package org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.sep; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames; import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentWriteState; import org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.PostingsWriterBase; import org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.TermStats; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.CodecUtil; /** Writes frq to .frq, docs to .doc, pos to .pos, payloads * to .pyl, skip data to .skp * * @lucene.experimental */ public final class SepPostingsWriterImpl extends PostingsWriterBase { final static String CODEC = "SepDocFreqSkip"; final static String DOC_EXTENSION = "doc"; final static String SKIP_EXTENSION = "skp"; final static String FREQ_EXTENSION = "frq"; final static String POS_EXTENSION = "pos"; final static String PAYLOAD_EXTENSION = "pyl"; // Increment version to change it: final static int VERSION_START = 0; final static int VERSION_CURRENT = VERSION_START; final IntIndexOutput freqOut; final IntIndexOutput.Index freqIndex; final IntIndexOutput posOut; final IntIndexOutput.Index posIndex; final IntIndexOutput docOut; final IntIndexOutput.Index docIndex; final IndexOutput payloadOut; final IndexOutput skipOut; IndexOutput termsOut; final SepSkipListWriter skipListWriter; /** Expert: The fraction of TermDocs entries stored in skip tables, * used to accelerate {@link DocsEnum#advance(int)}. Larger values result in * smaller indexes, greater acceleration, but fewer accelerable cases, while * smaller values result in bigger indexes, less acceleration and more * accelerable cases. More detailed experiments would be useful here. */ final int skipInterval = 16; /** * Expert: minimum docFreq to write any skip data at all */ final int skipMinimum = skipInterval; /** Expert: The maximum number of skip levels. Smaller values result in * slightly smaller indexes, but slower skipping in big posting lists. */ final int maxSkipLevels = 10; final int totalNumDocs; boolean storePayloads; boolean omitTF; long lastSkipFP; FieldInfo fieldInfo; int lastPayloadLength; int lastPosition; long payloadStart; long lastPayloadStart; int lastDocID; int df; private int pendingTermCount; // Holds pending byte[] blob for the current terms block private final RAMOutputStream indexBytesWriter = new RAMOutputStream(); public SepPostingsWriterImpl(SegmentWriteState state, IntStreamFactory factory) throws IOException { super(); final String docFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentName, state.codecId, DOC_EXTENSION); docOut = factory.createOutput(, docFileName); docIndex = docOut.index(); if (state.fieldInfos.hasProx()) { final String frqFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentName, state.codecId, FREQ_EXTENSION); freqOut = factory.createOutput(, frqFileName); freqIndex = freqOut.index(); final String posFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentName, state.codecId, POS_EXTENSION); posOut = factory.createOutput(, posFileName); posIndex = posOut.index(); // TODO: -- only if at least one field stores payloads? final String payloadFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentName, state.codecId, PAYLOAD_EXTENSION); payloadOut =; } else { freqOut = null; freqIndex = null; posOut = null; posIndex = null; payloadOut = null; } final String skipFileName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.segmentName, state.codecId, SKIP_EXTENSION); skipOut =; totalNumDocs = state.numDocs; skipListWriter = new SepSkipListWriter(skipInterval, maxSkipLevels, state.numDocs, freqOut, docOut, posOut, payloadOut); } @Override public void start(IndexOutput termsOut) throws IOException { this.termsOut = termsOut; CodecUtil.writeHeader(termsOut, CODEC, VERSION_CURRENT); // TODO: -- just ask skipper to "start" here termsOut.writeInt(skipInterval); // write skipInterval termsOut.writeInt(maxSkipLevels); // write maxSkipLevels termsOut.writeInt(skipMinimum); // write skipMinimum } @Override public void startTerm() throws IOException { docIndex.mark(); if (!omitTF) { freqIndex.mark(); posIndex.mark(); payloadStart = payloadOut.getFilePointer(); lastPayloadLength = -1; } skipListWriter.resetSkip(docIndex, freqIndex, posIndex); } // Currently, this instance is re-used across fields, so // our parent calls setField whenever the field changes @Override public