package org.apache.lucene.util; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; /** Represents a logical byte[] as a series of pages. You * can write-once into the logical byte[] (append only), * using copy, and then retrieve slices (BytesRef) into it * using fill. * * @lucene.internal **/ public final class PagedBytes { private final List<byte[]> blocks = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); private final List<Integer> blockEnd = new ArrayList<Integer>(); private final int blockSize; private final int blockBits; private final int blockMask; private int upto; private byte[] currentBlock; private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0]; public final static class Reader implements Closeable { private final byte[][] blocks; private final int[] blockEnds; private final int blockBits; private final int blockMask; private final int blockSize; private final CloseableThreadLocal<byte[]> threadBuffers = new CloseableThreadLocal<byte[]>(); public Reader(PagedBytes pagedBytes) { blocks = new byte[pagedBytes.blocks.size()][]; for(int i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) { blocks[i] = pagedBytes.blocks.get(i); } blockEnds = new int[blocks.length]; for(int i=0;i< blockEnds.length;i++) { blockEnds[i] = pagedBytes.blockEnd.get(i); } blockBits = pagedBytes.blockBits; blockMask = pagedBytes.blockMask; blockSize = pagedBytes.blockSize; } /** * Gets a slice out of {@link PagedBytes} starting at <i>start</i> with a * given length. Iff the slice spans across a block border this method will * allocate sufficient resources and copy the paged data. * <p> * Slices spanning more than one block are not supported. * </p> * @lucene.internal **/ public BytesRef fillSlice(BytesRef b, long start, int length) { assert length >= 0: "length=" + length; final int index = (int) (start >> blockBits); final int offset = (int) (start & blockMask); b.length = length; if (blockSize - offset >= length) { // Within block b.bytes = blocks[index]; b.offset = offset; } else { // Split byte[] buffer = threadBuffers.get(); if (buffer == null) { buffer = new byte[length]; threadBuffers.set(buffer); } else if (buffer.length < length) { buffer = ArrayUtil.grow(buffer, length); threadBuffers.set(buffer); } b.bytes = buffer; b.offset = 0; System.arraycopy(blocks[index], offset, buffer, 0, blockSize-offset); System.arraycopy(blocks[1+index], 0, buffer, blockSize-offset, length-(blockSize-offset)); } return b; } /** * Reads length as 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix, starting at <i>start</i>. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> this method does not support slices spanning across block * borders. * </p> * * @return the given {@link BytesRef} * * @lucene.internal **/ public BytesRef fill(BytesRef b, long start) { final int index = (int) (start >> blockBits); final int offset = (int) (start & blockMask); final byte[] block = b.bytes = blocks[index]; if ((block[offset] & 128) == 0) { b.length = block[offset]; b.offset = offset+1; } else { b.length = ((block[offset] & 0x7f) << 8) | (block[1+offset] & 0xff); b.offset = offset+2; assert b.length > 0; } return b; } /** * Reads length as 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix, starting at <i>start</i>. * * <p> * <b>Note:</b> this method does not support slices spanning across block * borders. * </p> * * @return the internal block number of the slice. * @lucene.internal **/ public int fillAndGetIndex(BytesRef b, long start) { final int index = (int) (start >> blockBits); final int offset = (int) (start & blockMask); final byte[] block = b.bytes = blocks[index]; if ((block[offset] & 128) == 0) { b.length = block[offset]; b.offset = offset+1; } else { b.length = ((block[offset] & 0x7f) << 8) | (block[1+offset] & 0xff); b.offset = offset+2; assert b.length > 0; } return index; } /** * Reads length as 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix, starting at <i>start</i> and * returns the start offset of the next part, suitable as start parameter on * next call to sequentially read all {@link BytesRef}. * * <p> * <b>Note:</b> this method does not support slices spanning across block * borders. * </p> * * @return the start offset of the next part, suitable as start