package com.javaxyq.util; import java.awt.Dimension; import; import; import; import com.javaxyq.core.Toolkit; import; public class WASImage { private RandomAcessInputStream in; private static final int TYPE_ALPHA = 0x00;// ǰ2λ private static final int TYPE_ALPHA_PIXEL = 0x20;// ǰ3λ 0010 0000 private static final int TYPE_ALPHA_REPEAT = 0x00;// ǰ3λ private static final int TYPE_FLAG = 0xC0;// 2����ǰ2λ 1100 0000 private static final int TYPE_PIXELS = 0x40;// ����ǰ2λ 0100 0000 private static final int TYPE_REPEAT = 0x80;// 1000 0000 private static final int TYPE_SKIP = 0xC0; // 1100 0000 private static final int WAS_IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE = 12; private static final String WAS_FILE_TAG = "SP"; public int centerX; public int centerY; int[] delayLine; public int frameCount; public WASFrame[][] frames; public int height; short imageHeaderSize; String name; short[] palette; String path; public int spriteCount; public int width; public WASImage() { palette = new short[256]; } public String getName() { return name; } public Dimension getSize() { return new Dimension(width, height); } /** * ��ȡij֡����ʱ֡�� */ public int getFrameDelay(int index) { return delayLine[index]; } /** * �ļ���־ 2�ֽڣ� SP 53 50 / SP<br> * �ļ�ͷ��С 2�ֽڣ� ������ǰ�ĸ��ֽ� 0C 00 / 12<br> * ���������� 2�ֽ� 01 00 / 1<br> * ÿ�����֡�� 2�ֽ� 01 00 / 1<br> * �����Ŀ�� 2�ֽ� 80 02 / 640<br> * �����ĸ߶� 2�ֽ� 29 00 / 41<br> * ���������ĵ� X 2�ֽڣ� �з��� 00 00 / 0<br> * ���������ĵ� Y 2�ֽ�, �з��� 00 00 / 0<br> * * @param filename */ public synchronized void loadWAS(String filename) { //System.out.print("loading WAS file: " + filename + " ..."); //long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); InputStream fileIn = null; try { File file = new File(filename); path = file.getAbsolutePath(); name = file.getName(); fileIn = Toolkit.getInputStream(filename); byte[] buf = new byte[fileIn.available()]; int a = 0, count = 0; while (fileIn.available() > 0) { a =, count, fileIn.available()); count += a; } // construct a new seekable stream in = new RandomAcessInputStream(buf); buf = new byte[2];, 0, 2); String flag = new String(buf, 0, 2); if (!WAS_FILE_TAG.equals(flag)) { throw new Exception("�ļ�ͷ��־����:" + flag); } // was ��Ϣ imageHeaderSize = readUnsignedShort(); spriteCount = readUnsignedShort(); frameCount = readUnsignedShort(); width = readUnsignedShort(); height = readUnsignedShort(); centerX = readUnsignedShort(); centerY = readUnsignedShort(); // ��ȡ֡��ʱ��Ϣ int len = imageHeaderSize - WAS_IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE; if (len < 0) { throw new Exception("֡��ʱ��Ϣ����"); } else if (len > 0) { delayLine = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < delayLine.length; i++) { delayLine[i] =; } } else delayLine = null; // ��ȡ��ɫ�� + 4); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { palette[i] = readUnsignedShort(); } frames = new WASFrame[spriteCount][]; + 4 + 512); for (int i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++) { frames[i] = new WASFrame[frameCount]; for (int n = 0; n < frameCount; n++) {// ֡ƫ���б� WASFrame frame = new WASFrame(); frames[i][n] = frame; if (delayLine != null && n < delayLine.length) { frames[i][n].setDelay(delayLine[n]); } frame.setFrameOffset(readInt()); } } for (int i = 0; i < spriteCount; i++) {// ֡��Ϣ for (int n = 0; n < frameCount; n++) { WASFrame frame = frames[i][n]; int offset = frame.getFrameOffset(); if (offset == 0) continue;// blank frame + imageHeaderSize + 4); frame.setX(readInt()); frame.setY(readInt()); frame.setWidth(readInt()); frame.setHeight(readInt()); frame.setLineOffsets(new int[frame.getHeight()]); for (int l = 0; l < frame.getHeight(); l++) {// ����������ƫ�� frame.getLineOffsets()[l] = readInt(); } parse(frame);// ����֡���� } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("load was file failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); try { if (fileIn != null) fileIn.