package entity.nursingprocess; import; import op.OPDE; import; import; import org.joda.time.DateMidnight; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.Query; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: tloehr * Date: 19.07.12 * Time: 16:23 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class InterventionScheduleTools { public static String getTerminAsHTML(InterventionSchedule termin) { String result = ""; final int ZEIT = 0; final int UHRZEIT = 1; int previousState = -1; int currentState; // Zeit verwendet ? if (termin.verwendetUhrzeit()) { currentState = UHRZEIT; } else { currentState = ZEIT; } boolean headerNeeded = previousState == -1 || currentState != previousState; if (previousState > -1 && headerNeeded) { // noch den Footer vom letzten Durchgang dabei. Aber nur, wenn nicht // der erste Durchlauf, ein Wechsel stattgefunden hat und der // vorherige Zustand nicht MAXDOSE war, das braucht nämlich keinen Footer. result += "</table>"; } previousState = currentState; if (currentState == ZEIT) { if (headerNeeded) { result += "<table id=\"fonttext\" border=\"1\">" + " <tr>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.earlyinthemorning.short") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.morning.short") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.noon.short") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.afternoon.short") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.evening.short") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.lateatnight.short") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.repeat.short") + "</th>" + " </tr>"; } String wdh = getRepeatPattern(termin); result += " <tr>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + (termin.getNachtMo() > 0 ? termin.getNachtMo() : "--") + "</td>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + (termin.getMorgens() > 0 ? termin.getMorgens() : "--") + "</td>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + (termin.getMittags() > 0 ? termin.getMittags() : "--") + "</td>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + (termin.getNachmittags() > 0 ? termin.getNachmittags() : "--") + "</td>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + (termin.getAbends() > 0 ? termin.getAbends() : "--") + "</td>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + (termin.getNachtAb() > 0 ? termin.getNachtAb() : "--") + "</td>" + " <td>" + wdh + "</td>" + " </tr>"; } else if (currentState == UHRZEIT) { if (headerNeeded) { result += "<table id=\"fonttext\" border=\"1\" >" + " <tr>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.Time.long") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.Number") + "</th>" + " <th align=\"center\">" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.repeat.short") + "</th>" + " </tr>"; } String wdh = getRepeatPattern(termin); result += " <tr>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(termin.getUhrzeit()) + " Uhr</td>" + " <td align=\"center\">" + termin.getUhrzeitAnzahl() + "</td>" + " <td>" + wdh + "</td>" + " </tr>"; } else { result = "!!ERROR!!"; } result += "</table>"; result += SYSTools.catchNull(termin.getBemerkung(), "<div id=\"fonttext\"><b>" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.comment") + ": </b>", "</div><br/> "); if (termin.isFloating()) { result += "<div id=\"fonttext\"><font color=\"blue\">" + SYSTools.xx("nursingrecords.nursingprocess.floatinginterventions") + "</font></div>"; } return result; } public static String getRepeatPattern(InterventionSchedule schedule) { String result = ""; if (schedule.isTaeglich()) { if (schedule.getTaeglich() > 1) { result += "alle " + schedule.getTaeglich() + " Tage"; } else { result += "jeden Tag"; } } else if (schedule.isWoechentlich()) { if (schedule.getWoechentlich() == 1) { result += "jede Woche "; } else { result += "alle " + schedule.getWoechentlich() + " Wochen "; } String daylist = ""; daylist += (schedule.getMon() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.monday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); daylist += (schedule.getDie() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.tuesday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); daylist += (schedule.getMit() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.wednesday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); daylist += (schedule.getDon() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.thursday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); daylist += (schedule.getFre() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.friday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); daylist += (schedule.getSam() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.saturday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); daylist += (schedule.getSon() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.sunday").substring(0, 3) + ", " : ""); if (!daylist.isEmpty()) { result += "{" + daylist.substring(0, daylist.length() - 2) + "}"; } } else if (schedule.isMonatlich()) { if (schedule.getMonatlich() == 1) { result += SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.everyMonth") + " "; } else { result += SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.every") + " " + schedule.getMonatlich() + " " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.months") + " "; // result += "alle " + schedule.getMonatlich() + " Monate "; } if (schedule.getTagNum() > 0) { result += SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.atchrono") + " " + schedule.getTagNum() + ". " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.ofTheMonth"); // result += "jeweils am " + schedule.getTagNum() + ". des Monats"; } else { int wtag = 0; String tag = ""; tag += (schedule.getMon() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.monday") : ""); tag += (schedule.getDie() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.tuesday") : ""); tag += (schedule.getMit() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.wednesday") : ""); tag += (schedule.getDon() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.thursday") : ""); tag += (schedule.getFre() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.friday") : ""); tag += (schedule.getSam() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.saturday") : ""); tag += (schedule.getSon() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.sunday") : ""); // In this case, only one of the below can be >0. So this will work. wtag += schedule.getMon(); wtag += schedule.getDie(); wtag += schedule.getMit(); wtag += schedule.getDon(); wtag += schedule.getFre(); wtag += schedule.getSam(); wtag += schedule.getSon(); result += SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.atchrono") + " " + wtag + ". " + tag + " " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.ofTheMonth"); } } else { result = ""; } DateMidnight ldatum = new DateTime(schedule.getLDatum()).toDateMidnight(); DateMidnight today = new DateMidnight(); if (ldatum.compareTo(today) > 0) { // Die erste Ausführung liegt in der Zukunft result += SYSTools.xx("nursingrecords.prescription.firstApplication") + ": " + DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(schedule.getLDatum()); } return result; } public static ArrayList<InterventionSchedule> getAllActiveByFlag(Resident resident, int flag) { EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery(" " + " SELECT i FROM InterventionSchedule i " + " WHERE i.nursingProcess.resident = :resident AND = :ufn AND i.intervention.flag = :flag ORDER BY i.intervention.bezeichnung "); query.setParameter("ufn", SYSConst.DATE_UNTIL_FURTHER_NOTICE); query.setParameter("resident", resident); query.setParameter("flag", flag); ArrayList<InterventionSchedule> listIS = new ArrayList<InterventionSchedule>(query.getResultList()); em.close(); return listIS; } public static String getTerminAsCompactText(InterventionSchedule schedule) { String result = ""; final int ZEIT = 0; final int UHRZEIT = 1; // int previousState = -1; int currentState; // Zeit verwendet ? if (schedule.verwendetUhrzeit()) { currentState = UHRZEIT; } else { currentState = ZEIT; } if (currentState == ZEIT) { result += (schedule.getNachtMo() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.earlyinthemorning.medium") + ", " : "") + (schedule.getMorgens() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.morning.medium") + ", " : "") + (schedule.getMittags() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.noon.medium") : "") + ", " + (schedule.getNachmittags() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.afternoon.medium") + ", " : "") + (schedule.getAbends() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.evening.medium") + ", " : "") + (schedule.getNachtAb() > 0 ? SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.lateatnight.medium") + ", " : ""); if (schedule.getTaeglich() != 1) { result += getRepeatPattern(schedule); } else { result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } // result += (schedule.getTaeglich() != 1 ? getRepeatPattern(schedule) : ""); } else if (currentState == UHRZEIT) { DateTime dt = new DateTime(schedule.getUhrzeit()); if (dt.getMinuteOfHour() == 0) { result += dt.getHourOfDay() + "h"; } else { result += DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(schedule.getUhrzeit()) + "h"; } } else { result = "!!ERROR!!"; } return result; } /** * this copies the sheduling part of the template Schedule to every InterventionSchedule of the provided nursing process. * * @param source * @param nursingProcess */ public static void copySchedule(InterventionSchedule source, List<InterventionSchedule> selected, NursingProcess nursingProcess) { for (InterventionSchedule is : selected) { int index = nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().indexOf(is); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setNachtMo(source.getNachtMo()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setMorgens(source.getMorgens()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setMittags(source.getMittags()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setNachmittags(source.getNachmittags()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setAbends(source.getAbends()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setNachtAb(source.getNachtAb()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setUhrzeitAnzahl(source.getUhrzeitAnzahl()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setUhrzeit(source.getUhrzeit()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setTaeglich(source.getTaeglich()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setWoechentlich(source.getWoechentlich()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setMonatlich(source.getMonatlich()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setTagNum(source.getTagNum()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setMon(source.getMon()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setDie(source.getDie()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setMit(source.getMit()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setDon(source.getDon()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setFre(source.getFre()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setSam(source.getSam()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setSon(source.getSon()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setFloating(source.isFloating()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setLDatum(source.getLDatum()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setDauer(source.getDauer()); nursingProcess.getInterventionSchedule().get(index).setBemerkung(source.getBemerkung()); } } }