void setField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) { this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; omitTF = fieldInfo.omitTermFreqAndPositions; skipListWriter.setOmitTF(omitTF); storePayloads = !omitTF && fieldInfo.storePayloads; } /** Adds a new doc in this term. If this returns null * then we just skip consuming positions/payloads. */ @Override public void startDoc(int docID, int termDocFreq) throws IOException { final int delta = docID - lastDocID; //System.out.println("SepW startDoc: write doc=" + docID + " delta=" + delta); if (docID < 0 || (df > 0 && delta <= 0)) { throw new CorruptIndexException("docs out of order (" + docID + " <= " + lastDocID + " )"); } if ((++df % skipInterval) == 0) { // TODO: -- awkward we have to make these two // separate calls to skipper //System.out.println(" buffer skip lastDocID=" + lastDocID); skipListWriter.setSkipData(lastDocID, storePayloads, lastPayloadLength); skipListWriter.bufferSkip(df); } lastDocID = docID; docOut.write(delta); if (!omitTF) { //System.out.println(" sepw startDoc: write freq=" + termDocFreq); freqOut.write(termDocFreq); } } @Override public void flushTermsBlock() throws IOException { //System.out.println("SepW.flushTermsBlock: pendingTermCount=" + pendingTermCount + " bytesUsed=" + indexBytesWriter.getFilePointer()); termsOut.writeVLong((int) indexBytesWriter.getFilePointer()); indexBytesWriter.writeTo(termsOut); indexBytesWriter.reset(); pendingTermCount = 0; } /** Add a new position & payload */ @Override public void addPosition(int position, BytesRef payload) throws IOException { assert !omitTF; final int delta = position - lastPosition; assert delta > 0 || position == 0: "position=" + position + " lastPosition=" + lastPosition; // not quite right (if pos=0 is repeated twice we don't catch it) lastPosition = position; if (storePayloads) { final int payloadLength = payload == null ? 0 : payload.length; if (payloadLength != lastPayloadLength) { lastPayloadLength = payloadLength; // TODO: explore whether we get better compression // by not storing payloadLength into prox stream? posOut.write((delta<<1)|1); posOut.write(payloadLength); } else { posOut.write(delta << 1); } if (payloadLength > 0) { payloadOut.writeBytes(payload.bytes, payload.offset, payloadLength); } } else { posOut.write(delta); } lastPosition = position; } /** Called when we are done adding positions & payloads */ @Override public void finishDoc() { lastPosition = 0; } /** Called when we are done adding docs to this term */ @Override public void finishTerm(TermStats stats) throws IOException { // TODO: -- wasteful we are counting this in two places? assert stats.docFreq > 0; assert stats.docFreq == df; final boolean isFirstTerm = pendingTermCount == 0; //System.out.println("SepW.finishTerm: isFirstTerm=" + isFirstTerm); docIndex.write(indexBytesWriter, isFirstTerm); //System.out.println(" docIndex=" + docIndex); if (!omitTF) { freqIndex.write(indexBytesWriter, isFirstTerm); //System.out.println(" freqIndex=" + freqIndex); posIndex.write(indexBytesWriter, isFirstTerm); //System.out.println(" posIndex=" + posIndex); if (storePayloads) { if (isFirstTerm) { indexBytesWriter.writeVLong(payloadStart); } else { indexBytesWriter.writeVLong(payloadStart - lastPayloadStart); } lastPayloadStart = payloadStart; //System.out.println(" payloadFP=" + payloadStart); } } if (df >= skipMinimum) { //System.out.println(" skipFP=" + skipStart); final long skipFP = skipOut.getFilePointer(); skipListWriter.writeSkip(skipOut); //System.out.println(" writeSkip @ " + indexBytesWriter.getFilePointer()); if (isFirstTerm) { indexBytesWriter.writeVLong(skipFP); } else { indexBytesWriter.writeVLong(skipFP - lastSkipFP); } lastSkipFP = skipFP; } else if (isFirstTerm) { // lazily write an absolute delta if a term in this block requires skip data. lastSkipFP = 0; } lastDocID = 0; df = 0; pendingTermCount++; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { docOut.close(); } finally { try { skipOut.close(); } finally { if (freqOut != null) { try { freqOut.close(); } finally { try { posOut.close(); } finally { payloadOut.close(); } } } } } } public static void getExtensions(Set<String> extensions) { extensions.add(DOC_EXTENSION); extensions.add(FREQ_EXTENSION); extensions.add(SKIP_EXTENSION); extensions.add(POS_EXTENSION); extensions.add(PAYLOAD_EXTENSION); } }