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //System.out.println((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); } } /** * ��ͼƬһ��RLE�����ʽ�����ݽ���,���������ݷŵ�pixels��<br> * ��ʽ:��16λΪ[565]rgb��ɫֵ,16-20λΪalphaֵ(���Ϊ0x1F); * * @throws IOException */ public void parse(WASFrame frame) throws IOException { int frameWidth = frame.getWidth(); int frameHeight = frame.getHeight(); int[] pixels = new int[frameHeight *frameWidth]; frame.setPixels(pixels); int b; int x; int c; int count; for (int y = 0; y < frameHeight; y++) { x = 0;[y] + frame.getFrameOffset() + imageHeaderSize + 4); while (x < frameWidth) { b =; switch ((b & TYPE_FLAG)) { case TYPE_ALPHA: if ((b & TYPE_ALPHA_PIXEL) > 0) { c = palette[]; pixels[y*width +x++] = c + ((b & 0x1F) << 16); } else if (b != 0) {// ??? count = b & 0x1F;// count b =;// alpha c = palette[]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pixels[y*width +x++] = c + ((b & 0x1F) << 16); } } else {// block end if (x > frameWidth) { System.err.println("block end error: [" + y + "][" + x + "/" + frameWidth + "]"); continue; } else if (x == 0) { // System.err.println("x==0"); } else { x = frameWidth;// set the x value to break the 'while' sentences } } break; case TYPE_PIXELS: count = b & 0x3F; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pixels[y*width +x++] = palette[] + (0x1F << 16); } break; case TYPE_REPEAT: count = b & 0x3F; c = palette[]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pixels[y*width +x++] = c + (0x1F << 16); } break; case TYPE_SKIP: count = b & 0x3F; x += count; break; } } if (x > frameWidth) System.err.println("block end error: [" + y + "][" + x + "/" + frameWidth + "]"); } } private int readInt() throws IOException { int ch1 =; int ch2 =; int ch3 =; int ch4 =; return (ch1 + (ch2 << 8) + (ch3 << 16) + (ch4 << 24)); } private short readUnsignedShort() throws IOException { int ch1 =; int ch2 =; return (short) ((ch2 << 8) + ch1); } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("�ļ�·��:\t"); buf.append(path); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("�ļ���־:\t"); buf.append(WAS_FILE_TAG); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("�ļ�ͷ��С:\t"); buf.append(imageHeaderSize); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("����������:\t"); buf.append(spriteCount); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("����֡��:\t"); buf.append(frameCount); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("�����Ŀ��:\t"); buf.append(width); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("�����ĸ߶�:\t"); buf.append(height); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("����X���ĵ�:\t"); buf.append(centerX); buf.append("\r\n"); buf.append("����Y���ĵ�:\t"); buf.append(centerY); buf.append("\r\n"); return buf.toString(); } } // ��������ͼƬ��������Ϣ����ʽ���£� // ������=����(8����)+���� // // ���͵ĸ�ʽ���£� // ������4�֣���2���ر�ʾ�� // // 00����ʾalpha���أ�ʣ�µ�6����Ҳ��0ʱ�����ݶν����� // �����3��������1ʱ��ʣ�µ�5����(0~31)Ϊalpha�㡣�����Ժ���ֽ������������� // ����ʣ�µ�5����(0~31)��alpha�����ظ�����.�����Ժ��2�ֽ���alpha,���������� // 01����ʾ�����飬ʣ�µ�6����(0~63)Ϊ���ݶεij��ȡ� // 10����ʾ�ظ����� n �Σ�n Ϊʣ�µ�6����(0~63)��ʾ�� // 11����ʾ�������� n ����n Ϊʣ�µ�6����(0~63)��ʾ��