid = -1; hText = "--"; } else { hid = ((Hospital) o).getKhid(); hText = HospitalTools.getCompleteAddress((Hospital) o); } content.put(thisGroupName + ".id", Long.toString(hid)); content.put(thisGroupName + ".text", hText); changed = true; }); int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); if (attributes.getValue("label") != null) { JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")) + ":"); if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); } outerpanel.add(layout, jl); layout = "left"; } components.put(groupname, pnlHospital); outerpanel.add(layout, pnlHospital); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); } /*** * __ _ _ _ * __ ___ _ __ _ _ / _|_ _ ___ _ __| |_ ___ _ __ _ __| |__ _| |_ ___ * / _/ _ \ '_ \ || | _| '_/ _ \ ' \ _/ -_) ' \| '_ \ / _` | _/ -_) * \__\___/ .__/\_, |_| |_| \___/_|_|_\__\___|_|_|_| .__/_\__,_|\__\___| * |_| |__/ |_| */ if (mode != CHANGE && tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("copyfromtemplate")) { JPanel pnl = new JPanel(new RiverLayout()); ArrayList<ResInfo> listTemplates = ResInfoTools.getTemplatesByType(resInfo.getResident(), resInfo.getResInfoType().getType()); final JComboBox cmb = new JComboBox(); cmb.setModel(SYSTools.list2cmb(listTemplates)); cmb.setRenderer((list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus) -> { String text = ""; if (value instanceof ResInfo) { text = ResidentTools.getFullName(((ResInfo) value).getResident()); } else { text = SYSTools.catchNull(value); } return new DefaultListCellRenderer().getListCellRendererComponent(list, text, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus); }); cmb.setSelectedIndex(-1); pnl.add("left hfill", cmb); JButton btnCopyOver = new JButton(SYSTools.xx("")); btnCopyOver.addActionListener(e -> { if (cmb.getSelectedItem() != null) { ResInfo template = (ResInfo) cmb.getSelectedItem(); resInfo.setProperties(template.getProperties()); setContent(); } }); pnl.add("left", btnCopyOver); outerpanel.add("left hfill", pnl); } /*** * _ _ _ * | |__ ___ __| |_ _ ___ __| |_ ___ _ __ ___ * | '_ \/ _ \/ _` | || (_-</ _| ' \/ -_) ' \/ -_) * |_.__/\___/\__,_|\_, /__/\__|_||_\___|_|_|_\___| * |__/ */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("bodyscheme")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); PnlBodyScheme pnlBodyScheme = new PnlBodyScheme(groupname, new BodySchemeItemListener(groupname)); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); components.put(groupname, pnlBodyScheme); outerpanel.add(layout, pnlBodyScheme); } /*** * _ _ _ _ * | |_(_)_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ | |__ _ _| |__ _ _ _ __ ___ __ __ _ _ _ * | _| | ' \ || | / _` | ' \| '_ \ || | / _` | ' \/ _/ -_) / _/ _` | '_| * \__|_|_||_\_, | \__,_|_|_|_|_.__/\_,_|_\__,_|_||_\__\___| \__\__,_|_| * |__/ */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("tx")) { JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSConst.icon22ambulance); jl.setToolTipText(attributes.getValue("tooltip") == null ? null : SYSTools.toHTML("<p style=\"width:300px;\">" + SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("tooltip")).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')) + "</p>"); outerpanel.add(jl); } /*** * _ * _ _ _ __| | * | | | | '__| | * | |_| | | | | * \__,_|_| |_| * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("url")) { JideButton link = GUITools.createHyperlinkButton(attributes.getValue("label"), SYSConst.icon16internet, e -> { Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); try { desktop.browse(new URI(attributes.getValue("link"))); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { use.printStackTrace(); } }); link.setToolTipText(attributes.getValue("link")); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); outerpanel.add(layout, link); } /*** * _ _ _ _ * (_)_ __ __ _ __ _ ___| |__ _| |__ ___| | * | | ' \/ _` / _` / -_) / _` | '_ \/ -_) | * |_|_|_|_\__,_\__, \___|_\__,_|_.__/\___|_| * |___/ */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("imagelabel")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); JLabel jl = new JLabel(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(attributes.getValue("image")))); jl.setToolTipText(attributes.getValue("tooltip") == null ? null : SYSTools.toHTML("<p>" + SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("tooltip")).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')) + "</p>"); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "p left"); outerpanel.add(layout, jl); } /*** * _ _ _ * | |__ _| |__ ___| | * | / _` | '_ \/ -_) | * |_\__,_|_.