package gdxstudio; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import web.laf.lite.layout.ToolbarLayout; import web.laf.lite.layout.VerticalFlowLayout; import web.laf.lite.utils.ColorUtils; import web.laf.lite.utils.UIUtils; public enum Style { BLUE, DARK; private static Style currentStyle = Style.BLUE; public static Color topColor; public static Color botColor; public static Color headerTopLine; public static Color headerBg; public static Color headerBgBot; public static Color headerFg; public static Color border; public static Color focus; public static Color font; public static Color listBg; public static Color listSelect; public static Color topLineColor = new Color(0x4580c8); public static Color bottomColor = new Color(0x1956ad); private static HashMap<Style, ArrayList<Color>> stylesMap = new HashMap<Style, ArrayList<Color>>(); /* top, bot, headerTopline, headerBg, headerBgBot, headerFg, border, focus, font, listBg, listSelect*/ private static String blueColors = "e4e4e4,d1d1d1,e8eaeb,2a3b57,1a2b47,ffffff," + "808080,ef8e39,000000,ffffff,000080"; private static String darkColors = "213134,272b2f,6C788C,20272a,0b0e20,93c705," + "404040,ef8e39,e4e0e2,272b2f,000080"; static { stylesMap.put(Style.BLUE, getColor(blueColors)); stylesMap.put(Style.DARK, getColor(darkColors)); setStyle(Style.BLUE); } public static void setStyle(Style style){ currentStyle = style; topColor = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(0); botColor = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(1); headerTopLine = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(2); headerBg = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(3); headerBgBot = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(4); headerFg = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(5); border = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(6); focus = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(7); font = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(8); listBg = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(9); listSelect = stylesMap.get(currentStyle).get(10); } private static ArrayList<Color> getColor(String colorsString){ ArrayList<Color> listColor = new ArrayList<Color>(); for(String c: colorsString.split(",")) listColor.add(ColorUtils.parseHexColor(c)); return listColor; } public static Color canvasBg = new Color(108, 108, 108); public static Color canvasScreen = new Color(28, 28, 28); public static Color canvasShadowTop = new Color(108, 108, 108); public static Color canvasShadowBot = new Color(155, 155, 155); public static Color canvasBox = new Color(83, 82, 82); private static Color scrollBg = new Color ( 245, 245, 245 ); private static Color scrollBorder = new Color ( 230, 230, 230 ); private static Color scrollBarBorder = new Color ( 201, 201, 201 ); private static Color scrollGradientLeft = new Color ( 239, 239, 239 ); private static Color scrollSelGradientLeft = new Color ( 203, 203, 203 ); //33 private static Color scrollGradientRight = new Color ( 211, 211, 211 ); private static Color scrollSelGradientRight = new Color ( 175, 175, 175 );//-45 public static HashMap<String, JButton> btnMap = new HashMap<String, JButton>(); public static ArrayList<JButton> viewGroup = new ArrayList<JButton>(); private static GradientPaint headerBgPaint; private static final int margin = 15; private static int screenX = 0; private static int screenY = 0; private static int screenW = 0; private static int screenH = 0; public static void setScreenPosition(int x, int y){ screenX = x - 5; screenY = y + 5; } public static void setScreenSize(int width, int height){ screenW = width + 40; screenH = height + 25; } public static void drawScreen(Graphics g, int width, int height){ g.setColor(Style.canvasBg); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); //bg g.setColor(; g.fillRoundRect(screenX, screenY, screenW, screenH, 10, 10); g.setColor(Style.canvasShadowBot); g.drawLine(screenX+5, screenY+screenH, screenX+screenW-5, screenY+screenH);//hoz shadow y same g.drawLine(screenX+screenW, screenY+5, screenX+screenW, screenY+screenH-5);// vert