package com.github.axet.lookup.common; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import com.github.axet.lookup.Lookup; /** * mix RGB and Grey for memory saving * * Scaled image is RGB and Full Scale is Gray * * @author axet * */ public class ImageBinaryGreyScaleRGB extends ImageBinaryScale { public ImageBinaryGreyScaleRGB(BufferedImage i) { image = new ImageBinaryGrey(i); } /** * * @param i * @param scaleSize * template scale size in pixels you wish. (ex: 5) */ public ImageBinaryGreyScaleRGB(BufferedImage i, int scaleSize, int blurKernel) { image = new ImageBinaryRGB(i); rescale(scaleSize, blurKernel); } public ImageBinaryGreyScaleRGB(BufferedImage i, double scale, int blurKernel) { image = new ImageBinaryRGB(i); s = scale; k = blurKernel; rescale(); } public void rescale() { scaleBuf = Lookup.scale(image.getImage(), s, k); scaleBin = new ImageBinaryRGB(scaleBuf); } }