__/\___|_| * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("label")) { //groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); groupname = null; JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label"))); if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("color")).isEmpty()) { jl.setForeground(GUITools.getColor(attributes.getValue("color"))); } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("bgcolor")).isEmpty()) { jl.setBackground(GUITools.getColor(attributes.getValue("bgcolor"))); jl.setOpaque(true); } int fontstyle = Font.PLAIN; if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("fontstyle")).isEmpty()) { if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) { fontstyle = Font.BOLD; } if (attributes.getValue("fontstyle").equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) { fontstyle = Font.ITALIC; } } if (!SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("size")).isEmpty()) { int size = Integer.parseInt(attributes.getValue("size")); jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, size)); } else { jl.setFont(new Font("Arial", fontstyle, 12)); } // jl.setToolTipText(attributes.getValue("tooltip") == null ? null : SYSTools.toHTML("<p>" + SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("tooltip")).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')) + "</p>"); // jl.setToolTipText(SYSTools.toHTML(SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("tooltip")).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>'))); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); outerpanel.add(layout, jl); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); } /*** * _ _ * __ ___ _ __ | |__ ___| |__ _____ __ * / _/ _ \ ' \| '_ \/ _ \ '_ \/ _ \ \ / * \__\___/_|_|_|_.__/\___/_.__/\___/_\_\ * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("combobox")) { groupname = attributes.getValue("name"); boxModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); JComboBox jcb = new JComboBox(); jcb.setOpaque(false); focusTraversal.add(jcb); jcb.setName(groupname); // jcb.setToolTipText(attributes.getValue("tooltip") == null ? null : SYSTools.toHTML("<p>" + SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("tooltip")).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>')) + "</p>"); components.put(groupname, jcb); jcb.addItemListener(new ComboBoxItemStateListener()); JLabel jl = new JLabel(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")) + ":"); String layout = SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("layout"), "br left"); outerpanel.add(layout, jl); outerpanel.add("left", jcb); addInfoButtons(outerpanel, attributes.getValue("tooltip"), attributes.getValue("tx")); // if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("defaultdisabled"), "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // defaultdisabled.add(groupname); // } if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("lockedforchanges"), "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { lockedforchanges.add(groupname); } } /*** * _ _ * (_) |_ ___ _ __ * | | _/ -_) ' \ * |_|\__\___|_|_|_| * */ if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("item")) { boxModel.addElement(new ComboBoxBean(SYSTools.xx(attributes.getValue("label")), attributes.getValue("name"), attributes.getValue("tooltip"))); if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("default")).equals("true")) { content.put(groupname, attributes.getValue("name")); } } if (SYSTools.catchNull(attributes.getValue("defaultdisabled"), "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { defaultdisabled.add(groupname); } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("optiongroup") || qName.equalsIgnoreCase("scalegroup")) { outerpanel.add("br", innerpanel); } if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("scale")) { outerpanel.add("p hfill", new JSeparator()); sumlabel = new JTextArea(); sumlabel.setRows(3); sumlabel.setEditable(false); sumlabel.setFont(SYSConst.ARIAL20BOLD); outerpanel.add("br hfill", new JScrollPane(sumlabel)); } if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("combobox")) { JComboBox j = (JComboBox) components.get(groupname); j.setModel(boxModel); ComboBoxBean bean = (ComboBoxBean) j.getSelectedItem(); j.setToolTipText(bean.getTooltip()); content.put(j.getName(), bean.getName()); } } public void endDocument() { // adding a focusgained listener to all JComponents for (final Object key : components.keySet()) { if (components.get(key) instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) components.get(key)).addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() { @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { focusOwner = (JComponent) e.getSource(); } }); } } } public JPanel getPanel() { if (background != null) { outerpanel.setOpaque(false); } return this.outerpanel; } } // private class HandlerDatenStruktur class ComboBoxBean { private String label, name, tooltip; @Override public String toString() { return label; } public ComboBoxBean(String label, String name, String tooltip) { this.label = label; = name; this.tooltip = SYSTools.toHTMLForScreen("<p style=\"width:300px;\">" + SYSTools.catchNull(tooltip).replace('[', '<').replace(']', '>') + "</p>"); } public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getTooltip() { return tooltip; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return name.equals(((ComboBoxBean) obj).getName()); } } }