shadow x same g.setColor(Style.canvasBox); g.fillRect(0, screenH+3*margin, width, 2); g.fillRect(0, screenH+3*margin+3, width, height-screenH+3*margin-3); } public static Color tableHeaderTopLineColor = new Color ( 232, 234, 235 ); public static Color tableHeaderTopBgColor = new Color ( 226, 226, 226 ); public static Color tableHeaderBotBgColor = new Color ( 201, 201, 201 ); public static Color tableHeaderBotLineColor = new Color ( 104, 104, 104 ); public static void drawTableHeader(Graphics g, int width, int height){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; // Table header background GradientPaint bgPaint = new GradientPaint (0, 1, topColor, 0, height - 1, botColor); g2d.setPaint(bgPaint); g2d.fillRect(0, 1, width, height - 1); // Header top and bottom lines //g2d.setColor(headerTopLine); // g2d.drawLine( 0, 0, width, 0); } final public static void drawHorizontalBar(Graphics g, int width, int height){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; GradientPaint paint = new GradientPaint(0, 1, Style.topColor, 0, height, Style.botColor); g2d.setPaint(paint); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); } final public static void drawVerticalScrollTrack( Graphics g, Rectangle thumbRect, int width,int height, boolean drawBorder ){ if (drawBorder){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; g2d.setPaint ( scrollBg ); g2d.fillRect ( 0, 0, width, height ); int vBorder = width - 1; //maybe 0 g2d.setColor ( scrollBorder ); g2d.drawLine ( vBorder, 0, vBorder, height - 1 ); } } final public static void drawHorizontalScrollTrack( Graphics g, Rectangle thumbRect, int width,int height, boolean drawBorder ){ if (drawBorder){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; g2d.setPaint ( scrollBg ); g2d.fillRect ( 0, 0, width, height ); g2d.setColor ( scrollBorder ); g2d.drawLine ( 0, 0, width, 0 ); } } final public static void drawVerticalScrollBar( Graphics g, Rectangle thumbRect, int width, boolean isDragging){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; Color leftColor = isDragging ? scrollSelGradientLeft : scrollGradientLeft; Color rightColor = isDragging ? scrollSelGradientRight : scrollGradientRight; g2d.setPaint ( new GradientPaint ( 3, 0, leftColor, width - 4, 0, rightColor ) ); g2d.fillRoundRect ( thumbRect.x + 2, thumbRect.y + 1, thumbRect.width - 4, thumbRect.height - 3, 0, 0); g2d.setPaint ( scrollBarBorder ); g2d.drawRoundRect ( thumbRect.x + 2, thumbRect.y + 1, thumbRect.width - 4, thumbRect.height - 3, 0, 0); } final public static void drawHorizontalScrollBar( Graphics g, Rectangle thumbRect, int width, boolean isDragging){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; Color leftColor = isDragging ? scrollSelGradientLeft : scrollGradientLeft; Color rightColor = isDragging ? scrollSelGradientRight : scrollGradientRight; g2d.setPaint ( new GradientPaint ( 0, thumbRect.y + 2, leftColor, 0, thumbRect.y + 2 + thumbRect.height - 4, rightColor ) ); g2d.fillRoundRect ( thumbRect.x + 1, thumbRect.y + 2, thumbRect.width - 3, thumbRect.height - 4, 0, 0); g2d.setPaint ( scrollBarBorder ); g2d.drawRoundRect ( thumbRect.x + 1, thumbRect.y + 2, thumbRect.width - 3, thumbRect.height - 4, 0, 0); } public static class TitleLabel extends JLabel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public TitleLabel(String text){ setText(text); UIUtils.setBoldFont(this); setVerticalTextPosition(JLabel.CENTER); setHorizontalTextPosition(JLabel.CENTER); setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); setForeground(Style.headerFg); } public TitleLabel(String text, String icon){ this(text); setIcon(Icon.icon(icon)); setHorizontalTextPosition(JLabel.RIGHT); } @Override public void setText(String text){ super.setText(text.toUpperCase()); } @Override public void paint ( Graphics g){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; if(headerBgPaint == null) headerBgPaint = new GradientPaint ( 0, 1, Style.headerBg, 0, getHeight()-1, Style.headerBgBot); g2d.setPaint ( headerBgPaint ); g2d.fillRect ( 0, 1, getWidth(), getHeight() - 1 ); g2d.setColor ( Style.headerTopLine); g2d.drawLine ( 0, 0, getWidth (), 0 ); super.paint(g); } } public static class TitleButton extends JButton { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public TitleButton(String text, ActionListener al){ setText(text); //btn.setOpaque(true); //btn.setBackground(headerBg); setForeground(Style.headerFg); UIUtils.setBoldFont(this); UIUtils.setRolloverDecoratedOnly(this,true); UIUtils.setLeftRightSpacing(this, 4); UIUtils.setRound(this, 0); UIUtils.setUndecorated(this, true); UIUtils.setShadeWidth(this, 2); setVerticalTextPosition(JLabel.CENTER); setHorizontalTextPosition(JLabel.CENTER); setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER); if(al != null) addActionListener(al); } @Override public void setText(String text){ super.setText(text.toUpperCase()); } @Override public void paint( Graphics g){ Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g; if(headerBgPaint == null) headerBgPaint = new GradientPaint ( 0, 1, Style.headerBg, 0, getHeight()-1, Style.headerBgBot); g2d.setPaint ( headerBgPaint ); g2d.fillRect ( 0, 1, getWidth (), getHeight () - 1 ); // Header top and bottom lines g2d.setColor ( Style.headerTopLine ); g2d.drawLine ( 0, 0, getWidth (), 0 ); super.paint(g); } } /* ToolBar Related Methods */ // This is for Menu Items final public static JButton createMenuButton(String title){ JButton btn = new JButton(title); btn.setFocusable(false); btn.setOpaque(false); UIUtils.setRolloverDecoratedOnly(btn, true); UIUtils.setRound(btn, 0); UIUtils.setLeftRightSpacing(btn, 5); UIUtils.setShadeWidth(btn, 0); UIUtils.setInnerShadeWidth(btn, 0); return btn; } // This is for ToolButtons without Popup final public static JPanel createToolPanel(String text, String iconname,final ActionListener onClick){ final JPanel pan = new JPanel(new VerticalFlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 0, 0)); pan.setOpaque(false); UIUtils.setRound(pan, 0); UIUtils.setShadeWidth(pan, 0); JButton btn = createMenuButton(text); btn.setIcon(Icon.icon(iconname)); if(onClick != null) btn.addActionListener(onClick); btnMap.put(iconname, btn); pan.add(btn); return pan; } /* SideBar Related Methods */ // This is for ToolButtons with Popup final public static JButton createToolButton(String tooltip, String iconname, ActionListener al){ final JButton btn = new JButton(Icon.icon(iconname)); btn.setToolTipText(tooltip); UIUtils.setRolloverDecoratedOnly(btn,true); UIUtils.setLeftRightSpacing(btn, 0); btn.setFocusable(false); if(al != null) btn.addActionListener(al); return btn; } // This is for ToolButtons without Popup public static JButton createPopUpToolButton(String iconname){ JButton btn = new JButton(Icon.icon(iconname)); btn.setFocusable(false); btn.setToolTipText(iconname.toUpperCase()); btn.setOpaque(false); UIUtils.setLeftRightSpacing(btn, 4); UIUtils.setRound(btn, 0); UIUtils.setUndecorated(btn, true); return btn; } static int currentIndex = 1; public static void viewButton(String text, String ic){ final int id = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex); currentIndex += 1; JButton btn = new JButton(text,Icon.icon(ic)); UIUtils.setDrawFocus(btn, false); UIUtils.setShadeWidth(btn, 0); UIUtils.setRound(btn, 0); viewGroup.add(btn); btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { Content.toggleView(id); } }); } final public static JPanel createButtonToolBarPanel(){ JPanel tools = new JPanel(new ToolbarLayout(ToolbarLayout.HORIZONTAL)){ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ Style.drawHorizontalBar(g, getWidth (), getHeight ()); g.setColor(Color.GRAY); g.drawLine(0, getHeight()-1, getWidth(), getHeight()-1); } }; return tools; } public static JPanel createButtonToolBar(ActionListener al, String[] list){ JPanel tools = createButtonToolBarPanel(); for(int i=0;i< list.length-1; i++){ if(i != 0) if(i%2 != 0) continue; final JButton btn = new JButton(Icon.icon(list[i+1])); UIUtils.setRolloverDecoratedOnly(btn,true); UIUtils.setLeftRightSpacing(btn, 0); btn.setFocusable(false); btn.setToolTipText(list[i]); btn.addActionListener(al); tools.add(btn); } return tools; } }