package entity.nursingprocess; import entity.EntityTools; import; import; import; import op.OPDE; import; import; import; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.LockModeType; import javax.persistence.Query; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: tloehr * Date: 19.07.12 * Time: 15:50 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class NursingProcessTools { public static final String UNIQUEID = "__plankenn"; public static final int MAXNumOfEvals = 4; public static ArrayList<NursingProcess> getAll(Resident resident, ResInfoCategory cat) { EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM NursingProcess p WHERE p.resident = :resident AND p.category = :cat ORDER BY p.topic, p.from"); query.setParameter("cat", cat); query.setParameter("resident", resident); ArrayList<NursingProcess> planungen = new ArrayList<NursingProcess>(query.getResultList()); em.close(); return planungen; } public static ArrayList<NursingProcess> getAll(Resident resident, ResInfoCategory cat, LocalDate from, LocalDate to) { EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM NursingProcess p WHERE p.resident = :resident AND p.category = :cat " + " AND ((p.from <= :from AND >= :from) OR " + " (p.from <= :to AND >= :to) OR " + " (p.from > :from AND < :to)) " + " ORDER BY p.topic, p.from"); query.setParameter("cat", cat); query.setParameter("resident", resident); query.setParameter("from", from.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toDate()); query.setParameter("to", SYSCalendar.eod(to).toDate()); ArrayList<NursingProcess> planungen = new ArrayList<NursingProcess>(query.getResultList()); em.close(); return planungen; } public static ArrayList<NursingProcess> getAll(int type, LocalDate from, LocalDate to) { EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery("" + " SELECT DISTINCT p FROM NursingProcess p " + " JOIN p.commontags ct " + " WHERE ((p.from <= :from AND >= :from) OR " + " (p.from <= :to AND >= :to) OR " + " (p.from > :from AND < :to)) " + " AND ct.type = :type "); query.setParameter("from", from.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toDate()); query.setParameter("to", SYSCalendar.eod(to).toDate()); query.setParameter("type", type); ArrayList<NursingProcess> planungen = new ArrayList<NursingProcess>(query.getResultList()); em.close(); return planungen; } public static List<NursingProcess> getTemplates(String topic, boolean includeInactives) { EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM NursingProcess p WHERE p.topic like :topic " + (includeInactives ? "" : " AND > :now ") + " ORDER BY p.topic, p.resident.rid, p.from"); query.setParameter("topic", EntityTools.getMySQLsearchPattern(topic)); if (!includeInactives) { query.setParameter("now", new Date()); } List<NursingProcess> planungen = query.getResultList(); em.close(); return planungen; } public static ArrayList<NursingProcess> getAll(Resident resident) { EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM NursingProcess p WHERE p.resident = :resident "); query.setParameter("resident", resident); ArrayList<NursingProcess> nursingProcesses = new ArrayList<NursingProcess>(query.getResultList()); em.close(); return nursingProcesses; } public static ArrayList<NursingProcess> getAllActive(Resident resident) { long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); EntityManager em = OPDE.createEM(); Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM NursingProcess p WHERE p.resident = :resident AND = :ufn ORDER BY p.topic "); query.setParameter("ufn", SYSConst.DATE_UNTIL_FURTHER_NOTICE); query.setParameter("resident", resident); ArrayList<NursingProcess> nursingProcesses = new ArrayList<NursingProcess>(query.getResultList()); em.close(); SYSTools.showTimeDifference(begin); return nursingProcesses; } /** * Gibt einen String zurück, der eine HTML Darstellung einer Pflegeplanung enthält. * * @param np * @return */ public static String getAsHTML(NursingProcess np, boolean withHeader, boolean withDetails, boolean withIcon, boolean showAllEvals) { String html = "";// : ""; if (withHeader) { html += SYSConst.html_h2(SYSTools.xx("nursingrecords.nursingprocess") + " " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.for") + " (" + ResidentTools.getTextCompact(np.getResident()) + ")"); html += "<br/>»" + np.getTopic() + "«"; } html += withIcon && np.isClosed() ? SYSConst.html_22x22_StopSign : ""; html += "<div id=\"fonttext\">"; html += withHeader ? "<b>" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.category") + ":</b> " + np.getCategory().getText() + "<br/>" : ""; DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); if (!np.isClosed()) { html += "<b>" + SYSTools.xx("nursingrecords.nursingprocess.pnleval.nextevaldate") + ":</b> " + df.format(np.getNextEval()) + "<br/>"; } if (withDetails) { html += SYSConst.html_bold("misc.msg.createdby") + ": " + np.getUserON().getFullname() + " "; html += SYSConst.html_bold("misc.msg.atchrono") + ": " + df.format(np.getFrom()); if (np.isClosed()) { html += "<br/>"; html += SYSConst.html_bold("misc.msg.closedBy") + ": " + np.getUserOFF().getFullname() + " "; html += SYSConst.html_bold("misc.msg.atchrono") + ": " + df.format(np.getTo()); } } html += SYSConst.html_h3("misc.msg.Situation") + SYSTools.replace(np.getSituation(), "\n", "<br/>", false); html += SYSConst.html_h3("misc.msg.Goal[s]") + SYSTools.replace(np.getGoal(), "\n", "<br/>", false); html += SYSConst.html_h3("nursingrecords.nursingprocess.interventions"); if (np.getInterventionSchedule().isEmpty()) { html += "<ul><li><b>" + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.MissingInterventions") + " !!!</b></li></ul>"; } else { html += "<ul>"; for (InterventionSchedule interventionSchedule : np.getInterventionSchedule()) { html += "<li>"; html += "<div id=\"fonttext\"><b>" + interventionSchedule.getIntervention().getBezeichnung() + "</b> (" + SYSTools.formatBigDecimal(interventionSchedule.getDauer()) + " " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.Minutes") + ")</div>"; html += InterventionScheduleTools.getTerminAsHTML(interventionSchedule); html += "</li>"; } html += "</ul>"; } if (!np.getEvaluations().isEmpty()) { html += SYSConst.html_h3(SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.DateOfEvals")); html += "<ul>"; int numEvals = 0; Collections.sort(np.getEvaluations()); for (NPControl npControl : np.getEvaluations()) { numEvals++; html += "<li><div id=\"fonttext\">" + NPControlTools.getAsHTML(npControl) + "</div></li>"; if (!showAllEvals && np.getEvaluations().size() > MAXNumOfEvals && numEvals >= MAXNumOfEvals) { html += "<li>" + SYSConst.html_italic((np.getEvaluations().size() - numEvals) + " " + SYSTools.xx("misc.msg.moreToShow")) + " </li>"; break; } } html += "</ul>"; } html += "</div>"; return html; } public static void closeAll(EntityManager em, Resident resident, Date enddate) throws Exception { Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT np FROM NursingProcess np WHERE np.resident = :resident AND >= :now "); query.setParameter("resident", resident); query.setParameter("now", enddate); List<NursingProcess> nursingProcesses = query.getResultList(); for (NursingProcess np : nursingProcesses) { NursingProcess mynp = em.merge(np); em.lock(mynp, LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC); mynp.setTo(enddate); mynp.setUserOFF(em.merge(OPDE.getLogin().getUser())); } } // public static void close(EntityManager em, NursingProcess np, String closingText) { // // // // } }