parameter on * next call to sequentially read all {@link BytesRef}. * @lucene.internal **/ public long fillAndGetStart(BytesRef b, long start) { final int index = (int) (start >> blockBits); final int offset = (int) (start & blockMask); final byte[] block = b.bytes = blocks[index]; if ((block[offset] & 128) == 0) { b.length = block[offset]; b.offset = offset+1; start += 1L + b.length; } else { b.length = ((block[offset] & 0x7f) << 8) | (block[1+offset] & 0xff); b.offset = offset+2; start += 2L + b.length; assert b.length > 0; } return start; } /** @lucene.internal */ public byte[][] getBlocks() { return blocks; } /** @lucene.internal */ public int[] getBlockEnds() { return blockEnds; } public void close() { threadBuffers.close(); } } /** 1<<blockBits must be bigger than biggest single * BytesRef slice that will be pulled */ public PagedBytes(int blockBits) { this.blockSize = 1 << blockBits; this.blockBits = blockBits; blockMask = blockSize-1; upto = blockSize; } /** Read this many bytes from in */ public void copy(IndexInput in, long byteCount) throws IOException { while (byteCount > 0) { int left = blockSize - upto; if (left == 0) { if (currentBlock != null) { blocks.add(currentBlock); blockEnd.add(upto); } currentBlock = new byte[blockSize]; upto = 0; left = blockSize; } if (left < byteCount) { in.readBytes(currentBlock, upto, left, false); upto = blockSize; byteCount -= left; } else { in.readBytes(currentBlock, upto, (int) byteCount, false); upto += byteCount; break; } } } /** Copy BytesRef in */ public void copy(BytesRef bytes) throws IOException { int byteCount = bytes.length; int bytesUpto = bytes.offset; while (byteCount > 0) { int left = blockSize - upto; if (left == 0) { if (currentBlock != null) { blocks.add(currentBlock); blockEnd.add(upto); } currentBlock = new byte[blockSize]; upto = 0; left = blockSize; } if (left < byteCount) { System.arraycopy(bytes.bytes, bytesUpto, currentBlock, upto, left); upto = blockSize; byteCount -= left; bytesUpto += left; } else { System.arraycopy(bytes.bytes, bytesUpto, currentBlock, upto, byteCount); upto += byteCount; break; } } } /** Copy BytesRef in, setting BytesRef out to the result. * Do not use this if you will use freeze(true). * This only supports bytes.length <= blockSize */ public void copy(BytesRef bytes, BytesRef out) throws IOException { int left = blockSize - upto; if (bytes.length > left || currentBlock==null) { if (currentBlock != null) { blocks.add(currentBlock); blockEnd.add(upto); } currentBlock = new byte[blockSize]; upto = 0; left = blockSize; assert bytes.length <= blockSize; // TODO: we could also support variable block sizes } out.bytes = currentBlock; out.offset = upto; out.length = bytes.length; System.arraycopy(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, currentBlock, upto, bytes.length); upto += bytes.length; } /** Commits final byte[], trimming it if necessary and if trim=true */ public Reader freeze(boolean trim) { if (trim && upto < blockSize) { final byte[] newBlock = new byte[upto]; System.arraycopy(currentBlock, 0, newBlock, 0, upto); currentBlock = newBlock; } if (currentBlock == null) { currentBlock = EMPTY_BYTES; } blocks.add(currentBlock); blockEnd.add(upto); currentBlock = null; return new Reader(this); } public long getPointer() { if (currentBlock == null) { return 0; } else { return (blocks.size() * ((long) blockSize)) + upto; } } /** Copy bytes in, writing the length as a 1 or 2 byte * vInt prefix. */ public long copyUsingLengthPrefix(BytesRef bytes) throws IOException { if (upto + bytes.length + 2 > blockSize) { if (bytes.length + 2 > blockSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("block size " + blockSize + " is too small to store length " + bytes.length + " bytes"); } if (currentBlock != null) { blocks.add(currentBlock); blockEnd.add(upto); } currentBlock = new byte[blockSize]; upto = 0; } final long pointer = getPointer(); if (bytes.length < 128) { currentBlock[upto++] = (byte) bytes.length; } else { currentBlock[upto++] = (byte) (0x80 | (bytes.length >> 8)); currentBlock[upto++] = (byte) (bytes.length & 0xff); } System.arraycopy(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, currentBlock, upto, bytes.length); upto += bytes.length; return pointer; } }